The Gematria of 2024 is 2+0+2+4= 8 which means Jesus in Biblical mathematics , and 8 people boarded the Ark of Noah to be saved. 2024/5784 is a leap year on both the Jewish (354 day lunar calendar) and Gregorian (365 day solar) calendars with an extra 13th monthcalled Veadar— 2024 is the year of the doorkeeper in John 10:3. A planetary alignment of Jupiter and Uranus occuredon April 20 meaning God the Father will soonjudge those who rejected Himand many have seen the rapture in 2024 in dreams.
The last day the Jews gather together per 2 Thessalonians 2:1 to blow the final shofar falls on Tishri 22 /October 23 to end the high holidays on Shemini Atzeret on the 354- day calendar---there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet which matches Revelation 22—final chapter of the Bible. The vision of “5,6,7 Bang ”of Charity (missionary in Mexico) may mean the rapture is after the seven - day Feast of Tabernacles.
This day is 280 days from Nisan 1 which is the gestation period of a baby, Atzeret means 8 in Hebrew which is Jesus in Biblical mathematics, the Jews were required to appear before the Lord in the Old Testament and in Zechariah 14 during the millennium, and October is the 10th month of the year meaning completion in Gematria.
Nisan 1 on April 8 ( solar eclipse day) was 6 years/6 months/6 weeks/6 days between the 2017/2024 solar eclipses meaning the Lord is marking America for destruction without repentance with the 666 standing for judgment in Revelation. The solar eclipse was 7 years/7months/7 daysfrom the annular eclipse on 9/1/2016 with perfect divine timing to fulfill Joel 2:30
The last double eclipse was in the winter of 1811 and the New Madrid earthquake happened three months later with the Mississippi River flowing backwards fifty miles wide and will repeat for negotiating to divide Israel against the Lord with a two- state solution which will never happen due to the Old Testament border of the Lord.
This megaquake will divide America in half causing martial law, depression, death, followed by the Yellowstone caldera eruption with tsunamis from Mount Fuji in Tokyo---7 million deaths and the tsunami takes out Hawaii and the west coast) and the Canary Islands in Africa will destroy the east coast plusthe mega quake on the west coast will climax the judgment, lava is spewing from volcanoes worldwide with massive landslides in India. The tsunamis are a type of the flooding to repeat the time of Noah and the deforestation in Brazil is causing drought and wildfires with CO2 gas emisstion..
An asteroid or meteor that destroyed the dinosaurs creating the ice age called the “Great Mountain burning with fire” of Revelation 8:8 will hit the earth creating a nuclear winter with volocanic ash searing the lungs of those left behind. Matthew 24: 32 says “the final end time sign is the fig tree is ripe for harvest” which means the salvation of the Jews in Israel at the Second Coming per Zechariah 14 and Revelation 1:7.
Some predict a megaquake will happen on the day of the rapture from California up the entire west coast to Seattle which is “modern day Sodom and Gomorrah” ---5.2 in LA on 8/7 with a series of aftershocks of 5 daily and a 7.1 hit Japan on 8/9 with a megaquake warning in effect with mass evacuations from a typhoon,
--- 119 degrees in southern CA with cities falling into the ocean from landslides and massive wildfires in Malibu/ Palos Verdes and 120 acres of land in the San Gabriel mountains surrounding LA, plus 700K acres of forest land burned on the Nevada border, a 7.0 earthquake with a volcanic eruption happened in Russia on 8/18 shooting ash five miles high with a tsunami warning,
---over 100 degrees in Phoenix for three months in a row, and there was a rare super Blue Moon on 8/19. The birds are not migrating as normal with the driest weather since 1988, and aCat 4 hurricane struckFlorida/Georgia/Carolinas/Va/West Va/AL/TN on 9/28/24 and was the most powerful hurricane with massive flooding since the 1900s
----with hundreds of deaths with the 1.5 B FEMA bankrupt while America pays for SS and subsidizing businesses in the Ukraine with only $750 for hurricane victims---and FEMA would not allow Elon Musk to help with cell phones. The hurricane season does not end until the end of November with a Cat 5 to strike central Florida on October 9/10.
Many property casualty companies and reinsurer Lloyd’s of London could bankrupt---FEMA was raided for money for the illegal immigrants. One million are without power, 300 roads destroyed, with 600 missing presumed dead and $1.6 Billion in damages—many will move out and never return. A cyber attack on the water system in the southeastern states happened on October 7.
Maui burned to the ground, a 6.3 hit Taiwan, Mount Aetna in Italy is preparing to erupt, and a giant quake happened in Australia, the Iceland volcano is spewing ash and could halt air traffic worldwide with 47 volcanoes are erupting, and anoarfish was found off San Diego on 8/16 ---only the twentieth time since 1901 which has predicted every earthquake in California and they are appearing in Japan.
—the world economy is crashing with 50% drops in office building values with a free fall in apartment rents in Texas/North Carolina/Georgia with over building, crash in residential real estate and RV sales, and the worst farm income in history due to low grain prices/drought/ and high interest rates with center pivot sales to zero,
---500 regional banks will be forced to close with 3500 banks left not lending to small business, the debt ceiling increase or government shutdown happens on12/20/24 with monkey pox from Africa infecting the world with the vaccine lethal, and the Nile virus infecting the east coast from mosquitos.
Avon and Walgreen declared bankruptcy with many national restaurant chains including Red Lobster and retail chains like Macys and Sears closing not to mention thousands of small businessesdeclaringchapter 11 or liquidating with SBA rates at 11 % with unemployment escalating and commercial and mortgage banking loans with no requests. Small Business sales havehalted with M &A cut in half.
The debt is unsustainable with a dollar collapse inevitable preceded by hyper- inflation which is why precious metal prices are skyrocketing with silver to$50 for batteries for electric cars—the inverse yield curve predicts depression is on the way with PE ratios approaching 26 on the Nasdaq with 22 on the Dow Jones.
--- due to five AI technology stocks led by Nvidia which is the Bubble of the century with a $280 B drop in valuation due to anti-trust legislation and will drop like internet stocks, AI consumes hydroelectric power which is why Microsoft bought the three mile island nuclear plant for AI power with browns outs nationwide on the way from electric cars and AI.
Harris wants to tax unrealized gains with wage price controls with elimination of Trump tax cuts causing a liquidation of assets and depression to destroy businesses with massivecrime with no step up in basis for appreciated assets. The stock market will decline 35% with another $8 Trillion in spending nor does she believe in the private sector as a Marxist.
---stock market crash will come in 2025 with a global bust with $20 Trillion in money printed before massive price and asset deflation with $20K gold and $500 silver if not confiscated, unions are decimating the auto/aerospace/shipping industry with much higher raises than inflation and refusing to automate with robots vs most nations of the world, foreign investors pay zero taxes, free health insurance to bankrupt America, $ 5 T in new taxes, and tariffs for national security cause no inflation and the costs of shipping goods in the middle east have exploded due to Biden policy on Iran eliminating imports and tariffs allowing building nuclear bombs.
The Marxist regime goal is to bankrupt America with the constitution gone with a left- wing dictator—but Nate Silver still thinks Trump will win in a landslide--- but may not be inaugurated in 2025 with Trump in heaven. Iran imported 9 missiles to shoot down the Trump jet and almost exploded a dirty bomb at his rally in NYC discovered by police in a trash bin,
Bitcoin has no intrinsic value destined to crash as a substitute currency unless there is a digital currency. The petro- dollar will collapse the dollar and the Russians have run out of the Yuan with the banking system in China collapsing with empty real estate with their Evergreen real estate arm in bankruptcy with the ruble collapsing due to the Ukraine war.
The GDP is at zero growth with 800 K fewer jobs then reported, but the Federal Reserve is considering lowering rates in spite of inflation with escalating total debt of $160 Trillion including unfunded pensions/entitlements/ derivatives/ and credit card debt. A government shutdown was averted until 12/20/24 adding one trillion to the debt every 90 days with printed money as America is bankrupt and the Longshoreman strike was postponed until 2025 to provide health care for the hurricane victims.
Red China is headed for 1 point of growth with collapse in ten years and the dollar will collapse with the new Phoenix currency printed with a 70% drop in purchasing power with the federal debt declared worthless paper with the banking system gone with martial law like Argentina and the Weimar Republic of Germany before WW 1 with the wealth taxed away—Argentina has a 60% inflation rate today.
Our health care system is one of the worst in the world with people overweight with diabetis from consumption of canned poisoned food with half the soil in Iowa not holding water---- Big Pharma profits from sick people controlling the FDA and ads should removed and one hundred ingredients dumped in the water supply are illegal in Europe. RFK will head the transition team for Trump to end this crisis with half those applying for military service rejected for medical reasons.
WW 3 has already begun and will be about a global energy crisis to keep the strait of Hormuz and the Suez canal open with the Houthis trying to disrupt international trade with pirates to attack cargo ships and sending missiles into Saudi Arabia and Israel and Israel killed 9 militant Palestinians in the West Bank for war on all sides. Biden declassified the Houthi as a terrorist group and removed sanctions on Iran which is sending troops into Lebanon on 9/28.
The prophets have seen the Saudi Arabian oil fields on fire and Saudi Arabia has a nuclear missile base in the desert—the Houthis in Yemen are a proxy of Iran but Israel sent cruise missiles on their command centers and Iran has sent missiles to Jordan for a shorter flight to Tel Aviv or their military bases and nuclear power plant at Demona.
Iran will send missiles to destroy the Saudi oil fields after their refineries and oil wells are destroyed per Jeremiah 49 which is Elam. Biden depleted the strategic oil reserve making it impossible to survive a sustained war with $200 per barrel oil with the Suez canal closed and Persian Gulf waters closed for oil barges.
Iran fired missiles at the Al Asqa airbase in Iraq injuring 7airmen on 8/5/24 to light the match of WW 3 with both America and Israel. Israel wanted to take out Iran after the last missile attack--- but the Biden administration halted it as it was not the timing of the Lord but is allowing weapons to be shipped to Israel but the Congress approved weapons and Biden told Israel not to take out the Iranian nuclear plants. Kamela is antisemetic but Trump will defund universities that hate Jews.
Israel has entered the “time of Jacob’s trouble” in the Bible which will explode after Rosh Hashanah during the Day of the Lord --- and Hamas refused the ceasefire of Israel to end chances offreeing the 57 hostages still alive with way more unknown dead with ceasefire halted and Israel must close the Philadelphi corridor on the Egyptian border where weapons and food are smuggled from Tehran to Cairo, and the remaining schools/mosques/hospitals in Ramah must be destroyed where rockets are launched with Al Jezeera news shut down as propaganda.
Israel ismonths away from defeating them and almost killed Sinwar-- but 6 were murdered with guns to the back of the head when the IDF was close to rescue of them—Hamas terrorists were given orders to kill the hostages when the IDF is close to capture---
----Sinwar plans to move the hostages to the Egypt border and move the hostages to Iran which would lead to declaring war on Iran. 23 of 24 Hamas divisions were killed and Russia was angry after Israel killed the Hzbollah leader in Beirut---this may be the catalyst to set off Ezekiel 38 after Israel enters Lebanon on Rosh Hashanah.
Hamas has lost 17 K fighters and Jordan elected a fundamentalist government and H’zBollah is stockpiling suicide bombers in Israeli cities for a massive bombardment during the holidays—but Israel sent bombs in pagers and radios loaded with bombs that killed 37 Hezbollah leaders and wounded 3500 + with limbs blown off in Lebanon with retaliation planned
---- three battalions of the elite IDF soldiers were sent to the Lebanese border to invade for war with 200 tanks with H’zbollah with massive bombing of Beirut killing 1000 and climing hourly. The Muslim controlled UN asked Israel to vacate Judea, Jersualem, and Samaria in the West Bank and refused to declare Hamas and H’zBollah terrorist groups Nazis in the name of Zionism on behalf of the Palestinians .
800 K are protesting in Israel with a plan to shut down their economy; however, Netanyahu said he is defiant and it will take to take out Hamas and H’zbollah and bring home the hostages. 46,000 small businesses have closed since the war began on October 7, 2023 with 600 IDF dead and 4K injured manned by reservists—but over one million have been killed in the Ukraine on both sides—thousands of Christians are being slaughtered by Muslims in countries like Nigeria.
Israel found the bodies of 6 more hostages who lived at the Kibbutz who were killed in air strikes which emboldened them to finish the job and 6 more were found murdered in Ramah on 8/31 including an American with a cross around his neck
Iran said their attack in retaliation for killing the Hamas leader in Tehran will be delayed until the high holidays in October to tandem the Chinese /Russian attack on America/Taiwan/ and Europe for destruction on the day of Judgment
Permanent peace will not come until Iran/Persia/Ayatollah is destroyed in Ezekiel 38/39 with the one third of the Jews left alive all Messianic per Zechariah 13--- Israel cut off power to Lebanon on H’zbollah on 8/17, and Isaiah 17 will shortly be fulfilled with Damascus destroyed which warehouses Hzbollah weapons flying them to Damascus.
---but Israeli cities will be made lean with a barrage of missiles which may lead to the use of the neutron bomb with two thirds of Israelis killed from radiation but the one third going through the fire will all be messianic when they see HIM at the Second Coming per Revelation of 1:7.
Believers across the world are hearing the sound of the trumpet meaning the rapture is near before total judgment--- Few will be left alive to repopulate the earthafter the wrath of God of Isaiah 24-26 post the rapture and Romans says “if the Lord had notshortened the days—no flesh would survive”. Noah was 600 years old representing 6000 years of man ruling the earth when he boarded the Ark
2024 is 120 years since the Holy Spirit revival began in China in 1903-1904 and the eclipse was 120 miles wide at zenith at Rapture, Indiana and will end in 2024 with Romans 11:23 fulfilled which is the time of the Gentiles for the Gospel to be preached.
There were 120 K residents in Ninevah, 120 trumpets were blown in 2 Chronicles 5:12 before the glory cloud came down which was a “type and shadow” of the rapture, and there were 120 disciples in the upper room when the Holy Spirit was poured out on Pentecost and Moses died at 120 years old, 1200 x 12 x 10—the sum total of believers since the Old and Testament saints.
Isaac Hertzog was elected the 11th president of Israel and 11/11 is the final rapture sign given to the prophets.This is why the solar eclipse passed over 11 citiesin America, Mexico, and Canada named Ninevah which was not destroyed in the book of Jonah but was destroyed in Nahum meaning the rapture will save those who repent butthose who do not repent will perish.
This watchman is 74 and 7+4 = 11 and the color of orange is seen as a sign ofJudgment by volcanic Fire/nuclear holocaust coming per Isaiah 26---- The 47th president of Americawould be 4+7= 11 in 2025 if there is an inauguration.
King Jesus feet will land on the Second Coming per Zechariah 14 /Acts 1:11 on the Mount of Olives with darkness covering the earth in Matthew 24---but only one third of the Jews in Israel will beleft alive after Ezekiel 38/39 with all Messianic grafted back into their own Olive Tree. The prophets Netanyahu handing the sceptre to Yeshua in Jerusalem at the Knesset after the Second Coming to rule for the millennium.
Tel Aviv will be made lean or destroyed with two thirds of Israelafter Isaiah 17 for the sin of more Gays per capita and brothels than any city in the world with sex trafficked girls put on drugs until they die in five years—this will be fulfilled after Israel assassinated the leader of H’zbollah in Beirut, Lebanon on 9/26/24.
--- for the massacre of 12 children in the Golan Heights on 7/28 which began WW 3. The October 7, 2024 massacre was exactly40 years to the day from the Yom Kippur war in 1973—it was done by the proxy of Iran—Hamas—with Russian intelligence and Chinese money from buying oil from Iran.
The Hamas leader was killed by the Mossad in retaliation in Tehran on 7/30 which will create a regional war with Iran and Russiawhich is whyAmerica has deployed three carriers with 43K Marines/AirForce/ and Navy personnel surrounded by 130 destroyers and military ships armed tomahawk cruise missiles parked in the Persian Gulf next to Iran plusa guided missile nuclear armed submarine and a squadron of F 22 Raptor /F 18 Hawker/ F 35 stealth fighter jets deployed with sidewinder missiles to shoot down ballistic missiles which could be nuclear tipped.
Four Star General Austin ( Secretary of Defense) is residing ona carrier and he revoked the 9/11 terrorist plea dealto escape the death penalty of the Biden DOJ. Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38 may be fulfilled soon as the Hamas/Hzbollah assassinations that began WW 3 are a repeat of WW 1—there is no American carrier in the south China sea to protect Taiwan/Japan/Philippines but the cobalt bomb would destroy 25% of the world and China.
Russia/Iran/Turkey/Sudan/Libya will invade Israel after Damascus is destroyed which is the H’zBollah headquarters—nuclear holocaust is coming for Europe and America before the invasion or an EMP bomb which will starve most to death without food or water—but Iran may explode an EMP over Israel to take out the military power of Israel and the American fleet to bring the ground invasion seen in Ezekiel 38 and destroy her economy.
Turkey is a member of NATO but should not be as it has turned fundamentalist Islamic but America has nuclear armed airbases in Turkey and has threatened to invade Israel -but it is the Lord that puts a hook in the jaw of Russia in Ezekiel 38 to draw her army to Megiddo for destruction with the greatest earthquake in the history of the world taking down every mountain and island which will happen post the rapture.
Iran said they will attack after the peace talks fail for a ceasefire in the Gaza on 8/15 during the high holidays-- but Israel found Sinwar’s hot coffee cup and almost killed him as the leader of Hamas and would be assassinated if he showed up for the talks. Many of the 150 K missiles in southern Lebanon may be launched at Tel Aviv but 100 K were destroyed by Israel and Hezbollah has asked for a ceasefire,
Russia delivered powerful missile defense systems to Iran on 8/4/24, and North Korea may have armed Iran with nuclear missiles and ICBMs for an EMP attack. The Ukraine has sent many drones into Moscow and Iran has sent 350 tons of 60% enriched uranium for 12 nuclear weapons for them to complete the process—Iran wants WW 3 for the Mahdi to come.
Short range missiles could overwhelm the Iron Dome to protect Tel Aviv but half the ballistic missiles sent long distance from Iran did not arrive over Israeli soil in the last attack. On 8/6, H’zbollah fired a drone rocket at Haifa injuring 19 people.
On 8/6 the Speaker of the Housesaid America will declare war on Iran if Iran attacks Israel again which happened on October 1 with 180 missiles fired—the first targets of Israel will be their refineries, and oil production facilities and ports for barges, death of Khomeni who is moved nightly from house to house
--but the nine nuclear plants could be destroyed with bunker buster bombs to seal them and kill scientists which could cause radiation and struck by American stealth bombers—China will have to obtain their oil from Russia to deepen the alliance and the world economy will crater with skyrocketing oil prices.
Russia and Iran/Syria/Turkey are allies, North Korea has short range ICBMs for Iran, and Iran sells its oil to China—the axis of evil. Commercial air traffic has been halted into Lebanon , and Israel says it will use weapons like laser and the neutron bomb as there is no time for the Iron Dome to shoot down many incoming missiles from Lebanon loaded with a nuclear payload.
Israel is considering a pre-emptive strike on the Iranian oil industry and nuclear plants and the British and Americans have ordered their people in embassies to depart Lebanon as it could be incinerated. An EMP explosion could explain a ground invasion of Israel all the way to Jerusalem with their eyes melting in the sockets of their eyes by the fire of the Lord’s mouth in Zechariah 14.
Revelation 1:7and Zechariah 13 are fulfilled with the one third of Jews left alive mourning after they see the one they pierced in the air before His Feet land on the Mount of Olives at the Second Coming to end Ezekiel 38/39 in Jerusalem
Russia has deployed 6 military warships with hypersonic missiles and 2 nuclear submarines to the Atlantic ocean which are docked at Havana, Cuba until 8/30 after attacks inside Russia from the Ukraine with American weapons, America deployed a nuclear submarine to the region and another to South Korea and there maybe no election with General Lloyd Austin in command after martial law caused by natural disasters, cyber- attack,or civil war, or invasion.
Putin entered into a defense pact with North Korea and isbuying weapons for the Ukraine war ( proxy of NATO) in exchange for space technology to launch nuclear missiles from space and spy on America, and China has plans to attack America in a joint military effort with Russia with EMP bombs and Cyber warfare to take out the power grid beforeinvasion.
A Cyber- attack probably from Russia took down the rail system all over France on the opening day of the Olympics and France asked 46 countries for 2000 more police. But France will be judged for displaying a woke Drag Queen mockery of the Last Supper as seen in the prophesy of Nuclear war attached—power outages happened across Paris after this atrocity and for the Paris climate change bill. The liberal colleges promoting rioting with support for Hamas must be closed while Ireland and Canada put people in jail for support for Israel.
Russia and China sent bombers over Alaskain July which were scrambled by American jets as a warning of a future attack with a weak president in office until January 2025. October is themonth China plans to attack Taiwan due to perfect water conditions for invasion and the Philippines/Japan/Australia, and Taiwan is conducting military exercises daily-- but the real target is America.
A Chinese spy balloon flew across America before it was shot down over the ocean outside North Carolina, and China bought farmland close to military bases nationwide in preparation for an attack followed by aninvasion as they want our farmland to feed their people with grain with the acquisition of Smithfield pork and control of the circuit board business of Taiwan as a cartel to the world.
Russia told America and England there would be retaliation for comments by Biden against Russia at the NATO meeting and providing long range cruise missiles to the Ukraine to attack Russia with a meeting on 9/13/24 to announce nuclear holocaust or cut the ocean cable.
But Iran provided short range powerful missiles to attack the Ukraine—the match is lighted for nuclear holocaust and HzBollah asked Iran to enter the war and fired a ballistic missile at the Mossod in Tel Aviv which was shot down—but a massive barrage cannot be shot down.
This happened after the summer Olympics in Paris ( ended 17 days on 8/11/24 with 207 countries, para Olympics for the disabled begins on 8/28 and ends on 9/8) to repeat WW 2 after the Olympics in Berlin in 1936. The Olympics began with the rider on a Pale horse representing Revelation 6:8.
China/ Russia/Iran/North Korea are allies and Iran has said an immediate attack on Israel is coming post assassination of the Hamas and H’zBollah leaders and Israel will not hesitate to use the neutron bomb or laser weapons on Syria and Lebanon or the American carrier will fire hundreds of cruise missiles at the 120 K Iranian missiles in Lebanon.
Russia and Belarus were banned from the Olympics over the war in the Ukraine and China plans to strike America with a lame duck president before Trump becomes the strong leader. The African prophets have seen Europe and America destroyed with Russian nuclear missiles as theprophetic map attached depicts and they do not tolerate LGBT.
Belarus has nukes capable of striking Europe, Liev, and Kiev and Russia will not allow the Ukraine to target Russia with American weapons and WDC/NYC/Europe will be nuked. Putin has said he can take out the GPS, undersea fiber optic internet cables, and shut off natural gas to Europe and the Ukraine, halt communication, and financial transactions .
America is apostate with only 15% believing the Bible is the word of God with 60% nominal, 17% are substance abuse addicted, with half turning Marxist like China,the divorce rate is 80% in the church, only 17 million attend church and many are cults like Mormon and Pentecostal wealth prosperity churches, 1 in 3 women have had abortions, and scoffers arerampant per 2 Peter3:3-5 saying Jesus is not coming again.
Trump is not anti-LGBT due to Gay marriage approved by the Supreme Court and attended Gay marriages in Florida--- but will sign no national anti-abortion legislation as the Supreme Court approved the abortion pill. VP Vance is Catholic with no abortion exceptions other than rape, incest, or death of the mother after conception,
MAGA will not make America great again without the elimination of the Progressive Socialist Party per the words of Trump with a conversation with Mark Levin ESQ as Biden destroyed America—the sins of America and the world have reached the nostrils of the Lord demanding judgment after the rapture. The Black Democrat mayor of NYC was indicted for rejecting immigrants to the city and election fraud against the DOJ which works for the Biden Marxist government.
Canada has outlawed Christianity with London, England Muslim and preachers in adultery or pedophilia have been exposed across America( 1 Peter 4:17)---75% of preachers do not believe in the Second coming or deity of Christ with most not savednot warning their flocks to repent before judgment day .
This is why wildfires are burning Canadaincluding Jasper National Park with the smoke covering the Dakotas and Minnesota, and 110 wildfires are burning in every western state as a warning from the Lord. California wildfires have burned 500 K-1M acres larger plus entire subdivisions in Palos Verdes and Malibu in LA,
---the 1.4 MM Oregon fire is so large it is creating its own weather and killed the entire cattle herd in the area and a huge fire has caused Athens to be evacuated. The entire cattle herd is west Texas perished with the megadrought and high heat.
The flooding, extreme heat, air quality, drought, earthquakes, hurricanes, typhoons, mudslides,and tornados across the world are warnings from the Lord before total destruction ---the temperature in Antarctica has risen 50 degrees over normal melting sending icebergs south to raise the temperature of the ocean.
The 1500 Ring of Firevolcanoes from South America to Japan will erupt plus volcanoes in Europe/Iceland/Russia/Mexico/Indonesia/Islandsafter the rapture creating total darkness with no air travel creating starvation as prophesied in Revelation. The last nuclear explosion in Japan was in 1944—80 years ago is 2024--- 4+4=8---King Jesus brings judgment day after the rapture.
Most denominations approve of theLGBT lifestyle of Gaymarriages as perverts against the book of Romans for and Hollywood is 75% LGBT as Sodom and Gomorrah—site of the 2028 Olympics. Africa is sending missionaries to America and eliminated LGBT and psychology has taken over the liberal churches without prayer or revival even denying the very deity of Christ putting lesbians in the pulpit in the Swedish Lutheran church in Sweden. 29% believe in the rapture with only 2% of preachers teaching on eschatology when one third of the Bible is prophesy.
Infant baptism, communion, speaking in tongues, church membership, or keeping kosher does not save—only the born again experience to know the Lord is relevant with the Message of the Cross.
The falling away from the faith is in process with separation of the wheat and tares with the Shepherd’s rod. Marxism has taken over the liberal churches with LGBT agenda,the Biden/Harris administration was illegally elected with harvest balloting in swing states and Chinese Dominion software-----brought a curse over the nation with two faced support for Israel wanting removal of the US embassy from Jerusalem as Judas Iscariot,
The Godless MarxistHarris/Walz ticket endorsed a two state UN solution to divide Israel against the will of God and they support Hamas protestsand her father teaches Marxism at Stanford with pathological lies to the publicto be elected
--- Kamela is a revolutionary who hates America, thinks the voters are stupid and racist, hates the military and the police, Jino Jewish husband represents the trash of the entertainment industry of Hollywood, and Walz sells land in Minnesota to Red China with thirty trips to China and may be a foreign agent
—Biden took bribes to buy mansions in the East Coast and endorses BLM which is a Marxist organization with signs all over NYC—Walz may be a member of the Chinese communist party and approved abortion after birth in Minnesota and a warrant for his arrest for murders is in order.
Putin has endorsed her as incompetent in time of war plus destroying the fossil fuel industry along with the liberal Hollywood smut including Taylor Swift and Oprah Winfrey –300 K children were sold into sex slavery under her border policy with 20 Million released into the country with 100 K + killed from Fentanyl plus murder and rapes and 450 K are convicted criminals roaming the country—murderers, rapists, drug dealers.
--- but Trump is running against a politicalswamp machine including RINOs with three assassination attempts with five more planned from 72 K people entering the southern border from terrorist nations—but the Lord is protecting him.
Hillary Clinton and Obama are homosexuals running the government and want a Marxist world government led by the UN—Soros is a Hungarian JINO communist visiting the White House 24 times during the Biden administration and funding the elimination of the Republican party buying over 200 radio stations for the election of Democrats.
Only 1 in 3 Christians vote with Christianity ending if these communists are elected with RFK leaving the Democratic party to exit Marxism. But 90% could vote this time with Trump prosecuting the entire Biden administration in 2025 if martial law is not declared after the election--- WDC/NYC will be incinerated post the rapture. Trump voters are not the wealthy but the real American middle class which is to be eliminated by the Marxist party with a digital currency to control all assets and transactions.
The prophets see the election cancelled due to a cyber- attack before November 5 to take out the power grid to create a depression with martial law—but America will be destroyed within 40 days after the rapture to vindicate abortion calling it child sacrifice with infertility, greed, apostasy, drugs, pornography,gambling,removal of prayer from the schools, close churches, and LGBT perversion.
Only the Hand of God is holding back judgment until the Restrainer /Holy Spirit is remove. America is no longer one nation under God and the “inhabitants of the earth will be punished for their iniquity during the Indignation” per Isaiah 26 with the church protected in heaven like Jacob and Zerubbabel who were the two witnesses/two Olive Trees in Zechariah 4 as symbolic language of Revelation vs Elijah and Enoch.
Acts 2:19 and Joel 2:30 will be fulfilled with volcanic eruptions worldwide, and an asteroid will strike the ocean called the “burning mountain” of Revelation 8:8 with one third of the ships destroyed. There will be no anti-Christ except in I John as “type and shadow”, no 144,000 Jewish evangelists (the believers in history are symbolic of 1200 x12x10),
-- no third temple until the millennial Temple and the Dome of the Rock may be temporary, no red heifer sacrificed as Jesus was the sacrificial lamb and not under the Old Testament law, no seven- year peace pact with Europe to defend Israel, and no revival post the rapture of the church and removal of the Holy Spirit to end the time of the Gentiles per Halley’s Bible commentary.
The mark of the Beast in the Old and New testament is a spiritual mark not a literal mark to buy or sell and the Second Coming is when King Jesus lands on the Mount of Olives and walks across the Kidron Valley through the Eastern Golden Gate closed in 1540 AD.
The Beast and the False prophet are the offices of the Pope and the Vatican per Halley’s Bible commentary. The current Pope is terminally ill and the final 112th Pope seen by the late prophet Malachi and the cardinals have asked for his resignation for approving Gay marriage by priests which is heresy with other ways to heaven other than the blood of Christ denying the born again experience, and criminal behavior of pedophile priest offenders--- 50% of the priests are homosexuals .
The prophets say the “rapture is just around the corner and our only hope—it is time to prepare our wedding garment with repentance without spot or wrinkle, holy living, forgiveness, study of the word (Revelation 12:11 is the only way to heaven), listening to the still small voice of the Lord, with prayer 24/7 to be found worthy to escape the judgments to come” per Luke 21:36. Every knee shall bow to worship Jesus Christ as Lord of Lords and King of Kings (Philippians 2:10,11).
The prophets see only 6% of 8 Billion raptured ( 12 million in America) with 94% “walking skeletons with few left alive after the rapture.” But the final revival at conservative colleges across America began in 2023 after the Jesus Revolution film of Calvary Chapel with thousands of baptisms of students in the ocean in California.
Bruce Kessler
October 8th, 2022
So blessed people, this past night THE LORD asked me to step forward and strike the earth, strike the nations of the earth with the unbearable wrath of GOD, the unbearable judgment of GOD against sin. And THE LORD said that because this generation has been largely heedless, that when HE sent us to prepare you for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH until now there has not been a global national repentance. A global day, rather, or a day of global repentance across the different nations, the many national days of repentance together into a global day of repentance.
And THE LORD asked me to step forward and strike this generation with the unbearable wrath of GOD. And when I stepped forward and lifted up my Left Prophetic Finger towards Heaven THE LORD struck the earth very severely, very unbelievably. This will make the COVID look like nothing. When I stepped forward and struck the earth with the Coronavirus, this will make COVID look like nothing.
And when I struck the earth, as commanded by THE LORD this past night in the dream, then there was a nuclear war that broke out on the earth. A nuclear war is coming to the earth. I have seen it already.
And THE LORD took me to Europe, and people were trying to flee, they were told to escape. I jumped also in the train as we were rushing and helicopters were sent to try and rescue people. Helicopters were landing vertical landing, literally, vertically to pick people and escape with them and throw them elsewhere, and throw them after a nuclear attack.
And THE LORD took me to Germany and Germany was also struck. We were running. And THE LORD took me to other nations of Europe; we were running to jump onto trains that were moving; the trains were escaping also.
Even toothbrush, the toothbrushes—we were trying to use the toothbrush to brush our teeth, we were told, “Don’t use them! They have been contaminated by nuclear radiation!” You could not even use your toothbrush. Everything had been contaminated: food, plates, everything, even clothes.
And people died. A lot of people escaping, panic, running. I have seen people running in Europe. THE LORD took me to Germany. THE LORD took me to Finland, I was running. There is going to be a lot of running in Finland, in Germany, in Italy. Every country where the U.S. has placed its nuclear missiles is going to be hit—even Italy.
And we were running and the helicopters were flying by rushing to pick up, to pick up and rush us somewhere and throw us and come back and pick other people and throw them before they die. There was unbelievable panic.
This is what is coming to the earth. A nuclear war is coming to the earth.
There is going to be a lot of running and panic and jumping on moving trains, trains that are moving, trying to jump on it to escape. And helicopters are going to be used rushing to rescue people to try to pick people and drop, dump them elsewhere, get others and dump them from the nuclear radiation from where the bomb is killing people.
It’s a terrible thing.
And later on when they give birth to their children they give birth to children with two (2) heads, with three (3) legs, with three (3) hands.
THE LORD has decided to tell HIS PROPHETS to step forward and strike the earth and judge this generation for rebellion, for disobedience, for failing to repent and receive CHRIST and prepare for the coming of THE MESSIAH.
THE LORD is coming to destroy the modernism, the advancement, the technology, the things that have made this generation refuse to prepare for JESUS, for THE MESSIAH, for the coming of THE KING.
It will be unbelievable never seen before.
I have seen a nuclear war, and when the nuclear bomb lands on Europe, strictly based on my Words, people are running. THE LORD put me in there; we were running, jumping on trains. You cannot even use a toothbrush, said, “Don’t touch that one!” Everything is full of radiation you cannot even brush your teeth.
And helicopters were landing vertically like this to pick people and throw them elsewhere. A lot of people died, buildings down, plants, dogs, cats, everything died. Running, the few that survive are running, fleeing Europe.
There is a nuclear bomb coming. THE LORD this night has commanded me to step forward and strike this generation with the unbearable judgment of GOD against sin, judging their rebellion, judging their heedlessness, judging their business, their modernism, their complacency, their failure to listen to THE LORD.
I have raised cripples with my tongue from Nairobi. I have struck the earth with Coronavirus, you still did not repent. I have opened blind eyes and stretched arms and hands and raised cripples all the way in Uige, Angola, all the way in Aguia Branch, Brazil, everywhere, Uganda, Ivory Coast, from Nairobi.
The deaf ears have opened and yet you have not believed, you have not yet repented. You have seen the miracles, you have believed when you saw Gate One, but you still have not yet repented.
THE MESSIAH is coming.
Now look, I have struck the earth with a nuclear war. Now then there is going to be a nuclear war on the earth. HE is coming to destroy totally the modernism of Europe, the modernism of USA. HE is coming to strike them down total, to bring them down.
And then when you see me you will run away now. When you see me you will repent. Then the other side of me that THE LORD has hidden will now be revealed.
THE MESSIAH is coming.
October 8, 2022
I see the first missile strikes France. The first missile strikes France. The first nuclear missile strikes France, and then shortly after that it strikes France and a few minutes, maybe about two (2) to three (3) minutes the next nuclear missile strikes the UK. And the one that strikes France spreads all the way into Europe, spreads into mainland Europe; I see it going horizontal like this.
The first nuclear missile strikes France and after striking France it spread. But after striking France, a few seconds later, about two (2) to three (3) seconds or so, the next nuclear missile detonates the UK, destroys the United Kingdom, England, the UK. But the first missile strikes France and it spreads, it spreads into mainland Europe. It destroys many countries.
And then the next—within seconds the next missile, the next nuclear missile will strike the UK. But then, again now when you look very carefully you see that all the countries in Europe that have the U.S. nuclear weapons, we are talking: Germany, Italy, all these countries where the U.S. has nuclear missiles, they are struck. They are struck very hard.
So even as the first missile hits France and spreads—but there are other nations like Germany, THE LORD took me to Germany and Germany was struck very hard, and Italy was struck very hard. All the countries that have the U.S. nuclear missiles positioned, they are struck very, very hard.
And you can see very clearly that Russia will not lose this war. It will not be ready to lose this war that is why it must strike. It will strike very, very hard.
And I see the U.S. struck very, very hard. One of the missiles totally devastates Washington, completely flattens it down, brings it totally down.
THE MESSIAH is coming.
You will finally fear me.
Again, I did not think we would arrive at this. I thought you would repent. “I THOUGHT THE NATIONS WOULD REPENT AND I WOULD NOT HAVE TO DO THIS,” says THE LORD OF HOSTS, says THE GOD OF ISRAEL, JEHOVAH ELOHIM, CHAVER sheli. I thought we would not need to arrive at this because I thought people would repent.
Because repentance is good. The raising of cripples is good. The opening of blind eyes is a good thing. And so I thought this would not be necessary at all. But now that you have brought me to this point where I have to do this, if this is what I have to do to catch your attention then so be it.
Again, the first missile strikes France and totally devastates France. That means, right now as we speak, the nuclear warheads of Russia have targeted, they have mapped out every single place where the French have put their nuclear missiles. So they hit them, all of them down. None of them () (3:20).
So France is hit very hard first, but the next one, within a few seconds, two (2) to three (3) seconds then the United Kingdom, the UK is totally hit down, totally devastated. And but the missile that hits France is so heavy, but it spreads, it spreads towards Europe.
As it spreads horizontally like this, the devastation, then every single nation that bears the nuclear warheads of the U.S. is hit down, is struck very hard. Germany, Italy, they are struck simultaneously.
And that is why there is a lot of confusion. Helicopters are thrown into the air to try to lift people but it is not possible to lift people away. They have totally devastated.
And when I looked I saw that Washington, D.C. was totally flattened down. Totally flattened. Total flattened. Totally down. Absolutely flattened down, it is a calamity.
I thought we did not need to reach this place. I thought you will repent. I thought we would not need to do this.
Now you will understand, you will understand why I spent many years on Mount Carmel in Haifa.
October 7th, 2022
Well blessed people, I know that there is a celebration that is taking place in Bungoma and I bless you over there, the church that is celebrating the eternal blood of JESUS.
But I wanted to come to you right now before the celebration and, and in a short while you’ll be back to Bungoma. Been quite busy, busy over here, quite busy at the headquarters.
THE LORD JEHOVAH, THE LORD, THE MIGHTY GOD OF ISRAEL has spoken with me and HE has spoken with me about a nuclear war. The nuclear war that is coming to the earth. There is a nuclear war coming to the earth. Now finally, Heaven has decided that this must take place. There is a nuclear war coming to the earth. When I commanded on January 11th, I commanded on 11th of January the year 2021 that there would be a historic war strike the Earth. Then I echoed that prophecy on a second, third conversation on July 31st, the year 2021.
And then you see in the year, 2022, five (5) months later a war breaks out. And even much more important is the details, the details that I laid out for that war. I said I would withhold the name of the country, because I did not want to mention Russia and Ukraine at that time. I said the country is whose names I won’t mention, but one country would try to annex another, take over part of another.
And say that “These are our people. They belong to us. Look, they have our culture, they speak our language. These are our people.”
And then one country would annex the other. Now after that, I brought forth to you a follow up prophecy that the war would escalate and become a nuclear war. In other words, become a war between Russia and the West, Russia and NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. And I said that finally a nuclear war is coming to the earth. And that is the same conversation THE LORD has continued to have with me. The reason for which I come to you now.
I see a nuclear war coming to the earth. And I see Russia fire the first nuclear missile a very, very powerful nuclear missile that totally destroys the country, and destroys even the neighboring countries.
So I see Russia fire the first nuclear missile to Europe. And the first one strikes France, in the mainland Europe. And a few seconds, just a few seconds, two, three seconds after that, the next one strikes Great Britain strikes the UK. And at the same time I was shocked. The U.S. was struck. Washington was struck and totally devastated. These are events I have seen. They must now take place.
And you see that ever since I gave that prophecy in February, February when nobody had thought there would be a nuclear war, even any thought of it. In February, February this year when I gave that prophecy saying that there would be an escalation of the war that you see going on between Russia and the West, Russia and the U.S., Russia and NATO going on in Ukraine, and I said, “THE NATIONS NEED TO REPENT. THE MESSIAH IS COMING.”
So when I gave that prophecy in February that now that war will be graduated will escalate, will escalate into a nuclear war. You see now where we are sitting at. Just a few days ago, Russia began to move for the first time its nuclear train, the 12th division of its deterrent forces. These are strategic nuclear forces and tactical nuclear forces. They have begun to move their nuclear arsenals towards Ukraine right now, as we speak.
And then the world’s biggest submarine, Belgorod, the world’s biggest submarine Belgorod, which belongs to Russia, which has one of the biggest nuclear arsenal on the earth All of a sudden went underwater, disappeared. And it has been detected, today. It has been detected in the Arctic.
And remember that nuclear submarine that contains a torpedo meaning underwater missile about 20 meters like this –the size of a bus called the “Poseidon” super weapon, and one of them can sink the entire New York City. It can sink it down in less than two seconds. Can sink the entire New York. Can devastate Washington, and the neighboring states.
So that submarine has now been seen in the Arctic, and it is said that they’re about to test this torpedo this Poseidon super weapon, which is a nuclear powered missile that can travel many thousands of kilometers. When it explodes in the ocean, many, many kilometers away, tens of kilometers away, tens of thousands kilometers away the fish and the sea creatures will die just from the power of the explosion alone.
So Russia has positioned it, and has moved its 12 division the 12th division has moved in your news. They have now moved into Ukraine. They have moved closer to Ukraine, meaning they intend to use some tactical, tactical nuclear weapons there, which means controlled but those will affect Poland —will affect all the other nations. So you can tell that the global nuclear way is about to take place.
And you know that this prophecy I’m giving is like none other. When I gave the prophecy of collision of neutron stars, however unbelievable it seemed that I would go deep into space, and collide neutron stars, and shake the whole universe and cause the biggest collision in the history of creation, however unbelievable it was the fact that I had issued that prophecy it had to take place. It must take place.
And remember it took place.
When I gave the prophecy of the Coronavirus coming ,a global disease within the backdrop, the background of modernism, advancement, serious advancements in public health, and in medicine, however unbelievable that prophecy seemed it had to take place. And the Covid came Coronavirus came.
When I gave the prophecy of the ocean coming out, the prophecy of Katrina, the prophecy of Irma, Hurricane Maria, however unthinkable they happened.
And now, also, I am giving the prophecy of a nuclear, a global nuclear and Europe —if that war happens, Europe will be destroyed total: totally destroyed, totally. The entire Europe will be totally destroyed.
And you know that the Russian missiles they contain cobalt. For those of you understand a bit of nuclear weapons or nuclear material. And that cobalt upon nuclear fission, it moves up to cobalt from 59 to 60 and just the explosion alone, on the land, you cannot grow anything on the land for more than a hundred years plus. No plant can survive, no fish, no dog, no chicken, no man, no building can survive.
I have seen a nuclear war coming to the earth. The first missile from Russia strikes France mainland, mainland Europe and spreads over the countries of Europe. And just a few seconds, like two, three seconds after that strikes Great Britain and strikes Washington D.C..
I have seen that war. However unbelievable it may sound, this war will take place. This war will take place because The LORD has continually spoken about this war. And you see now all of a sudden Russia is now moving its nuclear weapons. The nuclear divisions, like the 12th division, has now moved into Ukraine and the nuclear submarine, the biggest submarine of the earth, the biggest Belgorod has now moved to the the Arctic.
It disappeared a bit and emerged in the the Arctic. It has been cited there today. And it contains the biggest torpedo, “Poseidon” which is a super weapon. Just one hit alone moves —it is nuclear powered.
It moves under the ocean when it comes up. They say it can sink New York City in less than 11 seconds, the entire, or Washington or whichever city. From the words of my mouth now you can see that nuclear weapons are being positioned.
There is a conversation. Today, the U.S. President today, today the U.S. President Joe Biden said, the world has come to the closest ever to a nuclear war ever since the first and the second World War.
This is the closest the world has now got into a nuclear war. There is going be a nuclear meltdown.
THE MESSIAH is coming.
I have decided to destroy the prosperity of man, because they have ignored my voice. When my voice came announcing that THE MESSIAH is coming, THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE is coming. THE KING OF THE UNIVERSE is coming. THE SAVIOR of the world THE SAVIOR of all man is coming! Prepare ye the Way.
They ignored! All the seven (7) billion plus ignored. Why? Because of their prosperity and advancement. I have now decided to destroy them with my prophetic tongue, to totally devastate and destroy them that you may understand that this world is coming to an end.
THE MESSIAH is coming!
Those who are wise, be born again. Receive CHRIST JESUS as LORD AND SAVIOR. Be holy for without holiness, nobody, I repeat nobody will see THE LORD. Nobody will see the Kingdom of Glory.
Those of you that have been privileged to see the cripples walk, the blind, see, the deaf hear, the wonders and the powers of GOD, make utility of that. Capitalize on that and be holy and be righteous that when things happen you may one day be able to stand before THE LORD, before the SON OF MAN.
THE LORD finally will reveal to you the prophet of Mount Carmel, in the most dreadful way that THE LORD for some time has reserved.
There is a nuclear war coming to the earth and it’ll destroy Europe totally, total-total. You cannot even grow plant, a crop for more than a hundred years, maybe 200 years when that happens. No dog, no plant, no human being, no fish, no hen can survive.
If this nuclear war takes place the way I have seen it, unless the whole world repents. When it does take place Europe will be destroyed totally, total-total. And the US will be totally destroyed.
Hasn’t THE LORD spoken with you.
THE MESSIAH is coming.
Toda Raba