SDN's Top 20 Forums Threads - SDN (2024)

SDN's Top 20 Forums Threads - SDN (1)

by Student Doctor Network

Last Updated on June 26, 2022 by Laura Turner

In honor of SDN’s 20th birthday, we have compiled a list of the most popular and helpful forums threads throughout the years. From interview advice to whether you should have a dog in medical school, we hope you find some of these threads useful through your educational journey!

  1. Wedgedawg’s applicant rating system
    This thread explains the rating system created by our power member Wedgedawg that helps you figure out where you stand as a medical school applicant.
  2. Having a dog in medical school
    Is it possible to successfully care for a companion animal while you are studying to become a physician? This thread discusses the issue and offers suggestions for making sure you and your pup are happy.
  3. MCAT Study Plan
    The details of one of the most popular 100 day study plans used by students to prepare for the MCAT (Medical College Application Test) are provided in this thread.
  4. Essential SDN Wisdom for Premeds
    This thread is a compendium of all things useful for students pursuing admission to medical school.
  5. Official NBME correct to three digits score thread
    Want to see how NBME (National Board of Medical Examiners) Step 1 scoring has changed throughout the years so you can see how your practice exam score stacks up? This thread details the shifts.
  6. Breaking down the MCAT a three month study schedule
    Another thread that provides information on how to approach studying for the dreaded MCAT exam.
  7. “G P” Terms
    Questions about the difference between the meaning of gravida and para? This OB/Gyn thread has the answers.
  8. What self learning book is best for organic chemistry?
    If you are looking for the best options to build up your o-chem knowledge, check out this thread for recommendations.
  9. UWorld average
    How will your score on the UWorld prep tests for Step 1 compare to how you will perform on the actual test? This thread provides correlation information and resources.
  10. How to answer “tell me something interesting about yourself”
    This thread details how to address this common (and often dreaded) interview question.
  11. CCS Step 3 tips and tricks discussion
    If you are looking for help in your Step 3 preparation, this thread has a wealth of great information.
  12. Who has the best cranial nerve acronym?
    If you are studying anatomy, this thread has acronyms that can help with the memorization challenges. Note that some of the acronyms are NSFW!
  13. GPAS GRES Xtras Acceptances
    For our pre-PT folks, here’s a comprehensive thread about application details and acceptances.
  14. Testing Solutions 30 day guide to CARS success
    If the MCAT is in your future, you will need to prepare for CARS. This thread contains a popular guide for CARS preparation.
  15. Bond strength in order
    Our pre-dental forum provides this useful thread on the relative strength of atomic bonds.
  16. Official ABIM Exam Study Tools Thread
    The Internal Medicine forum has this detailed thread discussing study tool options for the American Board of Internal Medicine exam.
  17. UWorld Self Assessment 2 for step 2 CK correlation
    How do your self assessments match up to the real Step 2 test? This thread provides guidance.
  18. Interview advice
    This thread provides tips and suggestions for acing your medical school interview.
  19. Low GPA MCAT Success Stories posts by non-trads already accepted to med school
    If you are feeling frustrated or down about your application process, check out this thread filled with inspirational stories from people who have walked in your shoes.
  20. Goro’s advice for premeds who need reinvention
    For students who are latecomers to the pre-med path, or have issues in their application, this thread breaks down what you need to do to reinvent yourself.

And one to grow on:
Step 3 score versus USMLE World average
Another thread breaking down how practice test scores compare to the real thing.

About the Ads

Thank you to all our amazing community members who have contributed to these threads! Please consider supporting SDN and our nonprofit mission to help build a diverse doctor workforce.

Student Doctor Network

We’ve been on the Internet for over 20 years doing just one thing: providing health career information for free or at cost. We do this because we believe that the health education process is too expensive and too competitive. Many people and organizations have built their businesses making money on students who are desperate for any opportunity to become a doctor.

We believe that all students deserve the same access to high-quality information. We believe that providing high-quality career advice and information ensures that everyone, regardless of income or privilege, has a chance to achieve their dream of being a doctor.

SDN is published by the Health Professional Student Association, a nonprofit educational organization.

SDN's Top 20 Forums Threads - SDN (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.