1. Battle Royale:Angel's Border
It covers events happening a few months earlier and during the main story, focusing on a specific subset of the same characters: the Lighthouse group and Shinji ...
Battle Royale: Angels' Border is a side-story to Battle Royale. Despite being a manga, it actually takes place in the novel universe, as Kinpatsu Sakamochi is the Program Administrator, not Yonemi...
2. Battle Royale:Angels' Border
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Battle Royale: Angels' Border is a two chapter spin-off manga written by Koushun Takami and drawn by Mioko Ohnishi and Youhei Oguma (each drawing one chapter). The manga was originally serialized...
3. Battle Royale: Angels' Border | Book by Koushun Takami, Youhei ...
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The Program is a brutal military experiment that pits junior high students against each other every year in a brutal battle to the death.Most of th...
4. Comic Book Review: Battle Royale: Angels' Border - ComicsOnline
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by Mike Favila, Editor Having only read the classic novel Battle Royale last month (shame, I know) I was very excited to see that Viz was also releasing the side story, Battle Royale: Angels’ Border. Though Battle Royale is Koushun Takami’s...
5. Battle Royale: Angels' Border - Simon & Schuster
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6. Battle Royale: Angels' Border by Koushun Takami - Goodreads
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The Program is a brutal military experiment that pits j…
7. Battle Royale: Angels' Border (manga) - Anime News Network
Battle Royale: Angels' Border (manga) ; Vintage: 2011-01-11 to 2011-10-11 (serialized in Young Champion) ; Release dates: We have 2 ; Review: Battle Royale: Angels ...
8. Battle Royale: Angels Border ~ Review - krisesandchrosses
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I was extremely excited to get my hands on Battle Royale: Angels Border, what I got was poor plot development, random tangents which made no sense towards the original story and a whole lot of time…