Military Retirement and Divorce in California (2024)

Military service members who perform at least 20 years of active duty service receive a retirement pension for the rest of their lives upon retirement. The Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act (USFSPA) confirms that military pensions are property that can be divided in a divorce. Under the USFSPA, state courts were granted the right to choose how or whether to divide military retirement in a divorce, legal separation, or annulment. State courts may grant up to half of a service member’s retirement pension as part of a divorce. So how does California divorce law treat military pensions?

How Does California DivorceLaw Treat Military Retirement?

California is a community property state, which means that any asset acquired or earned during marriage is presumptively divided equally at the time of a divorce. Examples of assets include real property, bank accounts, vehicles, and retirement accounts, including military pensions. As such, military retirements are considered assets subject to division in a divorce. Unlike other states, there is no required length of marriage for a member’s spouse to be entitled to a portion of the member’s military benefits.

The military retirement system is a government-funded, defined benefit plan. Members contribute through their service, as opposed to through monetary contributions. They must complete at least 20 years of active duty service before they are eligible for retirement benefits. This is also referred to as being “vested.” Upon retirement, the member receives monthly compensation and is eligible for disability benefits and participating in a survivor annuity program. There are additional nonmonetary benefits, including ongoing exchange and commissary privileges and medical care. The overall amount of retirement pay depends on the amount of time served, basic pay at retirement, and annual cost of living adjustments (COLA or COLAs). In general, military retirements have the potential to be an extremely valuable asset with lifetime benefits.

Before a California court can divide a military pension, it must have jurisdiction, or the authority to be able to do so. For civilians, jurisdiction is a fairly easy analysis. If a person has been living in the State of California for at least six months and in the county of filing for at least three months, the requirements for personal jurisdiction have been met. While military members also acquire residency after the same period of time, their domicile does not automatically change due to the location of their duty station. A military member’s choice of domicile can potentially impact whether or not California has jurisdiction over the member’s pension.

What is Domicile?

A member’s domicile is his or her “State of Legal Residence” (SLR). It’s the place a member considers as the true, fixed, and permanent home. For those entering the military, their domicile is the state they resided in at the time they entered the service. During the years of their service, members may elect to move their domicile to another state where they are stationed. Taxation is typically the primary consideration in changing domicile, as some states, such as Florida and Texas, have no personal state income tax. If a member is lucky enough to be stationed in one of the seven states that does not tax individual wage income, he or she often chooses to change domicile.

Requirementsto Change Domicile

In order to change one’s SLR, or domicile, the following requirements must be met:

  • Physical presence in the new state;
  • Intention to remain in the new state permanently or treat the location as a new permanent home; and
  • Intent to abandon the old domicile

Demonstrating an intent to change domicile includes taking steps such as registering to vote, obtaining a driver’s license, and registering vehicles in the new state. Completing forms such as DD Form 2058, DD Form 114, and an updated W-4 are also required.

How Does Domicile Impact Retirement?

In general, when someone files for divorce, that person consents to California having jurisdiction to determine all issues, including property division. When the other spouse files a response, the same consent is given. If, however, a military spouse files for divorce in California but has a different SLR, that spouse must make a very important decision. That decision is whether or not to object to California having jurisdiction over dividing the member’s military retirement.

Many military members simply assume that California is the right state to use and never think through their options. Alternatively, they may simply not know that they have a choice in this regard. It is undoubtedly easier to have one state handle all divorce issues, including military retirement division. That said, state laws vary greatly, and easier does not automatically mean better.

Some states require the parties to be married for at least 10 years before the military spouse is eligible to receive a portion of the member’s benefits. Other states will not equally divide the retirement. These differences can translate into very results for both members and member spouses. As such, military members should be very careful to research their SLR’s law as it pertains to retirement benefit division.

How to Object to California Having Jurisdiction?

Once a military member decides that it is in his or her best interests to have his or her SLR assume jurisdiction over the member’s military benefits, a clear objection to California’s jurisdiction must be made. The best and easiest way to object is in the initial pleadings. For a member who is petitioning for divorce, that would be in the Petition under Item 11c “Other.” For members responding to a divorce, the objection should be noted in the Response, also under Item 11c “Other.” The statement should clearly indicate that the military retirement is not subject to California jurisdiction and contain a specific request that the California Court acknowledge that it has no jurisdiction due to the member’s objection.

It’s very important for the member to remain consistent throughout the divorce proceedings and continue objecting to California’s jurisdiction. That does not mean that California cannot determine issues related to custody, support, or even the division of other property issues. The member’s military retirement is an isolated issue that does not impact California’s jurisdiction over any other issue related to the divorce, including marital status.

Protecting military retirement requires careful planning and consideration. Domicile can be a very effective way of doing so; however, it is not intended to be a way of “gaming” the system. A judge will see through an attempt to deprive the other spouse of a valuable asset and be carefully scrutinizing whether or not the member’s domicile is genuine.

Military Retirement and Divorce in California (2024)


What is a military spouse entitled to in a divorce in California? ›

California is a community property state, which means that any asset acquired or earned during marriage is presumptively divided equally at the time of a divorce. Examples of assets include real property, bank accounts, vehicles, and retirement accounts, including military pensions.

Can my wife get my military retirement if we divorce? ›

Once a divorce decree is finalized, the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) may directly send a portion of the retirement pay to the former spouse if the couple meets the 10/10 Rule—10 years of marriage overlapping with 10 years of military service.

Does military retirement count as alimony? ›


Is spouse entitled to retirement in divorce in California? ›

Unless you and your spouse agree to something different, in California the community property part of a pension/retirement plan must be divided equally. If you and your spouse can agree to something different, you have many more options.

What is the 10 year rule in military divorce? ›

The 10/10 Rule states that if you were married at least 10 years and your spouse performed 10 years of military service, then you'll receive any awarded military retirement directly from Defense Finance Accounting Service or DFAS.

Do you lose military benefits if divorced? ›

In most cases, spouses of service members lose their military benefits after a divorce. This means they are no longer entitled to base housing, a housing allowance, commissary privileges, post exchange privileges, and on-base medical care.

Does adultery affect military retirement? ›

Your military retirement is considered martial property if you made contributions during your marriage. Therefore, even though your wife has cheated on you, she will be entitled to a portion of your military retirement.

What percentage of military pension does a spouse get? ›

Benefit Payments

The base amount may range from a minimum of $300 up to a maximum of full retired pay. The annuity is 55 percent of the base amount.

Will I lose my ex-husband's retirement if I remarry? ›

Bottom Line. Getting remarried will not affect your accrued retirement or disability benefits under Social Security. However, if you receive divorce of survivor's benefits, there is a good chance that remarriage will affect those payments.

How to calculate military retirement pay for divorce? ›

"The former spouse is awarded a percentage of the member's disposable military retired pay, to be computed by multiplying 50% times a fraction, the numerator of which is months of marriage during the member's creditable military service, divided by the member's total number of months of creditable military service."

Will I lose my husband's military pension if I remarry? ›

Military Retirement and Divorce FAQs

Typically, an ex-spouse's remarriage does not affect their eligibility to receive a portion of your military retirement if it was awarded to them in the divorce settlement.

What is a military spouse entitled to in a separation? ›

The spouse still retains a military ID card and full benefits during a separation. In most cases, the non-military spouse will lose his/her ID card (and privileges) once the divorce is final. In cases where a spouse is considered “20/20/20” or “20/20/15,” these benefits and privileges remain in tact.

What is the rule of 65 in California divorce? ›

Rule of 65 applies if the age of the recipient at the time of divorce plus the number of years they were married equals or is more than 65. If this is the case, spousal support may be paid indefinitely, even if the marriage was less than 10 years.

What is a wife entitled to in a divorce settlement in California? ›

A wife in California can be entitled to up to half of the assets in the marriage along with up to 40% of their partner's income for child support, spousal support, and primary child custody.

Is California a lifetime alimony state? ›

There is no “Ten Year Rule” in California requiring spousal support to last indefinitely for marriages of more than ten years. However, ten years is an important milestone that could affect the court's ability to revisit the issue of spousal support later. Divorce is difficult. We can help make it easier for you.

What are ex military spouse entitlements? ›

Direct Payment of Retired Pay to a Former Spouse

Under the USFSPA no more than 50 percent of a member's disposable retired pay will be sent as a direct payment. However, if there are garnishments for alimony or child support, up to 65 percent may be sent as a direct payment.

How much is military spousal support? ›

At the time of departure, the Soldier is required to pay the spouse a one-time amount of $188.02 (EIFS) PLUS the pro-rated amount of the monthly support obligation of $752.10. Each subsequent month that the two are separated, the Soldier must only pay the BAH RC/T WITH amount.

Can my wife get my military disability if we divorce? ›

Federal law – specifically, the Uniformed Services Former Spouses' Protection Act, found at 10 U.S.C. §1408 – exempts VA disability payments from division upon divorce. It is not an asset which can be divided at divorce as marital or community property.

How long do I have to be married to get my husband's military benefits? ›

How long do you have to be married to get military spouse benefits? You can receive military spouse benefits as soon as you are enrolled in DEERS, and you are eligible to do so as soon as you are officially married. However, you will have to bring a copy of your marriage certificate with you.

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