The Swarthmorean, 1940-01 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2025)

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EI .. OY TWELnH liGHT VOL. XU, No. 1 L I 131~ A I~ Y ~ W ,l. I~ T H M 11.1~ E 12 A , -'0,. J THE SWARTHMOREA SWARTHMORE, PA., JANUARY 5, 1940 BURGESS TO IGNITE FmST TWELFTH BE INDUCTED MONDAY MRS. WIlLIAM F. BITLER NIGHT BURNING OF THE GREENS Mrs. Bella A. Bitler, wife of Wil­liam F. Bitler, of 300 Cornell avenue, Often of Trees by Enthusiastic' Discussion Luncheon ~ _ I' passed away at Taylor Hospital, Rid- TO'WJlspeople Still Pouring Into ley Park, in the early morning of Dec- S arth om To Open Club Year ember 26 after an illness of six weeks. W morean ce I Mrs. Bitler, a longtime resident· of OF THE GREEIS '2.50 PER YEAR JUNIORS ENJOY SPANISH FmSTA Original Potodnction at Playe1'8 Clnb Gay With Foreign Dances Appropriate For HoUday Audiences Tomorrow night, Twelfth Night at 7 Members of the Woman's Club will Swarthmore, was sixty-six years old. P. M. Swarthmore will hold it; first start the New Year off with an informal She has been a member of the Friendly Burning of tlte Greens. Set afire luncheon at the club house at one o'clock Circle since its origin and was one of When the curtain rose on "Ballads, promptly at that time by Burgess John on Tuesday. It is a stated meeting and the four w(omen of the Borough who Boots and Bautizo," the holiday offer- H. Pitman the great heap of the com- will be a discussion luncheon built around raised money for the banners and flags ing on Thursday. December 28, at the munity's discarded Christmas trees will "Contribution of the Old World to Am- used by the Fire Company. Mrs. Bit- Players Club of Swarthmore, the three bur~t into a blaze which will bring the erican Culture." I ler was also a member of the Ladies hundred Junior Members and more Christmas season to a thrilling end. Mrs. Wm. Earle Kistler will recall Auxiliary of the American Institute of than two hundred friends and guests The response to this suggested ob- Irish customs which have added to the Mining and Mineralogical Engineers. were greeted with a scelle entirely new servance in last week's Swarthmorean depth and color of American life. Funeral services were held last Sat- which rellected the sunny warmth of ~as been s,! .wide-spread that the long Mrs. A. M. Bosshardt will don her lotermellt was at West Laurel opallish life. list of families whose Christmas trees Swiss costume and sing some folk songs dIll Against tbis charming stage setting will be coUected by the Borough trucks from her district in Switzerland, and also ' • • of a street scene in Seville, unfolded tomorrow includes residents from everyone of their yodeling songs. BROOKS HONORED BY an appealing story of a wandering min-corner of the Borough. The list will Mrs. Anthony L. Ventner, who was POUllCAL SCIENCE GROUP trel from France (BartOli Rope) around be closed today. born in Sweden, will tell of the enstoms whose ballads the first episode was we- The spot selected for the burnillg is of her country and. of Austria, .. and of Professor Robert C. Brooks, of the veil with the belp of the little gypsy that right of way on Strath Haven ave- ~ow t~ey have camed the traditIOns on Swarthmore College Faculty, was wail (Helen Reed) who wanted to be-nue east of Rutgers avenue, adjoining the III thar own hom~ . I dected President of the American Poli- long to someone, and of the cobbler Rutgers Avenue School property. Boy . Mrs. Ralp~ NIXdorf, whose hentage lical Sciellce Association at its Thirty- l William W. Price) whose unintentional Scouts from local troops will be on 1I1~ludes ~ablts of the Dutch lands, nfth Annual Meeting, held in Washing- wronging of the minstrel he requited guard during the afternoon under the will ~plalD them, an~ Mrs. c?!,",les rs- tall, D. C., December 27th-3Otb. Mem- by his friendship and by taking him direction of Scoutmaster A. H. Van rael will tell 01 Canadl,,? tra<!itions.. Frank R. Markley, new member of bers of the Association number about to the Bautizo (baptismal celebratIOn) Alen At the close of the diSCUSSIon, mlmeo- Borough Council, who will take up hI1I two thousand persons, among them the in the third act. The trucks of Swarthmore's efficient graph copies of folk songs we have doties at the reorganizolion meetinlJ leading professors of political science The comings and goings of many dif­Fire Company will be on hand to g'Uard bad0thPted other lands, Will be suog next Mouday night at 8 P. M. when re- throughout the United States, also ferent people created a natural street against any possible danger. YM e auA enVc e. B 0 ch' f th eleeted Councilmen Rinelille and many proml.U ent public officials, lawyers, scene around the focal point of the rs . . ., rr, airman 0 e Meaebter will resume theirs. Eve.~- cit-·J ourna II' sts and busm. ess men. During cobbler's bench at a busy corner. Here house committee, has charge of the Jun- izen is welcome at this meeliu.. the Christmas holidays of each year the traffic of charcoal and fish vendors, I •• cheon and her committee can vouch for I ================= I the Association holds a largely attended of errand girlsJ newsboys, itinerant the goodness of the menu, having tried PI CI meeting either in one of the cities of photographer and shoppers captured oguet stsh.e Rseasmerpvlea tilounnsc hmeouns t a'bse Mmrasd.e Owrirt'hs ayers ub to Give t h e A t Ia ntic seaboar~ or of the Middle a phase of life in Seville and built up Y II J k West. At these meetlOgs addresses and the current of interest in the forth- Jndges Make Three Awards For !!;s~~~~d J. Dingle, Sw. 188, by Fri- e ow ac et round tables on governmental subjects coming bautizo, to which most of the Lovely Eftecl8 in Borough's Gay are the order of the day. folks of the bario (in tbe United States, Home Decoration Lighting Chinese Inll.uence to Dominate !'S the official organization of Am- this division of the city might be called HOUDAY DISPLAY WINNERS NAMED Bas Your Application Jannary Production Under erlcan teachers of political science elec- a ward), were invited. The heautiful blue-lighted twin trees, Arrived? Direction of Jobn Dol, tion to the presidency of the A. P. S. A. The second act saw calamity come each topped by a star, at 'either side of J is the most distinguished honor open both to the cobbler and the minstrel the Thomas Bayard McCab. doorway Postmaster Alfred P. Sma1I~' man, r. to any professor of that subject. Profes- and foreshadowed a chivalrous ending on North Chester roau, and the center I reminds local residents that the THE YELLOW JACKET, a comedy sor Brooks has long been prominent in to their difficulties. It also brought out star above the door, won first award postal service has strict orders written and acted in the Chinese man- the work of the Association; during the great differences which exist not for the McCabes in the annual com-I from Harrisburg and cannot de- ner, will be the January offering of the the r~cent Washington meeting he con .. only in such close neigbbol'l U Fiance mnnity Christmas Lighting Contest. liver driver's license applications Players Club, opening Tuesday, January ducted two round tables on the press and Spain, but in the dillerent prov- "L.~ I?r b . A k . F~_ .~~<:k~tl and Mrs"A. U. ~:~;nto-~u. aand~~esll~;t'n,Annl,:on~'.ewhJI~>r_" .19. ..' .. a~d .~~b~!~ o~!ni?n_,in th; p~itemd~ Stla1tes. !~~~~.of al c~tintr~ no l~erl than Spain, ralr "an S,. neIghbors in the tWJ hun- \ _ v. v .. u The authors i this colorfUl' play. ,lh'l1o' -.'S v··euC:"':C:S501'r m b t;C:' aYe' 'uUl t,i::elJ Y i..n:suuu 'oY'-Uau llQOS 01 ior-dred block of Park avenue, respective- cense bureau will still have, time, if George C. Hazelton and J. Harry Ben- been James Bryce of Johns Hopkins, mal proceedure. Iy won second and third places by their he hurries, to do so and get his rima, took their inspiration from the \Voodrow Wilsop of Princeton, Charles The third act opened with the bap-use of combined exterior and interior I license through by the end of the Chinese theatre in San Francisco, and Beard of ~Iumbia, Charles E. Mel'- tism of Don Pedrp's (Roland G. Eo UU-lighting. At the Jackson home two I'-_m_on_th _d_ ea_dl_in_e. ______· _ _J I have managed to combine in one even- riam of Chicago, Francis W. Coker of man) infant son already over and the huge candles bordered the front en- ing's entertainment most of the devices Yale, Albert Bushnell Hart and A. Law- fiesta of .bautizo in full swing with a trance walk. An electric taper shed EVENING SECTION of both the classical and popular drama rence Lowell of .H~rvard Universities. constantly .changing pattern of Ugbt, a blue radiance in each window, match- OPEN HOUSE of China-including the "painted face" As these names IUdlcate the choice of color, laughter and rhythm. ing the lights on a lawn evergreen. characters with their brilliant costumes the Association for its most important The mellow music of guitars and the :;imilar in execution was the Fair- The Swarthmore 'Voman's Club was and colossal headdresses, the good spir- post usually falls upon some teacher of staccato clacking of castanets set off banks display, nearer Yale avenue, with the scene of a festive occasion on Tues- its and bad demons, the dancing girls, wide repute in one of the greater uni- the songs and dances which fonowed slightly smaller candles just inside tbe day evening, January 2. when the new- the conventional properties and' the versities of the country. The election the authentic traditions and precise glass panels at either side of tbe front Iy organized Evening Section of the property man who strops about the stage of Professor Brooks marks tbe first movements which mark the differellce. door. Blue and green lighting on out- Woman's Club held a New Year's Open and hands them to the players as time the distinction has been conferred between classical, regional, Flamenco side trees completed the effect. House Reception in honor of the sen- needed, the elaborate manners and upon a professor in a small college for anil gypsy dances. The judges, Walker Penfield, chair- ior and junior clubs. flowery language, and the noisy orc!tes- a period of more than twenty years. The dancers were Ann Myers, Nancy man; William H. Ward, Mrs. Clark This new Section of the Woman's tra. ". McCurdy, Patsy Morrow, Joan Paul, Davis and Mrs. Wm. Sproul Lewis, con- Club, in an effort to extend to its fel- Under the direction of John Dolman, Mnsic elnb Program Ruth Waguer,Elizabeth Pope, Rose-sidered most highly the displays which low Clubs some token of its apprecia- Jr., a cast of twenty-nine, consisting mary Argyle, Mary Ann Hook, Nena were carried out with real simplicity tion for their loyal cooperation and sup- largely of seasoned Club players, is The Swarthmore Music Club will Whitaker, June Ullman. Caroline Fla-and the ones which put natural sur- port in organizing, entertained in their meet at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening at herty, Jean Baird, and Eleanor Wolf. roundings to the best use. They de- honor. Mrs. Roland L. Eaton, president busy learning how to reel off strings the home of Mrs. Robert E. Carels, The musicians were Dorothy Seltzer, plored the 400/0 decrease in illuminated of the Senior Club, graciously stood of polite adjectives, gesture eloquently of Riverview road. Among those par- Catherine W. Flaherty, Geraldine M. holiday decoration in the Borough this in the receiving line with the officers with' fans, open and clo.. imaginary ticipating in the evening's entertain- Calebaugh and Alix Field Whitaker. season. The section lying south of the of the Evening Section: Mrs. James doors, ride imaginary horses, and walk ment will be Mrs. Everett Hunt and Alix Field Whitaker trained and di­ra'l d I'll d f F B d 'd t L J B . d with graceful composure. C '1 G d h '11 I . rected the dancers and was assisted in thaI nro ath e sH 1 ilt ecarates more. pro usely vi.c e-apgreasr iduesn, tp; reMstr se. nG;e Ue aT ho. rn,a Irre -J At the same time the technl'cal de- anydr l pianaor nSeorn a\tVo 0b yW IM ozPa arLy aE dvmiaulntnd tbe dramatic direction by Helen C. Drawing their usual crowds of ad- cording secretary, Mildred Bond, treas- partment is busy making the strangest Soule wiD read a paper on Somito Form. Reed. mirers from far and near the mammoth urer; Anna Burkhardt, chairman of the collection of properties the Club stage A string quartet composed of Dr. and Most people can teU a story, but to has seen in a long while, not even ex- M W ca tu t h d f U spruce tree blazed serenely forth from program committee. rs. . F. G. Swann, A. Cominsky and p re a mosp ere an success u y the Ellis lawe on Walnut iane, and the Dean Harold E_ R Speight showed cepting the personal possessions of the M. Gordou will play two movements project it, is art. This, Mrs. Whitaker other annual glory in blue lights, the colored moving pictures which he had Vanderhofs and Sycamores. A commit- from the Nacht Music by Mozart and did so well that, to many in the audi- Moses Ewing home, literally covered taken of the College campus in bloom. tee headed by Mrs. Dolman, Sr., is mak- the String Quartet by Hayden. ence, it must have been as realistic as h H f . ing some of the more elaborate cos- a VI-SI't to th S . th th kn t e corner of Dartmouth and Colum- ow ew in the audience knew where I • e paID e au or ew bia avenues with hundreds af artistical- the beautiful azalea gardens of the CoI- tumes, and a special "Chinese orches- S I so welL I I tra," under the direction of Robert C. a vation Army Luncheon Pat W Br wn EI . d f y arranged bulbs surrounding the house ege were located I How few, also, knew . 0 ,as VIra, ven or a and gleaming from every accessible that Swarthmore College has' the sec- Disque, is rehearsing earnestly in the The opening luncheon of the S.I- shawls, and Thomas H. Lueder, as Don spot. ond most unusual lilac collection in eqfufeoerrt etro amnadk en oqiusieeerr. , noisy music sound vatl.O n Army Drive W'Il l be held in gJuoloiod, pracf tical joker, Sb o"th1 t urned • in Honorable mention was extended to this country, the fi~st being located in Philadelphia on Thursday. January 11, per ormances. pecla mention the display at the R. E. Wilson home Rochester, N. Y. Dean Speight said I , • at 12:30 P. M. should be made of the ease and na-on Ogden avenue, where a greenish that many people complain they never Legion Auxiliary to Open The local Salvation Army drive will turalness of Elizabeth Pope, June Ull-' bl~e flood light was cast upon a house see things, when out walking, such as open on that date under the general man, Rosemary Argyle, Nancy Peel, With blue lights in all its windows and he has depicted, and it is because, with All members of the American Le- leadership of Mrs. George A. Hoad- Nena Whitaker,' Haines Dickinson, with a white center star, surroundin~ so much spread out before them, people gion Auxiliary are asked to mark Wed- ley. ~fr';. CharlesL. Bolton and Mrs. Duncan 'Chiquoine, George C. Froebel; the door and its wreath. The Richard become confused. In order to see as the nesday, January 10, as an important Clifford' Banta will act as captains on Frank Davis and Andrew March. In­L. Stoddard home on Riverview road camora visualizes, Dean Speight in- date. The regular' monthly meeting will the north side of the railroad and Miss deed no strain was apparent in any also received honorable mention for its structed his listeners, one should cut out be held ill the Post room in Borough Lillian Boyt and Mrs. Charles L. Andes member of this very large cast, many lighted scene featuring two of the most of cardboard a small picture frame and Hall at 2:30 P. M. with Red Cross sew- will be in' charge of collections south of whom made their first appearance important yuletide characters, children hold it in_ front of one's eyes, in that ing and a short business meeting. of the railroad. on the Players Club stage-a tribute and a Christmas tree. way eliminating all distracting influ- Mrs_ Gcorge B. Sickel and Mrs. Wal- Luncheon rescrvalions for the 11th to good and painstaking direction. The Howard J. Dingle home on Park ences. ter L. Thorpe will be hostesses 01 the must be made with Miss Boyt, tele- Especially noteworthy was a kinder-avenue which had lighted stars in each One of the secrets of successful afternoon. phone Sw. 646, by tonight. garten group which with great natural-window received favorable comment photography, Dean Speight pointed out, ness played a Spanish nursery game with from the judges and gave much pleas- is to have action and motion in one's its native song. This included Billy, ure . to passersby throughout the holi- pictures, without moving the camera, THE WEEK'S CALENDAR Patsy and ,Penny Morrow; Patty Hen-days. and in order to accomplish this he has ry; Nancy McCurdy and Anne Broom- I • • endeavored to photograph flowers and FRIDAY, .JANUARY 5 all. Open Intramural Basketball shrubbery on breezy days. On one of 10:00 A. M. - W. 1_ L. BtudSyA GTrUoRuDp A••. "Y ,. 3..A "N"U"A"BY" "8 ,,··,,' /31 Harvard A'VtIUuo his many tours in showing these pic- '1:00 P_ M..-Burnln& of the Oteens •••. Strath IIlt.ven Avenue. East of Butgerll tures someone from the audience came SUNDAY • .JA.NVABY , up to him and commented that Swarth- 11;00 A_ lL - Morning Worship •.•••.•••••••.•••.•••••••••••••• Local Churches b . d $:00 P. :M.-Eplpbanl' Tide Service of Ltgbts .................. Trln1ty Church more must e a very WIn y town, since TUESDA.Y. "ANtJABY 9 the flowers and leaves in the pictures 1:00 P. M..-DlaeU88lon LunCheon •.••••••• ~ •••••••.•••••••••••• Woman·s Club blew about at such a rate. '7:30-9:30 P. M. - SproUl Observatory Open to Vl8ltom .................. College Of equal beauty and· artistic effect 8:00 P. J4~ -- Junior Club .::,~~e:.;'~ANVAii.Y ·io··········· Woman's Club were the pictures showing the campus 2:oD.P. M.-Jlethodlst MI&Blonary soct.ety .....••. ······· •. 125 Butgera Avenue in fall coloring, and no less delightful ll.._ _2_ :30_p• .•M _. _T_""_0.Il.A_wdIl~';.;'~"7. _'_'_".'_'._._' ••' .'_"• • '._'.'.•' •••..'• •.' .'_.•' •'• . ••••B <,;".cr_o_US,;,h_R_".I.I_ (COIICi .. " D't ".,. r.." •. .~.i . • • Women Conclude Conrae First Aid The First Aid Course conducted by Patrolman Henry A. Peinol, J r'J in the Swarthmore Woman's Club for the past ten ,!eeks was completed on Tuesday .mornmg. Twenty-six of the original thirty women finished the course and received certificates.

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INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE I : SW"I~THM(JI~E L I 13 n .. I~ y SW"I~THM[)I~E. COLLEGE /;~..- / .~ ( &\1 Aii , •.•..• C{Ji.~' .• ' .~. 1~1! L 1940 ENJOY TWELnH THE IIIGHT GREENS VOL. XII, No. 1 SWARTHMORE, PA., JANUARY 5, 1940 82.50 PER YEAR BURGESS TO IGNITE FIRST TWELFTH\ TO BE INDUCTED MONDAY NIGHT BURNING OF THE GREENS l\IRS. WILLlAl\I F. BITLER ~lrs. Bella A. Bitler, WHl' of \\,i1- liam F. Bitler. of 300 Cornell avenue, pas5cd away at Taylor Hospital, Rid­ICY Park, in thl' Colrly morning of Uec­ember 26 after an iIIacss of six weeks. JUNIORS ENJOY SPANISH FIESTA Offers of Trees by Entllllsiastic' Discllssion Luncheon- i Townspeople Still Pouring Into T 0 Cl b Y Swarthmorean Office 0 pen u ellr ! Tomono\\' night, Twelfth ~ight, at 7 Mell1hel"'s of the 'Von1an's Club will P. ~I. Swarthmore will hold its lirst start the New Year off with an informal Burning of the Grel'ns, Set alire lUllcheun at the club house at one o'clock promptly at that time hy Burgess john UII Tuesdar· It is a stated meeting and H. Pitman the great heap of the COIll- will be a discussion lunchcon built around llIunity's discarded Christmas trees will "Contribution of the Old 'Vorld to Am-t'rkan Culture!' hurst into a IJlaze which will bring the 'I \" 'I K,'stler \,·,'11 recall Christmas Season to a thrilling end. .\ rs. ,y m. Ear e I rish customs which have added to the The res.p onse to this suggested ob- dCIJth and color o[ American life. servance til last week~s Swarlhmorcan ~Irs. A. ~l. Bosshardt will don her has been so wide-sprt'ad that the long Swiss costume and sing some folk songs list of families whose Christmas trees from her district in Switzerland. and also will he collectcd hy tile Borough trucks une o[ their yodeling songs. tomorrowr iniclBudes ft'sidIc nt'sf l fromI' evt'r.y .'\I rs. \ II L V t r ,ho "'as 1 n lony . en ne, v '. corncr 0 t lC orollg I. Ie 1St Will I . S' I ,'I1 tell f the customs he t:lused today. )orn 111 \\e( ell, \\1 O. , • . . of her country and of Austna, amI of I he. spot selected f?r the Imrlllllg IS I how they have carried the traditions on that nght ro Pf Wily 011 Strath dH'a \.' t'l. I .1\'('- I' tl . home . III IClr own . nue cast 0 "utgers. avcnue. a JOlll1ng the I ::\Ofrs. Halllh Nixdorf, whose heritage ~utgers Avellue School t>rop~rty. Boy includes habits of the Dutch lands, Scouts fn!m local troops \\'111 he 011 will cxplain them, and Mrs. Charles Is­g?: lrd. durmg ~he afternoon under the rael will tell of Canadian traditions. (hrectlon of Scoutmaster A. H. Van At thc close of the discussion, mimeo- Alel1. graph copies of folk song5 which we have The trucks o[ Swarthmorc's efiicil:nt adopted from other lands, will be sung Fire Company will be on hanu to b"Uard by the audience. against any possible danger. Mrs. A. V. B. Orr. chairman of the • 1 • house cOlllmittee, has charge of the lun- HOLIDAY DISPLAY chcoll alld her committee can vouch for the goodness of the menu, baving trl.~d WINNERS NAMED out Ihe sample IlIncheon as Mrs. Orr's guests. Reservations must be made with ~Irs. Howard J. Dingle, Sw. 188. by Fri­day night. Mrs. Hilkr •• 1 longtime n'sidcnt· of Swarthmore, was o;ixty-six years old. She has bcell a mcmhn uf thc Fril"tHlIy Circle since its origin a11(.1 was one or the four women of the llorough who raised moncy fur the ballllcrs and flags used by the Fire Company. ~lrs. Bit­ler was abo a IllcmiJl:r ui the Ladies Origiual Productiou at Playcrs (;Iub Gay With .'oreign Dances Approl.riate I-or Holiday Audiences IAuxiliary of the American Institute of .\. lining and ).Lineralugical Engineers. I Funeral ~en'iccs were hdd la~t Sat­t ul"'day. lntenncllt was at \\'cst Laurel Frank H. ;U~.trklc,., new member or Borough Council, who will take up his duties al the reorganization meeting next Monday night at 8 I'. 1\1. when rc~ eJected Councilmen Rindiffe and Meschtcr ,,·iII resume theirs. E,,'cry cit­izen is welconte at Ihis meeting. dill. I BROOKS HONORED BY POLITICAL ~l:IENCE GROUP ! Profcssor H_obert C. Brooks, 01 the , Swarthmore Collt'ge li'aculty, was I elected Prcsident ot the American 1-'oli­! Llcal Science Assodatioll at its Thirty­lIfth AlIllual ::\oleetillg, held in \Vashillg­ton, 1>. C., December 27th-30th. Mem­bers o[ the Association number about Players Club to Give Yellow Jacket two thousand persons, among them the leading professors of political sciencc throughout the United States. also mally prominent public ollicials, la\\tyers, journalists and business men. DUrlng: the Christmas holidays of each year the Association holds a largely atH:nded meeting cithcr in one of the citics of the Atlantic seaboard or of the ,Middle \Vest. At these meetings addresses and round tables 011 governmental subject5 arc the order of the day, \\'hell the curtain rose Oil "Ballads, Uuuts and Bautizu," t he holiday offer­ing 011 Thursday. Dect'mhcr 2B, at the Players Club of :Swarthmore, the three hUlldr~d junior Members and more than two hU:ldrcd friends and guests WtTe greeted with a seelH;" I:lltircly new whidl rellcctcd the SUUIlY warmth of ,:,pallish life. Against this charming' stagc setting of a street scene in Scyilll:, uufolded au appeuling story of a wandcring min­trel froUl Fralll.:C (Barton Hupe) around whose ballad:; the lirst episode was wo­veil wit h the help of thl: little gYLlsy waif (Helen Reed) who wanted to be­long to ~omconc, and of the colJbler t \Vllliam \V. Price) \ ... hosc unintcntional wronging of the minstrel he requIted by his friendship and uy taking him to the Bautizo (baptismal cdebrauoll) ill the third act. Judges Make Three Awards For Lovely Effects in Borough's Gay Home Decoration Lighting .---------------'JChinese Influence to Dominate January Production Under Direction of John Dol. man,Jr. As the official organization of Am­erican teachcrs of political science elec­tion to the presidency of the A. P. S. A. is the most distinguished honor open The comings and goings of t1lany dif­ferent people created a natural street scene around the focal point o[ the cobbler's bench at a busy corner. Here the trallic of charcoal and fish vcndors, of erralld girls, newsboys, itinerant photographer and shoppers captured a phase of life in Seville aud built up the currellt of interest in the forth­coming oautizo, to which most of the folks of the bario (in the United States, this uivision o[ the city might be called a ward), were invited. Has Your AI.plication Tht· beaut iful blue-lighted twin trees, Arrived? each topped by a star, at either side of I the Thomas Bayard ~lcCahe doorway Postmaster Alfred P. Smalley reminds local residents that the to ally professor of that subject. Profes­sor Brooks has long been prominent in on North Chester road, and the center I star above the door, won first award postal service has strict orders for the )'lcCabcs in the annual Com- \ frolU Harrisburg and cannot de~ liver driver's licensc applications Illullity Christmas Lightin.g Contest. except as addressed. Anyone who THE YEI.LO'Y JACKET, a comedy thc \york of the Association; during written and acted in the Chinese man· the recent 'Vashington meeting he COH­! leI"', will be the january offering of the dueted two rounu tables 011 the prcss Players Club, opening Tuesday, January and public opinion in the United States. 16. "Jvlig • ,;:; p;eOCl.l:::>::>lJl ill ui1il.t: h.l\'C The second act saw calamity come both to the cobbler and the minstrel and foreshadowed a chivalrous ending to their difficulties. It abu brought out the great di1Ierellccs which exist not only in such close neighbors as France and Spain, but in the different prov­inces o[ a country no larger than Spain, :"UL i"ccV1y UUUlIU .Jy traUiliuus Ol ior­Dr. A. F . .Iat'k:;oll aWl )'lrs, A. U. h .. ~ Hl'.Ht,;U .tll~ Hut tlLUIlt:' tile ii- mal proceedure. l-airballks, ne!g:hbl'r:) in the tW) hun-\ ccnse bureau will still have; time, if dred block of Park 3\'Cllue, rcspective- he hurries, to do so ~nd get his Iy won second and third places by their license through by the end of the use of combined exterior and interior month deadline. lighting. At the Jacksoll hallie two I-________________ .J huge candles bordcred the frollt en­trance walk. An electric taper shed a hlue radiance in each window, match­ing the lights 011 a lawn cvergrcen. EVENING SECTION OPEN BOUSE 'fhe authors f this colorfUl play,· IJCCII James Bryce of johns Hopkins. George C. Hazelton and J. Harry BCll- \Voodrow 'Vilson ot Princeton, Charles rimo, took their illSpiration from the Ueard of COIUl~lbia, Charles E. 11cr­Chincse theatrc in San Francisco, and riam of Chicago, Francis \V. Coker o[ have managcd to combine in one even- Yale, Albert llushnelllIart and A. Law­ing's entertainment most of thc devices rence Lowell of Harvard Universities. of both the cbssical and popular drama As these names indicate thc choice of of China--including the "painted face" the Association for its 11\0st important characters with their brilliant costumes vost usually falls upon somc teacher of The third act opened with the bap­lism 01 DOli Pedro's (Roland G. E. Ull­man) infant son already over and the fiesta o[ bautizo in full swing with a constantly changing pattern of light, color, laughter and rhythm. The mellow music ot bouitars and the staccato clacking o[ castanets set off the songs and dances which followed the authentic traditions amI precise movements which IIlark the dilferellces l>etwecll classical, regional. Flamenco aild gypsy dances. Similar in execution was the Fair- The Swarthmore 'Voman's Club was hanks display, nearer Yale avenue, with the scene of a festive occasion on 'fues­slightly smaller candles just inside the day e\'cnillg. January 2. when the ne\\'­glass panels at either side of the front I)' organized Evening Section of the duoI'. Bluc and green lighting on out- \Voman's Cluh held a New Year's Open side trees completc(1 the cffect. House l~eeeption in honor of the sell-and colossal headdresses. the good spir- wide repute in one ot the greater ul1i­its and had demons, the dancing girls, versities of the country. Thc election Ihe conventional properties and the of Professor Brooks marks the first property mall who stro~ls about the stage time the distinction has been conferred and hands them to the players as upon a professor in a small college [or needed, the elaborate manllers and a period of more than twenty years. Rowery language, and the noisy orches­tra. The dancers were Ann lIyers, Nancy McCurdy, P:ltSY :Morrow, joan Paul • Ruth 'Vaguer. Elizabeth Pope. Rose­mary Argyic, )'lary Aun I'look, Nena The judges, \Valker Penfield, chair- ior and junior dubs. man; 'Villiam H. \Vard, 111"'5. Clark This lICW Section of the \Vomall's Davis and )'Irs. \Vm. Sproul Lewis. con- Cluh, ill an effort to extend to its fcl­sidered 11I0st highly thc displays which low Clubs some token o[ its apprecia­were carried out with real simplicity tion for their loyal coopcration and sup­and the 011('S which put natural sur- port in org;lllizing, entertained in their roulldillgs to the best usc. They dc- honor. )'lrs. H.oland L. Eaton, presidcnt Illorcd the 40'J deercase in illuminated of the Scnior Club, graciously stood holiday decoration ill the Borough this til the reCt.'iving line with the officers season. The section lying south ot the of the EVl'llillg Section: 1(rs. James railroad still decorates more profusely F. Bogardus, president; Lotta J, Baird, than the Hill. vice-prcsi(it:nt; ~Irs. George Thom, re- Drawing their usual crowds of ad- cording secretary, ).[ildred nond, treas­mirers from far and ncar the mammoth urer; Anna Burkhardt, chairman of the sprucc trec blazed serenely forth from program committec. the Ellis lawn on 'Valnut lane. and the D~all Harold E. B. Speight showed other aunual glory in blue lights, the colored moving pictures which he had 110se5 Ewing home. litcrally co\'cred t;lken of thc CoHcge campus in bloom. tlll~ corner of Dartmouth and Colum- How few ill the audicncc knew where hia avenues with hundreds of artistical- the beautiful :lzalea gardens of the Col­ly arranged bulbs surrounding the house Jt>ge were located! How lew, also, kne\\' and gleaming frolll every accessible that Swarthmore Colkge has the sec­spot. ond most Ullllsual lilac collection in HOllorahll' mcntion was l'xtended to this C\luntry. the first bdn~ l?catcd !Il the disl)lay at the R. E. \Vilson homc i Rnchesh'r, X. y. Dean, biwight said 011 Ogden avellue, where a greenish th'lt lIlall)' people complam. they never hlue flood light was cast upon a house sec things" when out. w.alkmg. such ,as with hllle lights in all its windows and, he has depicted, and It IS bo.;"callSl:, With with a white center star, surrounding so much sprcad out before them, peopk the door and its wrcath. The Richard hecome confllst·(1. In order to s<:e as t.he L. Stoddard home 011 l{i\'erview road camera visualizes, Dcan Speight 111- also received honorable mention for its structed his listeners, one should cut out lighted !'iccne ft-aturing two of the most of ca~db~lard a small pi~ture [ral~le and important yuletide characters, childrcn hold It .111. fn~nt of Oll~ s cye.s, 111. that aud a Christmas tree. way ellllllllatmg all dl:)tractmg IIlflu- Thl' Howard J. Dillg-te homc Oil Park ('I1CCS, . Ullder the direction of John Dolman, Jr., a cast o[ twenty-nine. consisting largely o[ seasoned Club players, is hu::;y learning how to reel off strings of polite adjectives, gesture eloquently with fans. open and clme imaginary doors, ride imaginary horses, and walk with graceful composure. At the samc time the tcchnical de­partment is busy making the strangest collection of propertics thc Club stage has seell ill a long while, not cven ex­cepting the personal possessions of the Vanderhofs and Sycamores. A commit­tee headed by l1rs-. Dolman, Sr., is ll1ak-ing some o[ the more elaborate cos­tunws, and a s(ll'cial "Chinese orchesa tra," under the direction of Robert C. Disque, is rehearsing earnestly in the ('ffort to makt· queer, noisy music sound queerer and noisier. • 1 • l\1usic Club Progranl The Swarthmore 11usic Club will \Vhitakcr. June Ullman. Caroline Fla­nleet at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening at herty, Jean Baird, ilnd Eleanor Wolf. the home of :Mrs. Robert E. Cards. The musicians were Dorothy Seltzer. Catherine \V. Flaherty. Geraldine M. of Rivcrview road. Among those par· ticipating in the c\'enillg's entertain- Calebaugh and Alix Fi.:!id \Vhitaker. ment '11 b '[ E II HId Alix Field \lYhitakcr trained and di- WI e.\ rs. • vere UI\ an . . Cyril Gardner who will play a violin reeled the ~anee,rs al?d was assisted In and piano Sonato by Mozart. Edmund I ~~le d dramal1c dlfcctlOn by Helen C. Soule will read a paper 011 Sonato Form. ~eI· I 11 t b t A string quartet composed of Dr. and .l ost peop e Clan te ad s ory, UrI 11° , ' G S \ C . k d capture atmosp lcre an success u y nlrs. 'V. 1-. . wann, f. Olnms yan . ,. TI' M Vvl' k 11. Gordou will play two movements p~oJect It, IS art. us,. r~. ' uta ~r I. rOlH IIIe ".L" ae I1I '.\I USI.I. ': •u. y 1'\[ OZ a r t ad ndid s.o wcll that, to many 1Il th(e. a. udl-thc Strin T Quartet b T Hayden. cnc~,. It must ha\'c. bC~1I as rea lstle as g) a V1Slt to the Spa III the author knew ••• so well. Salvation Arlny Luncheon Pat \IV. Brown. as Elvira, vendor of " shawls, and Thomas H. Lueder, as Don 1,hc OpCllll1g l~ncheo.1l of the Sa.l~ julio, practical joker. both turned in V;t.101l Ar!ll)' Drive Will be held 10 I good pcrfornlances. Special mention 111lladc1plua 011 Thursday, January 11. should be made oi the case and na- • I • at ,12 :30 P. ~L. .' turalness of Elizabeth Pope, June Utl- Legion Auxiliary to Open 1 he local Salvation Army dnve Will man, Rosemary Argyll'. .Nancy Peel, . open on. that date undcr the general ~cna \Vhitaker, l'iaine:) Dickinsol1. ... \11 l1Ie~l!hers of the American Lc- leaderslup of 1frs. Gcorge A. Hoadk Duncan Chiquoiuc, Georgc C. Froebel, glOII Auxlhary arc asked to Illark 'Ved- I k·y· :Mrs. Charles L. Bolton and Mrs. Frank Davis and Andrew :March. In­m'sd; l,Y, January 10, as an important Clifford Banta will act as captains on deed no strain was apparent in any date. The regular monthly meeting willi thc north side of the railroad and Miss member of this very large cast. many hc h('ld in the Post room in Borough \ Lillian Hoyt and Mrs. Charles L. Andes of whom made their first apl)Carance ~-lall at 2 :30 P. ~L \\'i~h Red Cr~ss sew- will be i~1 charge of collections south on the Players Club stage-a tribute 1Ilg- alHI a short b~S1l1CS5 Illcctlt1g. lof the railroad. " to good and painstaking direction. )'lr:,. ,~l'orgl' B .. Sickel and ).frs. \Val-! Lunch.eon rcscr~atlOlls, for the 11th Especially noteworthy 'was a kinder-tl'r L. I hurpe Will be hostessl'S 01 the i 111\1:--1 h~ made w11h ~hss Boyt, tele-\ gartl'n group which 'with grcat natural­aflt' 1'1I0nll. l phnlll' ~w. ()4fi, hy tOl1lght. ncss play .... d a Spallish Iltlr~l'ry game with its native song. This included Billy, THE WEEK'S CALENDAR a\'CllUl' which had lightt.:<l stars ill each: Om' 01 the ~l'l.:rds of ~uccl".;sftll window rt:'cciVl'd favorable comment I ~)hotography, l~l'an ::illciglit yOIl~ted ou~, from the judgcs alld gave much pleas- IS, to have .actlon and. motion 111 one s ure to passersby throughout tilt: holi- pictures, Without movll1!"t the. camera, flays. and in order to accomphsh tIllS he has FRIDAY, JANUARY 5 • I • cndeavored to photograph flowers and 10:00 A. M. _ W. I, L, Study Group .•..•..... " ............. 731 Ha.rvard Avenue Patsy and Penny )lurrow; Patty Hen­ry; Nancy McCurdy and Anne Broom­all . I I Open Intranlurnl Basketball shrubhery 011 brcezy days. On one of SATURDAY, J.\NUARY 6 his 111:111\' tours in showing these pic- 7:00 P. AI. - Burning of the Greens ••.• Strath Haven Avenue, East of Rutgers Women Conclude Course First Aid The annual girls' intramural basket­ball program got underway this week at Swarthmore High School, thc girls di­\' idil1g into ten teams. each under the name of an important city. Regular prac­tices will be held on Fridays. The teams consist o[ girls from the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth grades who are not 011 the varsity squad, - f I I' SUND,\Y, J,\NU.\RY 'I tures someone ronl t lC au( tcnce came d I 11:00 A. M, - Morning Worship., ...... ········•··· .. ········, .Local Churches up to him alld comlllcnte t tat Swarth- 5:00 P. M.-Eptphony Tide Sen-tee of Ltghts .................. Trtnlty Church Tile First Aid Course conducted by mor(' must be a ,'cry windy tOWI\, since TUESD,\Y, JANU,\RY 9 the flowers and leaves in the pictures 1:00 P. M, _ DiScussion Luncheon, ...... , ... ···· .... ·· .. •······ Woman's Club Patrolman Henry A. Peirsol. Jr .• in the I 7:30a9:30 P. M.-Sproul Observatory Open to Vl!;ltors .................. ~ollege Swarthmore \Voman's Club [or the past hlcw ahout at such a rate. '8:00 P. M, _ Junior ClUb Stated Meeting ......... ··············· Woman s Club k Of ('(IUal beauty and artistic effect I WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10 ten wee s was complded on Tuesday I . I ! 2:00 P. M.-Method~t Missionary SOcletY ........ · .. · ..... 125 Rutgers Avenue morning. Twenty-six of the original were the picturcs s lOwmg tiC campus in fall coloring. and no less delightful L_ _2_:3_0 P_. _M_.-L_e.g :l.o_ n_ A_uxi_Ua_ry _._..._..._.._..._.._..._.._..._.._..._.._..._..._ B_oro_ug_h _Ha_ll_ _1 J thirty women finished the course and (Continued 011 PGIl8 FOIl" received certificates.

---------- Page 3 ----------

Village Picks Up Loose End of Routine, After Gaily Greeting' Here it is Leap Year but four engagements pr~viousfy announced steal its thunder. However, a round of gay partIes duly celebrated the arrival of the new decade. Skating enthusiasts who find this nippy weather to their liking tackle every sympathetic listener with appeals for a flooded rink. THE SWARTHMOREAN pupils and their mothers with, ~i2~rii:'::1 Miss Howard is a graduate of Grove mas party on Thursday and F ai-I(;;ty High School, Grove City, Pa.; and temoons, December 21 and 22. There Margaret Morrison Carnegie Col-a .hort musical program followed of Carnegie In.titute of Technol-carol playing and refreshments. in Pitt.burgh. Pyle is a graduate of Swarth-retMu~ rsn.e dW Nilleiwam YSe. aEr'sv anDsa, yo fa fCteedarr ~'~ ~~il~:~:~HU~:niivgehr sSitcyh ooofl , PGeneonrsgyelv Sancihao.o lH, ea nids visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. of the Phi Sigma Kappa '0- Edgemoor, Md, during the holidays. fraternity. Births Mr. and Mrs. Alden Q. Davis, ---...,. • •- -- nell avenue, entertained with "'fa.mily I 1940 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Moseley, , of Sparrows Point, Md., are r~e.iving ! congratulations on the birth of a son , on December 23. Mrs. Mosley is the former Miss Anne Downs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Findlay Downs, of Chestnut Hill, formeily of Swarthmore. The Rev. altd Mrs. Millard Rewis, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., formerly of Swarthmore, are being congratulated Mr. and Mrs. Carl Harrison Chaffee, guests were Miss Susan Wolters, party Tuesday evening in, ~~i;~~1 of Swarthmore avenue, entertained fol- Anne Wray, Miss Harriet Wick- of their daughter, Miss Elizabeth 1: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barr, of Elm I ~:~~~~u~i are receiving congratulations I, the birth of a son born the fir.t January at the Taylor Hospital. I UllOII the birth of a son, Richard Smart Rewis, born December 15 in the Nor­folk Ho.pital. The baby is a grandson of Mr. alld Mrs. Millard Rewi., of Yale avenue. The Rev. Mr. Rewis is it minister at the Norfolk Methodist Church. lowing the Swarthmore New Year's Miss Betty Dougla., Mis. EUenor I hy""ty··fir,st birthday. dance last Saturday evening. Smith, Mi •• Billy Anne Mitchell, Mis. Betty Krase, Miss Florence Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coates, of M iss Elliot Jeffords, Mi.. Saran Fu.­Harvard avenue, entertained their an- sell, Miss Katherine Fussell, Miss Mar- Dual gathering of sixteen on New Tomlinson, Miss Nancy King, and Year's Eve. Grace Dodd, all of Swarthmore; Mr. and Mr •. Percival Armitago held Mis. E.telle Chapman and Mi •• Mar­annual open house at their Harvard ave- gery Mingin, of Chester; Miss Peggy nue home on New Year's Day. Vanduser, of Bowling Green; and Miss Teddy Bonnet, of Bronxville, N. Y. Mis. Betty Douglas, of North Che.ter road, entertained a few of her friends Dr. and Mrs. E. Fullerton Cook, of informally New Year's Eve. Wallingford, with their sons, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest, of Harvard avenue, entertained informally at dessert-bridge New Year's night. Miss Barbara Gross, of Bowlinr Green, entertained with a party New Year's Eve. and Ted Cook, were the guests of Mrs. Earl Stilson, of Cambridge, Mass., dur­ing the holidays. Virginia Yerkes, of South Princeton a venue, was hostess to twenty·four friends at a dessert party before the senior as­sembly at the Woman'. Club House last li'riday evening at 7 :30. Mr •. Herschel G. Smith, of Walling­ford, entertained fellow members of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Berna"rdlc"Uoscf, I bridge club at luncheon and bridge on North Che.ter road, held Open <. Wednesday. Richard Redgrave; entertained on New Year's Eve at his Vassar avenue home. New Year's Ev~ Mr. and Mrs. Walker Penfield, of Riv­erview road, entertained at cocktails Sat­urday evening preceding the Series Dance. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bernard, of North Chester road, entertained with a dessert bridge New Year's night. Tbeir guests were Miss Betty Michael, Miss Jane Klein, Miss Alice Nickerson, Mr. Boyd Stauffer, Mr. Louis Agnew and Mr. Charles Black, a\l of Swarth­morc. 11r. William Helmuth, of Rutledge, spent last week in Atlanta, Ga., where he attended the gala premiere of "Gone With the Wind." Mrs. Joseph Reynolds and Master Michael Reynolds, of Oberlin avenue, entertained with a tea last Thursday afternoon for their respective friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Allen, of Sum­mit, N. J., were the holiday guests of Mr. AUen's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. Mrs. George M. Allen, of Riverview Mr. and Mr.. Arthur R. Dana road. daughter, Phyl, of Eho avenue, enbor-I tained the other eleven members of Mr., D. Malcolm Hodge, of Strath group with wWch Ph)1 spent last sum .. I Hav,," avenue, was taken to the Chester mer in France, with a house re- Hospital Tuesday -afternoon with two union from December 26 to 29. bones of her left leg. Mrs. Hodge dinner in Philadelphia, roller .kating was skating on the Crum with her little " .1 Eng·agements t..-..--....-.. ........ -....-...-.-...-..-..--..--.------..--..·--..·-...-...- .-. ..-..---/ C:.~:y~~da!~~~n~~a~t G;n~:~~::!n"t·a.alt y ~ur Car Must Be Inspected by Jan. 31,1940 l their daughter, Mi •• Margaret l~. BAD TIRES WILLoNOT'ApASS INSPECTION I Leaf, to 'Mr. John J. jaquette, son r. and Mr •. William A. Jaquette. TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES 'l~i:.vr.:~·allendedWheaton 1 ON A SET O}' ~.""r.$to •• TIRES l nd Mr. Jaquelle was graduated frornlt T. • • 1 averford College, class of l DO IT NOW - DON'T WAIT 5 now attending the Harvard '1 RUSSELL'S SERVI f Bu.ine •• Administration. l Ti r~$tone CE Mr. James Ha.enack, of Fo,.j"""tll DARTMOUTH & LAFAYETIE AVES. Phone 440 Hills, ',Long Island, annoUnces the 1 __ .-__ .-......-__ .-.....--...-.. _ ~.-.. ____ ·.__....-...---..._.&..-..-... _______ .._... gagement of his daughter Miss Louise Hasenack to :Mr. Charles Rn,r~,a.t Smith, son of. Mr. and Mrs. M,"riis Smith, of Cornell Civenue. Miss Hasenack is a graduate of Slddl-II more College and Mr. Smith was gr'acl-II uated from Lehigh University. Mrs. )os;ph Lind.ey Fuller, of Bl1rll-11 ington, N. J.~ announced the'~iE,~r~~11 ment on December 28 of her Miss Annie Ross Lindsey, to Mr. Heisley Jenny, son of Mr. and lVl.rS.1I Jacob Jenny, of Germantown. cc,ke 130uquet BEAUTY SALON CALL 476 13 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD • To b. Well DrC$$ed i& to be Well Groomed Miss- Lindsey is at present Gtlid,an.c.,11 • Director of the Regional High Sf~~~~~i~===============---------------..J ill Springfield, N. J. Mr.· Jenny, of the New Jer.ey Ma.onic Ho""e Staff and the Burlington High ::;ctto,ol faculty, is at present a member faculty of Swarthmore High Sc.:'~~: No date has b.een set for the Mr. and Mrs. Cecil D. Howard~ Ogden avenue, have announced the. _ .• _­gagement of their daughter, Miss "';ID.­rna H. Howard, to Mr. Edward Pyle, II, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edlw-,arcl Elmslie Pyle, of Vassar avenue. T ~E GOWN SHOP ON PARK AVENUE BEGINNING TODAY OUR JANUARY ice skating and dinner at the Parrish Gayle and Mary Lou, when road horne of Mr. and MrS. Carlos F. .lipped and .ustained the injury,I---------------- Noyes were high spots of the which will necessitate the crlcumbrance ~~~:~:;::s CLEARANCE SALE visit to Swarthmore. Guests were Frances of a cast for several weeks. "" Noyes, of Swarthmore; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Hodge's mother. Mrs. Marjorie Guy Moulton, of Meriden, N. H., leaders Gayle, came from her howe in Arlington, of the European project; Miriam Usher, Va., Wednesday morning to he with the o! Cambridge, Mass.; David Painter, of Hodge family until her daughter's recov­Wynnewood, Pa.; Keith Moffat, Derry ery. Hull, Barbara Baer, New York City; Louise Powelson, of Syracuse, N. Y.; Mrs. Walter Rodman Shoemaker, of Lucy Marbury, of Washington, D.C.; Ar-IRiverview road, entertained with an in· thur Blackman, of Chestnut Hill, Mass. formal tea in honor of Mrs. Alden Van- Phyl accompanied hy Mr. and Mr.. Kirk, and a group of her college friends. Moulton and Mi.s Usher, left after the reunion here for the Watt Tour reunion The Misses Antonica and Camilla Fair­and week of winter sports at Putney, N. of Park avenue, entertained their H. Phyl returned home Tuesday night. Mis. Elizabeth Bowditch, of College avenue, entertained with a luncheon at the Rolling Green Golf Club last week. MANOR FREB P"uuuNG FrI.-sat. ClIABLES LAUGHTON "/AMAICA INN" Mon.-Tue. "SECRET OF DR. KILDARE" LEW AYRES LIONEL B.\B.RYMORE MEDIA Friday & Saturday 2 Shows Saturday Afternoon Starting at 1.30 P_ M. TYRONE POWER LINDA DARNELL "Daytime Wife" Warren WilliaDI-Binnie Barnes Wendy Barrie--Joan Davis Monday & Tuesday CHARLES BOYER IRENE DUNNE In 'When Tomorrow Comes' starts TodaY "THE CISCO KID AND THE LADY" wIth Cesar Romero Marjorie Weaver-Robert Ba.-rat Vb'gtnla FIelds starts FrIday "IUDGE HARDY AND SON" With MICKEY ROONEY LEWIS STONE starts Saturday "NINOTCHKA" wIth GRETA GARBO MELVYN DOUGLAS Sa~ODly ,"OBNWAYNE In "RIDE HIM COWBOY" DELCO DAIRY HOME BAKING Pie., Cake., Bread, Roll. Fresh Butler and Egg. Cot/age Chene, lelli .. INDIVIDUAL OYSTER PIES Made FrIdays STATE AND ORANGE STS. MEDIA 'Phone Media 1319 Slippery Sidewalk . Insurance We write a Liability Policy for property owners that protects against damage suits brought bJ' people who slip on sidewalks or who may be injured in any other way on the premises. Every hom.e owner and business concern needs this protection. PETER E. TOLD General Insurance Nofllry PubUe 417 DARTMOUTH AVE. Swarthmo.e 1833 EVERYTHING DRASTICALLY REDUCED SUNDAY DINNER DELUXE Considered the Finest Roast of all by the Epicure, Because the Meat is Flavorful, Tender and Juicy ••• With All the Goodness of a Steak! RIB ROASTS The crr1stocrat 01 roasts - For Com . pany dinners or a reed Sunday dinner lor the lolks at home - It's tenderl It's juicyl It's f1avor/ull Picture such a roast on your table this Sunday and feel the praise. First two ribs lb.· 32c. - 29~ EL'S COMPLETE FOOD MARKET Ch ..... Road at autpn __ ~ ... Phone - Swarthmore 2100 1940 THE SWARTHMOREAN· 8 ~;;~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~T~h~e~VV~o~m~a~n~~~G~u~ild~h~as~~p:r~. ~.e~ n~t~e~dl:th~e~S~w~a~r~th~m::o:re:,~s~C~h:oo:I~S~,.:co~m::m:i~tt~e~e:s~O~f~c~h:a~rg;.e~s~re:du;:ced, it i. no longer faced THE SWARTHMOREAN to the Pari.h a pair of Gothic lantern. Rutledge, Springfieid, Folsom and Rid- with bankruptcy and demoralizing Iiti­which have been placed at the Church ley Park; Woodlyn Lutheran Church, gation. With credit restored, it is no PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. doors. Trinity Epi.copal Church of Swarth- longer helples. to finance necessary im- THE SWARTHMOREAN, INC., PUBLISHER The regular supper meeting of the more, St. Rose of Lima Church of provements. PHONE SWABTHMORE 900 Youog People'. Fellow.hip will be Eddy.tone, Our Lady of Peace of Mil- Modernization will mean much to car PI.D E. Tow, Edilor MABJOIUS Tow, "'_r:i.u Editor at 6 P. M. this Sunday. mOllt Park, Our Lady of Perpetual Help riders, transit illve.tors and transit em- RoSALlB PBlIlIOL MARy ~ Mncu ALta: NICEEU""! New Fo~ Series of Morton and St. Franci. of Assisi of ploye •. It will provide wages for Phila­Springfield, Boy Scout. of Wallingford delphia workmen. It will mean progre.s Euterecl as Seeond CIua Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Poot and Hal F' dl C' I G' I R d S da 'J 7 9 mes, reen y Irc e, Ir e- for Phl'ladelphl'a I OfIice at Swarthmo.e, Pa., un or the Act of Much 3., 1879. A. uMn. tYhe mSournmdnagy, Maonrunainryg F,oartu m 'erves F' t D S h I W dl F' S ,Irs ay coo, 00 yn Ire To the United States District Court, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1940 Swarthmore Friends' Meeting Company, American Legion Auxiliary to City and State officials to Philadel- .4s a Tale That Is Told I n,'UI.ce, a series of four talks on "Little of Swarthmore, Phi Sigma Kappa, J un- phia newspapers and business and civic Known Books of the Bible" by Jesse iors of the Rutledge Woman"s Club, groups, and to the many others who ho '1 b" . h h Evening S\!ction of the Swarthmore 1 C()Iltributed to the solution of the long- Ho es, who wIl egLO Wit t e Woman', Club, Woman's Bible Class I' book of Judges this week. standing "transit problem, we express One of the writers of a certain old book had a way of dating events • , • and the Men's Bible Class of the gratitude. Philadelphia Transport-h f "th th k' U' h d' d" I h ~ .... L..:_Uan- S - Ch _L Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Frank ation Company exists today only be- V re erence to e year at 109 ZZ18 te. n suc a manner .......... C1en"" or.,.. 'Nyeth, Mrs. W. O. Henderson, Mr.. cause fair-minded investors and cooper-do many of us remember the passing years, not by their numerical "God" is the subject of the Lesson- 0 . J . GI'lcreest, M.r. .E .0 Thoma. , ative governmental and civic agencies designations but by the events they have impressed upon our mem- Sermon I'n all Churches of ChrIS' t, Sc,'- AMnrsd.r eSwer gSei mKposroffn, , :r.M.larrsg.a reJt. AAll.e nP, eMrrrys,. wark e d t oge tlelr 'm a gl.v e·an d -t ak e ories, Thus we utter, or we hear, such expressions as "That was the enti.t, on Sunday, January 7. The Gold- .pirit of compromise. d F. S. Reitzel, Mrs. J. E. Haines, and year Jane got married," or "that Bob graduated," or "th~t we move en Text is: "Ye .hall know tbat I am Mr.. Carl DeMo11. To PTC pa •• engers, we pledge our into the new house." in the mid.t of I.rae!. adnd that I am be.t efforts to provide .afe, friendly and One-nine-three-nine--that is J'ust a congeries of figures which t(hJoe e IL20r:dZ l)your God, an DOne eJse." A New Arrival S•e t•s Out to Help amnodd ercna psearbvliec e. eTmop ltohyee sc,o mwpaen y'p. lleodygael now has little meaning for us. But it will not be of slight meaning '., • Build a Greater Philadelphia .quare-dealing and a str~ightforward when we hear some one say "That was the year President Aydelotte Methodist Church Note& approach to mutual problems. To the resigned from Swarthmore College," or "That was the year that the Philadelphia Tran.portation Company owners of the company and to the tax- 'd l' h This evening at 8 o'clock the regular this week takes its place in the lives of payer·owners of the city-built system, Hallowe en Para e flourished under the Ig ts and shelter of the mOllthly bu.ine.s meeting of the Of- 2,000,000 Philadelphian.. we pledge efficient and re.ponsible op- College Field House," or "That was the year that the High School ficial Board will be held at the Church. We're going to try hard to earn a eration of their property. Band added color to village life with its jaunty new uniforms." On Sunday at 9 :45 A. M. the Mouth- welcome I ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For each of us the chapter headings in the tale of the years are Iy Mi •• ionary Program will take place. Philadelphia Tran'portation Com-d 'a 'fi did' • b There will be a guest speaker. The is human. It has the flesh-and- MARGARET I. .e rent as events are magm e or essene 10 Importance y the Le.son Study will follow the special character of the 60,000 men and I McK. WILCOX angle of our personal outlook. We have little to do with the choice program. women who own it and operate it. of those headings. They seem usually to be chosen for us by that The annual Roll Call Communion will their familie., almo.t a quar- SOUTHERN SPORTS "Divinity which shapes our ends." be ob.erved at 11 A. M. A brief mem- ter-million of your neighbor-Philadel- WEAR "Th M . F' , d h' service will be held lor the de- are "PTC folk .... e ovmg lOger writes; an aving Writ, members. Special recognition Philadelphia Transportation Company Moves on; nor all your Piety nor Wit be given to the families with all is al.o a unified tran'portation system, London Weather Proof Sports Goods Shall lure it !Jack to cancel half a Line, present, and to those who formed by the merger of PRT and the Nor all your tears wash out a word of it." an.wered Roll Call for the pa.t le •• or companie •. With unity, it i. no Ardmore 866 Just now Ninteen-forty seem very important numbers to us. \Ve have years. longer torn by the conflicting interest. diffi ul be h 'fhe Epworth League will meet in 6S separate· companies, which made c ty remem ring t em when we date our letters. But 'ere long Chapel at 7 P. M. This will mark progress on a city-wide .basi. SAINT GEORGE'S BOAD AND COULTER AVENUE they, too, will become less significant. May the events by which, after beginning of the 'trip aero.s the pracfi§c.:al§IY~~i~m~p~o~"~ib~l~e:.. ~W~it~h~~fi~X~C~d~~~~~;;;o;;;;o;;;;o;;;;o;;;;o;;;;o;;;;o;;;;o;~~ the numerals are forgotten, this year that now is new will be remem-Iccmtinellt' program. bered-may those events be only happy ones! Monday at 8 P. M, the Church School Board will meet at the home of Rob­Through Strangers' Eyes crt Detweiler, 53 Lewis avenue, East Lansdvwne. The annual election of of­ficers and teachers will take place at "This is no musical comedy Spain, but a true section of life in this time. h S h f S . d' 1 The Missionary Society will meet at t e out 0 pam, presente smcere y, sympathetically and with the home of Mr •. William Bittle, 125 fidelity to detail. This is a remarkable community to get a hundred I Rt.tgers avenue, Wednesday at 2 P. M. men, women and children to participate in the multiple tasks of writ- boxes will be received. The pro-ing, coaching, drilling and staging so worth while and so well done will be in charge of the W. H. M. a thing as I have just seen." evening the J uDior and This was the enthusiastic opening remar:k of a visitor to Swarth-IS,mi,,, Choirs will hold their·rehear.als more attending last week's Junior Players Club production of "Bal- the Ushers' Sport Group will meet lads, Boots and Bautizo." in the Soc..i a. l=.;H=a=-ll.. ..._ __ I tak - • I • tes a stranger to get a perspective on a community and its "ClniBtmas ill for Living" activities and what this man voiced and expanded, was seconded by another first-time visitor to the playhouse--a woman, well-traveled They had tried to keep their four-and widely experienced. old son from hearing or learning P h all h about war but, in the mysterious way . er aps t e things they said may have escaped those of us who that children have of learning .0 many live in Swarthmore and take for granted this community hobby. Per- forbidden thing., he had gained .ome haps it has escaped most of us that this playhouse is the outward .ecret knowledge of it. Seated on hi. symbol of an unusual example of civic interest, leadership, responsi- father's knee in the twilight of Christ-b'r d d . . h' hI a1 hI d· mas day, tired, and thoughtful as the I Ity an e ucatlOn 10 a Ig y P ata e an entertaming fonn. Christmas tree light. held back the en- That is what both of these visitors, independently and separately, darkne •• , he .tartled his hailed as remarkable and far-reaching in its effect. by .aying, "Daddy, war wouldn't They spoke with unreserved enthusiasm of what they had witnessed Christmas, would it? VVar i. for as an example of fostering all the creative and interpretive arts and He diadn dn oCt hkrinsotmw ast haist fhoer hliavdin gp."u t talents of an entire community. To them the Players Club was pro- tho.e few simple word. an impres­viding not only the opportunity for self-expression, but especially .ive sermon on the profound signifi­for self-development for a generation that would, as a consequence, cance of the anniversary we have so grow up with more poise, more confidence and a broader culture recently celebrate~ I through contract with good literature in drama, with the arts of CONTRIBUTE TO LOCAL staging, with the joy of effort in many directions, but toward one CHRISTMAS WELFARE common objective. Friends of Family Service of Swarth· more and Vicinity aided district fam­ilies at Christmas. Contributions of money or baskets were generously made by the following: Rotary Club, They spoke of the lesson in international understanding which came out of the play; they were amazed and delighted with the opportunity that was being given to the young people and children to participate in the setting and handling of lights, in the making of scenery, in learning make-up, as well as in acting, dancing and singing and in playing in the orchestra. CHURCH NEWS As the woman watched the crew of "stage hands" in their teens I ;';AjRTi~~~~~~~~~cmJBCB;miBCiii striking the set and clearing the stage, she exclaimed, "Look at the I' eagerness of youth addressed to its own self-appointed tasks. Do you know what a valuable thing is taking place here?" Perhaps we haven't fully realized how great a thing has been going on in our midst, or how many persons were working together for ~:JdE'i.'iffi~!:f weeks on end for the· joy of doing-and each time of doing a little s'i"f~~~~ better_ Ii< The Session will meet Friday even- ~=~~~!~~! Presbyterian Church Notes The Holy Communion will be ob­served Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. All departments of the Church School and the Men's Bible Class meet each Sunday morning at 9 :45. The Woman's Class meets at 10 o'clock in the Church. New members are invited in all classes each Sunday. The Church Hour Nur­. ery Sund·ay. at 11. The Young People's Fellowship will meet Sunday evening, January 7, at 6 o'c-Ieek. . The Boys' Choir will rehearse Sun­day afternoon at 1.:30 o'clock and the Girls' Choir Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock, in the Church. The Church School Cabinet will meet Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Dr. David McCahan, fI11 Strath Haven avenne. ing, January 12, at 8:00 otclock at the home of Elder Arthur J. Jones, 307 Dickinson avenue. The Women's Association will meet Friday, January 12. Sewing at 10 A. M., Devotional., led by Mrs. O. J. Gil­creest, at 12 :30 P. M.~ LUllcheon, fol­lowed by the Business ~leeting, at 1:00 P. M. The guest speaker for the meet­ing will be "Mother Moore." Trinity Chureh Notes Tomorrow, Saturday, on the Feast of the Epiphany, there will be a cele­bration of the Holy Communion at 10 A. M. On Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock, there will be the Epiphany-tide .ervice of Lights. All Departments of the Church School will meet at 9 :45 as usuaL 11:00 A. M.-M'~~~og- 9:45 A.l ... ·- 9:45 A.'''.-- Phone Media 61' at and DeUvery Senlee r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~ ~ January White Sale ! l Check your Linen closet alld plan to restock II l this month when prices are unllsually low. l Onr Own Special Percale Sheets l Hemmed Hemstitched l 72xl 08 ........... 1.25 1.50 I 90x108 ........... 1.60 1.80 45x38Y2 Cases . . .. .45 .60 Famou8 Cannon Fine Muslin Sheets 72x108 . . . . . . .. .95 9Oxl08 ....... 1.15 45x38Y2 Cases . . . .. .25 Webb's Famous Irish Linen Huck Towels 20x36 . . . . . . . _ ................. doz. 7.50 Irish Double Damask Table Cloths and Napkins from John S_ Brown 2x2Yz yds ................ -........ ea. 2x3 yd.... .... __ ................. ea. 22x22 Napkins 10 Match ............ doz. THE LINEN SHOP Gharlotre M. MoCardy in Charge Established 1908 6.50 7.50 6.50 l 1318 Walnut SL l it H. T_ PATrERSON Philadelphia PENnypaeker 0694 l OPEN WEDNESDAY EVENING l ______ -....-....._.-..-...-..-.--.. ______ ...-..-_________ .--._..-___ .....3 QUALITY OF SprillfllielllWater··

---------- Page 4 ----------

/ THE' JANUARY 1!NO \ ~lc~~with his new baby lister; .."....a 1 Miss Janet Anne Hetrel. of Stralb \ J born December 28. I ""ven avenue and Chester road, returll- A group of Kappa Kappa Gamma woo ~~~:.u~ J;~~~W~~ed~n~esd:?y to Penn Hall, at Loal Men Elooted by N. Co A. A. NEWSNO'fES Mrs. Benjamin W. Collins, of North Chester road, will _ lain at lundleo" and bridge -t-o;d.a.y... ._.. .- -- The National Collegiate Athletic As· sociation concluding its three-day ses­slon in Los Angeles, Cal., last Satur­day has as its newly elected vice-presi­dent for this section, Dr. E. LeRoy Mercer, of North Chester roadi and as a member at large of the council, Dr. Samuel C. Palmer, of Riverview road. Dr. Mercer is dean of physical education at the University of Penn­sylvania and Dr. Palmer is director of athletics at Swarthmore College. , I I See Gimbel Award Presented Messrs. George and Hen~ W.Uburn where she will r-men met at the home of Mrs. Martha" - R. Blessing, of Elm avenue. Tuesday and John W. Peirsol, aU of. her studies, spending a few weeks' for a day of sewing. more, attended a New Year's week--eDd ...... ~-t oo Wl·th her -..... --..M.r .aa.d _,,-. . The group sews 2 days each mouth house party given by Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hetzel, Jr. William Hathaway, of Downingtown. for the American Friends Service Com· Loca1 students who returned to their mittee. Bobby Lange, son of Prof.ssor and at George Sehool Wednesday ai- Mrs. E. o. Lange, of Baltimore pike, ter the· holiday vacation iDclude l<iuIr;y Mr. Kniskern's mother. Mrs. A. D. has been iU with pneumonia since McCurdy, J'byl and Volty Vana, Ann Kniskern, of Hastings, Mich. spent the December 19, hopes to be able to reo Hobll1SOll" Carter l:imith, VICk l:ibaw. AI­ilolidays with Mr. and Mrs. Pbilip turn to school in a week or so. Ian liaIi. hUiott RIchardsoo, HiU Ash· l\..niskerDt of Riverview road, and remain with them until the middle Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fitts and their ton, Vave Mercer! Hill Hassett, l'age Hul- January, when sbe leaves to complete children Nancy EUen and Frances lock a:nd l<red l:i1DlODS, of l:iwannmore; winter in st. Petersburg, Fla. turned from Coconut Grove. Florida, and lUnay ~ Hilly Clarke, 01 Wailing· on Wednesday. ford.. I Mrs. J. Horace Walter, of the Mrs. George A. Hoadley. of Walnut The Fitts wiu spend the remainder David Sboom.ker, sen of Mr. and Mrs. Evening Seelion Open Ho_ (C ... _f .... ~ o.J was the first showing of the Greek Play staged at the reunion of the Col­lege Class of 1889,' a:nd recorded in . color by tbe clever photography' of . Dean Speight. At tbe termination of the pictures. tea was served, with Mrs. Martin B. Young and Mrs. Roland L. Eaton pre­siding at the tea tabl .. Swarthmore Needlework Guild; Mrs. lane, and Miss Florence Hoadley spent the winter in the home of Mrs. AI· Walter l<ooman Sboemaker, of River· Sewell W. Hodge, of the local Red New Year·s week with Dr. Georgel B. bert G. Thatcher, 01 South Chester vIew road, returned to Ius C'as..,. at Hav- C, ,f t •• .,J P.., Cross, and Mrs. Roland L. Eaton rep· I Hoaclley in Leyington, Mass. Tbeir a des! road. I er10rd College Tuesday eVernJJg. His holi. e.. .' 7 tI/ .- resenb'ng the Woman's Club, attended Peter. has just recovered from pneu- Mr. and Mrs. James E. Evans form· h ouse guest, Garey W mstow. a1 uual· ,no... ,PA.I.Il_< Aw_- the Gimbel Award Luncheon on. Thuhr s- erly 0 f K ew G ard ens, N . Y OJ are tunoreI,. ...M!~ d.. also' a classmat...,..·, accomn~- . Lr.=~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~'Pb~o~n~ei;;;;~~;;;;;;=i1 day 01 last week in PhiladelphIa w en Mr. a:nd Mrs. Alban E. Rogers, of residents of 401 Park avenue. ww. Mrs. Thomas Potter. Jr., winner of Park avenue, had as their holiday guests this year's $1000 award, turned Mr. and Mrs. Robert Metcalf, of Dayton, Mis. Myra Wiltiams. of Moylan. was amount over to the Red Cross. Mrs. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf have just confined to her home with the grippe Potter has been production chairman returned from a two year's trip in Europe during the holidays. of the l'hiladelphia area of the Red where they took photographic slides of Cross lor many years. all the old cathedral colored glass win· Mrs. William I. Hul~ of Walnut lane. Miss Frances Armitage, daugbter of Dr. and Mrs. l'erClval Armitage, of Harvard avenue, has returned to her studies in the department of Dramatics Harcum Jumor College, lJryn Mawr, after enloymg tbe holidays at home. • I • I~~::~which will be presented to the mu- has left to spend a few weeks in Flor- M I! in this country. ida. Fortnightly P08t·Holiday eet Nancy Fawcett, 01 Ridley ParI<, form· Mrs. John R. Bates, of North Chester Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. O. Redgrave, at l:iwarbunore, and Hetty Jean J'it- The Fortnightly will meet at the Hac· road, entertained with a party in honor of Vassar avenue, will entertain with man, of Vassar avenue, returned Wed· Yard avenue home of Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop of her small son, Johnny, on his first dinner and bridge party this Saturday to Mary Washington College, next Monday afternoon, January 8. Mrs. birthday. His little Iriends, Nancy New· evening. Va. Philip C. Snow, of Wallinglord, will reo Patsy Jones, John McCahan, Ray· I view "They Wanted to Live". by Cecil I m'mG Lassiat and Jackie McVay. att.en<I· Mr. John W. Peirso~ of Lafayette Samuel Dyer Clyde, Jr. 01 Swarthmore Koberts. . the party with their parents and a few avenue. is accompanying Mr. Ernest L·I avOllU,e, returned Wednesday to Ithaca, Green, of Media, to Tampa, Fla., for N. Y., where he will resume his studies MU8icai ••• Students in Holiday Party a position. The pair left Swarthmore Cornell University. Mrs. Harold G. Griffin, of Rutgers yesterday morning. Eleanor Schofield Fawcett entertained her students at a holiday party last Sat· urday aftemoon at her home on South Chester road. It was the third meeting of the season in music appreciation and the group which bas been stndying bow ml!Sic began, ancieilt instruments and de­velopment of the keyboard instrument, discussed the composer Gluck, known as the Father of Modern Opera. Musical games· followed and carols were played and sung, accompanied by Peggy Jane ltincliffe and her violin. avenue, entertained her Sunday School Miss Shirley Shaw. of North Chester class with a luncbeon Thursday 101- Mr. and Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge, 01 road, returned Wednesday to Sweetbria:r. lowed by a theater party at the Play· aveune, will entertain at diuner Va., where she will resume cla .. es at ers Club where they attended "Bal· hridge this evening wben their guests COUege. lads, Boots and Bautizo." will be members of a bridge club to which Dr. and Mrs. E. Fullerton Cook, of they belong. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lincoln and Wallingford, entertained eighteen for- Mrs. Lincolu's brother and sister-in-law, . d. Mr. and Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes" of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup, of Hav-eign students with Christmas mner Princeton avenu~ will leave Fri ... erford avenue, entertained with a New last Sunday evening. Siam, Cuba, Puer- 12, to· spend the Year's EVl'nina ft!I..-tv at the Lincoln's to Rico. Hawaii, China and British Col- N J - II""" "'J umbia were the countries represented. . • home, Spruce street, Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur B. Conrow, of Mf and Mr Elll t Ri·L_.~.- f La Mrs. Vir"'nia Boyd and Mrs. Verna • s. 0 ....... W>Un, 0 • o· Elm avenue, entertained a few friends fayette avenue, _·tertain· ed t ~:-".- Kane, both of Lansdowne, entertained - a - I I • of their former classmates of the Saturday evening. bridge last Saturday. Win in Holiday Card Play I ~:~~~:;~.~~ High School on Wednesday Evelyn Dyke Van De Boe, of CoUege E. LeRoy Mercer Jr. entertained at a I, December Zl. Among those pres· avenue, alter spending the.·holidays with stag dinner party preceding the George Holiday winners of the Crum Creek were Virginia Little, Alice Erb. CarD- parents, Major and Mrs. D. G. Vail School Seninr Dance last Wednes4ay ev- Bridge Club. at the Strath Haven Inn Ii"e Hoadley, Ruth Lukens, Mary Cr... Boo, left Tuesday to resume her .stu- ening. on December 26 were Mrs. Sewell W. son. Betty Taylor. Antonica Fairbanks, at Mansfield State Teachers' College, Hodge and Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern. Polly McVay and Phyllis Henry. Also Mansfield, Pa. ' Miss M.. EsteUe Dow, of Syracuse, d S h . h M W I present was Mrs. Grace Wilson MiUer, Y th bolida h 1 top, Nprth an out, WIt rs. a· formerly of the Latin de-· ........ t. The t.~·.rn o'·f·Bun·,ce Ea·too arid ."C_·, waa e y ouse guest a ter Dickinson and I. R. MacElwee. sec- .-- '"" """" and Mrs. J. H. JessuP. of Haverford and; Mrs. Joseph B. Blakiston and a;ver,ue"I Redgrave to Bucknell Uoiversity Lin-lavenule. Mr. Millard Rewis. of Yale den Hall respectively has been Mrs. Franklin S. Gillespie, first, East W f S sb ---------------- d left ednesday or t. Peter urg. by illness. and West, and Laurence Stabler an Iwhp". he wilt attend the Agency Direct- SHUHOLZ CHOCOLATE SHI()P i Walter Dickinson. second. On Tues- OfS' Meeting which is in progress from Miss Charlotte Griffi~, of R~tge~s day of this week the January tourna- January 8 until 12. Upon his return he returned to her classes at Buck-ment was opened. Weekly winners "II £ b . f .. ·th his WI stop or a rIe VISit WI SOD University, Lewisburg. Pa. Wed-were! North and South-Mrs. Sewell and da ug h ter·m. ·1 a w, the R ev. and M rs. nesday afternoon. W. Hodge and Mrs. Wallace M. Mc' Millard Rewis, Jr .• and son at their Curdy, tirst; Mrs. Walter R. Shoema- home in Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Rewis and Robert Hanzlik. of Cornell avenue, ker and Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern, sec- Miss Lydia Rewis will travel to Norfolk returned to the University of Michigan ond; Mrs. Wayne Randall and Mrs. to spend the week-end of the 13th with Monday afternoon~ after spending the John Murphy, third; East and West- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bayard H. Morrison and S. Frank But.. Hanzlik. ler, first; Laurence Stabler and Walter Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Todd, of Dickinson, secondj Mr. and Mrs. Fred New York City, are spending a few Wilson. third. weeks_visiting their son-in-law and daugh- --.....o. . .~ ,_-- ter, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bates, Bridge Club in Christmas Party North Chester road. The Bates spent Christmas in New York City at the bome of Mr. Bates' mother, Mrs. Clarice B. Bates. Members of the Swarthmore Bridge Club and a few guests enjoyed their an­nual Christmas party on Dec. Zl. After the duplicate play, seven tables pa~ci.. Mr. and Mrs. Louis VI. Flaccus, Jr., pating, a very ample supper was ser:ved spent the holidays with Mrs. Flac-by the committee in charge. cus's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rod. .... The winners of the were as man Shoemaker, of Riverview road, have follows, North and Soiut1i: . First, S.I •• '""n'" to their borne in Westtown. Frank Butler and E. C. Lappey; second, Genevieve Reavis, of University place, left TUesday lor Randolpb-Macon School where she will resume her stud­ies. Miss Sara_ Marie Disque, of Strath Haven avenue, has returned to her studies at Salem College. Winston·Sal­em, N. C. Jim Davis. of Amherst avenue, re­turned to his classes at Harvard Uni­versity, Cambridge, Mass. 1011'ABK AVENUB 'PhoD.e 8wuthJa.on ZIM 0W1l Make Candl .. -.-- DaIl7 SOc lb. As8t'd Chocolates & Bon BoOB Completely Air-COnditioned Open All Night • Skates Sharpened AT SUPLEE'S 11 SOtlTll CBBSTBB BD.-I'IlOD.. I. 16th Anniversary Sale! MURRAY'S H .. ,., Sch .. ffner 1I M .. r" Clodau 621 Edgmont Ave. Chester ONE ROAD STAYS OPEN This week-or next week­a atorm may block the high. ways, mald"g it difficult or dangerouB to travel. Per· haps you'll say, uI don't· think I'll take that trip to· day. I'll telephone instead." We have prepared for that storm. When it comes, we think you'n find your can wiD go through a8 usual­quickly. clearly. depend· ably'" The Ben Telephone Company of Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs .. Norman Fxicke;.third., Mr. Mr. George F. Blessing, of Elm ave­and Mrs. Edward Lennard.. East and nue, will entertain the members of his West: First, Mrs. John Murphy·and Mrs. bridge club this evening. iPtuartf)mofe j}ational .auk anb tErust ~ompan!, Harry Lang; second, Mrs. L. Rankin and Miss Linda de Armond, of Park ave- Mr. Wm. Macaller; third, Mr. John Bowditch and Mr. John Bowditch, Jr. entered the Taylor Hospital. Ridley Tuesday evening, to undergo a ••• Iwe.ek's ohservation. Mothers Club to' Meet Tbe Swarthmore Mothers' Club will meet on Friday, January 12, at 2 :30 P. M. at the home of Mrs. John G. Moxey, Jr .• on Possum Hollow road, Wallingford. Little J ohony McKenna, of Springfield, is spending a few weeks with his grand. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Black, of avenue, while his mother, Mrs. McKenna, Jr., is ,i n the Crozer JOBN I.ZNCZ., IITC. PRINTERS PHOTO-LITHOGRAPHERS BOOKBINDERS 8th STREET NEAR SPROUL, CHESTER,' PA. Statement at the Close of Business December 30, 1939 Resources Cash Reserve .. , ......... S United States Bonds and Cert. Other Bonds and Securities .. Loans and Disco~ts ...... . Real Estate and Fixtures .. , . Other Resources .......... 480,955.94 645,170.64 486,424.34 605,525.02 114,144.31 1,886.93 . S 2,334,107.18 Liabilida Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Surplus ............... . Undivided Profits and Re-serves Deposits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 125,000.00 150,000.00 77,643.01 1,981,464..17 $ 2,334,107.18 , . Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation . Member Federal Reserve System YOUR A.CCOUNT SOUCITED 1940 THE 5 Early 1940 Aecldents 'Art thou he that should come, or do church afe not required to express their I!:; !~'IO~o:.~o·u:u.~~. ~v:= we look for another?' Jesus replied by. convictions in the foregoing or any 0180\." dated "une 6. 192Z apd I'OCOZded • Thomas C. Walton, of Congress ave- pointing to his works, saying, 'Go and othe~ fi~ed term~. Neverth.eless, ~bis· :,.~~~ =D.N~. 4~~. =!!:e = nue, Springfield, is in the Taylor Hos .. shew John again tbose things which apphcant 5 conclUSions were unpresslVe. delM.Tlbed .. follow.; pital, Ridley Park, with a compound ye do hear and see: the blind receive Beo .......... , • pOlnl 10.- b7 &be ....... {ralture of the right leg and a gash their sight, and the lame walk, the SHEJUi'F'S SALE OF REAL ESTATID eection of the oortbeut.erb' elde or JI.aplewoo4 the right eye among other in-1lepel's are cleansed, and the deaf heat. Av",uue (lor", feet wjde) _Uh ,1M wtl&erll II SberUI's OfBce, C"our1. HOU6e. Media. Penna. aide 01 KU"klAad. AVeDll8 Uor17·Jlve toft wide) juries sustained when he fell asleep at dead are raised up, and the poor &.Iu.l lOe SOUlbweet.er1¥ aide of 1'._ A.ftIl1I8 the wheel of his car while returning to have the gospel pr!ached unto them. Saturday. JanlW"l 27. 1940 !t:I~~'i'::e° m:~ home. And blessed is he, whosoever shall not 0:30 A. 111. Eaatem Standard TiDle ~"CllUO llonb &eveD'T·lour de,.,. I.WeD\".u The accident occurred on North be offended in me..' minules we.t oue bundred aDd l.went.,·4n fool. I CoudlUon.e: 1260.00 cash or rerWled cbeck to a. powt • corDer or 10~ .No. 63 on Pld plan. Chester road slightly north of Cot ege lilt is as if he had said: These people at. time 01 1810 (unleu otherwbe .tated iD. ad- theflC!i8 cz.tend.lDJ" uOl1hwa.rd17 b7 IIAld lot. 110. avenue at 7.55 A. M. Monday, January sick and in trouble. Neither pre- dvueritoln&se monen dUa,7 boaira ns(.a'(!l1e . In ten dll¥S, Other OOD~ "0613 1t.wIJ" e.n.t )l'1 uaen dc urtwvwo-s& et.oo tu\b efe elte. ftm tOhlee dollrl .ain8c8aI 1. The car was a total wreck. systems of religion nor medicine to a pol.n\ a a>roer 01 10' liD. 101 OD .aid Margaret Wilson, who makes her were capable of healing them. But look Levari Faclaa No. O"l' plan. theoce utendtDJ" alon .. .aid lot. No. 101. M G A north e1sh",·aeven 4q1'eeI. \blrt7-J1n mlnut.e.. "","",=","=",.;;·O~R~S~Aiilii.E~;;;;;;;;;;;U;;-;;:;;;; home with Mr. and rs. eorge . at them nowl They're well and happyl September Term. 1939 eaR oue buoared aoU tWeD.ll· leet. 1.0 me ~FOf...t... i_O>K'W.DoO -_H om. on Hlll, pleasantly and Bretz, of South Princeton avenue, fig- Could I send to John more convm· '_"m g' AU thaI certain lot or pie<.'8 of ground with l.t8IO UaIlh.eWnedsilenrcb t saiodue th0e1u tlwI'ua.rlder! 1A vaelnounee. a,Dbed Ilbfe~~e::~~~~~,.",h_ea-=t",.=Be_aoo-=--=n~.. in another early morning a<;s:ident proof? CO'Uld I oiler him clearer evi.. tbe buildings and improvements thereon erecS- eam.e and \be we8ler1.7 aide or the aald Kirk· FOD •• S ~.... - _,.. .... B ... 1 o tv, pe· nUllO. Either B. C. on New Year's 1D ba y.I Re4t uArn iMng thto dence of what constitutes true. practical, ed, II1tual.e in lbo Borollih or SWarlb:mOre'!lIWd Avenue. by a 1108 c;!Ul'T~ w tho riCbt CountJ' of Delaware. State of PeDDQ'lvawa. whh a radiua of I.wo hl.lDdred aDd. eil"b\:r·\WO A. or Zenith. Good eondltion. 330 North Swarthmore short y e ore .. e satisfying religion i' deswusted and known WI lot. No. 13ij on plan. . aDd sls.tJ".lour one-bUD~1ha fee1. the c1iItAnc:o Princeton avenue. car in which she was a passenger ap- of '!'rae\ No. I, 01 lands of tbe Swarthmore \01 JluJ".nine and leven lentbl feeL t.o \be ftnt ~:e::.Tr ~p.~rV=· a~~~e~¥:::~ parently struck an icy spot at the ap- Cites lmpreaive lnddenl =-P:ev~::I~~ ~mJ:' i:~!3i: i~n~ ::: menUolled poInt and place 01 bectuD1D&'. phone S\vatthmore 158-R. proach of the Sproul Bridge and hit the "Recently a young man applied for G, .No.6, page 619 &c •• boWlded aod d.e1JCribed Under and aubjed to certain b~ re- FOR BALE-Tuxedo and. vest lor man 5 ft. brid"'e abuttment, badly damaging the membership in a local Christian Science 88 fodowa. tl;t wit: aU'lct.lons. 11. Perfect condition. Telephone SW. 2269. toS he is now in the Chester Hospit- church. Dura• ng t h e customary exam.t n- Begir..nlDg" a' a point aD the llor&heaat.erlT 1m.provements conms\ 01 twO and ooe-haJJ with cuts and bruises of the head and he told the membership commit.. aide of Dlckill80n Avenue ad a distance or four stOJ'Y BU)De and stucco houle. 34SZi Joet; f d hUDdled. leet 8OutbeaatwardlJ' from the 101l\h- porch iront..· .tucco addition. lOuO fool. face, a fractured left leg and fractured he had gone rom one enom- easterlY side 01 Yale Avenue (forb" foe" wlde): 'SLUctO caraa-e. 10xl8 reel.. J·a,,,'. The driver of the car was hurt inalion to another in what seemed to Contalninlr In,,fro,'lor bredadth onndol ald DI' ..\.~.·.... f • 1 f G d SOD Avenue n,. eel an exte OS" 0 .-- Sold as the propeny of Loula J'i8<:hpaper less seriously. to be a rUlt ess search or o. wldth In leng1.b or deplh nonhe8lltw~ be- and .M.Dl"J" lI'iach&'rapet. mortc .... on. aDd. llarr ;i~~;1.!I~l~~i~iil Dr. PalmIe Ir I Honored eFnincael layn dh et hhearde tfuorunnedd tthoa tC fhorri swtihainc hS chi e.. ,o\wf eDenic kplanraaollne lA Hveoneu. el it.t. wrols bhtu nadnrrleed& i,e.'8o L. at.d Bide oInw&nCebr.g raper. a16() kDown aa 4l.&rJ" Oaklq. real longed, namely, a satisfying reli.. Under and subjecl. to ClU1.aln condlUon.e a:nd HOWARD 111. LUTZ. AUoroll7. restric1.lona B8 therein mentioned. . Dr. Samuel C. Palmer, of Riverview WlLLlAllil w. llcXlM. Sberi.1I • :;:=~_, road, dl·rector of athletics at Swarth- uWh en th e comml· ttee as ke d the ap. . cerAt.laI51(n) umnodretrc aanpd d a.eubbt jeocr' pt.rol Dtch:lep aPl aaJtuDm8D ~t.f v•e more College, was tendered a testi-I plica,"t why he felt so sure, he answered thousand dollars. with lntereaL, as therein men­monial dinner jointly with John A. that it was because he had found in Uooed.. SHEJ:I.1FF SALES I S T h h P · . Sber.l.U 13 Offi(.e. Cour, HulllM>, Media. Penna. Va'Vls. 0 tevens ec, at t e enn Christian Science a religion whose lmpruvements coILBiat 01 two stOfJ' stucco' Atl11etic Club. Philadelphia, shortly be- teaching was based· upon a changeless, howe. 21.I33 leel: enclosed front. porch; one ba\Ul"\1lQ'". JaouarJ" 20. 1940 Chr· !mas. ·1 bl d·· p.. I AI at..ofJ' atuet.'O addition. 916 1eet; alU-CC.!O ..... 11&8. IS ever-aval a e. 1VlDe rlnClp e. - 2l.x21 leet. I 9:~U A. M. i:aetero Standard. Time Dcle"'ates from twenty-four univer- I·th 1 a meager understand o • w onx . .. 80ld a8 tho propertJ' of Edson P. Young aDd ·ColH1.i.\lolls: $250.00 Cuh or cer1ifled che..k sities and colleges gathered for the an- mg the subject, he said that he bad Blanehe A. YOURS. hie wife. mortp,cl;trs and ., llrue 01 tUlle tunlea& uthel'W18e alated. lJl WST nual meeting of the Middle Atlantic overcome a number of physical difficul .. Blanche A. Young. real owner and Mrs. James adveruaementl. baJ.ance in ten darB. O,her LOBT--8mall brown purse contalltlng keys States Athletic Association. He had even been led to steady em- DOUJ:herlY. terre tenant. (."O~WUODS on d&J' 01 sale. aud change. Reward. Return 'to The s"w~_~~~o~reg:an~o~m~ce~. ==:======= the dinner at which Palmer and ployment in 1l.1e midst_ of world-wide EDW. H. P. FRONEFIELD, AUorneJ'. Fieri Fadas ::;;; were presented with silver plates unemployment. lIavipg proved this di- ' September Term. 1939 No. 864 i~~~!mn~~~~:.~~~~~qDr. E. LeRoy Mercer,, of Nortfh vine Principle to be demonstrable in Lev. ari Faclaa No. 769 All that (.ertain lot. or piece of pound. with road. Swarthmore, director 0 ways, he said he was convinced September Term. 1039 tae hutldloga and improvemenla tbenon education at the University of that it was demonstrable iii aU WaY'. . erected. thtual.e at. La.nadowne. in the TOWD' vania. Dr. Palmer has been . . "\ _ f All :tbal. cert.aln.)ot 0 .... piece 01 I.aD4 wta.. ship of LIpper DarbJ". County 01 De1awue and . . depart- "To be sure. those who apPlY or the bUUding'S and improvements tbereon erecI--. Slate 01 .Penneylvanla. BIureaa1d. bcinI 10\ l!~. ~~~~~~~: the Swarthmore athletic b h' . the Christian Science ad Situate on the southeasterly corner 01 NBII- 27 and tbe uotthwardly hall 01 10\ No. :.30 I ment since 1912 and Davis is celebra11inlJ I mem ers IP 10 BaU Boulevard and Firat Street in the Borouah on the Plan oC Lanedowoe. known as tbe .",~~iii::'-; S 1~~~6~~~~~~~~~~~ of Prospect Park, in the Coo;'17 01 Delaware ;t;d~BOE rr:(;r~e Wlt'a:: .. u%. _ his twenty-fifth year at tevens. ~oreaald. Thence extendln6 north aixtJ"~B.. ... beln' .... cW.Jed. .1. ld.edla !II ~D'ee0d6 'BUoa o:cki. ~··K~" • • degreea t.wenty·seven minutes east by the IIOUth· .No g 1:. PlICe 624 and deBtl~bed as lollowtl Local Chri8ti·an SCI-enlists eri)' Uoe or First Stree\ slxt,. leet; theoce south 10 ~ll: lSeginnlng at. a POlO\. on \be. northeul.· t.wenty-four de.-reee thll1J'·thr~ minutes eMt. erJ,. IIlde I;tf Owen Avenue ,lift.,. reel wide) Attend Media Lecture ·at. righ\ angleB to the Baid JrirSt Street.. one t.hree bundred aud nine and six one-bundredths RENT-POSSESSION AT ONCE Cenn'aUy Located A lecture on Christian Science en .. titled "Christian Science: A Satisfying iiiii;miiij EBBKJNE.· hundred and five feet; thence &Ou\h adxt.J'-Avo fee' nurthweaI,wardly 1rom the nonhweaWl1 decrees \wenlJ"·soven minutes weat. IllI:U' teo,· aide of .Marehall ltuad. ContainlDl" in IroW. or t.o the easterlY line .01 ·aald Boulevard~ t.beD.ce breadth on tno aald Owen Avenue seveoU' north twenty-four degree!! thlrl.7-three miDutei lee' BUd exlendinC" of lbal wldl.b 10 len"h weat. . ODe hundred and five feet. to tbe plaoa or dep\h nor\beut.wardly from lbe Dor1be8ll"~ Four bedrooms, Iar,e lawn, 2.oear car­01 beginning. DeJng knl;tWD &II lots NOB. 338 erly BlUe of Owen Avenue and between par· ale. 175 a m0l'~ll Harvard Ave. Religion" was given by Robert Stanley Elecutrtx. Ross, C. S. B., of New York City. mem.. 307S wEalmrth Amvoerneu, eP. a. ber of the Board of Lectureship of or to her Attorney •. Notary WM. S. BITI'LE Swarthmore lll-J Publlc -' lDIurance - Real The Mother Church, The First Church EDWARD F. HITCHCOCK. of Christ. Scientist. in Boston, 1_S-~d1a· Pa. last Sunday afternoon, December S:~;~;Y;;;'ii-P:~~~;;;;~;; CIENO.RE-NU-IT CO. in the Media Theatre. Many Swartb-IB ·o:':!.':~N.r·.,!~!::"i~.~::: QuaU,,. ClearAdl"te"r, aDtiroiDn B, T•.a i:l.o...r.i. ng moHroeawnasr dw Pe.r e· Blinad eas~tt efnirdsfa·nrec"ea.d er~ ~ri:f:th:e~ \!~~~~~~~~ ~b:~n:~~~ 'Phone. Chester 64016 First Church of Christ, Scientist, demandl ..-alilst. the 614-18 WELSH ST., CHESTER Swarthmore, introduced the '::::' ~ Free Call aDd DeU"erT Se",iee who said in part: requeded to __________ .:... ____ \ "Why is it that the Christi~n S(:ience to Anna If. SECRETARIAL SUBJECTS movement grows apace, notwitbstand· ~"::: Shorthand Typiuc EucliBh ing the world's lagging interest in the things of Spirit? There is a reason for Da)'" & Evelli.q ela"e. everything; there must be a reason Individual InstructioD for this. What is it? Is it not because MEDIA SECRETARIAL SCHOOL Christian Science affords a healing reo Media, Pennaylvania f h h h I I Phone MedIa .1936 Write lor ctrcuIa:r fuge or t ose w 0 are ope ess y afraid. sick, discouraged .. and in want? it not because, after aU material ELECTRICIAN alld aau on Plan of Proapecl Terrace. ailed lines at. ric-bt ao,i.e8 to Owen Ayenue . OU6 hundred abO el.gbt.y .five and 000 \eDth Bounded on the nor\beaat and &outheatl. b7 feet. other IllDds of the said Frank oJ. WoneU ot.. ux. Improvements consls' of framo buogall'w. 27.39. leet: framo gar8lJe, 26118 feet. Sold' as \he propertJ' of Frank J. Worrell s.nd MarT A •• hI8 .. wife •. mortg8sora. a.n.d Asnes A,. W1l6ank:" widow_of. Cbarles. H. Wllbaok. deceased aDd Daniel·· Dougherty, real ownen, :md t.ef·ro teoant. if 807. OEORGE .. B, HARVEY. AttomlW~ Levari Jl'aclBlt No. 402 . September Term. 1939 Bounded on the northwest by lot No. 29 on said plan. on the nOJ1.beUl b7 101. NOB. 12 and 13. on &be 8Ou&heuL bJ' «bel' p.n of 101. Nu. 26 and OD IOUlb. ... '" b7 Owen Avenue atoreaald. Under and lubJcSct. 'to' 6Br\all\ e6Ddiiiciwi' aDd. reatrlctiolll. Improvement. conaUt of t.wo and one-balf story atone and. MUeco han.. 27 Ii: 83 fee\; porches front and side: one story atueco addt· tlon, 1:& x 9 feet; stucco prop. 18 lI: 18 feet. Sold as the propertJ' 01 Frank D. StOkell and Mabel COOpel' Stokea. All lhoBe two certain lots or pieces of CHARLES S. BASELNUBS. AttorDe7. JoITOund Wlt..h the buildIngs aDd Improvements thereDn erected Situate in lbe ToWlUlhip of Upper Darby, in the Count,. 01 Delaware and State of Pennsylvaoi&.. Being known 88 lop 1 12·2903t WlLLIAM W. Hc"KIM, Sheriff. I mealls have lailed, Christian Science Houac w1rlDg of all kJ.Dda. QuiCk reveals the availability of Godls all- ~:m=t r=t:'im!e;:::r:d protecting, aU-providing goodness WOOD ELECTRIC SERVICE love 1 S"ar. '1273 "When John the Baptist wondered QaUu; to. Btjubd '/,(~ ~~~~riNi;Ss'1 whetber Christ Jesus was the looked· for Messiah. he sent two of his dis- IN to the Master with the question, EDWIN KElJEY, Jr. YOUR JEWELER 25 East 7th St. Chester (OppOSite .New State Theatre) 'Phone· A. Wayne Mosteller Electrical Contractor Telephone Swarthmore 2295 CALL 1896 ELECTRICAL SHOP A ...... MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON IOSEPHB. QUINBY FUNERAL DIRECTORS BELL PBONBt MEDIA., l'&. COAL and COKE FUEL OIL VAN AliEN BROS. Phone Sw. 10412 WOOD KOPPERS COKE SUN FUEL OIL PIANO .TUNING THE LOST CHORD the only selection that can be played on the out-of·fnne piano. A. L. PARKER Media, Pa. Phone Media 459-M YE Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER Swarthmore 19 EXTERMINATING E""/udre--Reuonable--Pri",",, OLD COLONY LAB. Box D, Swartbmorean Serving the. Homes of Philadelphia and Suburbs with Good Coal for 40 Years Mason Heflin co Ale o. Sworthmore 6 Swarthmore 345 ..... ..... .... .. - 1920 Lighting All During 1940? BtMjUt. iIt8 JV(MIJ. 'lfetU IN, ©®~Wil1r[t®~[t~@ Provide proper lighting that makes seeing easier and e1im- . . ... inates eyestrain. Give your eyes a break this coming year with well distributed light. You'll be amazed at the change! Our home lighting specialists will be glad to make a free surv~y, showing you the exaCt intensity of your present light­ing and recommend safe.seeing illumination. The service is free; just call our office and ask for Home Lighting Service! i 5 • • •• • ! I I PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Live ElectriCflllyand Save . , ,. - ! .:',. ., , ,

---------- Page 5 ----------

6 Toy Shop Spreads Joy to Many Famlly Service Christmas Project Climax of Long Preparation For Holiday Welfare THE SWARTHMOREAN acted as hoste .. e. to the mothers and thoughtfully dressing them since last fathers invited to select those things summer. selected with the individual family and its need well in mind. They were made colorful and f.stive by the Christ­mas stockings donated by the Junior's of the Woman's Club. JANUARY 5, lMO would derive the most ple.sure from them. • • On Sdenee Pro..,am most wanted by their youngsters. Toys Following the close of the to)' shop were generously donated by nlany on the afternoon of r~ursday, Dece.m­townspeople through their children and ber 21, the toys remaining after havmg stored on Dartmouth avenue through given 328 children glfts were sent to the kindness of Kearns Plaucho. CoI- Chester to be dis\ributed among the leclions were made by the Boys Scouts children w~ose Christmas would be and the Juniors of the Woman's Club made happIer by them. A glimpse into the Swarthmore Wo- sorted the games. The toy. were re.. On the morning of Friday, December man's Club on the days immediately paired by Alexander Dryden who spent ZZ, there was great activity in the base­preceding Christmas would have given many helpful hours at. this work. The men~ of the Woman's Club where !It­an idea of the welfare activity carried dolls were made brIght and new tentlon was centered, on assembling on by the Family Service Borough through the interested effort of Mrs. baskets of food to be given to the many Hall. 'A. F. Jackson and her committee. families needing them. Baskets con- Gay and interesting toys filled Jong Among the doUs were also many new tained a liberal amount of can goods tables attractively arranged in the rOOm ones donated by the American Legion all of which were donated by the where members of the Woman's Club Auxiliary. members of which had been Swarthmore Schools. Each basket was In this manner the Family Service provided happiness for seventy-one families. In addition to this arl'all/le­ments were made through the Service to care for one hundred and six fam­ilies through the donation of other or­ganizations and individuals. Crisp new dollar bills in attractive Christmas fold­ers were given to elderly people living atone and receiving old age assistance. Nineteen Christmas trees, many al­ready decorated, were given by the schools and used by. the families who Among the Swarthmoreans on the program at the winter meeting of the American Association for Advancement of science held December 27 until Jan­uary 2 at Ohio State University, Col· umbus, 0., where Dr. J. R. Kline, of Riverview road, who is vice-preside'nt of American Association for the Ad­vancement of Science; and Frank Speck, of Cornell avenue, who is a member of the American Association of Anthropologists. A NEW ARRIVAL SETS OUT TO HELP BUILD A GREATER PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia Transportation Company this week takes its place in the lives of 2,000,000 Philadelphians. We're going to tty hard to earn a welcome I Philadelphia Transportation Company is human. It has the flesh-and·blood character of the 60,000 men and women who own it and operate it. Counting their families, almost a quarter-million of your neighbor-Philadelphians are "PTC folks." Philadelphia Transportation Company is also a unified trans­portation system, formed by the merger of PRT and the lessor companies. With unity, it is no longer tom by the conflicting interests of 65 separate companies, which made transit progress on a city-wide basis practically impossible. With fixed charges reduced, it is no longer faced with bank­ruptcy and demoralizing litigation. With credit restored, it is no longer helpless to finance necessary improvements. Transit in Philadelphia now will go forward-steadily for. ward, until our city has the finest transit system in America. Work will start at once on a vast modernization program which ultimately will bring to Philadelphians the speed and comfort of hundreds of modem street cars and buses, and many other improvements. Plans for the initial step of this program were studied at the fu:st meeting of the Board of Directors, and details will be announced shortly. Modernization will mean much to car riders, transit in"e<tors and transit employes. It will provide wages ror Philadelptua workmen. It will mean progress for Philadelphia! To the United States District Court, to City and State officials, to Philadelphia newspapers and business and civic groups, and to the many others who contributed to the solution of the long-standing transit problem, we express our gratitude. Philadelphia Transportation Company exists today only because fair·minded investors and cooperative governmental and civic agencies worked together in a give-and·take spirit of compromise. To PTC passengers, we pledge our best efforts to provide safe, friendly and modern service. To the company's loyal and capable employes, we pledge square-dealing and a straightforward approach to mutual problems. To the owners of the company and to the taxpayer-owners of the city·built system, we pledge efficient and responsible operation of their property. A. IIAll'OUR BRI!IDIAN PAnuCK /. CALlAGHAN W. FINDLAY DOWNS atAIW!S B. EBERT GIIORGB R. m.uorr Board 01 Dirt!ctors JOSEPH P. GAFFNEY JOSEPH GILPILLAN JOHN A. GREEN ALBERT M. GREENFIELD lID"" ARD HOPKINSON. IR. DAN1I!I. HOUSEMAN BERNARD /. KELLEY ROBERT B. LAMBERTON A. A. MITTEN MARSHAU S. MORGAN C. STI!VIINSON N1!WHAI.1. CHARLES /. I'OMMI!R J. HENRY SCA'ITERGOOD RAlPH T SENTER JOSEPH SIIARFSIN lBREMIAH /. sutUVAN. /II. • SWAI~THM()I~E CnLLe:C;E L 1 13 I~ ')'I~ Y JAN' 21940 • BW AIIT~it!OBK COLLt:GJi !:.WA I~THM()I~E L Ill;:. A It yrl-_ ............ -a ElTER YOUR SI.P SHOTS THE SWARTHMOREA II WO •• I'S CLUB EXHIBIT VOL xn, No.2 SWARTHMORE, PA., JANUARY 12, 19CO '2.50 PER YEAR HAVE YOU CONTRIBUTED TO THE SWARTHMORE FIRE COMPANY? COIJ.EGE SHOWS FOREIGN FILMS MANY WATCH FLAMES-SHOOT SKYWARD AT BOROUGH'S FIRST BURNING OF THE GREENS E. E. PYLE PASSES Historical Significance in To­morrow Evening's EngliBh and Czech Movies "The Edge of the World," a beauti­fully photographed and unusual English film, will be the feature picture of the movies to be shown at 7:15 and 9:15 in Clothier Memorial at the College on Sat­urday night, January 13. On the same program will be the Walt Di!lney. liThe Old Mill," and an unabridged version of "Crisis", the docmnentary film about the fall of Czecho-Slavokia. Residents of the Borough who wish to see these pictures arc invited to. attend. There is no ad­mission charge. "The Edge of The World" is based on the removal of the llOpulation from St. Ki1d~, all island ill the North Sea west of the_ Hebrides; but the picture was photographed on Foula, the western­most of the Shetland Islands. which was chosen because of its magnificent setting. (Continued on PlItItf TAret!!) • • SALVATION ARMY WORKERS NAMED Funds Now Being Solicited for Swarthmore's Share in Annual Campaign The drive to raise Swarthmore's quo- -­ta of $1000 for the Salvation Army Residents Respond With Greater Philadelphia Maintenance Fund Enthusiasm Upon Short started yesterday. Swarthmoreans who are working in Notice to Inaugurate the drive are Mrs.· G. A. Hoadley, di- Event Here rector; Mrs. Charles L. Bolton and Mrs. Clifford Banta-cap.tains on the north side; Lillian Boyt and Mrs. In the smaller picture Frank Me­Charle. L. Am!~s,.captains on the south Cowan and Sam Gary pitch a topper side; Mrs. J. W. Allison, Mrs. George wliil~ Carter -- Ir.ivis6n (wIth wreath)"; ,­S. Armitage, The Misses Avery, EIiza- and Cliff Bryant (at extreme right), beth Bassett, Mrs. Herbert Bassett, watch with admiration. awaiting their M rs. H . L . B ernard, M rs. A . F • BI a k e, turn to fling an evergreen onf the eve3r Mrs. Robert C. Brooks, Mrs. J. Paul rising peak. Other members 0 Troop Brown, Mrs. William Bullock, Mrs. A. who conscientiously guarded the trees B. Chapin, Mrs. Charles R. Chickering, from noon until the Burning were: Pete M rs. H . P au I CI eaver, M rs. C . E . CI e- Hopson, Norman Hulme, Lafayette Aus-well, Mrs. Benjamin Collins, Mrs. tin, Jim Jennings, and Bob Gemmill. (Continued on Paoe TAne) Silhouetted against the burning • • • Christmas greens a few dose specta- DANCE AND POEM tors are ca~ght in .the above photo­graph, toastmg thell" toes and noses RECITAL TONIGHTI~hile the large majority of lookers-?n hned the bank at a more respectful dIS­CoUege Drama Department Sections Putting on Joint Programs in Clothier The Swarthmore College Dance Group and the Verse Speaking Chorus 01 the Drama Department are presenting an in­formal recital of dances and poems, on Friday evening, January 12, at 8;40 P. M. in Clothier Memorial HalL Some of the dances which were enjoyed in the Col­lection program last year are being given again, in addition to a group of new ones. This is the Dance Group's first partici­pation in an evening program of this sort at the college, and it should prove an en­tertaining evening. The program includes two dance stu­dies by the Dance Group, three poems by Lewis Carroll (both groups), a group of poems by the Verse Speaking Chorus, an American Suite (by the Dance Group) parts of which are accompanied by the Verse Speaking Chorus. The Verse Speaking Chorus is directed by Keith Chalmers of the Drama Depart­ment, the Dance Group by Miss Alice Gates of the Women's Physical Educa­tion Department. The Dance Group this year has nine members: Ruth Franc1$, group leader; Mary Capehart, Phyllis Tait, Jean McMillen, Mardi West, Char­lotte Hoffman. Virginia Brown, Dorothy Turner, and Jean Cushing. This group may also be assisted by several members of the new men's modem dance class. , I • Young Republieans to Meet On Tuesday, January 16, at 8 P. M. the Young Republicans will hold their meeting at the Woman's Club House. The speaker, for the evening, John T. Brosnan, superintendent of the Insti­tutions ,of Delaware County, will give Ol talk on County Institutions. A dis­cussion will take place immediately fol­lowing his. speech at which time ques­tions may be asked of the speaker. Following the meeting there will be dancing and refreshmenls. tance or drove onto the far side of the (Continued on PtI(/e Pour) ••• HARP, FLUTE SOLOS AT VESPERS Selections of J. S. Bach, Claude De­bussy, Carlos Salzedo and Mozart will be given as harp and flute solos by Lucille Lawrence and Lambros Callimahos, ac.. companied by the Swarthmore College Orchestra ill a vesper service in Clothier Memorial this Sunday evening at 6 :45. Miss Lawrence has appeared as soloi:.t at the Chamber Music Festivities in Chicago, and at the Berkshire Music Festival in Pittsfield, Mass. She is also the co-author of a textbook for the study of the harp. Miss Lawrence toured Australia and New Zealand at the age of eighteen, and upon her retum to the United States organized an ensemble of five harps, the Lawrence Harp Quintette, which has toured extensively in this country. Lambros Callimahos, a native of Greece, is the youngest member of the faculty of the Mozarteurn Academy at Salzburg, Germany. He presented a pro­gram at Carnegie Hall in New York City, giving nine encores. For the past three rears he has been traveling abroad, ap· pearing in many countries in Europe. He is the first flutist" to appear on the Con­cert platform in aU-flute recitals. The next concert on Friday, January i 9. at 8: 15 P. M. will present the Russian Cathedral Choir, which has sung in the New York Cathedral for a number of years. ••• Friendly Circle Announcement The January meeting of the Friendly Circle will be held at the home 01 Mrs. Benjamin \V. Collins on North Chester road at 2 o'clock next Thursday after. noon, January 18. Mrs. Harold G. Grif· fin will act as co-hostess. The annual card and game party of the Friendly Circle will be held in the Woman's Club House on Wednesday, Janaary 31. . YELWWJACKET CAST ANNOUNCED Show at Players Club January 16-20 Dolman Directs Cast of 29 in Colorful Story AWAY SUDDENLY VlI88ar Avenue Resident For Thirty-Eight Years Sue· eumbed in Heart Attack. Saturday Edward Elmslie Pyle died suddenly at 8 o'clock last Saturday evening at his home, 315 Vassar avenue, where he had lived for the past thirty·eight years. Dur­ing the last two years Mr. Pyle had suf­fered with a heart condition, which for some months confined him to bed. Lately he had been in better health and last month had beet> able to enjoy attending a performance at the Swarthmore Play­ers Club of which he was a membe1·. tie also was a member of the Swarth· more Fire Company. Born in Philadelphia on December 21, 1872, Mr. Pyle was educated at the Friends' Central School and the Univer­sity of Pennoy1vania. He was employed by the Pennsylvania Railroad for forty­two years prior to his retirement two years ago. He was an Episcopalian, and a thirty-second degree Mason. Surviving besides his widow, Elizabeth C. Pyle, are a son, Edward H. Pyle, Jl, at present employed in Atlanta, Ga., and a brother, Dr. Clarence E. Pyle, of Short Hill .. N. J. Funeral services were conducted at the home at 2 P. M. Tuesday by the Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, rector of Trinity Church, Swarthmore. Interment was in the Darby Friends' Burying Grounds. , I , Local Camera FSD8 To Show Handiwork ., .. , ...... , \WO_'. Club SponaorfDs Firat .: •. : •. : . . Y." Exhibition of Swarthmore Ama. ,. leur t>lfotojriiphy Jail...q ".- - .,. < .. MUSIC APPRECIATION LECTURES 23 and 24. . Swarthmore photographic enthusiasts will have an opportunity to display their work to the public when the Wo­man's Club holds its All-Swarthmore exhibition of amateur photography at The Club House, January 23 and 24. The purpose of the exhibition is to bring together in a single show the work of many local camera fans and to give the pUblic an opportunity to see what is being done photographically by their fellow townsmen. Every amateur photographer in Swarthmore is urged to participate. There will be no judging, no prizes, no awards, so no one needs to feel hesi­tant about submitting pictures for the display. The only restriction is that the show is limited strictly to residents of Swarthmore. A maximum of six pictures may be submitted with the understanding that if space limitations make it necessary Mrs. George T. Ashton (Mary Mis- only four will be hung. Pri".ts should telslei Ashton) who has com leted a se.1 be n".t smaller than approXlDlately 8 . I teo ill' trated· I tur P . x 10 Inches and mounted on standard nes 0 us. ec es OIl I;UUSlC 116 x 20 exhibition mounts. for the .Adult N,ght ~as been req~ested I' All entries should be delivered to t? coullDue the mus~c c~rse . pnvately the home of the Photographic Exhibit smco the school sessIon IS limshed lor Chairman, Mrs. A. E. Longwell, 2ZZ La- Next Tuesday. when "The Yellow the season. .. fayette avenue, between noon and 6 Jacket" fourth production of the cur- Mrs .• Ashton will continUe the 1ec1?"es P. M. Sunday, January 21. rent Players Club season, opens at the al her ~ome on Str,,:tford road.. WaIling- This exhibition is the lirst of its kind clubhouse on Fairview road, local audi.. ford Hills. There ~ be a ~ertes of fi!e attempted in Swarthmore and it is ences will enjoy a new and stimulating l.ectt.~res on the fol.l~wlI:g toptcs: Form lQ hoped that aU local camera hobbyists theatrical experience. MUSIC. Class PartiCipation. The Concerto. will cooperate by submitting examples The frank "let's pretend" attitude of The Symphony and Music Through the of their work. Hazelton and Benrimo's liThe Yellow ages. . .. .• , ... i.! As an added feature of the exhibition, Jacket" may at first startle and amuse As In the senes given earlter In the Edwin C. Buxbaum, F.R.P.S., will give our audiences, used to extreme realistl\ season, Mrs. Ashton illustrates the lec- an informal talk on photography at 8 on the stage; but before the play has tures herself at the piano. P. M. Tuesday, January 23. Mr. Bux­progressed far latent imaginations will H. H. Hopkins, chairman of Adult baum, himself a successful amateur respond. Audience as well as actors will Night School, ,wrote Mrs. Ashton as fol- photographer. is a widely recognized not only accept but almost see the set': lows: til have heard nothing but the authority on the subject. His work has tings and properties which are not there 1T!ost enthusiastic praise for your work." been exhibited in photographic salons at all-a castle, a bridge over a raging Some comments from the class may be throughout the world. and his discus­torrent, a noble white horse, a mountain interesting, as they throw a light on the sion and comments will be of great peak and a swirling snowstorm. encouragement in music given by the value to any camera enthusiast. In J the cast are many seasoned play- above talks. One writer stated "your , , ers. Samuel Evans, Jr., and Alexander. class:, have been most interesting. ~ have Dancing C) ...... Chaperons Dryden appear as Tai Fah Min and Wu nothmg to s~ for the future In ~e Sin Yin, powerful rulers and wicked way o~ 5(),,!ething new, but would litre The Intermediate and Junior As­ones. William Turner plays Wu Hoo •. ~tinuatioo of what we have been semblie. will meet Saturday, January Git the dashing but naive hero. Julitla en)oymg these few weeks." 13. Po;"'ers Gretchen Van De Boe, Mar- The next series begins Mondayevening, The Intermediate class win be chap­garet Latimer, Barbara D. Spencer, January IS, at 8:15, the following dates eroned by Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Frances P. MacNei~ Charles Deacon, then to be announced. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Nowell, Stafford Parker, John P. Dolman, CoL • • Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Baird, and Mr. Merritt B. Curtis, James PoweU, F. A. Needlework Guild Hour and Mrs. B. H. Morse. Child, and John Dolman, Jr., are aU I' . . The ch~peron. for the Junior A.- familiar to Players Club audiences, but. All lOterested .r~ tnVlted to att~nd sembly WIll be Mr. and Mrs. Frank unfamiliar in roles like these. I the Needlework Guild Hour of se~ Flaherty, Mr. and Mrs. Eo W. Hay. Among the players making their I.t the home of Mrs. Harold Griflin, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laeders, Mr. Players Club debut are Elizabeth Swan I· 214 Rutgers avenue, next ¥onday af- and Mrs. R. G. Rinc1iffe and Dr. and I_U .... ,.. ..... , temoon, January 15, at 2 oclnc:k. Mrs. J. H. Smith.

---------- Page 6 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 Toy Shop Spreads Joy to Many Family Serviee Christmas Projeet Climax of Long Preparation For Holiday Welfare THE S WAR THMOREAN JANUARY 5, 1940 acted as hostesses to the mothers and I thoughtfully dressing them since last! !'ckctcd with the individual ramilyand would derive the most pleasure from fathers invited to select those things I ~t1Imncr. its nced well in ~ind. They w,ere them. I I I " T "0110\\·'·11" tile close of the to)' shol' made .nllor.ful and fcSh\'C by the Chr.,st,-I most \\'.;IIIIl'( J)' t ICIT youngsters. oys r "' 0'1 tile .fterlloOII Of Thursda)', Dcccl1I- mas stockmgs (,Ioflated by the JUDlor s were K('nerously donated by many \V CI 1 townspeople through their children and her 21, the toys remaining after having of the . oman s U).... • stored on Dartmouth avenue through givell 328 children gifts were sent to In tillS manner the Family Service the kindness of Kearns Plauche. Col- Chester 10 be distributed among the I)rovidcd happiness for seventy-olle h,.'ctions were made by the Boys Scouts children whose Christmas would be families. In addition to this arrange­and the juniors of the Woman's Club made happier by thelll. ments were made through the Service •• On Seien.,., Program A glimpse into tlH.· Swarthmore \\'0- sorted the games. The toys were re- On the morning of "~rjday, Uecemher to care for one hundr~d and six fam- Ulall's Club 011 tht' days immediatclyI pain.,'d by Alexander Dryden who spent 22, there was great activity in the base- ilics. th~ough the .do~l~tlOn of o!hcr or­pH'ceding Christmas would haw gh'ell mally helpful hours at this work. The ment of the \\'oman's Club where ~t- galllzatl?lls. and 1I1dl~lduals .. Cnsp new an idea of thl' we1fare activit\' carried dolts were made bright and IIC\\' teutioll was ccntered on assembhng dollar hills .111 attractive Chnstmas !o.ld­on In' the Fami1\- Service -Borough I through the interested effort of Mrs. baskets of food to he given to the many ers were g1ven. t~ elderly peopl~ hVlllg lIall. . - , I A. F. Jackson and her committee. families needing them. Baskets con- alol1,c and recel\:lIlg old age aSsIstance. Gay alld intcrcsting' ton fillcd long Among the dolls were also many new tained a liberal amount of can goods N'lIlcteen Chnstmas tre~s. many al- Among the Swarthmoreans on the program at the winter meeting of the American Association for Advancement of science held Dccember 27 until J an­uary 2 at Ohio State University, Col­umbus. D., where Dr. J. R. Kline, of Uivervie\\' road, who is vice-president of American Association for the Ad­vancement of Science; and Frank SIJeck, of Cornell avenue, who is a member of thc American Association of Anthropologists. tahle~ attracti\·ely arranged in the room IIOlil'S donated by the American Legion I all of which were d.onated by thc ready dccorated. were give" .. by the where t1Iemhers of the \Voman's Cluh Auxiliary. members of which had been i Swarthmore Schools. Each basket was! schools and uscd by thc families who A NEW ARRIVAL SETS OUT TO HELP BUILD A GREATER PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia Transportation Company this week takes l~ place in the lives of 2,000,000 Philadelphians. We're going to try hard to earn a welcome! Philadelphia Transportation Company is human. It has the flesh·and-blood character of the 60,000 men and women who own it and operate it. Counting their families. almost a quarter-million of your neighbor-Philadelphians are "PTC folks." Philadelphia Transportation Company is also a unified trans­portation system, formed by the merger of PRT and the lessor companies. With unity, it is no longer rom by the con8icting interests of 65 separate companies, which made transit progress on a dry-wide basis practically impossible. With fixed charges reduced. it is no longer faced with bank­ruptcy and demoralizing litigation. With credit restored. it is no longer helpless ro finance necessary improvements, Transit in Philadelphia now will go forward-steadily for. ward, until our city has the finest transit system in America. Work will start at once on a vast modernization program which ultimately will bring to Philadelphians the speed and comfort 01 hundreds 01 modern street cars and buses. and many other improvements. Plans for the initial step of this program were studied at the first meeting of the Board of Directors, and details will be announced shortly. Modernization will mean much to car riders, transit inv('<tors and transit employes. It will provide wages for Philad"lphla workmen. It will mean progress for Philadelphia! To the United States District Court, to City and State officials, to Philadelphia newspapers and business and civic groups, and ro the many others who contrihuted to the solution of the long-standing transit problem, we express our gratitude, Philadelphia Transportation Company exists today only because fair-minded investors and cooperative governmental and civic agencies worked together in a give-and-take spirit of compromise. To PTC passengers. we pledge our best efforts to provide safe, friendly and modern service. To the company·s loyal and capable employes, we pledge square.dealing and a straightforward approach to mutual problems, To the owners of the company aod to the taxpayer-owners of the city-built system, we pledge efficiem and responsible operation of their properry, A. BALFOUR 8REH~ PATRICK I. CAllAGHAN w. fINDLAY DOWNS CHARLES It EBERT GEORGE H. El.1I0TI'" Board of Directors IOSEPH P. GAFfNEY JOSEPH GILFILLAN JOHN A. GREEN ALBERT M. GREENFIELD F.OWARO HOPKINSON. JR. DANIEl HOUSEMAN BERNARD J. KELLEY ROBERT e. LAMBERTON A. A. MITTEN MARSHALL S. MORGAN c. STEVENSON NEWHAll CHARLES J POMMER J. HENRY SCArrERGOOO RALPH TSENTER JOSEPH SH.\RFSIN JEREMIAH J. SUUlVAN, JR. J .. :~ 'i , j ! 1 I .," Ji, I I , ~ " , , SW,.l, I~T HM()I~E LI13n,.l,I~Y C()LLE"GE " ,~.:.. :. i'" I- >" " S W ,.\ I~ T H M () n E. J. I , • ~ _ ....... ___ .... ElTER YOUR SNAP SHOTS THE SWARTHMOREA IN WOMAN'S CLUB EXHIBIT VOL. XII, No. 2 SWARTHMORE, PA., JANUARY 12, 1940 $2.50 PER YEAR HAVE YOU CONTRIBUTED TO THE SWARTHMORE FIRE COMPANY? COLLEGE SHOWS FOREIGN FILMS MANY WATCH FLAMES .SHOOT SKYWARD AT BOROUGH'S FIRST BURNING OF THE GREENS E. E. PYLE PASSES lIi.tori,'al Signifi .. an .. e in To­nJorruw Evening"s English and Czech Movies "Thl' Edge of the \Vorld," a hcauti­iully photographed and unusual English '.1111, will he till' fl'aturc llicturc of the movies to he shuwlI at 7: 15 and 9; 15 in Clothier ~Ielllorial at the College on Sat~ urday night, January 1.1. On thc same ) will he the \V .. It lJisney. "The Old ~lil1:' alltl an unahridged version of "Cri~is". the dorumcntary film aoout the iall of Czec:ho-Slavokia. Rl'sidcnts of the Borough who wish to see thc!':e pictures arl' illvitl"d to attl'nti. There is 110 ad­lIIi:-.:-; ioli d13rgc. "Till· Edgl· of The \Vorld" i:-; Ilased 011 thl' fl'II1O\·al of tht' population frolll 5t. h:ilda. all isla lUi ill thl' North Sca west of the Ilcbridc!'; hut the picture was I}hotogra(lhed 011 Fcmla, the western­most of the Shl'tland I slands. which was chosen becatlSe of its magnificent setting. IColltinutd f)ll Page T',ru) • I • SALVATION ARMY WORKERS NAMED Fund. Now Being Solieited for Swarthmore'. Share in Annual Campaign The drive to raise Swarthmore's quo­ta of $1000 for the Salvation Army Greater Philadelphia !I,'laintcnance Fund started yesterday. Residents Respond With Enthusiasm Upon Short Notice to Inaugurate Event Here Swarthmoreans who are working in the drive arc ~hs. G. A. Hoadley, di­rector; Mrs. Charles L. Bolton and ),1 rs. Clifford Banta--captains on the north side; Lillian Boyt and Mrs. In the smaller picture Frank Mc.­Charles L. Andes, captains on the south Cowan and Sam Gary pitch a topper d 'I J \V All" 'I G wtJlIl' Caner J.)avisoll t with wre.·alil), I Sl c; .. \ rs.. . Ison, J,l rs. eorge h ) S. Armitage, The Misses Avery, Eliza- and Cliff Bryant (at extreme ng t I heth Bassctt. Mrs. Herb~rt Bassett, watch with admiration, awaiting their. .'\I rs . .'cI. I ~. Il' crnard. '~\[ r s. A . F . IIIa k e, turn to fling an evergreen 011 the ever ,\1 rs. l{obcrt C. Brooks, Mrs. j. Paul rising peak. Other members of Troop 3 Hrown, Mrs. \Villiam Bullock, Mrs. A. who conscientiously guarded the trees B. Chapin, :\1rs. Charles R. Chickering, iTom noon until the Burning were: Pete ),1 rs. l-J. Paul CleaVl'r. :Mrs. C. E. Cle~ Hopson, Norman Hulme, Lafayette Aus­\\' 1.:11, )'Irs. ilelljamill Collins, Mrs. tin. jim jennings, and Bob Gemmill. H·Qldil1Ued OIl Page. Three) Silhouetted against the bUrning • I • Christmas greens a few close specta- DANCE AND POEM tors are caught in .'he above photo-graph. toastmg theIr toes and noses RECITAL TONIGH'rh~hilc the large majority of lookers-?n hned the bank at a more respectful diS­College Drama Department Sections PUlling on Joint Programs in Clothier The Swarthmore College Dance Group and thc Verse Speaking Chorus of the iJrama Dcpartmcllt arc prescnting 3n in­formal rCl:ital of danccs and poems, on Friday c ... ·cning. jal1uary 12, at ~k40 P. 1\1. ill Clothier ~lt'l1lorial Hall. Some of the dances which were cnjoyed in the CoI­Il'l: tiutl program last year are iJeing givcn again. ill addition to a group of new UIlCS. This is the Dance Group's first partici­I) atioll in an cvcning program of this sort at the colll'ge, and it should prove an en­tertaining e\'cl1ing. Thc program includcs two dance stu­dies hy the Dance Group, three poems by I.ewis Carroll (ooth groups), a group of IloCIllS by the Versc Slleaking Chorus, an :\lI1l'ril'an Suitc (by the Vance Group) parts of which arc accollll.anied by the \' erse Speaking Choru~. The Verst:: Speaking Chorus is dircch.-d lIy Keith Chalmers of the Drama Depart­mellt, the DatH'e Group hy ~liss Alice Gates of the \VOIllCIl'S Physical Educa­tion Dl'partment. The Dance Group this year has nine mcmbers: Ruth Franck, group leatll'''; llary Capehart, Phyllis Tait, Jean .\ld,Jilkll • ..\lardi \Vest, Char­lotte HolTman. Virginia Brown, Dorothy Turtle]", and jl>:111 Cushing. This group may also hc a~,:.i~tl'cl h)' sl'\'eral mcmilel·s of thc Ill'\\' mcn's modern dance class. • I • Young Rel'uhli .. ans to Meet On Tuesday, January 16, at 8 P. lo.L the Young Republicans will hold their meeting at the \\'oman's Cluh House. TIlt' speakcr, for the ('vening, John T. Brosnan, superintendent of thc Insti­tutions of Delaware County, will give a talk 011 County Institutions. A dis­l" llssion will take place imml"diatc1y fol~ lowing his speech at which time ques­tions may be asked of the speaker. Following the meeting then' will be dancing and refreshments. tance or drovc onto the far side of the (C(mlilllud 011 Page Four) • I' HARP, FLUTE SOLOS AT VESPERS Selcctions of J, S. Bach, Claude De­bussy, Carlos Salzedo and Mozart will be given as hart} and flute solos by Lucille Lawrence and Lambros Callimahos. ac­companied by the Swarthmore College Ordlestra ill a vesper sen'icc in Clothier 1\lclilorial this Sunday evening at 6 :45. ..\liss Lawrence has appeared as soloist at the Chamber ..\lusic Fcstivities in Chicago, and at the Berkshire Music Festival in Pittsfield, ~[ass. She is also the co-author of a textbook for the study of the harp. ,\1 iss l.awrence toured Australia and New Zealand at the age of eighteen. and UPOIl her return to the United States organized an ensemble of fivc harps, the Lawrence Harp Quintctte, which has lollfl'd ext('ilsiveiy in this country. I,amhros Callimahcs, a native of CrccCt.', is the youngest member of the ial'ulty of the ~lozarteum Academy at Salzhnrg, Germany. He presented a pro· gram at Carncgie Hall in New York City, gh'ing nine encores. For the past three ears he has Ileen traveling abroad. ap­pearing in many countries in Europe. He is the fit·st flutist to appear on the con­(' crt platform in all-flute recitals. The next concert on Friday, January ; I), at 8: 15 P. ),1. will present the Russian Cathedral Choir, which has sung in the X ew York Cathedral for a number of years. • I • Friendly Circle Announcement Thc january meeting of the Friendly Circle will hc held at the home of Mrs. Benjamin \V. Collins on North Chester road at 2 o'clock next Thursday after. noon. January 18. :Mrs. Harold G. Grif­fin will act as co-hostess. The allnual card a"d game party oi the Friendlv Circle will be held in tlu \Voman~s Club House on \Vednesday, January 31. "-,., •• '>" • " ' YELLOW JACKET CAST ANNOUNCED Show at Players Cluh January 16-20 Dolman Directs Cast of 29 in Colorful Story MUSIC APPItECIATION LECTURES AWAY SUDDENLY Vassar A,·enue Ite.ident .'or Thirty-Eight Years Suc­cumbed in Heurt Attack Saturday Edward Elmslie Pyle tlil..'u suddenly at 8 o'clock jast Saturday evening at his home, 315 Vassar anllUl', where he had liveu for the lIast thirty-eight years. Dur­ing the last two ycars )'1r. P~ .. lc had sui· fered with a heart l:ollditioll, which fur some months cunlinoo him to !Jed. L;;llcly he had becn in !Jetter health allli last month had been ablc to cnjoy attcnding a l.H!rfonnance at the Swarthmore Play­ers Cluo of which he was a mcmber. lie also was a memher of the Swarth­more Fire Company. Born in Philadelphia Ull Dcccmbcr 21, 1872, Mr. Pyle was educated at the Friends' Central School anti the Univer­sity of Pennsylvania. He was cmployed by the PCJlllsylvania H,ailruau for turty­two years prior to his retirement two years ago. He was an Episcopalian, and d thirty~second dcgrec MaSUIl . Surviving bcsidcs his widO\\l, Elizabeth C. Pylc, are a SOil, r:.uward H. Pyle, H. at present empluycd ill Atlanta, Ga., and a brother, Dr. Clarenl:c E. Pylc, of Short Hills, N. J. Funeral services were comlucted at the home at 2 P. ),1. Tuesday by the l{ev. J. Jardcn Guenther, rcctor of Trinity Church, Swarthmore. Intermcnt ,vas in the Darby Friends' Burying Gromtds. • I Local Camera Fans To Show Handiwork ' Woman's Cluh Sponsoring First Exhibition of Swarthmore Ama­leur rhotography January 23 and 24 Swarthmore photographic enthusiasts will have an opportunity to display their work to the llublic when the \-Vo­man's Club holds its All-Swarthmore exhibition of amateur photography at The Club House, january 23 and 2·1. The purpose of the exhibition is to bring together ill a single show the work of many local camera fans and to give the public an opportunity to sec what is being done photographically by their fellow towllsmen. Every amateur photographer in Swarthmore is urged to participate. There will be no judging, no prizes, no awardsJ so no one Ileeds to feel hesi­tant about submitting pictures for the display. The only restriction is that the show is limited strictly to residents of Swarthmore. A maximum of six pictures may be submitted with the understanding that if space limitations make it necessary 'I G T A I I ('I '["" only four will be hung. Prints should 1\ rs. eorge • s \ on ,j,\ ary .. \ IS~ I b 11 . t~lski Ashto'!). who has completed a s~- x e l;~~c~~sa a~d \1:1~~n~~d)r~~11:1::~!rar~ nes of ten lllus:rated lectures on musIc 16 x 20 exhibition mounts. for the .Adult Night ~as been req~ested: All entries should be delivered to t~ continue the must.e c~urse. pnvately I thc home of the Photographic Exhibit S11lCC the school sesston 15 fitushed for Chairman) )'lrs. A. E. Longwell, 222 La- Xext TucsdaYJ when "l'he Yellow the season. fayette avenuc, between noon and 6 jacket" fourth production of the cur- ).[r5. Ashton. will continue the lectures P. M, Sunday, January 21. rent Players Club season, opens at the at her home on Stratford road. Walling· This exhibition is the first of its kind clubhouse all Fairview road, local audi- ford l-lills. There will be a series of five attempted in Swarthmore and it is t'uces will enjoy a new and stimulating lectures 011 the following topics: Form in hoped that all lucal COlllll'f3 hobbyists tltt'atrical experiencc. .\lusk. Class Participation. The Concerto. will cooperate by submitting examples do. "d f The Symphony and Music Through the of their work. The frank "let's preten attltu e a Hazelton and Benrimo's "The Yellow ages. , .. :ill. As an added ft'ature of the exhibition, I d As in the series given earlier in the Edwin C. Buxhaum. F.R.P.S., will give Jacket" may at first start e an amuse 'I Ashtol' 1·llusl,ates tile lee- our audiences, used to extreme realism seaSOll, ~"rs. an informal talk 011 photography at 8 on the stage; but before thc play has tures herself at the piano. P. M. Tuesday, January 23. Mr. Bux-progressed far latent imaginations will H. H. Hopkins. chairman of Adult haum, himself a successful amateur respond. Audience as well as actors will ~ight School, wrote Mrs. Ashton as fo1- photographer, is a widely rccognized not only accept but almost sec the set- lo\,,'s: "I have heard nothing but the authority on the subject. His work has tings and properties which arc not there most enthusiastic praise for your work}' been exhibited in photographic salons at all-a castle, a bridge over a raging Some comments from the class may be throughout the world, and his discus­torrent, a noble white horse, a mountain intcresting, as t~ey thr?w a. light on the sion and commcllts will be of great 11cak and a swirling snowstorm. encouragement 10 musIC glVen by the value to any camera enthusiast. In'the cast arc many seasoned play- ;tho\'e talks. One wri~er sta.tcd "your , I • ers. Samuel Evans, Jr.J and Alexander. class~s have been most mterestmg. I, have Dancing Class Chal)CrOnS Dryden appear as Tai Fah Min and \Vu nothlllg to sug~est for the future 10 ~e Sin Yin, powerful rulers and wicked I way of. so~ethlDg new, but would like The Intermediate and Junior As­ones. \ViUiarn Turner plays 'Vu Hoo a contInuation of what we have been sernblies will meet Sa.turday, January Git the dashing but nai""e hero. Ju1itta cnjoying these few weeks." 13. Po~vers, Gretchen Van De Boe, Mar- The next series begins Monday evening, The Intermediate class wilt be chap-gare! Latimer, Barba.ra D. Spencer, January IS, at 8:15. the following dates eroned by ltfr. and 1\lrs. \-Valter M. Frances p, MacNeil, Charles Deacon, then to be announced. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Nowell, Stafford Parker, John P. Dolman, Col. , • Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. Baird, and Mr. Merritt B. Curtis, James Powell, F. A. Needlework Guild Honr and l\!rs. B. H. ~[orse. Child. and John Dolman, jr., are all! . . The chaperons for the Junior As-familiar to Players Club audiences, but I All T mterested ar~ 1I1vlted to att~nd sembly will be 1lr. and Mrs. Frank unfamiliar in roles like these. I the ~eedtework GUild Hour of se'Y'mg Flaherty, Mr. and :Mrs. E. W. Hay, Among the players making their i at the home of Mrs, Harold Griffin, I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lueders, Mr. Players Club debut are Elizabeth Swan 1214 Rutgers avenue, next Monday af- and Mrs. R. G. Rincliffe and Dr. and (Cotati,uud oa P.,. 2"IDo) ternoon, January 15, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. J. H. Smith.

---------- Page 7 ----------

2 THE SWABTHMOREAN lMO SociiilAffairs Take Recess; Meetings Engulf Socialites February Wedding The marriage of Miss' Ethel Crow­ther, daughter of Dr. Saville A. Crow­ther, of Penn WYnne, to Mr. Samuel F. Butler, Jr., son of· Mr.' aRd' Mr •. Samuel Francis Butler, 01 South Ches­ter road, will take place at 6 o'clock on Saturday, Fehntry 10, in St. Mary's Skatmg· Rink Fans 1;I;t~~ wZa:~s~m ~si!goobnt dbeis cpoovoeleredd i nt hmaot rien edBiviicdieunatl Cheered by ProareS8 ; so groups marked out circles . 0- proceeded to sweep toward central in Flooding Crum and School Playground Enlist Cooperalion and Skating Rink is a Probability I of snow. At this point, a small boy an inspiration and went home for his wagon. From then on workers were as specialind as bees, merrily singing Snow \Vhite·s "'We'll dig, dig, dig," One group attends debut of neighboring little theatre; alumnae of mid-western college hear its president addr~ss l'hiladelphia group; . bridge groups hold social stage while young fry and rejuvenated Parents skat~ madly before the thaw. Church, A. r.d =,; .._ __ - • I I The hoped for flooded skating-rink arose, when the fire .. hose within reach of the Swarthmore Ih •••• , a hole in the dike. But hope rises . ' t Birth - Among the Swarthmoreans who plan to attend the meeting of Oberlin College aluinoi of the Philadelphia area tonight in Philadelphia are: ·Mrs. James H. Hor­naday, Mrs. T. W. Crossen and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. We.t President Ernest H. Wilkins, of Oberlin, will speak on "In­ternational Federal Union. A Way to Peace." Miss Mildred Simpers, of Swarthmore, will entertain a group of fnrmer schoolmates this evening. " d M Ell' RIP k young at long last. as the School Board, Frank R. ",r. an rs. IS umsey, 0 ar Roland L. Eaton, Charles That-avenue, are receiving congratulations Although the Swarthmore fire depart- J. V. S. Bishop, John Rum-upon the birth of a nine pound son'l;a~~~~has generously flooded the Crum, Fire Chjef, and many interested Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. CrossclI, of Swarth­more, attended the opening of the new play house at the Wilwmgtoll Drama J..,eague on Wednesday evening. The play givcn, 'IThe Admirable Crichton," was \..njoYl'd at the Players Club of Swarth­more wlder the direction of John Vol­man several years ago and prior to that was used as a senior play production at Swarthmore College. A meeting of the ] unior Plays Com· mittee of the Players Club will be held at 10 o'clock this morning at the home ... 1 .Mrs. T. W. Crossen on Harvard ave­IIUe. Mrs. Nathaniel Ewer, of Wyncote, en­tertained with a buffet dinner and sur­prise bii.-thday party Tuesday for her husband. Mr. Ewer is a former resident of Swartlunore. Among those from SwarUlmore who attended were Miss Jean Cochrane, Miss Gs-ctcheu van de Hoe, .Miss Barbara Bassett, Miss Alice Nick­erson, -Mr. John Behenna, Mr. John Cle­well, Mr. Charles E. Black, and Messrs. West and David Cochrane, of Bullens lane. Miss Virginia Perkins, of Cedar lane, is visiting Miss Evelyn Wallace in New York City a few days this week. Mrs. G. Warder Cresson, of Riverview road, was hostess to her bridge club at luncheon and bridge yesterday. Mr. Cyrus Porter has arrived in Co· lumbia, S. A., where he will be associ­ated with the Standard Oil Company. .\. lrs.. Porter, the fonner Jane Smalley, of _Vale avenue, is in Coral Gables, Fla., for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Fellows, 01 Garrett avenue, plan to leave this week ior I<"lorida, where they will spend sonle time in Fort Lauderdale. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bates, of North Chester road, left yesterday for a weeks cruise to NasSllu. Mr. and Mrs. Chades Kurtzhalz, of Park avenue, returned la!5t week after a ten·day trip to Florida. ~·(rs. Arthur \V. Kent has returned from a vjsjt in Belniont, Mass., and is living at present in the home of Mrs. William I. Hull, Walnut lane. . Dr. and Mrs. Clifford F. Rassweiler, of Riverview road., had as their guest at dilHlcr last ·evening Dr. Duncan Shaw, Chancellor 01 the University of Den-ver. .~ Mrs. Wallace M. McCurdy will be hostess to the Kappa Kappa Gamma aI­unume 8'.:ouP at luncheon tomorrow at Clifford, horn Tuesday morning in the are still fearful of its safety arc turning their attention to Taylor Hospital, ~:~ley Park. for small children. They have turned prob1ems involved. . Crum Creek Club".W'.~eJ'II This Tuesday evening's wilnne the Crum Creek Bridge Strath Haven Inn were: eyes to neighboring boroughs, who The Springfield Water Company has copied the C'Ustom of more ·north- to give free water for flooding communities, and have",- Hooded skating area, I s(:ho'ols grounds for ice skating. Flood- -....;.-....... --- South-Mrs. Wayne H .. Mrs. loP;··.· ~1!;ii1~t" a smooth area for ice-skating has "Macbeth" al Friends Central great advantage over depending upon aU" I. flowing stream. In the first place, it "Macbeth", by William Shakespeare, is freeze quickly during our short being given by Friends' Central Schools' Ruth Wilson left her Ogden avenue I~~:~~:'~ of cold weather. In the second class of '4Z. This most lamous of all .lUllle Monday to resume her studies at'i .. n,FM shallow ice allows for safety o£ Shakespearean tragedies will be presented .lit Holyoke ~llege, at South Hadley, West-Mr. and Mrs. Palmer the small child. Friday night, January 19, at 8:15, in the uer home on Ogden avenue. _,lass. Skog'lund, first; Mrs. Joseph B. Blak- On ~onday afternoon, the. ~ands of gymnasium, free to the public. The Wilson family entertained a few iston Mrs. Franklin S. Gillespie, about eIghty of our younger clt1zen~ set r---------------. relatIVes at dinner on sundai. including second; Mrs. Wallace M. McCurdy and to work to clear the snow and bUild a among the guests Ruth's two cousins, L. G. Luckie, third. s~ow parapet around the play area ~e- Barbara and Nancy Baldwin, of Spring- , I • hmd the College avenue school bwld-nold, students at West Chester State Boro"-1. Bridae Club ing. About lorty appeared after school CaD 440 feachers' College. ue;aa e with shovels, brooms, and willing hands. Last week's winners at the Wednes- felt just as important T_ 'f1,e.'Ofte Be .. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Q. Davi., Jr., odfay .RI ght meeting of the S warthmore boys and glr' Is ' as they patted .:itonybrook, Ridley Park, are entertain- Bridge Club in the American Legion I:~:::;:"t~ on the s now wal is . F or t wo RUSSELL'S SERVICE Dartmoath aDd Laf~ A .... ~llg with a.~.~~':..~ridge party this even- room, Borough Hall, were: Mr. and swept, shoveled and patted. .~<... Mrs. Maurice Griest, first; Andrew "We Don't BeD can-w. "'" .. 'DI8a- Mrs. Erik L. Sjostrom, of Sp,:ou~,~, entertained the members of her Robinson and Bayard Morrison, sec­ond; Mrs. L. Rankin and Richard Sel­third.' ---..,.. .- -- Florence Morton Domesdcand Imported club last Wednesday afternoon. l)rCscnt were Mrs. Albert Nelson, ~\laclJol1ald Swan, Mrs. Ray ~::~~~ .,lrs. J. Albright ]olles, Mrs. 1 Newnam, Mrs. J. Frances Taylor .\Irs. John R. Bates. Yellow lacket Cast Named (Co1lUntUII "om PAIl. 0IwJ) YARN S as Chee Moo, the noble but ill-starred first wife; Beth Allyn as Moy Fah Loy, MISS PICKENS ~Ir. and Mrs. Jo1m E. Michael, of the lovely heroine; Nancy Glass Savelli 208 W. State St. Harvard avenue, entertained with·a· din­as Chow ·Wan, a siren; Isabel Porter, MEDIA Mary Kistler and Evelyn Dutten as -;;;;;;=;;;;;====;;==;;;;;;;:,:;~===~:===~::~=~ . sister sirens; Helen M. Whittlesey as fI ner party Monday evening. M ... Alvin J. 'Herr, of-Michigan nue, entertained eleven members of group from the Chambers Memorial Pres­byterian Church of Rutledge on Monday . . autocratic' Widow 'Chin'g;~"Charles McCaffrey as "the Daffodil;" W. J. Gib­son. as_ Tai ~h~~Sh.O\!Jlll;,EnWNd Hay ;~i~1"rt!~~,r~:~r~~: Ms-. and Mrs. Walter L. Thorpe, of are recruit~!.y'.q~~~ge· crew as Dickinson avenue, entes-tained at dessert- "intensely it!"!~ . :proher1y men. llridge Tuesday evening. Guests were fel- Robert C.,·O ·'lUe.?~M~ arranged a emb f i ~~fc~ of indd t4. ,. Chinese music, low m ers 0 a local bridge club. will be played'\vith noisy abandon evening. • • Young Republicans Express Views . Young Republicans of Delaware coun ... ty expressed their views on party affairs and policies at the meeting 01 the Wo­men's Republican Club of county, held at Strath Haven Inri, Swarthmore, last Thursday (]ao. 4th). The speakers were R. Wayne Boyd 01 Drexel Hill, who teacltes at Drexel In­stitute, and John W. Frazier Jrd, attor­ney and Justice of the Peace from Rad­nor Township. a Chinese orchestra, seated accord­to tradition on the stage by the "1\T;np Dragon Entrance," directly under Door of Heaven. Delco Dairy . HOME BAKING Pies, Cakes, Bread, Rolls COllage cheese, Jellies, Eggs Individual Oy.ter Pie. Friday State IlIld Orange So.. MEDIA PhODe Media 1319 SWARTHMORE TRAVEL BUREAU (Eleven Ye:lta of Tra.vel Experience) NOW LOCATED 2 PARK AVENUE A COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE Hotel Reservations Tel_hed Free 01 Charqe TOURS - CRUISES - AIIIPLANE - STEAMSHIP RAIL AND BUS TRANSPORTATION Phone Sw. 179-W Do Your Banking With SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank and Trust Company Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Schroeder and children, Joan and Bobby, arrived Sunday to visit Mrs. Schroeder's par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Starr, of Dartmouth avenue. Mr. Schroeder has returned home to Brooklyn, N. Y. His wife and the children will remain for a month in Swarthmore. Starts l'rlday DON AMECHE ANDREA LEEDS AL JOLSON "SW ANEE RIVER" HEN it'afreezing • • and the wind ia howling ••• and snow ia d.rifting ••• I!r-.-~ ::-_'::;:;';:::71 [ QUALITY Conh 01 of quality through ~n.llumer ownership is an Important. advantag-c of a consumer ('()operaUve. ,!be Swarthmore Cooperative belva maintain a. teal­lUg kitchen in New York to guide U8. There all Co.op labeled merchandise i8 tested. Thia guides our wholesale in buying accordIng to specification. The constant ~becking of samp'es further contl'ola qUality. MEDIA '·rida,. - Salurday "The Secret oj Dr. Kildare" with UONEL BARRYMORE Lew Ayres - lionel Alwin Walt Disney"s Donald Duck in Teehnieolor Pete Smith and Fint Run New8 Sunday onl,. 2 features "The Honeymoon's Over" Stuart Erwin-Marjorie Weaver and Gene Autry "Colorado Sunset" Monday - Tueada,. "AUegheny Upriaing" .twriD&' Claire Trevor - John "Wayne II' edneodar - Thundar lloyd C. Douala .. ' "Disputed P .... age" with Dorothy LamoRr AkJm Tamiroft' in Teehnicolor TIlt. Sloru 01 Sltpll.~n C. Fost~r ~ On Stage I In Pe1'IIon t SATURDAY ONLY WIlL OSBORNE AND ms FAMOUS ORCHESTRA -ON SCBEEN­KAY KYSER in ''THAT'S RIGHT YOU'R.l1 WRONG" Starta Saturdu "TONIer 01 Lorulon" with BASIL RATHBONE nORIS RARLOFF Frlda7 &: sa1:arda.J GENE AUTRY In Sooo'" 01 Tile 80,."." ! Isn't it great to stay indoors and fix things up by telephonel . • • A consumer cooperative atore haH no incentive to sell Us members inferior merchandise. SWARTHMORE COOPERATIVE ASS'H, INC. 401-03 DARTMOUTH AVE. SWARTHMORE, PA. AT NEWS STANDS NOW With Picture Stories You Won't Want to Miss! DELAWARE COUNTY PROTECTS ITS ANIMALS THE S. P_ C. A. PHOTOGRAPmC SALON Work 01 Lealie L. Bender NEWLY ELECTED COUNTY OmCERS With BrIel lI10vraphlcal Skelchea CHRISTMAS CHEER-CHARlTY WUH KINDNESS MUBAL DEDICATED AT NORWOOD CHURCH And Many Other tntereallnq Pi_ 01 th. Mouth ,1.00 by lise Year THE DELAWARE COUNTY ADVOCATE lMO ..... - .. THE S'W ~~.-________________ ~ _____________ ~3 KNITTING WOOL .' THESWARTHMOREAN PUBI.ISHED EVERY FR~DAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA­THE SWAilTHMOBbN, INC., PUBLISHER PHONE SWAlITBIlORB 900 PSi_ E.Tow. Editor PoIABJORl& ToUl, AUDCi.,. Uilo, Rour.m P&IBJOL' MABY EwaI .... en :::0::,11 _ Entered .. Second CIau Matter, Januarr 24, 1929. at the P""t 0IIiee at· Swarthmore, Pa., under tho Act .f Mwcb 3, 1819. FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1940 Your Turn to Volunteer Salvation Army Worker8 Named A~ We4nesday afternoon's session (C ... I.- P"". 0 ... ) the local American Legion Auxiliary Dwight Cooley. Mrs. J. B. Douglas, the country organization's aims in a Mrs. Charles Fischer, Mrs. Frank Fitts, 1940 campaign of expansive American- Mrs. Albert Garrett, Mr •. W. H. Geh- were reviewed: education of post-ring, Mrs. Frank Gettz, Mrs. Franklin orphans, activity of junior awaliar- Gillespie. Mrs. Harold Griffin, Mrs. toward better citizenship, care of Claronce Hannum, Mrs. Henry Hanz-I ulnd,,,privile!!ed children, and service to lik, Mrs. Lloyd Kauffman, Mary Kistler, community. L. ]. Koch. Mrs. Frederick Laug, 'Alii," Marriott, Mr •. G. L. McCracken, Members are reminded of the month- ] T M K Iy visit to the Coatesville Veterans' . • c ernan, Mrs. William J. Ii~~~~:;, M rs. B• K . M one, M rs. Albe rt I:~~.::ii~~ where observation of the dis- Mrs. E. B. Newman, .Mrs. Ed- veterans in the occupational ther- Already men speak of the days when neighbors were an actual Noyes, Mrs. A. V. B. Orr, Mrs. ward (present troubles obHberated necessity as 'the good old days'. Yet that time when neighborly co- Henry Piper, Mrs. Robert C. Powel~ interest in creating mats and rugs operation was a basic element in the American economic system lies Mrs. Joseph Quinlan, Mrs. A. B. Reav- old silk pieces and stockings dyed within the memory of many Swarthmore residents. The Swarthmore is, Mrs. Charles Russel~ Mrs. Roger and braided by other veterans) will F . d P . A .. h' h . d' S. Russell, Mrs. S. S. Rutherford, Mrs. send the returning visitors to the,'r .Ir.e an· ~otecUve ssoclattOn w 1C was organIze in 1907 was a S auI n'l er, M rs. Cha r1 e s Sha w, M rs, tucked away baskets for contributions. practical expression of man's concern for his neighbors. For thirty o. L. Shinn, Mrs. T. Simpers, A- P. At Coatesville too they can inspect the years this volunteer organization has carried the burden of that con- Smalley, Mrs. Grace Smith, Mrs. Claude comlort 01 a library containing attrac-without -- ... .,..u &l.ndly ......sco AllD.865 AUC/A MARSHALL. Inc. Opp. P.R.H. Sta. N. side ARDMOaE, PA. LONDON Weather Proof SPORT COATS SOUTHERN SPORTS WEAR cem. Smith, Elizabeth Steele, MTS. tive magazines for men. supplied by Annual notices of dues to the Swarthmore Fire and Protective As- Smith, Mrs. C. M. Swan, Mrs. those who have already dug all the old tho D. Sweet, Peter E. Told, Mrs. magazines out of their cellars and sent SAINI' GEORGE'S ROAD AND :·sociat.i on are being received by the citizens of 1S community during TuD'IS , Mr s. A. H • Va n AI en, M rs. L ea them in piles to the Hospital Mrs. D. COUALTREDRM OARVEB NUE the current week. Warner, Mrs. C. P. Webster, Mrs. G. Van De Boe will be glad to receive Phone Ardmore 866 Swartlunore . has an excellent Fire Company. Its financial policy Weltz, Mrs. T. Whitehair, Mrs. telephone calls and see that contl'i-I~~;;;;;;';;';;;;;;;;;;~;;';;'~ is sound. ·1 ts equipment is in good condition and the addition of the Wisdom, Mrs. L. P. Wray, and Ce- butions are callcd for and 0 taken to I' booster-and ladder trucks has made it one of the most modern in this ThWe rSiaglhvLat ion Army has to its credit CSwoaatretshvmilloer. e H1e94r 8.t elephone number is county. Its active members are on call both night and day. Due to 1S"<lV 01 ever expanding service to the Ci.ti!.IL.I!roipptn(!ss .. 0f.. the response to ocalls. verY' few ~f the numerous needy and discouraged. It not only seeS alarms result· in disastrous losses. Its efficiency has given Swartlunore to physical needs but make an effort hi "b . 'ei A) b Ph I d I h' U d to restore self respect and to ma.kel the ghest poss, Ie raung \ ass y tile 1 a e p 1a n er- good citizens of those who might, with-writers' Association, which' means to t1~e citizens of this community out the help of tbe Salvation Army, be­thousands of dollars savmg on fire insurance premiums. In Delaware come a menace to society. . county only Swarthmore and Media are so rated. In the Philadelphia area, the Salva­-__. Each. year the community's support of the. Fire Company is .slow tainodn ASremttlye moepnetr atefos r a pDooary wNourrkseinryg enough to be extremely discouraglllg to men 0 who pay 1\2 a year for The Ivy House for Orphaned 'the pnvilege of be1ng on call day arid night to protect this community Children. A Home and Hospital ; from fire hazards_Once more opportulllty is glVen Swarthmore to unwed mothers, whose average age is admit its need of· and obligation to its volunteer l-ire Company. It fifteen years. A Family Welfare Bur-al d · h v/. ~ eau for men and women, a white men's WOUld be a generous gesture to r ly roun WIt 100,0 response, hotel, a colored men'. hotel, a men's Dr. Holmes Continues Bible - . series . - c- 'iW-9::t5 'A; M.-OthiS· Sunday Dr. Jesse !.H. will give the second in his series of four talks on Books of the Bible, when th~ Adult Forum convenes , at the j:I·rlends' Meeting liouse. This : week's topics -will be the Hooks of Sam­iouel and K:.:tn:::g~S:.:.. ........_ ~_ . , Christiau:Seience Church "Sacrament" .·.is the .ubject of tbe Lcsson-tiermoll in all Churches of ~: . Chr1st, Scientist, on Sunday, January 14. . The Goldell Text is: "I am··tli'i !..ora -that brmgeth you up out of the land " of Egypt,. to be- your God; ye sball · .... Ii>.ere1gre be holy, .for. l·am holy" (l.ev-iticus 11 :4_5-,):.;. __._ , _- Trinity Parrish Noles Tbe Annual Parish Dinner will be · held at the Chur<:h 011 Wednesday even­ing, January 31, at 6:30 .o'clock, under the auspices of the Woman'. Guild. I Mrs. Harry Davis.. ,Winsmore· is' chair .. .. . man of the dinner committee. A series of special events is being planncd for the Young Peoples' Fel· lowship, including a fellowship party .'. and a corporate communion of the · . _11IC1:t;lbers. . .'.\:l>e .ectoran4o. David J. Anderson, ] r., attended the Epiphany Meeting of .. the Southwestern Sunday School As­.,. sociation on Tuesday evening j.n. Trin­'. ity c.:hurch, Collingdale. The Lenten Schedule is being ar­ranged. with opening services on Ash Wednesday, February 7. . ... • I. Speer, former General Secretary of the l'resoyteraan .Hoard ot ,It· Missions, will be the guest of the ~wart:lmwre Church on January 21 and 22. !Jr. Speer wlU 'preach the mormog sermon on the ~lst and will be the guest speaker at a \..OngregaUonal Ditmer on .Ai'lnday, Jan. "-, at 6:JO o'clock. ilinner reservaUons may be made by (auing the Church otbce. The Woinan's AssOClatlon will meet to­day, Jamtary 12, at the Church with 10 A. Ai., sewwg; lZ :30 .P" M.t devotionals, led by' Mr.. O. ]. Gilcreest; 1 P. M., luncheon, lollowed by the business meet- 109. At Z P. M. the guest speaker· will oe .I ...\ 'lother Moore," a tormer wmner of the Gimbel Award. All women of the vil­lage are cordially invited to attend. The Session will meet this EVening, January 12, at 8 o'clock at the home of Elder Arthur J. ] ones, 307 Dickinson avenue. The Boys' Choir will rehearse Sunday at Z :30 o'clock, and the Girls' Choir at J o'clock, in the Church. The Young People's Fellowship for Higli School Young People will meet SWlday evening in the Parish House from 6 to 7:30. o'clock. The International Friendship Commit­tee will meet next Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Percy Gilbert, 407 Park avenue, to resume sew­ing for the Red Cross. • I • Methodist Chureh Notes The Church School at 9 :45 provides departments for all ages for appropriate Bible lesson. The Morning \tVorship at 11 o'clock will observe the annuai Church School Social Service Center, a Fresh Air Camp, a Youth's Club as well as ten community centers If Christmas expenses have left you "short," you are asked to sign a pledge for any date you choose. The army needs generous gifts but is always glad receive small gifts also if larger ones imposs-ibl-e. -..,.. .- -- Shows Foreign Film (ConUnueci froM p._ OM) The story is that of a sturdy people forced to leave their homes because of the failure of the harvests, the eXhaus­tion of the peat beds .. and the depletion of the fishing grounds by steam trawlers Irom the mainland. In the end the island folks board up their houses, drive their few remaining cattle to the waiting boats, and leave forever the doomed island which their families had inhabited lor generations. The picture was made by a company of actors, camera men, and technicians num­bering only twenty-four in aU, plus some of the natives of Foula. None of it was filmed in a studio. "Crisis", which was made by an erican, is a study of Czecho-Slovakia in the days preceding its betrayal at Mu· nieli and in the equally dark days whiel, followed. The commentary which ac­companies the pictures was written by Vincent Shean and is spoken by Leif Erickson. This film is a concise and graphic record of a tragic historical event. , I • Mr •• Sallie J. Taylor at Worship Service. . The Church Nursery will care for Mrs. Sallie J. Taylor, widow of Jesse children while their parents attend the Taylor. passed away shortly before Church service. There were seventeen noon last Wednesday, January 3, at children present last Sunday. the home of her son, J. Francis Taylor. The Evening Worship at 7 :45 P. M. 233 Dickinson avenue. Mrs. Taylor who will have as its guest speaker Burgess was eighty·seven years old, had made . John H. Pitman, who bas chosen for home with her son and daughter- CHURCH NEWS his theme, "He Made the Stars Also." I i~~~~~ for the past ten years. She sur- ~.~Ylerian Chureh Noles N.w SW1(lay morning the sermon will be "What is Wrong With the Churchl" The. Co~ttee on Missions and Benevo· len~ announces that Dr. Robert E. ., !." •. -~?~@~~~~~~~~~iiiCR-1 Tuesday evening at 8 0 'cI o ck the Ep- I, She hwears htuaskbeann di ll thtwiroty wyeeeakrss. before worth League will entertain in the So- her death and had been bedridden since cial Hall. ~. .~ ,:. -,-.~~.~~ that time. Thursday evening the Junior and Funeral services were held at 2 P. M. Senior choirs will hold rehearsals. Also the Ushers' Association will hold its last Saturday at Hick's Funeral Home S . in West Chester, the former home town recreation period, ian. the oclal HaIL of the deceased. Burial was at Birming- Favors Skating Rink ham Friends' Meeting near West Ches­ter, Mrs. Taylor being a Quaker. To the Editor: Surviving besides the local son and I understand that some progress has grandchild are a son, Willard Taylor, been made toward making a "safe" as and two grandchildren in Los Angeles. well as a "good" skating area. If this Cal. can be done with little or no expense to the Borough, I, for one, sincerely rr ........................................................................................... """'i! hope it will be an accomplished fact at once. Let's give those who want to skate not only a safe place but smooth SERVICE .. ~~~ lice in a central location. Other commun­I ties have been doing this for years. That you can Depend on QUA.LITY the why can't we? MRS. P. H. J~. , I • J. J.'s Open 1940 Season This Sunday .Janet Payne ~ tecture on The]. J.'s will hold their first meet­and History" ing of tbe New Vear this Sunday even- - Sewl~ and ing, at 7:30 at the home of Jane Anne ... ~.;~~~ ~~·~<W.illiams, 2.5.,.;._A ..m herst: avenue.' That you will like A. GOTTLIEB Tailor 10 Po'" Ave. Clt4t1iRg Furritr SW. '7Z7 -Rem,idiRg YOUNG CANARIES $1.89 Canariea $4.98 up Cag .. -.I Stand. PIanb &lid Put Noyeltlea FRANK & SEDER PET SHOP _ STllllB'r r..-....-....------..-...-...--.-------"-a. I JANUARY I ~ WHITE SALE ~ l Replenub your linea clout DOW- l II trJUll'd qaiJut hia:her price.. 1 OUR OWN SPECIAL l ~ PERCALE SHEETS I Hemmed Hemstitched .72><108 ••••.•.•••.• 1.25 1.50 ~ !lthr:l08 ..•••••••••• 1.60 1.85 I 45"38~ ea.... ..... .45 .60 ! ·Imh liDen .1 ... Towel. I Red BlUe. Green. Plaid Destp. oa • .29 . Mariex Bath Towel. .zs The I.inen Shop ~ 1 Charlotte M. MCCUrdy III CIuqe 1 I II. T. PAftIlII30II I Etttabllllle4 .- I 1318 Walnut St. 1 L~~~.:~~:::J - 1 ONE M/.. N who . mows it DOESN'T pay to advertise is the burglar. If he calls at ,!0fW house, he will come unannounced. iETNA-IZE J.oc go cell you ..... Ucd. io ...... ......... the ptotectioD of Altaa .... W-.. 11 ... &10'1', Thalo ODd Bob­Iouy bftuaDu Wued by Th • .III ..... Canoloy .... S......, Company ., Hanford, CoD •• PETER Eo TOLO' GENERAL INSURANCE 417 Dartmouth Ave. Swarthmore 1833 When company is coming and you don'l know what 10_ serve - Here is the answer • • • Roast Capon done to a lurn. You couldn't ask for a heller roasl- Of len referred 10 as a "Iurkey 8ubslitule". FRESH DRESSED C APIO N 5 The meat is so tender and white we do not wonder it is called "turkey substitute". c II; A low price Jlnd a real treal- These large lender chickens range in weight from 7 to 9 pounds. The last word in the chicken family - Yon can't heat them for eating goodness. They're fresh·killed. Freshly dressed and have that fresh·from·the-table goodness. BEnERFOOD fORTHE'TAILE . L'S COMPUTE FOODMAUET ~_a&_A __ -_"-~PL Phone - SwutImlore 2100

---------- Page 8 ----------

. ~ : lMO '. Women Share Old World Memories COUNCIL REAPPOINTS OFFICIALS OPENP~l..TO END W. I. 1.. STUDY ~ Pollee Chief al 'F. B. L Sehool Gentile world tbat __ - iust for the Jews but for all mea' III aU time. The ... lue of tile traditioaal Jacoh F. Meschter' was cle<:ted presi­dent uf Borough Council at its Qrganiza~ tion meeting last Monday night. Elliott Richardson was real,pointed Borough Se .... retary. \-Valter L. Thorpe was reap­Cal, tain :"-Ivin). Herr, of tile Swartb- festival of Epiphany after Chriatmu Is more Police Dep.artment, left home to show that the ChrUtmu ~_ World Goverment Group to Pre-IS,unclay lor Washmgton, D. c., where is for more than the clay afld mutbe Talks by Members Introdnced by sent Prominent Local Speak. take'a three months' course at . • Group Singing Feature Inform­': al Program ut Woman'. Club ers Next Wednesday Evening school 'conducted . by the' Federal lived t~oughout the yea .... ·: Bureau of Investigation of the United OctavIus Narbeth led the ptherialr States Department of Justice. Captain in the singing of "We Three KiDp­will undergo the same rigid train- to Frank R. Morey' •. trum~ accaPl­as regular F. B. I. recruit., cover- paniment frOm the .;,te of OI1e of the ing every branch of police work. Dur .. protective fire trucks. ing his ab!ience Sargeant Bateman will ' pointed Borough Treasurer. Dr. F. S. Gillespic was rea.IJl'oilltt.>d 'fhl' lina) session of the World Gov- Il'.'altl, officer and milk iUSllCctor, and ernnlCllt study group under the aus- . The discussion luncheon which ~irs. Joseph Seal, assistant health of_IPI'CCS of the Women's International opened the Woman's Club 1940 scason I ~~~:~~ will be- a panel dis,cussion in c~\arge of the Police Dept. \~as marked by general participation fieer. I' Government." It will be· held . I' Mrs. ~Iary P. Dodd was appointed CoI- tl'e Frl·ends' Meeting'House on Wed-and gCl11a tty. il'dor of sewer rentals. 1.1l:S<'"ay, Mrs. Roland Eaton, having attended Ellwood B. Chal)man and Lconard C.1I January 17. at 8 o'clock. It will to the business affairs of the club. d take form of an open conversation I I • I.e Cerele Francais Muaicale turned the meeting ovcr to l\irs. Petcr AfsIA'tod~ were reappointed to the Boar with Mrs. William Jaquette, Frances 0> Justment. Reinho1d of the Swarthmore College ~'011,n'oelsd'oaf t~!~ajpr~~agl~a~it~~:~:it!e~sse Burgess PfitmhanBdeliverh~ ani illl,Prclss.ive Political Science Department; Mrs. ev!":jngCe~~lela;tra;::kis inm~o~hU;=- summary 0 t e oroug s p lyslca 1m· Mildred Olmstead, a membcr of the The subject "Contributions of the old provement during '38 and '39, which will national staff of the \V. I. L.; Herbert orial. Swarthmore College with Mrs. world to American Culture" was an- le published in an early issue of The Fraser and John Nason, of the H. J ermain Creighton. the president. nounced by Mrs. Told. 'fhe audience _. lwa rtl Itn orea'.".. . lege, and the Rev. David Braun. Dean acting as hostess. set the stage for the speakers with •• I The evening took tht: form of a group singill!:-usillg SOllgs from the SCHOOL BOARD Harold Speight will lead. the discus- French musicale. Mrs. J. C. Bedford, country represented by the speakers. CHAIRMEN LISTED sian. Questions from the audience will of Moylan, sang. French songs. accom· the first number sung was the directed to the speaker. pallied at the piano by Mrs. Herbert er frOI11 "Hansel and Gretel" wfliclll School Board president, Roland At the meeting on Friday, January Fraser, of Wallingford, who also ac .. was followed by a talk by Mrs. C. Eaton announced the appointment 12. Uoland Pennock of the political sci-I c"m,pani"d Cyril Gardner, Swarthmore l<. Philbrick a native of Danzig. She James H. Hornaday as chairman of fin- ('Bee department of the College will violinist. Mr.· Paul, another member of told of the lIatiollalmo\'elllent of Drama ance, George Schobingcr as chairman the theoretical basis fur world gov- the Circle, played piano solos by Cho .. and ~Iusic-remillding l1S that tnueh of of property and supplies. Roy W. Dela- crnment. This meeting will be held in . this naturalism on the American stage plaine as chairman of public rellations.l the Presbyterian Church Parish House pm. had been due to the influence of such Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth as at 10 A. M. writers as Gerhardt. Hauptman, Hob chairman of pubHc relations at the ---............ -- and others. "Tobacco Road" and \Vild~ School Board meeting last Monday. News of the Woman'. Clnb I I I Watch Flames at Borough's Burning 01 the Greens Old Fashioned cmd Butter CTeams •• Spcda140c lb. SHUBOLZ CBOOOLA'l'E SHOP 1M P ..... &VIIIiW owa 'P_I t0ll. 8wart1l1Dore 11M can_-_ DalIJ' .' AVOID Overpayment of Your FEDERAL INCOME TAX .Reasonable Pe" for T"" $erfJIu Myers Accounting Farm N. Co MYERS J. W. MY1!RS T. S. MYI!RS erst 'Our Town" wcre cited 'as good Appreciation was expressed to Frank PhoneSwanhaune77~1 examples. This was followed by a talk llromley, of Moylan. for his. gift of The trip to the Campbell Soup Com­by ;\lrs. Ralph Nixdorf who told of the material for robes worn by the Uutgers pany in Camden, N. ]., will be on Wed­heritage of the Pennsylvania Dutch. a\'cnue chorus in its Christmas recita1.lnc:sd,ay, January 17. All Club members She alluded to the fact of their kCCl)il1g ~Irs. Denworth was appointed to at- are going are requested to be at thl'lUscives natural and ended her rc- tend the State School Secretary's COll- the Club House by 11 :30 A. hi. Cars marks by saying that "perhaps the Hl1tion to be held in Harrisburg on will be available for transportation. richest heritage was their culinary art." Feh. 1. She _was also appointcd to reprcw Those interested should notify (Conlfllued from PtJlle 0 .. ) I:~~~~~~~~~~;;;~~~~~~ field and watched from parked cars. Many late diners enjoyed a window view of the blaze but missed the at­mosphere created by the Rev. J. Jarden Guenther's revelation of the occasionts historical background. tiThe real sigDi .. fieance 01 the Epiphany was the shar­ing of the Gospel Message with the The Irish atmosphere created by the sent the Board at the Convention oi H. Perkins, telephone Swarth- ~inging of "Believe me if all those en- State School Directors to be held in more S43-R. dca,rillg youllg Charms" and the ~·Lon· Harrisburg on February 2 and 3. Mr. Mrs.' Dwight Cooley and hirs. Gcorge ooudcrry Air." was an appropriate in- Eaton was appointed alternate. M. Ewing entertained the members of lr.Qductjon to the delightful talk by Mrs. The Nona Royster Bragg case will the Moving Picture Committee at Mrs. \Vitliam Earl Kistler which followed. be argued before the Supreme Court Ewings' home on Thursday -afternoon Mrs. Kistler reminisced that her grand· of POI. during this next week. a plate luncheon. The chairman, hither was born in Ireland. She said ' • Mrs. Harold Goodwin read a paper on o { course Ili·S f avorl. tc co Io r was green Musicians' Club Program "Block bookit1~~' and a general dis-and that in her youth she became . by Members cussion followed concerning t!1is idea. quite proficient with Irish airs for The second Literature Chairman Con. she f0t111~ him ~lipping her a dollar The Swarthmore :Music Club met f '11 b I td . F·d 5 for each Irish song she learned. She Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. .erel~ce ~~ .e. ICI th~~d' n ~y at 1:4 reminded her audience of the typical Robert E. Care1s, of Riverview road. ~ar~~~ .J. uDlClpa BUI tog In Irish wit and humQr "with a bit of a E"dSrnoonuantad Saonudl eS goanvaet aa Fsohromrt" rcwshuimche 1\1 '11· Fl· • .I. rs. W1 tam . Boy e, chairman, wdl lear with each laugh," and wound up I atte'",d and make her report at a latcr A Cour.e in Muaic AppreciatiOD in 5 lectures by M .... G_ T_AohtOll Opens Mcmday P. M. Jan. 15 Fcc for Series IZ.50 Telephone Media 1581 LEONARD W~ PECK' Gemral Insurance Swarthmore687J KJn .... ey2700 A. .. ocfau4...u" Pennsylvani.8 General Underwriters ... PRESBYTEIIlAN CHUBCH DINIIEB. Monday Evening, Jan. 22, at 6130. At the PIUIah Ho_ Guest Speaker: Dr. Robert E. Speer, former Modertdor of the Presbyterian General Assembly and onellme by reading the poem "The low back car" was followed by a String Quartet in, d"te. President of !he Federal Council of Churches to the delight of her hearers. l\.. 1 ajor by Haydn. In thc quartet, Lu- Mr• • Ullman at Junior Club ! '[ A L V I d Cole played firsl vl·o'·I·n· Da G r Telephone Dinrier Reservations to the Church ""'--...,-. S~. 672...,- . Next ~\ rs. . . entne(' p aye a • ne 0 - The stated meeting of the Junior VWU;t ..... Russian song, and the "Song of don, second violin; Mrs. W. F. G. Club was held at the Woman~s Club before Friday, Jan. 19. : Dlnner tickets 65 cen~ Seasons" from the Hungarian music. Swann, viola" and Dr. Swann the cello. I:l.ous. Tuesday Janua"" 9 at &'P_ M" ,-_,::,,~ ~,,' ,.-...... YOl! ABE. GO. RDIAllY.INVIT. ED.' . -. Thc'gr'eat smoo1hnes~ and the'beauti. - .:.f ". ~;,..-, r -' followed .. by the group singing "Santa The· Literat.ure SecJiori ;.vas! 'iq chirge· I;~===:::::====~=~~~§~~=~~=~~===::~~~~=~ L ucm.. .. M rs. A . '~\I. B ossh aTdt, Ih Cll fwuel ll sblorowu gmhto voe.u-' ith. ent was partieula' rly of tliC program_ for the evening and entered th~ stage wearing the Swiss had chosen for their' speaker, Mrs. c(}stume worn by certain sections in A ~lozart Sonata in A Major corn· Roland Ullman _of the Senior Club. Berne. She sang a yodeling song and posed of violin and piano was played Next Tuesday at 8 P. M. an said that forty different costumes were by Cyril Gardner and Mrs. Everett section meeting will be held at the' home worn by the natives of Switzerland, and Hunt. This was a beautiful composition of Mrs. l\1aurice Haworth, 811 Westdale that recently a League formed to per- and was played smI oo• thly avenue. petuate the wearing of these costumes. McKeag Home Robbed TI, e Ch ora I G roup moets at 8 P • M . Q(, course she mentioned the hcritage next Thursday at the Club House. of "Swiss Cheese" and in a more scr- The home of Mr. and Mrs. George Even'm g Sect•io n Events ious way, the pianist Uudolph Ganz, told \V. McKeag, 645 Parrish road, SW3rth- A Board Meeting of special interest . of the hospitality and humanitarianism more Crest, was robbed between (j WI'1 1 b e II e Id F rt'd ay evenm. g, J auuary 12 , which led to the founding of the Red P. M. last Saturday, when the l'.IcKcags at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. BEAUTY SAWN • The Frobltm 'of Beouly . .. is, a F,obl .... ' ,ol'll~ilwiih ,c, .... , • c.w. 476 13 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD Cross in Switzerland, and mentioned the Ie I t to visit ,friends in Haddonfield, N. J., B agard us. It'IS par t'I cuI. ar Iy I. mportant fact the most famous of hotel men tl t II 'fi d I' b and 1:30 A. M. Sunday ~when they 1a a Olilcers an c latnl1el1 e pres- r==I .......... ~~ ••• ~~ •••••••••••••• ~~ Ritz came from there. She listed one of returned home. cnt at this time. Any chairman unable tRhietz "g.o od current books as "The Life of . S \varthmote police arc conducting a to a tt emI 'IS as k c d to send her co-ch. a.l r-thorough investigation from the sev-: man in her place. Mrs. Charles Israel told most inter- eral clues available. . The monthly rotation··bridge will be ('slingly of her Canadian great grand- I I I held at the home of hIrs. Harold Rox-mother, who is still living at the age Legion Slleuker Monday by, 735 Yale -avel1uc."on T_ucsday, Jan-of one hundred and three and of the The regular monthl\! Illeetl'llg of ti,e uary 16 ,at 8 a., c lock. Anyone planning many 'tfh ings she had told them of hcr Harold Ainsworth PooJs ' #4~. A,ller,·. to at t ell d s Il OU Id noll'1 y 1'\I r s. - Roxby early 11 e in Canada; when. for instancc. can Legion. win be held at 8~I .. 30 P. 'I. as soon as POSS!· hlc . they carried their shoes to church, put- .\..., • ting them on when near the church. She Monday evening of next week in the had eight children, all of whom reached Bcmugh Hall I.egiol1 Room. Dr. Brand maturity. She worked her' own garden Blanshard will ,be the speake!;". Girl Scout News , ; until she was ninety and still clings to Lauds BIIT";'." of ,lie Greens tht:!> theory that it was wrong not to l"I There will be a meeting of all Patrol Leaders of Delaware County at the 20th Century Club in Lansdowne on Satur­day, January 20, at 10:30. Mrs. Charles Israel; td~phol1e 7Z7-\V, is driving to the meeti.l1g and wilt gladly take girls of any troop if they will let her know. things as her ancestors had. She lived Dcar ltditor: in th~ sal11L' house for sixty years and T'was a great sight to see our Christ­her'proudl'st moment was. when she re- mas greens which had meant sharing ccived a note of congratulation from giving. loving. go into aile great light~ the King and Queen of England upon and this 011 the date that was originally her hundrcd and first birthday. She has lebratcd as Christ's birthday. Girls of Troop 16 who are working for the Hostess Badge are to meet to­a hundred descendants living. And certainly with our young children morrow at ·500 Harvard avenue at 9 :30. Mrs. Anthony L. Venlner played lascinated by the intense blaze, a bit of some music from the Scandanavian our responsibility slipped from our countries, and being of direct Swedish shoulders as we saw tho fire trucks dt::sccnt. told of $ome of their gifts to manned by the ever-efficient volunteers the culture of America j alluded to the close by. The wind was terrific but origin of the names of the days of our thanks to our fire and police dcpart­weeks, stated that skiing originatcd I1lcnts we knew al1 was well. there. She proudly told of Zorn, the Sincerely, famous etcher, and Nobel. who first Lois T. Thompson Other girls go to the Scout House for Second Class Work. This group had an interesting meeting last' Tucs· day starting with a tour of Borough Hall ~\'here the work of the Borough Secretary, the Police and Fire Depart­ments was explained. The ended with supper cooked at the Scout House. was known as a famous scientist, havw iug worked out the formula for dynamite but rcnowned for the endowment for the Nobel prizes. She listed Swedish philosophers, Swedenhorg among them, Ibsen and the Fairy tales of Hans Christian Anderson and Jenny Lind and wound up the afternoon by playing some lovely. folk dances. Popular Speaker Tuesday Mrs. Alexander Ewing, legislative chainnan, will present the Honorable Ellwood J. Turner as the speaker next Tuesday afternoon.- . The topic will be "Our Statc Government." Members of the local League of Women Voters and the Woman's Club of Rutledge are i~l' vited guests. THE WEEK'S CALENDAR FRIDAY. JANUARY 12 10:00 A.lL-W. I. L. Study GrOuP ..... __ ............... ~- .~ lO.OO A. M. _ Wom:Il"!\ Association .. -....... Parl"h House 8:40 P.M.-Dante and Poem Reciiai:.·:::.·.·.·::::::::::::.·.CI~ih~:M:~:r: _ SATURDAY. JANUARY 13 7:15 and !l:1a P. 1\1. -l\lo"ing Pidures •.........•....••... Clotblcr Memorial 11 '00 A )1 . . SUNDAY. JANUARY 14 . .. - :\loMlIng Worship ............................... Local Churebes 2 00 P MONDAY. JANUARY 15 8:' 30 P• l!olf. - NAI"mNlJ·e work1 '_G.u ild Hour ., .................... 214 Rutgrrs Ave .' •• - erH';UI ~·gJ.on 1Ioit.-etmg ••••••••••••••..••••••••• Borougb Bali <) TUESDAY. JANUARY 16 .. :30- P.,·M.-lIon £1lwooo J Turner S k 8:15 P.M.-Young Rellublic~n .M e_e uiJ ..... ._ p. e.a. •e.r..: ...•... '.:.. . '.. -..... W. __ o•m•a.n. ~oman·9 Club 8 Qub House 8'00 P M _ W -., WEDlI!ESD~Y. JANOA1,lY' 17· -.: ' . .. . I. L. Pa,1el DlS~S!lIO~ ................ Friends' Meeting HaUB:! '. THURSDA1'. JA-NUARY'-18 ~:oo P. M,-Fri.endly Cirde ..••••....••••.....•..... 412 North Cheater IMo DOZIGHT ls .... Most 51.........,. Most Seftsadoaal. Most SUl'prislng LaW·PIteed ....... ry.C.r Ewer Bull. a •••• ca·. FUll ..... __ •••• C.D ca. ONE LOOK AIIID .... ·DE ....... aJ a •• wa"lla .. GIn' :(/#Itil/! IFO •••••• a •••• ar.a.aNeK c. R. WUGHEAD, Inc. 9ih & Spro"aI Sheet. Ph_e. noClaellin. CIIESTEB, PA.. SPORTS REVIEW CoUese Vanity Wins Clo~ Ba.,. kel.BaU 'lilt With Earlham, 'Fr08h Drop to UnIlOIn Prep. High School .......... to Ridley Park Q ,--~~.~~~~e:;~~~=;1 Swarthmore College defeated Kari-n ham 48 to 42 in.a basketball game at Swarthmore, Monday. Garnet piled up a 29-19 lead at -time, a lead which came in handy when their opponents staged a !.~y the closing minutes of the game. Swarthmore field goals were scored : Cope (7), Reller (5), Simson (2), and Welt mer. Foul goals were scored by: Cope (8), Eberle (2), Welt­mer, Simson, Reller (2), Jakie and ~~~i~;~~~~;;;IDietzTh.e College freshmen lost the pre- ~~~~~ Iiminary game to Lincoln Prep. 36 to _ 26. The visitors took an eight point at half time. The yearlings hraced I du,rin" the final half but the opponents ~~I ~:~:~; them in scoring by two points f.j this period. Swarthmore High School lost its first . ~;;~;:~~~~;; I Ridley Township, 34 to 25 on the latter's ..: floor, last Friday. Ridley Township led at half-time 18 to 9 and that nine point lead was the " TdB S·. ARTHMOBS'AN Charter Ro. "1113 R J 'Ie DII1iI'k* lfo. 3 BBPOBT OP TlIII OOIIDlTlON or TIIIi SWAIn'JDIOBII NATIONAL BANE '" TRUST COMPANY, of S..-, In tile Stata 0' l'ODnnl1&Dla, at the "'- of bud­neea on December 30. 1839. publlahed In re­' POIllMl to call mad. '" OOIDptIOllor of tile CurreDOJ'. unc1er Section 5211. U. S. Be'fIIJeCI Stawtee. AIIIInII 5 PUBLIC NOTICB 1102. 108, BlodI. No. 8 on • oenaID -:nm.d A propoled budl"et 1a available for publlc plan 01 10Le called "JUrkIsD'l New De98lop. IDipedlon at the dice ot the Boroucb 8ecre. went," d&t.ed JUDO 0. 19U aod recorded • tary lotaled at Boroua-b Hall. Park Avenue. Med1a in l-.t Book No .. U1. ,pap 6206. made SwlU'1bmore. Pa. bet'A'een the hour. of 9:00 b7 Bubert P. Greea. C. B., iID4 IIUJI"e :la117 A. M. and 5:00 P. ld. lor fU&eeu d.,. IIUb- delM.'l"ibed .. followl: aequent 10 the IlUblieatioll uf tbla no&iee. ELLIOTT RICHARDSON. Becillulnl' al, a polol 1000000ad b7 tho inklr-- _.",~==o-:--,, __. :Bo=ro:;"::::h-=Se::':;"'::'=ary:.:.;• . aediun ut ,btl Utt!1heuLerl7 aide 01 Jlaplewooca SHEBIP'II"S 8ALK 0" BBAL BSTA..... I AVcllutl lIor1)" teot wide) wUb lbe weeier17 Loans and dlBcounte (lncludlDlr t2.U ov_te) .............. . United Statui obll­ptlona. d1rect and guaranteed Other banda. DOtel. and debeD .. -"'.l1li 'aide 01 Klrklnnll Avenuo Uor1r,J·llye feet wide} bud tbe suulbwelllerl¥ aide of Ba.&er ,Ay _ 105,525.02 Sheri II's Oftlee. CourL HoUle. Media. Penn.. I turly • .fI.VO feet wide) &Dd csleDd1.Ue t.hcDae alun&, tbe said oOl1heUIel'17 .we 01 Ilaplewood. :t\VCUU6 borth lICYeDlJ'·lour dearree8 Iwent,..-x tun:s ........................ . Corporate atoeb. lnciucl1ng stock Caosfh ,F ederal Reserve bank ...... _ceo with other_ lnelucllng reserve balance. aDd cash Items In proceea of 001 ... leC't100. ...................... . Bank prem1aM owned. •• $93.864.00 Purnlture and flxtures. 4.039.52 00.t1o.e4 SaiunJay. JanUU'J' 27. 194.0 .34 mlnutes weill oue hundred aDd twem;r·llve feel 478.114 U:30 A. X._Eaa&ern Standard 'rime lu a point .. l.'Orner 01101, No. 63 OD Aid piau. 8,250.00 CondlUona: 1260.00 euh or cstUIed check I,~eflce extend1o, uor&hw~ by sald lot No. al tIme of 88le (uriIeu otberw1Jt .&ated lD ad- '6a by a line curvin .. to the len Lbo d1Il. ... a vertlaemenl) baluce in ten da$'I Other con- uf ,well" alld I.wo·\enthl leel. more or , .. d!Uon.e OD .b:; 01 ..... • 110 a point a corner ot lot No. 101 on said 480.904.94 .. ~. plan. I,hcnee extendiDl' aloIlS" IIBid 101. No. 101. Levari Faclu No 07' north elcb'7·eeven deCreet. thir&7·.flve miDuu... !~. ..,.. • eaet ODe hundred BlKI tW(ID.II'· feeL 1.0 97,703.52 ",'~. _ '.:~Ptembel' Term. 19311 said 8Outbweel-erl7 e.ido 01 ~ler Avenue; and Real estate owned otba' thaD. : ' lnelK-e e.xtendlnl' BOUthe:ul.wan1l7 aloP&' the Oth~ .==~.::::::::::::::: : __ ..:'~:::===:1=9 th.;u~ull'~~:r:: l!~rO:v~e':t.°~=~::: ::de :::n~~ ;;.es~et~ al~~~::o -::! =, eel. aUual.e in BoroUl'b 01 8warthmore.1 wilh a. radiWi of two hundred aDd. elch\74WO Total ABaete •••••••••••••••••• $2.334.Un.18 Count7 01 Delaware. 8&at.e of PennQ'IYanla. aud alxty·lollr one·hundredths feel. the dist.aDC8 ........... _ dealcnated aud known aa 101 No. 138 00 pla.a. 01 ftllJ'·nine and IOven tenths feet 1.0 tbe Arel ~ ... .-.- 01 '1'raci No.1. of landa of ibe Swarthmore mentioned polot a.ud place of ~. Demand deposita oJ IndlYlduats. .lmprovement Comp&U7. n:l.'Onied in tbe OMce I partnerahlps. and. eorpora- lor Recordln" ot }keds In Media 10 Deed BoOk, Under aud aubJect to cer1aio bu11diDc re-tlODS •••••••.•••••• ..•••• • • •• .• 1,126.349.82 G, No.6. pan 619 &C .. boUQded and described strictiolli. Time deposits at Indlvlduals. as foUow,. 10 wU: I parto.erablps. and corporations 665.584.68 !mprovcmemlill c;ouaiat 01 1."'0 u.nd one-haU Deposita of Unltetl State. (JOy.. BePnnlDl" at a poinl on Iho norlhe&literlT Itur~ 111"'00 aud B~UCCO hoUle, 34xZ4 1ee1; ernmeo.t (including POStal aide of Dlck.1n8oD Avenue at. a diJJtance of loUr porch Irunt; 8\UC<.'O addition. 10xlO feel.; aavlngs) ......••.........•.... 56.907.13 hundred feet lOuthe .... Wardl7 from the IOUth- 8,Ueo..O "aralle. 10n8 feel. Deposits 0:1 States and poUtlcal eaaierJ7 aide of Yale Avenue (forQ lee~ wide); subdlv18ions ..••.............. 125,958.26 Cont.alnin&" in frOn' or breadth OD aa.1d DlcklD. Sold 801 the pcOperlY of LouiJI. Fiacb5:rapor Other deposita (certUled aDd IOn Avenue .oU, feel. and ezteDdin&' 01 \hal' and Mary lI'Ucbgral)Cl'. morta-qol'S. and 14...,. cashier's checks, etc.) ...• , .•.• 6.664.48 w!dlh in leocth or deplh uortheaatwardI.T be- .l'l&CLI.-raver, llIso 1I.Duwn aa ld.ary Uak.lq. real Total Deposita •••.• $1.981.484.17. _____ ,,"ween parallel linea at rlaht ana-les to lald I1de owner. -: of DlcklQOn AYenue I wo hundred. feet. I Tot.a1 Llabllltlee .•••••••••••••• $1.981,484.17 HOWARD M. LUTZ. AUor11eJ' . OAPITAL ACCOUNTS Under and .ubJect to certaln conditione and I wlLLl.A..M. W. :McKIM. Sherif!. Capttal Stock: reaLricUo08 u therein menUoned. .125.000.00 •••••••••••••••• 125.000.00 eertaln marta-ace deb1 or priDelpal lIum 0:1 lin (0) Common stock, total par Al80 under and 8ubjed to the pa71D8D-I of a\ Surplus ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 150,000.00 tbousand dollar&. wUh iDl,eren. u there1u men. SHERIFF SALES =~::' (~:':tereiiieDieni" ac:' 42,643.01 Uoned. -\::iheria( Ii OWlC. Cour&. HOU8e. Media. l'CIUla. j~~~~~~[~~~~i~~~ Suburban League basketball game to margin of victory. each team tamed points during the second half. Field goals were scored for Swarth­more by: Kirk (4), Naisby (3), Black and Gary; foul goals were scored by: Kirk (4), Corse (2), and Nason. I I • CELEBRITY DESCENDS ON BOROUGH count for preferred stock).. •. 35.000.00 Improvement8 coomt of Iwo .tOl7 atueco bamnJay, JanulU'J' 20. 1940 T tal ca ltal A ta 3S2 ••• 01 boU!e, 21133 leel; enclosed frou&. porch; one o p eeoun....... .~. etol7 stucco addiUoo. 9x6 feel; RUOCO !IV"" \ O::.tU A. M. Eaatern Standard Time 'I21..x2 1 feel.. (.o.lditiullli; $2&0.OU Cub or eerUfied ch~k Total Llab.l1tles and capltal Sold as tbo proper.". of Ed&ou P. aDd 8l ,.o.UC ul aaJo l UuJelli uLhl!rWise Ihl:nou lJl Aecounta .MBM:OBANDi .... $2.334.107.18 Blanche A. YOUDI'. his wile, mor'ncon aQd !au\,ewlICmeuu. ba.ance in ten lIa,)'tJ. u,ber Pledged. assets (and eecur1ties Blanche A. Young. real owner and M1'8. Jamea IcunullloUIJ OU day of snle. 1 • Do"herty, terre tenaDI. oaned) (book value). 1 Fieri Facias No. 8M (a) United. States Oovemme&t EDW. H. P. FRONEFlELD, AUorDQ'. I In case there be those who haven't :=:-. PI= to a:,~ ... Seplember Term, 1930 learned the identity of that lean and ca. CUte depostts and. other Levari FadNJ No. '1159 I All thal lerlain lot or piece 01 p'ound with daverous personage who stalked the vil- llabWtlea.............. .• 243.080.32 j September Term. 1989 the bUIIWII"S alld improvements tbereun I leceClecl. tiituate a' Lansdowue. in Ihe Tuwn- RENT-POSSESSION AT ONCE lage ccnter with spats and cane· late (e) Total ..................... 243.080.32 All Ih 4 c:ertaI I I l.eee I • __ .a -'ab IsblP ot .... pper Darb)". COUIIt)" of Delaware alld Cen U • ---ted . Secured llabWtle8: I a~ Door P 0 --- w. ISlau! 01 l't:onsylvarua. a(uresaid, beWIr 101. hO. lm '1 &AIICII , Tuescb.y aften100n, setbng local young (a) Depos.ltssecured.bypleclged Itho buUdinl'S and ImprovemeDla thereon enc&- 27 and ,be nOl1hwardly ball of lOL .!'IIo. ~ilI Foar bedroonu, Iarae lawn, 2-car a:ar- ladies atwitter and occupying knowing' assets pursuant to requtre- ed Situate on tbe aoutheaat8r17 oorner 01 N .... un ~ne i'Jan 01 Lan8lluwne. knowu 88 ,ue aae. '75 a mon •• 51'1 Harvard Ave. 100,lh:ct,ors \ .tneo.ts of law •••••••••••.•• $ 180.432.831 sau Boulevard aDd Pint Street. in the BoroUl"b ; "Aloucrsvu 'l'raLt" made by Thuma!! G. Jan· I' of autographs, he was Swarth- of.Prospec1 Park. in \he·Count.)'" of Delaware iv.e,·, v. K .. III lhe i'ebru8r7 lYUtS. sa...d plan ~! WM S BITTLE more's contribution to the silver screen (d) Total •••••••••••••••••••• $ 180.432.83 taforeaald. Thence extendinl' DorUl &iIt7·ftve OOIDS' recanled &~ Media. iu Deed BoOk. "K." ~i, " 8Wai..i' .-1i•d lo..e·:1l1~' '.. l.r{)lt:r~~l,:e~in~~I' State of Penna.., County of Delaware. 118: ledtellY1' 8lei8o eI woef nFlyi·rssetv Sentr. eme'l.neuIz'eUa fee8e8tt. btyhe tnhcee lIOOuU1h",· .l1.. u.. 0 .w i1t:2 &p;"P..;.;.n. in6g~-"a 1. aQn. dp OdineLs t.orinb ed'h eB InI olrotblloew""s NotarJ' PublJc-lnIuranee-Real BIta&e. .. h h fill d II . I. B. 8. Sproat. Oash'er of the abOve twenQ'·four d8a-rees lbirlJ'·tbree minutes eut erl.1 IJlde of Owen Avenue tfift7 feel. wide) :...~....,-_______ .,.,.______ w 0 as e a movie named. b&nlt. do solemnly swear that the 'al ria-hi aDl'les to the eaId. li'irfA 8treet. ODe ,Il.tee hundred aud nine and IIiX oae·b.undr'edLhs ~oers with varying emotions according to' above statement 11 true to the bt!R of my. hundred and five feel: Ihmll"8 BOuth feet northwestwardly from the no.nl1weewr.)' DR. M. BWOMFIELD h 01 h h d • h' ,UQWledp and bel1ef. dq"re!08 twenty·seven minute. weal liSt,. feel. :8~tle of Marsh-all Road, Contalninc in hon~ or .. _. . e many r es e as one slllce 1S B. S. SPBOAT. to the easterly line of aald BouIsvard' I.beaoe blcall~h on tbe Baid Owen. Avenue lievcnl)' Oplo~~ri'f .irst triumph in "Devirs Island." Seen CUbler. north twenty·four degrees Ihlri¥·lhree 'm1DOIM 11\'6 leet and extendllll' of tbat wid,h in teuarlD rt f f 't ta f Sh· SWOl'll to and 8lJbecrlbed before me thlll weat one hundred and five feel to the p1&C11t or dClnb. northeas'wardl,y J,uw tbe northelWI.· Complt:te- Eye Service .n suppo 0 avon e . S rs rom lr· 8th day 01 January. 1040. of bednn1~. Being known .. lot. Nos. 888 cr1)'" 81de of Owen Ayenue aw:I be~ween p&r. 612. WELSH "TREE'" ley Temple to Kathenne Hepburn and PE'1EB B. TOLD. and 339 on Plan of Prospect. '1'erraOIt.. all!!! lilies al righl anelel '0 Owen Aveuut! ~ ,a D h La ('th th I tt th lfotal'7 PubUc. unt! hundred a.ud eiehlY five and one tenth CaD CIiee 8014 orot y mour WI e a er as e Correct - Attest: Bounded on tbe norihelWl. and eoutheut, b7 feet. ,- ter keeper in "Hurricane"), he has por~ BJ . pB . other lands of &he sald Frank J. Won'Cll et us. Buunded on tbe nortbwest by 101. No. :W ;MRS. "k J. QUINB" & SON trayed kindlier roles, but is most remem· vi. H. ]mproverpentB consist 01 frame buIl&'81ow. on aaid plan, on nonbeaM. b.J' luI. Noa. A .)ere d f or h1' S S.lO.lS t er '11' rts '7 30 I I 2~'8 ,.....4 12 and 13. on the IOU&bet& b7 other pU't of VI an1 pa • z; eel.: rame garage. ~ _h 10' No. 25 and on the southweal by Owen .tOSEPH IL Qtmm", Having. attended Swartlnnore High Sold a8 &he property of lI'rank J. Worrell Avenue aforeaald. I.J~ .... , .• ID11UVU_.a.I .... o.lR~O~BS 1 ~_.'-~ '. '.·.:I.S!oh,!OI-and lived here for two year~ be- BB~A' .. TBed 9..~ ROotBtbEB."'BoGro· ""ERSKINB h of sw' A~- Aand W"U""'b Ak •• blo kl wile'lm!!::.~8.I'01 "'B' aadWD~~ Under aud lIubject. to l!erlain eoDdiUons and • &!· • .InDD..IU.#.......... leaving to seek a movie career Car- mOM. Pa.-Letters Testamentary OD --u:; QOCeaeed anand ba~':l °Do.;b"~e;. ";81 o~ restrlcUoll8. -adine returned here from New York on ; adbero8vleg nEesdt.a tweh hoa .rveeq bueeesnts garlaln tpeedr.s otons t hhea vuinng- 3ud tette teaant. U aDJ'. Improvements conal ... of two and. one-half Tuesday and spent the night with his "eelac1emds ot r tdoe m__an ~d s kagg alnat. t~h_e estate odt thUe GEORGE B. HARVEY. AUo."- v. 8ptoOrrcyh esst ofureo bta nadn d. tuacidcao: obnoetH 8et,O 2ry7 sxtu c8c8o afededtl:· mother, Mrs. Leonard A. Peck. p...e rsoneos. Inde.bwt.aeAde to othwen dIoeo&cVe dsaemnte ,t oa nm aak e Uon. U x 9 feet: stucco nral'8. 18 x 18 BBLL PHOD .. JODI&, P ... A. Wayne Mosteller Electrical ContrlJClor Telep~one Swarthmore 2295 I I • payment.. without deJa,. to LeVMJ Fadae No. oi{)2 feet. 4th Grade Mothers ·Next HENRlBTTA BUNT BRSKlNE. Sold 8a the properl7 of Frank D. Stokes W dn d Executrix, .and :Mabel Cooper Stoke• • e es ay 307 Elm Avenue; Swarthmore. Pa. All those twe certain lola or pteeell 01 September Term. 1989 . A meetm. g f th F h G d Or to her Attomey ground with the buildin.p and Improvement. 0 e ourt ra e EDWARD P BITCuCOCK thereon erected SUuate in the Towneh1p 01 Mothers' Group will be held at the Rut-I Media. Pa:·· Upper Darby. in the Count7 of Delaware aDd CHARLES S. HASELNUSS, Attorney. WILLJAX W. McKIM. Sheriff. _ . . avenue school next Wednesday 1-5a 6t . . State 01 Pennsylvania. Being known 88 lOla 12·20--3t fALL ,,,,' .;"t. W>CTRI"'.. • 18961 "f'ter·noon. Marguerite Walter, new art --I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' ;;;.;.;;.;.;;.;.;;.;.;;.;.;;.;.;;.;.;;.;.;;;;;.;.;;~.-:-- ~ ~ teacher, wilI speak on the latest -'UPMRS -.: . : IUDJO . I:~--·. in art instruction. Mrs. George Tube..-Wa.mna Maeh1n:e. Cleanen Dunn will read a paper on activities . SWAR-TIHNMSOTRAEl.L EAI,TJ;I:COTNlUSC­SHOp · toward character development, Mrs. k d A Reynolds will give one '~c·:!':'!~' ~~..!!!9!: :.,,!!,!,, . . the use 01 money and dO-\ E~'~'T~.'.f.T·· ing chores about the house, Mrs. Har-b, Ei~' ..... '-.I,-'"'J:iU., old G. 'Bower will tell how to d~velop L/ " HoUse _ of aU ldndo. QuIck thought, and Mrs. G. A. Smith . -:: ;'- . _ low 006t aerv1ce. WUh.erB and. speak on items of reading interest. ~f;'Ii'cTrut~~R;;a Grade C":u": to Meet :';,.: .. ~ '.... Swar. 1273 Since Mrs. David McCahan. Chair-man of the Mothers Groups, announces r ROGER RUSSEl ,( , that mGst· of ·these grade groups' willi i" .~.: during the month of January, the· Ma{ier . oj Fine P.Irrf!tograpm Home and Sohool Association wi1\ :.-.:.-.4 16 HAVERFoRD PLACE 1I;: ~~~~~~h:~a vninog J taonou amryan my emeteientgin. gTsh disu rwinilgl CALL SWARj1nrORE 2075-R period 01 time, a difficulty whkh '\ HAMILTON and ELGIN WATcHES oocurred previously. EDWIN B. KELLEY, Jr. . . Your Jeweler 25 ~l!8t 7th St. . Cheater ,,',«()Ppoolte New Stata Theatre) :0 : . 'Ph,,1ie cheater 37M " ... .. :' : SPECIAL ,;; . .'~ ;;. . Ofr.~a~.· ~~.~~ .eave you 50%. on .leanIuc ·.ma:~.1r of your rap APAGHIAN 22 Soulh or. ... e'.SL, Media , '.' 14S9 COAL and COKE FUEL OIL VAN AJ.EN BROS. Phone Sw •. 10412 WOOD !tOPPERS' COKE YE Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER Sw.rthm ...... 19 l 00 any lIem or Items. I HILDA LANG DBNWOI\TH.. I _~ ". ~lary. TfJ Tt llte life Etlsy witll· tlb 1I11-Electric ltll/ntlry It's not very likely you carry your wash down to the river edge and do your scrubbing there. You may even have some type of washing machine or perhaps a cmplete ensemble. But is it modern, up-to-the-minute equipment or old dilapidated machinery that was the last word years .and years ago? Far bci it from us to teU you ho"": to invest those cash Christmas gifts, but here's a suggestion. , • an .All-Electric laundry. You'U be singing the praises of the .ABC Washer with drain pump and white porcelain cub, for years to come. Or maybe yoo'd rather have a Bendix Washer that washes, rinsel three times, blues and damp dries­aU automatically. But whatever yoar choice of washers may be, complete your laundry ensemble with an ABC Ironer. It's simple and cheap to oper­ate ••• irons shirts, lingerie or a thousand and one other articles of clothing ordinarily considered "pretty tough". Why" not come in and see them demonstrated. They can be purchased on kind-to-your-budget terms! PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY All Our Suburban Stores or SelJ Your ucal DMkr -\41503 -

---------- Page 9 ----------

\ 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN JANUARY 12, lMO Red Cross Finnish Relief Fund Grows NEW COUNCIL HEAD DR. SPEER TO SPEAK L, W, V, TO STUDY EMPLOYER· MAKE TWO ADDRESSES HERE EMPLOYEE RELA110NS These discussions are free to League members, a small fee is charged to non­members. GeneroU8 Contributions of Blan. ke'" Also Made; Roll Call To",1 Larger 'I'h8n Lasl Year Red Cross Finnish Relief funds are still being collected from the box which is placed in the Swarthmore Natio~I.l!ank. To date $45.42 in cash and an mdlVldual check for $100 has been received by the treasurer of the local branch, Mrs. Wal­ter A. Schmidt. Many blankets have been received and others are still welcome. The annual Roll Call total is $1626.67 to date. with some checks still .c oming in. This sum is a substantial Increase over last year's total. Neec1 Sursica1 Dre .. iDp Volunteers are needed to work 011 sur· gical dressings in special rooms which have been devoted to that purpose at the headquarters building at 511 North Broad street, Philadelphia. Mrs. Edward A. Bassett, local surgical dressings chainnan, goes in each Monday to work, and urges any who can to volunteer for work any day in the week from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M., or on Satur­day from 10 to 17. A. M. =. . .. - TWO ADULT NIGHT CLASSES CONTINUE Dr. H. H. Hopkins, chairman of the Jacob F. Meschter, who was elected president of the Borough goverD­ing body in the annual organiza­tion 8e8!1ion Monday eveninIJ. WOMAN'S CLUB TO PRESENT MRS. T. W, HEPBURN Ur. Robert E, Speer will be the gnest preacher at the Swarthmore Presbyte­rian Chureb 01) Sunday morning, January 21 at 11 o'clock. A dinner in his honor will be given in the Parish House on Monday evening, January 22 at 6 :30, at which he will be the speaker. A hearty invitation is extended to those who may wish to hear him. Reservations for the .1Oner may be made by ca11ing the church office, Sw-672. Dr. Speer, of New York, senior secre­. ary of the Presbyterian Board of For­eign Missions from 1891 to 1937, and fonner Moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly, is recognized through­out ~he Christian Church as one of the world's leading religious statesmen. Though he has the degree of Doctor of Divinity, he is not a minister and is not to be called a "Reverend"; he is one of the few laymen in the world having this_ distinction. An 1889 graduate of Prince­ton, he studied at Princeton Theological Seminary to become a clergyman, but en­tered the service of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, from which he retired in 1937, after 46 years of ser­vice. Dr. Speer received the honorary de­grees of Doctor of Divinity from the University of Edinburgh in 1910; LL.D. irom Rutgers in 1929 and Otterbein in 1926, and Litt.D. from Juniata College in executive committee of the "Adult At 8:15, Tuesday, January 30, the • 922. Night at School," announced this week Swarthmore Women's Club will hold an He has been affiliated with many inter­that in response to requests from. mem· opcn meeting in the Swarthmore High national and interdenominational Chris­bers of the Fa}1 term. clas~es It w~s School Auditorium. The cooperation of lian movements, and has been president planned. to contm1!e MISS. Alice Kraft.s the Maternal Health Center makes it ~f the F~eral Council of Churches. He course III rhythmiC danCing and Cyril .bl h k Mrs was unaOlmously elected Moderator of Gardner's art course in a ten-week POSSI e to presentb as t e sPhea er'f th· ,he General Assembly of the Presbyterian Spring series. Thomas N. Hep urn, ~ot er 0 e ":hurch in the United States of America "We have received enough requests famous actress, Katharme Hepburn, .n 1927 and is now Chairman of the for both of these classes," he said, "and who will discuss "Birth Control as a I Corpmittee on Cooperation in Latin Am-they will reopen next Monday evening Social Necessity." erica. at the high school ~ro~ided arrange- The Committee in charge },~rs. ~. W. Whde secretary of the Board of For-ments can be made m time: All m~m- \Varner, of Media, Mrs. CJair WIlcox, .igll Missions he visited. Presbyterian bers of both classes are bemg adVISed Mrs Hugh Denworth Mrs Harold .. . th FEat, 1896 97 1915 I fi In' ,. mISSions In e ar s -, , bYTPhostal as to.ll"a arransiepmeMnts. 'th Griffin and Mrs. S. M. Viele, of 1921-22 and 1926; and in South America, e c asses WI meet at . ., WI d' regt.s t ra tt'o n J.U S t pn.o r t 0 th a t h ou r on Swarthmore. will meet at noon to ay 1909, 1925. H.e IS tIh' e . authnor do"f many the opening night. The fees will be about to further plans. books concemmg re IglOO a miSSIOns. the same as those for the Fall term, but will be governed by registration. Registration in the sketching course will be limited to twenty-five. Dr. Hopkins emphasized that the classes were open to all adults, whether they were residents or non-resideuts of the borough. Now oll'erlng s .. !"!!'!.'!'o.!! Phone Media 61 at A study group under the auspices of the Leagne of Women Voters will be held January 23 and 30 and Feb­ruary 6 at the home of Mrs. Herbert Bassett. 500 North Chester road at 10 A. M. The subject will be Employer­Employee Relations. The first meeting will be under the direction of Mrs. H. Neisser, who will give the history of labor union in this country. Mrs. Neisser has done gradu­ate work at the University of Penn­sylvania upon this subject. The second and third meetings will be led by Mr. William Simpkin, who has been a co-worker of Professor George Taylor in his position as im­partial chairman of the hosiery indus­try in Philadelphia. On January 30 he will discuss the technique of collective bargaining and on February 6 he witt take up the Wagner Act. • I' Mr. Raymond E. Wilson, of Ogden avenue, led a walk through the Rose Valley sectiol) lor the Philadelphia Trail Club last Saturday, topping off the af­ternoon with tea at the Wilson home. All Accessories for an • Attractive Party ¥ • pLAYING AND PLACE CARDS • PRIZES AND TALLIES • alice barber GIFTS OLD BANK BUILDING One 0/ Pennsylvanw's BETTER STORES ... ,......... ......... ... .... .... . Edgmont Avenue-Seventh and Welsh Streets GREATER VALUE MONTH JANUARY CLEARANCE Brings YOU Mo .. ey.Saving VALUES in All Departments! Every day is Value and Quality Day at Speare Brothers! More so during our January clearance! The entire store is packed full of Quality Value8! Shop every department­our quality remains high as ever-our prices hit a new low! HELP THE FIRE COMPANY PROTECT YOUR FAMILY AND. ,HOME During the next few days you will receive the annual notice of dues of the Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association. The Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association is a volun­teer organization working for the benefit of our comm.unity. Support of the Fire Company is an investment in low Fire Insurance rates. It takes the co-operation of the entire community to maintain these low rates. If the volunteer firemen are willing to pay $2.00 dues and give their tinIe, d.ay or night, and risk life and limb protect­ing your property, are you not willing to give $5.00 a year as an associate member in your own interest? If you do not receive a notice and care to· join or contribute leave your membership fee at The Swarthmorean office or pay any Fireman who will give you an Official Receipt~ SW ARTHMORE FIRE & PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION 5 W A I~ T H M () I~ £ ell L L E' CT E L 1 13 I~ A I~ Y BWAl\T14 jl{gBK CO J,u;tj 1: . LlllHAltY ~ W A I~ T H M (I I~ E I> A . - .. .. RUIII.I PHOTOGUPH CHOIR THE SWARTHMOREAN EXHIBIT TO·IIGHT TUESDAY . VOL, XU, No, 3 SWARTHMORE, PA., JANUARY 19, 1940 '2,50 PER YEAR Yellow Jacket Brilliantly Costumed; HON. E. J. TURNER CREATIVE WRITING CLASS OPENS MRS.M. W. SWEET Chinese Fantasy Unusual Bill at, Club. AT WOMAN'S CLUB PASSES AWAY Dr. Paul Jones, nationally known production Under Direetion of John Dolman, Jr. Given Ae- . claim of Audienee and Critics PHOTO EXHIBIT OPENS TUESDAY Speaker of the House at Harris­burg Values Leadel'8hip Club Women Can Give writer and instructor at the Price School in Philadelphia, will conduct the second meeting of Swarthmore's class in creative writing on January 24 at 8 P. M. at the Woman's Club. Since the photographic Active Young Woman Endeared Self 10 Town and College in Two Year Residence Here The current Player's Club production, "Yellow Jacket", a comedy in the Chinese manner, is one of the Club's most artistic and successful productions to date. WOIWUl'S Club Ia Cooperating With Local Amateure in Presenting Exhibition Marked in eacb minute detail, by the careful research, skillful directing, suaVe performance of its director. John Dolman, Jr., .. ~ellow Jaeket" will long be re­membered for its beauty of color and delicate word pictures. The large, openiug night audience Tues­day quite obviously enjoyed the age-old game of "let's pretend" as the same stage settings became first a palace room, then in turn a garden, a lonely road, a lover's barge, a high IDOWltain peak, a frail bridge over a raging torrent. If it had as­sembled, because of the "vice of curiosity" its constant, quiet chuckles, quickly stifled in order to hear every worJ, were a testimony that the play "mad..! it smiling in its heart.'~ The cast was large but even and skilled. Elizabeth Swan gave a genuinely moving perfonnance, as did Barbara Dolman Spencer. Julitta Powers, .Gretchen Van de Boe, Beth Allyn; the Porcelians ~velyn Butten, Isabel Porter, Mary Kistler, Nancy Savelli; Margaret Lat­imer and Helen M. Whittlesey, Frances .t'orter MacNeil were aU charming lD their character parts and added greatly to the effectiveness of the productiolL William L. Turner as the hero and Charles McCaffrey as the effeminate Daffodil were nicely cast and contributed superb performances, Alexander Dryden, Samuel Evans, Jr., James Powell, Fred­eric A. Child, Stafford Parker contribute excellent characterizations in important roles. John Irvin Sbaw, who spends a busy evening as the Spirit and the Spider Demon, W. }. Gibson, Charles Deacon, Merritt B. Curtis, and Edward H~y give able support. . The first All-Swarthmore exhibition of amateur photography will be held at the Woman's Club House next Tuesday evening and Wednesday afternoon and evening, January 23 and 24. The _public is cordially invited. The Woman's Club is cooperating with Swarthmore camera fans in conducting the exhibition, and every photographic amateur, whether beginner or advanced, is invited to place prints in the display. Print. should be no smaller than approximately 8 x 10 inches and mounted on standard 16 x 20 incb exhibition mounts. They should be delivered to the home of Mrs. A. Longwell, Cbainnan of Ihe Photographic Exhibit, 222 Lafayette A venue, between noon and 6 p. m., Sun­day, January 21. The Club House will be open to the public at 7 :30 Tuesday evening. At S:15 p. m. Edwin C, Buxbaum, F. R.­P. S., of 317 N. Chester Road, will talk informally on photographic ~ubjects and comment on many of the exhibition pic­tures. Mr. Buxbaum is widely known in photogra~hic circles as a successful writer, lecturer and critic, and his dis­cussion is sure to prove most helpf'JI to those wishing to improve their photo­graphic composition and technique. Refreshments will be served following the talk. The exhibition will also be open to the public Wednesday from 2 to 5 p. tn., and 7to9p.m. --........... --- LEGION AUXILIARY MEETS, CHARITY D.1tNCE DATE SET From the first harsh clang of the The largest regular gathering in many traditional gong, the property man, Jack years assembled in the American Legion Dolman, was an indispensable aid to Room in Borough Hall on Wednesday pretense, and delighted the audience with afternoon of last week to make plans for his casual timeliness and boredom. the New Year. Mrs. Alexander Ewing "Yellow Jacket" is a charming fantasy spoke of her January visit to Congress which involves the passions and pattern and said all other bills gave way to the of life. It is a leisurely and "honorable Anti-Lynching which is under discuse,ion liie journeyU which it depicts, sometimes at present. sharply cut short, but even then its. It was decided to have a county speaker ancestral continuity makes everything 'I' for the February meeting so that legis la­" work magic." ture in Washington may be closely fol- Not a little humor is added by the 'I :owed. At Wednesday's session Mrs. J. ?rchestra ,directed by R. C. Disque. also Paul Brown reported on Christmas ~~l­m the Chmese manner. It is not exactly: .-are. Four baskets were sent to famlhes harmonious but very descriptive and quite of disabled veterans. In one home, of necessary. eight children, there was almost no furni- Life will be duller, much less beautiful ture. Each family received a small turkey If you do not place your "glorious pre- or a roasting chicken and many other sence" within its spell tonight or ~atables. Warm gloves and scarfs were tomorrow night. given so that no child in these families I • was forgotten. The adl.dt members also RUSSIAN CHOm . received a !'Ohare. The Legion and "uxiliary spent $18.85 in this way. Fifty· HERE TONIGHT iour cans of food donated by interested friends of the organizations lightened he financial burden. New York Cathedral Singers Give College Program in Traditional Garb to April 5 has been set as the date for the - nnual Legion-Auxiliary charity dance. I I • The Russian Cathedral Choir, which has l'rlothers' Club in January Session sung in the New ~ ark Cathedral for a A regular meeting of the Swarthmore l1u~~r of years, will be pres.ented by the .\[others' Club took place on Friday, Jan­Wd~ lam J. Cooper Foundatlon and the uary 12, at the home of Mrs. John- G. musIc department of Swarthmore College M J' W II' f rd t 8 15 h· . F . oxey, r. m a mg 0 • a : t. IS e:-rel1lng• nday. Janua~ 19. Mrs. J. J. Crookston, director of the ,he ChOir will ~ conducted by Simeon Friends' Central Nursery School was the Andreyeff and WIll wear the old tradition· k f th ft n Mrs' C k al costumes. pea er 0 e al. emofo '. : roho· h- Th '11' 1 d ston gave an out me 0 SlX traits w IC ~ program WI me u e the following a nursery school likes to find in a child selecllons: "Of Thy Last Supper" by Lvov· I "The P 't t Th' fn b 0' od'k , . .vho IS sent to them, name y. a generally "l.· t em elJ' hl,~ bY gTorchaDl.ov: fri(,ndly attitude toward other children, " y Ir uous osep : y u runov ' -easonable .coope.rateon, Wlt 6 a d Its U a Make a Joyful NOlse Unto God" from I· tendency toward independence and ~elf. Psalm 66 by Grecbaninov"I Th K"n , I n y I g-l help interest persistence and balanced do~ ~y Panchenk?-Tchesnokov, "The I ner~y. The'speaker the'n talked about !Cls~glon by Tchadrovsky, uThe Lord each of these traits more fully pointing IS WIth Us by Shvedov, "Behold ,sBle)s ,e. out some ways of encouragm. g th'e.I r deve· the Lord" from Psalm 134, by Ippolitov- lopment in a child. Following Mrs. Ivanov • "The Lord's Praye r by Tche s- Crookston's speech the meet.t ng was open :.1 okov '".T he Lord's Name B e P ral' sed" by for general questio•n s and discussions of .G,'v "The Step pe br y Tn'o din , problems of the pre-school child. ThiS IS a Stormy Day" by Shvedov I I , "Lev k 0 's Son g with chorus" from "A' • Night in May" by Rimsky-Korsakov .'0 Valley Mine," a Cossack song and ':The Gnat" comic song of Little 'Russia by Shvedov. ' I • Cub Pack A88embles Tomorrow There will be a Cub Pack meeting tomorrow, January 20, at Whittier Hall, on the Swarthmore College campus starting at 3 P. M. Plan to be at New York Conventions Representatives from this connty whl) will attend the annual melttings of the Birth Control Federation of America on January 23, 24 and 25 in New York City are Chairman of Board Mrs. Ar­thur R. Dana; Mrs. S. M. Viele, clinic secretary; and Mrs. Clair Wilcox, aU of Swarthmore. "Women are in the majority as regis- exhil:ition will be 011 display -in the On Friday, January 12, after six tered voters in Swarthmore" said Mrs. auditoriwn on that evening, the class will months· illness, Viola' Milts Sweet, age Alexander Ewing, chairman of the Leg- be held d:>wnstairs in the lounge. twenty-nine years, died" at. her home islation Section of the Woman's Club, At the opening meeting on January 10, on Elm avenue. '," who had charge of the program for of the class in creative writing, Dr. Jones Mrs. Sweet was the da~ghter .of ~r. Tuesday's meeting. She gave a' re.sume described in a general way the method of and Mrs. \V. A. Mills, of A.ntio~h, Cal., of the political struggles during th·e past . t t' h' h '11 be f II ed' th where she had lived until. ~bout .t wo IDS rue IOn W lC WI 0 ow HI e twenty years, since they have had the course. Em pb asis w ill be 1a l' d on prac t ... years ago when. she and her .hSu sbanhd , ical writing rather than the theory of Meredith W. Sweet, moved to wart .. vote. and stated that they now have a writing. Morever, each student will be more. mind of their own. politically speaking, allowed to do the particular kind of Mr. and Mrs.· A.lills spent several and 3re taking an active interest HI writing in which he is most interested. months here last summer and Mr. politics. She then presented the lec- In followjng this plan, members of Sweets' mother, Mrs. O. S. Sweet, of turer of the afternoon, Hon. Ellwood J. the dass will present manuscripts of their Minn~ap.olis, has been with her SOD Turner, Speaker of the House at Har- own choosing. These will be read aloud and daughter-in-law for many weeks. rl·sburg. an dc',n, 'C .I Se d as fa r as Ii'm e pern'uIs. All , At Christmas time they were jo. in•e d Mr. Turner, who has been in Harris- however, will receive the personal atten- by Mr. Sweets' father and a ~_ist«:r, _M1S5 Dorothy Sweet. Only her family and burg for the past sixteen years, greeted tion of 01'. Jones. intimate friends know the courage and the club members with the assertion A successful writer himself, Dr. Jones is •.. . . that "there is a need for leadership and qualified to give valuable advice to others. good cheer which she radiated dUriog - Women's Clubs can give I·t." He R ecent arb.e 1 e s and ston.e s by h1' m ha: ve heAr s loan gn eiwlln ersess. ident. of Swarthmore, stressed the pOint that everyone in pol- appeared in Colliers, Town ami Countrl' it was only. a very short. time b!1=fore itics is not a politican, told of a group and T' cAl .,,' ao 'f ga • of thirty busy men who recently worked The" clas~' inC ~;~:ve m:::Iting is open Mrs. Sweet had made many friends all day without recompense, to study and associated herself with IqaJlY aor-both to men and women. For full in- ough activities. Her love of the out­the relief situation. He suggested that fonnation in regard to the cost of the doors, her devotion to gardening, her everyone should study state government course and the time of meeting, kindly interest in all outdoor sports, which ap-seriously and become familiar with the call Mrs. John C. Moore, Swarthmore I b h ld d d h workings of legislation in order to read pea to ot 0 an young, rna e er 392. a charming and vivacious companion. understandingly about problems which , I • As a leader of one of the ·~Brownie" are confronting us right now. "AMPIDTRYON" AS troops of the Girl Scouts, her work liThe relief problem is the most ser- with the -girls was ·deeply appreciated ious which face. our state now," de- COl ,I ,EGE MOVIE by both the girls and their parents. clared Mr. Turner. "At present 159"", of ----- Last spring Mrs. Sweet was engaged relief expenditure goes to the aged, by the physical education dep~rtmeJ11 family assistance fund, another 15% goes French Film of Greek Myth Fol· of Swarthmore College· i" coach the to unemployables. We must learn to lows Popular Lunl.Fontaine women's varsity golf team. She also think of that 30% as a steady relief Play Version by a Year or So gave the College girls. many private load which will always be present. It golf Jessons. Fiity,four girls were. her is imperative that the public under- The French film, uAmphitryon", a pupils and through them she took an stands the .-elief problem." movie version of the Greek myth which a active part in other activities of Col- Mr. Turner explained that Pennsyl- year or two ago graced Broadway in the lege 'life. Of her; Miss Virginia ·Rath, vania was trying to work out a sys- play sta)Criug _ Alfred Lunt ami Lynn head of the physical education' depart­tern by, ~h;d, .-.''Jl1w'lmhy 1)nartt~ :1e- Fontaine, is ttie feature picture to be' ment, wrote 10· Ihe rnoen1X: ··Mrs. cepted the responsibility to study and shown at 7 :15 and 9 :20 Saturday night, Sweet gave generously of her time and care for local unemployed and that thi~ January· ·20, in Clothier Memorial, interest to students outside of her is the first state to try it. He declared Swarthmore College. On the same pro- teaching time; she has left with us a that women can do a lot to awaken the gram will be a Walt Disney "Hawaiian fine examp Ie 0f V'IV I' d personaI c h arm, public to the real need of facing this Holiday" and a short, "Ski Rhythm". th~)Ughtfulness, enthusiasm. and a high problem and working it out and that Residents of the Borough 'and nther standard of human relationship. We it should transcend politics. friends of the college are invited to attend shall miss her indeed both as a member "The solution of relief means the fu~ these. pictures. No admission is charged. of our teaching staff and as a personal ture of Pennsylvania," he declared. "Amphitryon" employs a device known friend!' That the women were listening in- as "rhythmic dialogue," which is a manner M. rs. S weet~ 'br oth er, M r. F reu'A . tently was proved by the numerous and neither quite recitative nor quite singing, ho-fl1ls, of Antioch, Cat.~ and ~r. and diversified questions asked tae speaker of sYV>!lking in cadence with the score. Mrs. O. S. Sweet, of Mmnea.polls. at the close of the meeting; one con~ .t'"...... f h f 1 h h cerned Civil Service; another the Tea- From it the players shift easily to prose here or t e unera serVices w IC chers~ Union; another the problem of or song. This "rhythmic dialogue" were conducted.?y Rev. J. Jarden our increasing aliens. serves to remind the audience that the Guenther, o~ Tnmty C:h~r~h,. S'Yarth~ h.lrs. Roland Eaton, as president, story of the picture it is seeing is merely m~re, at Ohver H'f Balrs In Phdadel .. opened the meeting and welcomed the an ,'mpertl'nent myth, an amus,'ng a\"~ not phta 011 M. onday a ternoon at 1.. :30. fU C k la t W t L 1 Woman's Club of Rutledge, whose altogether decorous fable of the gods at . rematlOn too p ce a es aufe members were guests of the afternoon. pIa y. I t I·S a sati"Tlc1a account 0f Jup'lrte 's HIlls. J Mrs. David ]. Vint, their president, re· wooing of A1cmene, of his attempt to UU1\1' C. KaNt' spoDded and told how one of the repeat his earlier successes with Leda and Swarthmore c1uh membcrs had helped Europa and pass himself off as Alcmene's them get started twentv-seven years husband, Amphitryon. As a result, Jupi~ ago. Mrs. Martin H. Young, a past' (er, gets exceedingly involved in very hu­president of the local club, to whom man affairs. There are several highly she alluded, expressed her pride in the entertaining glimpses of these ancient growth of her "child." gods-lJupiter descending from Olympus Four girl scouts were present and led in a parachute, and Mercury with an the salute to the Rag and singing of umbrella and rotler skates. Henri Garat's "America." The meeting was brought to acting in the dual role of Jupiter and a dose by the singing of "The Star Amphitryon is brilliant. Spangled Banner." Tee shurt, "Ski Rhythm", presents the ___ .... ___ noted Austrian skimaster, Hannes Schnei­EVERYBODY'S KNITTING der, now an exile in America., as the head· of a contingent of skiers who show .he dazzling beauty and speed. of the sport 1.1 rs. George F. Fenno. Red Cross against a background of mountains. production ·chairman, expresses her ap- fhere are also a few breath-taking spills. preciation for the splendid cooperation The next picture at the College will be with which local groups and individuals on February 10, a revival of lilt Happened have been knitting industriously for )ne Night." the Red Cross, , I • Groups from the Presbyterian, Epis. This Week's Chaperons copalian and Methodist churches meet I regularly for Red Cross sewing; the The Introductory, Advanced and Senior Legion Auxiliary and a College group As.semblies of the Swarthmore Dancing composed of faculty and students hav\! Classes will hold· meetings tomorrow been working steadily on Red Cross evening in the Woman's Club House. proje<:ts; members of the Evening Sec- The Introductory Class will be cha­tion of the \\7oman's Club have been peroned by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Chiquoine, retarded by delayed yarn in starting .Mr. apd Mrs. W. T. Clay, Mr. and Mrs. work on fifteen sweaters. O. M. Hook, Mr. and Mrs. George Scho- Individuals or groups which are will- binger and Mrs. M. C. Neal. jng to undertake Red Cross knitting Chaperons for the Advanced. Class will are asked to contact Mrs. Fenno by be Mr. and Mrs. James Knotter, Mr. and calling Swarthmore 310. Mrs. Robert Sheppard, Mr. and Mrs. J. ••• E. Chiquoine a~d Mr. and Mrs. John Burriss West. --............ --- W.I.L. ENDS STUDY OF WORI,D GOV'T Dr. Pennock, Member of College Faculty, to Address Closing Friday Morning Session The W. I. L. study group on world government met in the Presbyterian Church on January 12. Dr. Roland Pen­nock, of Swarthmore College, discussed the theory of worJd organization and gave his OW11 views as to its success, the great­est need of government is for the mainten­ance of order. Dr. Pennock claims this could be accomplished by a police force or balance of power both of which require endless military force or a union. The success of this depends on geographical contiguity. For this reason, Dr. Pennock thinks a European union more logical lhan a union of democracies. There are beginnings of this today in the Neutral Bloc and the Balkan Bloc. The immediate steps as Dr. Pennock sees them are a generalized mandate system making provision for backward countries and the facilitation of inter­national trade. The America countries must share in these. "The problem of compulsion . must be solved by forming an int~mational organization so necessary for countries that the policing will take care of itself", said Dr. Pennock. ------- The stody group ended with a panel dis- • I cussion in the Friends' Meeting House Cnrrent Art Exhibit at Library on Wednesday evening of this weelc. The Colored Movies at Inn A Lowell Thomas technicolor, "Mexico -Land of Enchantment," will be pre­sented in a program of mO\'ies spon­sored by the Swarthmore Travel Bur­eau at 8:30 this evening, Friday, Jan­uary 19, at the Strath Haven Inn. An are welcome to attend. various ideas brought forward il) the Harry L. Johnson and Muriela Cianci previous meetings were discussed by. Johnson are the exhibiting artists at the S rthm Publ' LS. '1 F Frances Reinhold, John Nason and Her-wa ore I~ ... rary unti .e- bert Fraser, of the CoUege faculty, and b~ 15. The p!ctur.. shown constst the Rev. David Braun, of the Presbyterian of od~ an? paste.Js, ~th. landscapes and Church; Mrs. Mildred 01mmad, state portr.uts, Interesting m line and color. (0_ OIl p_ ... ,

---------- Page 10 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 Red Cross Finnish Relief Fund Grows (;cncrUU8 Conlribu'ion~ of Blnll­kelo Also ~Iade; noll Call Tolal Larger Than Laol Year NEW CUlINCII. ilEAl) I ' THE SWARTHMOREAN DR. SPEER TO SPEAK ~IAKE TWO AnDRESSES HERE I' •. I{uhcrl E. Speer \\ 111 he the gllest preacher at the S\\arthmurc Pn.'sh) tc­rian Church 011 Sunday morni11g, January 11 at II o'chx:k. A dinner in his honur will be gh'cll in the Parish House ull ~IOlld.1Y C\'CllIlIg, January 22 at 6-30, at l{cd Cruss hllJII,h l{c:licf funds arc ..,ull ,\llIch hc will be the slIeaker. A hearty bClIIg wlkclcd frolll the box \\hu:h l!'i Il1\ltation IS extended to those who may placed 111 111(: S\\.lrthl1lort, ~.lttOIl.l1 Bank 1'\ Ish to hear hnu. Reservations for the To date $454l in ca~h and .111 IIldl\ ulnal I ,tllIIer may he made by l'al1111g the dlel'k (or $100 h.lS hl'Cll n;(enc(1 h\ the dmrch office, Sw-671. In·.lsurl·r of the 10c.11 br.lllch, ~lr ... \\'al- Dr Spcer, of New Yurk. sCllIor secre-ter A Schl1udt. ),1.111) hlallkt:h iH.:l'll nlclH'(1 and uther ....I re still \\C.'ll 01 III , .11•' of the Prcsb'~l. ,tenan Hoard of For- The 3nllual Holl Call tol.lI I .... $11J2cj tl7 llgn )'li~~ions frolll 1~91 to 1937, and to d.ltt.', \\Itlt SOIlH: lhecks !ltll1 lOlIllng lurmcr ).tooeralOr of the Prcsb)oterian III '1'iu~ sum ,0.; :I "uh .. t,lIlll.11 lIlU t .I"l (~ellcral A~sembly, is recognized through-o\ er last )car's tot.d, Illit the Christian Church as onc of the Need Surgical Dreuings \\ 011 d's leading religiOUS statesmen. \ olulltel'rs .Irl IHelded to \\Ork on !ll\l- 'I hough he has the degree of Doctor of glcal drcsslIlg!o III !lpcual ft}OIllS \\hidl I>l\uuty, he IS uot a minister and is not haH' bl·t.:11 dc,oted to that purpost.· at thl to he (,:alkxl a "Reverend"; he is one of hl'adqu,lI tlrs buildlllg oil .511 Xorth I Ihe ft.·\\ laymen III the world ha\lllg tins Bmad strect, 1'11lIadeipluoi I dlstlllclion. An 1889 graduate of Prmce- :\Ir ... bh\.ml.\ B.Is!lctt. hll.d "'UIgit.11 11011, ht' studied at Princeton Theological droo.;lIlg" dlalnuall, goc::. 111 ('oldl ~lolld.l} , I :,ellllllary to become a clerg) man, but Cil-lo \\urk, and urges all} \\ho l.1I1 10 I ten.:d the service of the Presb)terian ,ull.1ntt.'l·r for ,\ork .Ul\ day 111 tht \\l'ek J,:u'oh )'0 'It''''('hlcr~ \thn \\,I!; (,It·th·d ! Boarcl of Forclgn ~IISSlOIlS, from which frum 10 A ),1 to.J P ),1. or 1111 S.lltII I pr(·",jtl'·1I1 of the Uur()ugh gOH'rn· I hoC retired III 1937, after 46 years uf ser- I f 10 I ' \ 'I • in·· hodo~ in th,' tlllll\"" org';:lIIizao I a) rom to - .\ I ... , H.:e. • • --=- --- i Ii un M'.-sin" .l\lolilln, cuning. I IJr, Speer received the honurary de- TWO AntiLl' NIGHT II -= grccs of Doclor of l)ivini'Y from thc l:LASSES CONTINUE WOMAN'S cum TO I'RESENT, Lnivcrslt) 01 Edinburgh m 1910; LLoDo lUUS. T. W. HEJ>BIIUN "Olll Ilnlgers In 1929 ano Otterbein ~n I 1 Dr. II II. 1I0pklll ... , chairman (If I It.· 1926. alld LiIt.D. fro111 juniata Collegc 111 l'xecutiH' coml1ulttl' of thl' .. \dult At 8.15. '1'.II.'"da). Jal1Uar) 30. the • 92l.. " . Xight :It School," anlltluu('l'd thi ... "nk S\\arthmore \VOlIll'U'S Club \\Itt hold alii III.' has heen affiliated \~llh.llIany IIIter­that 111 response to ft.·quest.... from II\UIl' IIpt'lI IlIll.tlng in till' S\\;lrthmOfl.' l-llgh natiullal and intcrdellOllllnatJOual Chrts­hers of the Fall term classes i! "~s ~dlOol .\uditnriullI Thl' coopcr.luon of lIan flIO\'cmellts, and ,has been president plaulIl'd to contlllue )'llss Ahce Kr.lft ... II 'I I II III C I" llakes II I .1 thc Federal COllllcll of Churches. He coltrst' 111 rhyt Il llliC (Ia nCl01 lg amI C)TIi t It .\ I. ltern.l ea 1 I lll ... r kI 0 '[ I "as unanimously c1eded ).loderator 0 f G.IruO, ller 0s art course III .1 I ell-\\ el' k I'l1s ... lI) C to prc"(,111 as t 1(' .. pIt .a t.:r, 1\ r. s.! .he General Assembly °1 t II e P resb, tcn0a n ~prillg serlCS 111lI1I1<1s X lIlpl.H~rn. mot u:r ot tnc i ':hurcll 111 thc Umtcd Statcs of .\IIIt.:llca "\\'t.. ha\e n'ccived enough rt.:llulsts I tllllHls actn" ... K.lth.trl1~e Hepburn,l n 1927, and is now Chairman of thc for both of these classes," he smd, "and ,\ho \\Itt dbCUSS "'Birth Control as a COI:pullttee on Cooperation in Latlll Am­they \\111 reopcn next Monday caning' ~ocial Xecessity." ~t the high school prm'idcd arrange- The C01l111111tl'l' J1I chargc ).[rs. A. \V. mcnts can be made 111 tlll1'-' All mem- \\ .Iruer, of )'Iedl.l, ~lrs, Clair \Vdcox. bers of both classes arc bt'ing a<hl"ed ~Ir:. I1ugh Dcn\\orth, )'frs. Harold hy postal as to tillal arrallg'l'ntc'Io ts:' I f The classes \, III mect at 8 P (;ntllll and ~I rs. ~, ),1. \ IC C, 0 .'1. ,with registration just prior to hour on S\\.lrthmon·, \\l1I Illt'ct at noon today tht' opelllJlg JlIght The fees \\111 hl' about to huther plans. tht, salnc as those for the Fall term, _ ~~ _ efica. \\lhile secretary of the Board of For­gn ,Missions he visitcd Presbyterian missions in the Far East, 18%-97, 1915, 1921-.22 and 1926; and III South Amenca, 1909, 1925, He is the author of many books conccrning religion and miSSIOns. hut \\ III ht' governcd hy registratloll R,-'gistratlon III the sketching courSl "III ht, hnlltt.d to twenty-five. Dr Hopkins empha<;]zecl that tht.' c1.ISSlS "ere open to all adults. \\hether Iht·y wcre residl'nts or non-rl "idl'nts Now offering S1'~~~~k:i!i~!~~;~~~ftnest in storage of the borough Phone I\ledia 61 at Expense- and Delivery Service L. W. V. TO STUDY EMPLOYER. ";~II·I.OYEE REI.ATIONS A ~tl1d) group tIIHh-r the auspices JANUARY 12, 1940 Th.'<;l' discus .. ions arc free to Leagne 1II('lIIhcrs, a small rCl' I" chargl'd to 11011- IIIt'mln: rs • I • of thl' Lc.lgue of "'omen Voters will ~Ir. }{aylllollu 1': \\Tilson, uf Ogden hl' held January 23 and 30 and Feb- a'CIlUl', led a walk through the Rose ruary 6 at the hOllle of 1\Irs, Herbcrt Valley section for the Philadelphia Trail B.lssett, 500 ~orth Chester road at 10 Club last Saturday, topping off the af~ A, 1\1. The subject will he Employer- ternoon \\ith tea at the Wilsoll home. Emplo\ ee H:c1.ltiol1s. ___ _ The· hrst JIlCl'UlIg \, ill he under thc dircctltJII of ~Irs. If. 1\clsser, who will gl\'t.' thl' history of labor union in this countn ),1 rs ~l'i ... st·r has dOlll' gradu­ate ,\·(·)rk <It the UIJI\Cf!;lty (If Pellll­s, I"<llIia UpOIl tlus subject. Till' sl'cond ami third meetings wilt In' led by ).[ r \Vilham Simpkm, who has heell a co-\\ urkl'r or Profl'ssor Gl'orgl' T.n lor ill his position as im­partml cha;rman of the hOSiery indus­tn III Pluladclpilla On January 30 he will diSCUSS the technlllue of colltctivc I hargaining and on Fehruary (i he Willi takl' lip thl' \Vagller Act. All Accessories for an ... Attractive Party " + PLAYING AND PLACE CARDS + PRIZES AND TALLlES • alice barber G'FTS OLD BANK BUILDING Olle of Pl'llllsy/vallia's BETTER STORES Edgmollt Avenne--Seventh and Welsh Streets GREATER VALUE MONTH JANUARY CLEARANCE Brings VALUES YOU Money.Saving in All Departments! Every day is Value anti Quality Day at Speare Brothers! More so during our January clearance! The entire store is packed full of Quality Values! Shop every department­our 'Iuality remuins 'rig" as ever-our prices hit a IIew low! HELP THE FIRE COMPANY PROTECT YOUR FAMILY AND HOME During the next few days you will receive the annual notice of dues of the Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association. The Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association is a volun­teer organization working for the benefit of our community. Support of the Fire Company is an investment in low Fire Insurance rates. It takes the co-operation of the entire community to maintain these low rates. If the volunteer firemen are willing to pay $2.00 dues and give their time, day or night, and risk life and limb protect­ing your property, are you not willing to give $5.00 a year as an associate member in your own interest? If you do not receive a notice and care to join or contribute leave your membership fee at The Swarthmorean office or pay any Fireman who will give you an Official Receipt. SWARTHMORE FIRE & PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION J f:r; , , •,, J 1 i \ I SIN,), I~T HMClI?E L 1 13 I~,.. I~ Y C()LL["fTE SIN ,.\ I~ T H M () I ~ E. RUSSIAI "'--=- PHOTOGRAPH CHOIR THE SWARTHMOREAN EXHIBIT TO·IIGHT TUESDAY VOL. XII, No. 3 SWARTHMORE, PA., JANUARY 19, 1940 82.50 PER YEAR Yellow Jacket Brilliantly Costumed; HON. E. J. TURNER Chinese Fantasy Unusual Bill at Club AT WOMAN'S CLUB CREATIVE WIUTING CLASS OPENS MRS. M. W. SWEET PASSES AWAY t . Produt'lion Under Direction of PHOTO EXHIBIT Johu Uolman, Jr. Given Ac· S AY claim of Audience and Critics OPENS TUE D The current Player's Club production, "Yellow jacket", a comedy 111 the CllIuese manner, is one of the Club's 1110st artistic and successful prodUctions to date. Markl..'d in each minute detail, by the careful rescarch, skillful duectmg, suaVe ptrformallce of its dircctor, john Dolman, Jr., .. ~ellow jacket" wtll long be re­membercd for Its lJeauty of color and dehcate word pictures. fhe large, opening night audience Tues­day quite obviously enjoyc..'() the age-old game of "let's pretend" as the same stage 'scttmgs became first a 1l3.lace room, then ill turn a gardell, a lonely road, a lover's !largc, a lugh mountain peak, a frail bridge over a raging torrent. If it had as­sembled, because of the "vice of CUriosity" its constant, qUiet chuckles, qUlekl}, stifled ill order to hear every \\ orJ, \\ crt: a teshmony that the play "made 11 smihng III ItS heart:' The cast was large but even and skilled. ElizalJeth Swan gave a genuinely movlllg performance, as did Harbara Dolman Spencer, J uhtta Powers, Gretchen Van de Hoc. Beth Allyu; the Porcelians i ... , el) 11 Hutten, Isabel Porter, Mary Kistler, .Nancy Save IIi , llargaret Lat­imcr and Helcn M. \\,hittlesey. Frances JJortl:r ).LacNeil were all charmmg 10 their character parts and added greatly to the effectivcness uf the productIon. \V tlham L. Turner as the hero and Charles McCaffrey as the cffenllnate Daffodil ,\ ere IUcely cast and contributed superb performances, J\h:xander Dryden, Samuel Evans, Jr., Jamcs Powell, Fred­eric A. CluJd. Stafford Parker contribute excellent characterizations in uuportant roles. John lrvm Shaw, who spends a husy e\'Cumg as the Spmt and the Spidcr Demoll, 'V. J. Gibson, Charles Deacon, ,\lerritt B Curtis, and Edwarfl Ih", "he able support. Woman's Club is Cooperating With Local Amaleurs in Presenling Exhibition The first All-Swarthmore exhibition of amateur l)hotograplty will be held at the \\'oma1l's Club House next Tuesday l','ening and Wednesday afternoon and CHlling, J allllary 23 and 24 The pul.>lic is cordially invited. The Woman's Club is cooperating with $\\ arthmore camera fans in conductlllg the exhibition, and e\icry photograpluc amateur, whether beginner or advanced, is invited to placc prints in the display. Print:. should be no smaller than al)proximatciy 8 x 10 inches and mounted on standard 16 x: 20 inch exhibition mounts. They should be dclivered to the homc of Mrs A. Longwell, Chairman of the Photographic Exhibit, 222 Lafayette Avenue, between nool1 and 6 p. Ill" Sun­clay, January 21. Thc Club House will be open to the puhllc at 7 :30 Tuesday evening. At 8:15 p, m. Ed\\in C. Buxbaum, F. R.­Po S, 01 317 No Chesler Road. will lalk informallv on photographic subjccts and comment 011 111a1l\' of the exhibition llic~ tures. ~Ir. Buxbaum is widely known 111 photugrapillc ctrcles as a successful "riter, lecturer and critic, and his dis­cussion is sure to prove most helpful to those wishing to improve thcir photo­graphic composition and technique, Refreshments \\i1l be sen-ed following the talk. The exhibition will also be open to the public \Vednesday from 2 to 5 p. Ill., and 7 tn 9 p. 111. ----- LEGION AUXILIARY MEETS, CHARITY D:\NCE DATE SF.T From the first harsh clang of the The largest regular gathering in many traditional gong, the property man, Jack )ears assembled in the American Legion iJolman, was an indispensable aid to Room in Borough Halt on Wednesday Illctense, and dehghted the audience With afternoon of last week to make plans for IllS casual timeliness and boredom, the New Year. 1.lrs. Alexander E,dng "Yellow jacket" is a charming fanlas} I sj)oke of her January visit to Congress \\lnch unolves the passions and pattern and said all other bills gave \\ay to the of hfe. h is a leisurely and "honorable .\nti-L)l1ching \\lnch IS under diScus!.itln Ille Journey" which it depicts. sometimes at present. ::.harply cut short, but tven then its It was decided to have a coullty speaker .t1Iccstral l'OntlllUity mak..:s e\'erything for the February mecting so that leRlsla­'\\ ork magic." I ture in \Vashington may he closely fol- Not a httle hUIllOI IS added by the: ow('d At \Vednesday's se"sioll :\1rs, J, <lrchestra directed by l{. C Disqu(', alsu I 'au I Brown reported on Christmas \\el­m [he Chinese manner. It b IIOt cxactl) .Ilt.· Four baskets were sent to fannhes h,lrmUllIlJllS but \ocr) de~cnpl1ve and qUltC of disabled \cterans. In om' home. of necessary. c1:{ht children, there was almost un fllrni-tife \\111 he dutter, much less beautiful I tun.' Each family recei\'C'd a small turkc) d· ) ou do not place yuur '·clonou::. pre- or a roasting chi ... kell and lIlany other St.·IICC" ,,!thin Its spdl tonight or 'atahles. \\arm glovcs .mll scarfs \\cre tomorrow I1Ight. gh ell so that no child ill these fanllhcs I • \\as forgotll·l1. The adult memhers also RUSSIAN CHOIR I' ec.:el\ed a !'ohare. The l .. egioll ami I \uXlliar) 'I",nt $1885 in IllIS wayo Flfly. HERE TONIGHT Ilo~lr lallS of food d()n~te{~ by ir,terested New York Calhedral Singers 10 Ghe College Program in Tradilional Garh I nends of tl'e orgalllzattulls lIghtclled 'w fmancial burden. \pnl 5 ha~ hcell Sl't as the date for the IInlial \u:'ahaf) charity dance, • I I SI.ellker of Ihe House al Harris. hurg Values Leadership Club Women Can Give DI. Paul jones, natIOnally kno\\Jl A,·lho •• Young Woman Endeared Self 10 To" n lind College in Two Year Uesidence Here \\ nter and IIIstructur at the Pncc Schoal 111 PllIladdtJhia, witl conduct the second mceting of S"arthmore's cla"s 1I1 crl'athe \\ ntlllg Oil january 24 at N P. ~l. at the \Voman's Club. ::;illcc the photographiC "\\'0111t.·11 an' III the majortty as regis- cxhiUition \\'111 'be ()1l dlstlla) ill the On Friday, January 12, after six tcrcd voters III S"arthlllOlc" said Mrs ,1lJ(htOflUIII 011 that C'Cl1l11g, th!.! class will mOltth::.' Illness, \'1(11.1 )'lills S"cct, age Alexander E\\ mg, chairmilll of thc Leg- hc held downstairs 111 the lounge t \\ Cllt) -lillie ) can;, (i1cd at her hOI11~ IS Ia tl0o n ScCt101I of tht· "'oman's Club, i\ ttI I e opclllng mel..' II lIg 011 Ja unary 10, 011 1'01111 ",oo.... llllCo \\ho had ch.lrgc of the prograul for 0 f lIt e c Ia ss I0I I crcat0n e \\fltm0 g, I) r. Jo nes )'1p.;. S"u;t ".1" the daughter of ~lr, Tucsday's mCl,ting ~hc gave a resume IIl' IK '( I In a gcnera I ,\<1) t II e metI I od 0 1 and ~lrs \\' .\ ~llllo.;. of Antioch, Cal, 11J~trllctlOn which \\ III be lollo\\t.'d 111 the \\ hefe she had lIyed until about two of the political struggles during the past course. Emphasis \vIIl be ,car ...1 "0 \\hen Shl alHI hcr husband, J~lId 011 pra'Ct- .... 1\\(,'nt), )l'arS, sincc they ha"e h,HI the \Ine,hth \\'. S\Het, IIloH'11 to Swarth- It al w riung rather than the theory of \ote. and stated that tht:} now a wfilmg-. Morevcr, cadi ~tudent \\111 be more, mllld 01 tlll'ir 0\\11, pulitlcall,) spl'akmg, .IIIO\\ctl to do the parttcular kmo of ~lr. and )'Irs, ~lll1s spent several and ap..'. taking all acll'ooo... 11110...0 r ._.. _ 1 III \\ n0ll ng 111 w 1II0C I1 II e 'I S most mtcresteu.1 . months h~re tlst summer and Mr politics, SI1l' thclI prcst.·uted thc lec- In following this plan, Il1ctlli.fers of S\\\"l'ls' mothcr, )'lrs, 0, S. Swect, ot tun'r of the aftl'fIl110n, 11011, ElI\\ood J the class \\ill prcsellt 1II~I1USCf1pts of their )'llIllll'apolis, h.", becn "Ith her SO:1 Turner, Speaker of thl' Huuse at lIar- 0\\11 choosillg. These ' .. III be rcad aloud and d.lllg-l!tt:r-IIl-1.m for many wl'eks, .\t Chnstmas time the) w~I'e joine~ risburg, and Crll1cIsed as far as time permits. All, 11\' ),1 r S\\cets' father and a sister, Mis~ )'Ir. Turner. who has been III Barns- hO\\ever. \\111 receivc the Ilcrsonai atten- . Doruth) S"ect. Only hn family and burg ror the past slxtcen )0 cars, greeterl 11011 of Dr. Jones. intuuale fflcnds know the courage and the club members with the assertion A successful wrtter hllnsdf. Ur Jones is that "thcrc IS a nced for leadershIp anti (Iuailrlcd to give \aluable ad\lce to others. f..{ood cheer ,dllch she radiated during V'/onll'n's Clubs can give It" lIe H.ecent articles and stones b ..' him have hn long 11Incss, h J • \s .l ne,\ resident of Swart more, stressed the IH")lIIt that e\'eryone ill 1'01- olppearlU III (.011,,>, 's, 1'011..1& and Country it \\as only a very short time before hics is 1Iot a politican, {(dd 01 .1 group .lIul 1 hI.' .1mCYl(au Jld!Jll:.;m ... ·• :\lrs S\\cct ha.d madc many fricnds of tlllrty husy men who n'cently "orked Thc class in creatnc writing is~ open ami .I~soclated herself \\ith many Bor­all day "ithout ncompCIlSt', to study buth to men and \\omen. Fot lull in- ollg-h acll\'ltll'S lkr lm'e of the out .. the reltd Situation. lIe sugg'eskd that formation in regard to the cost of the doors, ht.'r <11:'011011 to gardemng, her everyOllt.' should stml) state gOHrnment course and the time of lIIeellng, kindly interest in all outdoor sports, which ap­sl'fiously and become fauuIiar with the tolll ~[n, John C ).[ollre, S"art1111l0re peal to both old and young, made her \\orkings of Icgislatlon ill order to read 392. a charmlllg ami vivacious companion. uudcrstandmgly about problems "hich • • .\s a leadcr of one of the "Brownie" ar(' cOllfrolltlllg 11::. right no", "AMPHITRYON" AS troops of thc Girl Scouts, hcr work "The nhel prohlem IS the most scr- \\lth the girls wa~ dt'eply appreciated iou:; "hlch faces ollr statl' now," de- COLLEGE MOVIE 0 I I I 0 11 by both the glr s all( t lClr parents. darcd ),1 r. Turner. "At presel1t 15'7c of ~ Last spring )1rs. Sweet was engaged rclid l'Xpclldlturc gocs to thc aged, hy the physical education department fam1ly assistance fund, allot her 15';h goes French Film of Greek l\lyth Fol- of S\\arthmore College to coach lhl! to uncmplo)abJ~s. \Vc must learn to lows POI,ular Lunt-Fontaine "omcll's varsity goli team. She also thmk of that 30jh as a stcady relief Play Version hy a Year or So ,{a\'c the College girls many private load whIch \\ III ah\ ays bc present. It golf lessons. Fifty-four girls were her IS IJIlj)t'ratl\'c that thc puhllc under- The French film, "Amphitr)on'" a pupils and through them she took an stands thc rchef problem." movie vcrslon of the Greek myth wlncIl a actl\'c part 111 other activities of Col~ ~[,r. Turner explained that PellTlsyl- }ear or 1\\0 ago graced Broadway in the It'gc life. Of her, Miss Virginia Rath, "anla ""as l,r)lllg: to \ .. ork out a sys- 1.lay Sl<llllllg Alfred LUllt ... 111.1 L)1l1l Illead (If the physical education depart~ tE.'1ll t, .... "h, .... ). "'",I' ",l1ll'y h ..... ~,.r" :1;" "omame, IS the leatuf\! plCturc to l,)t:: Inel1t, "rote :n tile .L lIoen.x: .L\tIr~. cepted the responslhl :ty to study an,d t shuwII at 7 ;15 and 9 :20 Saturday night, S\\ cet gave generously of her time and coa rel forO local untempiloyeod and 'th atI thbI Ja l 1u ar}0 ~'0, lOll Clolilicr ":MclIlor,ial IIIteresl to students outside of her 15 tiC hrst statl" tn tr)- It e uec are( S\\arthmore College. On the santc pro- tutc1ung time, she has left with us a th2t "omcn caIl du a lot to a\\a.ken th.c ~ral1l will be a \Valt Disney "Hawaiian fmc cx:.l1uplc or \IVld personal charm. public to the real .nt'ed of faclllg tillS I [uhda) t, and a short, "Ski H.hythm". thoughtfulness, enthUSiasm. and a high problclll and worklllg It. ?ut and Rl'sldcnts of the Boroll hand rrther :;tandard of human relationship. Wc It .. s"h ould tr.lIJscend pohtlcs. tnends of the college arc lIgl\ 'ltcd to attenu-I I II 0 I 0" b tl be ~ la miss Icr lIluecu 0 1 as a mem r J he SolutIon of rchef IlIcalb the fu- Illese pictures. No admission IS chargct.l. ot our fl'achlllg staff and as a personal ture of Pl'nnsylvallla," he- declared "Ampllltryon" employs a de dee known fflend." That the "omcn ",l.·re ll~tenlllg 111- .lS "rhythmic dialogue," wlllc.h is a mallller '[ S • b II '1 FdA telltly "as prm l·t! hy tl1'-' numcrous ane! '[ ~\I I r~ ~ w\c ctso I ro CI cIr , H dr, '{r e _.' neither qUIte rccltative nor quite slIIging, ,\ I s. 01 ~ f nUoc I, a 1 all .1', r. anu dncrsiliul <lm'stIOl]:' .lskcd thl' spt'akcr o( snt>akmg ill cadence \\Ith the score ~ln;. O. S Swcet, of MlIlllcaopohs. \ .. ~re 4L til\.' el, ,s,' of the lIIectlllg; Ollt.' COII- 1'" I f I f I h I . . , " . . .,. From It thl: l)layers shift eaSily to prose II rc or t lC ullera scrvlces w IC 1 cernl.'d (1\;11 !-)enlcc, anothcr thl lla- '.' I' \\en.: conductcd by Rl'V J Jarden -I 0 0 L 0 I. I. "10 f .Ir sung. 1 IllS rhythmiC dla ogue . • • C It:rs 111011, an at Ilr tIe prou 1.'111 (I I <'uellthlr ot Tt"Ill!ty Church S\'Io'arth-our mcre Ising altcns I sef\CS to relllllld thl' audience that t Ie ~ , II Il ' 'PI 01 d 1 • < • • • • I mon. ,tt O!J\lr . airs 111 11 a e ~ .~ I r... 1~011.l \(1 F"'lton a"s l)fl, .. ,lIlllH stury of the pictureI It IS seelllg IS meI re y plll.l \\ I f 1 30 un .\ 1)1]( ay a ternooll at : . Olllllld the tlICt.'tIll'T and "dcolllcd th ... 1Il lIupertmcut myt J, an amusIIIg:!\I( not, k I I \V I L I \\\)JJI.Ill.... Cluh o~f 0 Riltledge \\ hose- aitof.:;cthcr decorous fable of tIi e I Crcm.ltl011 IllU p <lce a es aure gOt s at I II Iltclllhers wen glll~b of the af't tfllUon Illay. It IS a sal1ncaI account 0 IJulu"ter iS ts ).Ir .. 1>.1\'1(1 J. Vml, their presldellt, JULl'''' Co K£NT fl'- \\ooing of Alcmene, of his attempt to slHlI1dccl and told hl.)\\ Olle of the I Clteat Ins earlier succcssC!o \\ Ith I.cda and S\\arthmore cluh lIIelllhl'rs had hdpl.'d l~l1I()pa and pass himself utI as A1cmellc's thC'll gct started t\\el1t)-St'CII ,t.lT'" 111I~hatJ(I, Amllllltr)OIl .. \s a re::.ult, jupi­. lgt1, )'Ir~, )'larttn II, Young, a past .t-r. gets cxceL"(hngly 111\'01\'(.'(1 in vcr) 1m· president of the local cluh, to "IHlIH lIhUl affair:; Therc are se\'eral highly ",hc .l1lmlt'd. exprc!>sed her pride ill the t:lltertalllll1g glimpses of these anCIent gro\\th of h,-'r "child· gods~Jupiter d('scending from OI)lIIll1b ----~ ...... --- W.I.L. ENDS STUDY 01" WORLD GOV'T DI·. Pennock, Memher of Collegc Faculty, In Address Closing Fri,lay Morning Scssion Four girl scuuts \\ere Pflscllt ,md ltd III a parachute, and Mercury With an thc salutc to the nag and smglllg ot umhrella and. roller skates, Henri Garat's .. \mcflca 'The 11ll'ettng \\,15 hrought to .. uhllg III the dual role of Jupiter and .1 c1o ... e In thl smglllg 01 "The ; I \mphltr)Oll is brilliant. The \V. L L. study glOUp ou worM Sp,lIlgil'd B.l1Illt.·r." I '1'l'e shlort, "Ski Rhythm", presents the ~()\Crnlllcllt met III the Prcsbyterian '1'1 ROC I I I CI 0 I Molhers' Cluh in January Session 01 I J' u'ry 12 Dr I'olano' Pcn. IC USSIaIl at le( ra 100r, \\lnch las IInted .\ustrian skllna~ter, Hannes Schnei- 1.... 11IIt.' Ion ... 11.~ • \. U sung ill the Nl'\\ York Cathc·lral for a I .. • I • I I 01 0 \ 0 I Hock, of S\\artlll110re Collegc, llbcussed I 1 Oil I ;u, • \ ngular Illt'('hng ~If the S"artlllllore (tr. IInw an eXI e lit 1 merica, as tie 1\l\1'l 1IlIl .tCalIl· 0J ~'I.'ecar's WI I' "..-. ~Ire s.en Ie ( II ly tl IC .Iothers· Cluh took placc on Friday, Jan E\' ..~~ U\'BOD\'S KNITTING Ih l.HI of a contlllgent of skIers who s It ow the theor~ .." of world organization and gave I I I1 , oOller 'OUJlual1ull and the I' I II I of '[rs Jol (' I he dazzling beauty and speed of the SPOI t 111<; 0\, n views as to its success, thc great- f U,lr) -, a Ie lome .\, Ill, I 1 1 1 II I IIIlHill (cpartmem 0 ~\\arthlllt)re College ~f J 0 \V II" f I ~I rs (~l'llrgl' F. Fellno, l{('d Crn" ... lg.l1l1st a h.lckgrolllld of mountains. t:st IICC( 0 go\crnmen IS 01 Ie mam ell-at H, J.5 .tin s e\.l '1I111g ' Frula\~', Jalill a r yI,II o~Ixresy. , J.r . J1.1 1 Croao kmstgo no,r <<, hrcctor of the prOt I I 0 I ;H1l'C of order, Dr. Pel1l111ck ciauns tlus uctlOll c lalfln.IIl, expresscs IlT ,11)0 1 here arc a.lso a few breath-taking spills, • lit' ChOir \\lllt be conducted hy SlIl1l'Oll Friends' Central Nurser\' School, \\as the prcclatltlll for the :;plllHltd cooperation 1 he Ilext picture at the Collcge will be tOl1hl he ,lccomplishcd hy a police force .\l\(lre)('tf ami \\111 \Har the uld Iradltion- I k f I f 0 'I C k "\"\Ith "hlch It).:al groups and IIIdl\ldual!l 011 Fehruary 10, a re,hal of "It Happenro 01 balance of l)o\\er both of which require I t I Ilea 'er 0 t Ie a ternoC)1l &\ rs. roo - ! II 0101 f lOon The .1 lOS IUnes. I. f 0 0 10 I ha\e ht.·,-·II kllittlllg Illdl1striol1~ly tGr )lIe Night!' ,m ess nUl ary orce 01 a un • II Ie program \\1 II 101 ll: Iu de the follo\\ing I ... toll ga\e an1 ouIt 1rmke 0 t SIfX t1r aits" Il ICI I1 the Red CflISS. • I' ~l1CCeSS 0 1 11li0S 0u'C I1Cn( Is on ge ographlOea I s0e,0l1e1 ctioIn's °"t OfI 11T1 YI I°f~t,!1 SI uPOper, "I) IY° Lk VO Ia I'ursery S( 100 I 'es u 1Il( 111 a c II ( (~rolll)~ frolll the Pr"sh.\ terian, EllIs- I This Week's Chullerolls lontigmty. For tlus reason, Dr. Pcnnock \ I ,110 is sent to them, namel), a generally '- Ie elll ell lie W goro( 111 ov 1 00 0 d I hOld copalian and ~lethQ(hst churches lIIeet Ihlllks a Emopean union more logical .. \ IrtllollS Joseph" bv T\1chal1l11m: In( mlly attitude to\' .. 'ar ot ;,er c I ren, ngulari) fnr Rt.'d Cross se\\ illg; the I Th(' Introdtlctory. Ad\anccd and SenIOr hall a union of democracies, There are ").Iake a JO\tul No;se Unto God" froll; t'asonable cooperatIOn ~'1t 1 adults, a Auxllian ali(I a Colkgc group i \~"llllhhes of the Swarthmorc Dancing ill'!-!,inlllllgs of this today in the Neutral I' I 66 b . G I I " K' i '('ndelle) to\\ard mdcpen enee and scIf- C01l11lOSl'd of ia~ulty and students li.l\\.' 'l'iaso.;cs \\ill hold meetings tomorrow BlOt. and thc Balkan Bloc. I sa IllI 'I; rl,,, lkaulITIO'l" "n ity IIlg- I :Ielp. intere"t, pcrsistence, and balallce(1 I .Olll )) allllCIl 0- e I('SIlOkO\ "Th(' I Tl k tl Ik ill{ n \\orklllg stcadlh 011 Hell Crn ... " ,'\l1l1ng in thc "'oman's (luh IIou"c, I hc immediate step::. as Dr. Pennock I f1saglOl1 h) Tthalkovsk). "'111'(' 1.01'11 Ilt'rg\ 1C Spl'3 er Il'U t~ ed ah~mt pro]l(h, IlHlllhcrs (If the I.\llllllg ~\, Ihe IlltlodlHton Class \\111 be elm- "'ll' thull ale a glllerailzcd mandate I~ "Ith U~ h\ Sin edo, "Beh )1<1 HIe ,. I .ll"h of thesl' tralb mOIl' lui), pOllltlng 111011 01 thl \\ ()IIl.ll1 ~ Cluh ha'l 111111 Ill1,)llcd b\ \[r. all'll ),11 s. J. }'. C1UtillOllle, I ... \ ::.telll makmg 1)10VISI011 for backward Ihl' I.ord" f;om PsaI1l1·13.J, t~y 'lppol~~o;'~ IUt sume \\a)s of l'Ut.·()Ilraglllg t~lelr dc\c- rl'l.lrdt'd In dl'lil\l.'d \arll III ~t,lrtlllg \Ir allli ).its. \V. T. Clay, )'lr. and )'Irs. l(mntfl("S and the facihtatlOll of inter­hanov, "The Lord's Prayt.'r hj Tclles- lopmcllt in a child FoIIO\\l1lg :.\lr5. \\llrk 011 .;ftct.'u ~'\l'ait.·rs 0 ~I 11001.:, llr. and Mrs. George Scho- natIonal trade. The America countries lIoko\", "The Lord's Name Be Praised" by ~rookston's spct'd! thc U1cetl,ng \\~s opcn Indl\lduals or groups ,duch .Ire \\111 hlllgcr and !l.lrs, 1[. C. Neal. 1II1l:-.t share 1Il these. liThe problem of Grechanino\'. "The Steppe hy Tri<Klm lor gl"'lIeral questions and dlS,cusslons of iug to undertake Red Cross klllttlllg lhaperons for the Advanced Class will compulsion must he solved by forming "This IS a Stormy nay" by Shvcdov' prohlenls of the pre-school duM. arc asked to contact :Mrs. Fcnno by he ).Ir and ~lrs James KnoUer, 11r. and .111 international org-anization so necessary "I.evko's Sung With chorus" from "J.. • I' callmg Swarthmore 310, ~Irs N.ohert Sheppard, :Mr. and )[rs. J lor countries that the policing will take ~ight in .May" b) Rnnsk)-Korsako\" "0 Plan to be at New York • • II' Chiquoille and }.lr. and :\lrs. John care or itself", said Dr. Pennock. Valley .Mille," a Cossack song and ':The Conventions BurriSS \Vest. The study group ended with a panel dis- (:l1at" lOlllic :song of tittle 'Russia. b... Colored lUo\'ics at Inn • ~ • • cussion in the Friends' Meeting House Sinedov. J Rl'I)reSl'lltah\"cs from tillS count) wh,} I Current Art Exlulnt at LIbrary on \Vcdncsday evening of this weck. The • • will attend the aUllual meetings of thc A I.tmcll Thomas tl'chlllcolor, "~lexlco' . . \arious ideas brought fonvard in the Cub PUl"k Assembles Tomorrow Birth Control Fcderation of America -Land of Enchantmcnt," ,,111 hI..' 1)1'(- Harry L. johnson ,a~I~1 llnn,ela CianCI previous meetings were discussed by on January 23, 2~ and 25 in Ne\\' York sentcd III a pf(lgram of 1lI0\ Ie" .. tUlIl- Johnson are the exlllhltll1g arllsts at the Franc R' I 1d J I N d H 1 here "Ill be a Cub Pack meeting Cit) arc Chairman of Board :\lrs. Ar- sored I", thl S".8.rthmllrc Tra\'cl Bur· I S"arthmorc Public Library until Fe- hc;t I~:ase~1I117 theOC"olll aso~ anll erd• tOlnurrow , janua ry20, a t \VIl"i ther 11 aII, thur R Dana: "r rs. S. '_I\ . Vtell", climc : (''au ·at 8 30 tillS eV('I1I11g-. Frida\, Jall- Il rtlary:1>- TI1 e pt.C t ures I ' , 0 ege .lacu y, an S 10\\11 conSIst the Rev. David Braun, of the Presbyterian on the Swarthmore CoHege campusjsccretary ; and ~rrs, ClaIr \VlIe-OX, al1!"ary 19, at thc Strath Jla"en Inn A!I of otl~ al~l, ~oth,lalldscapes and Church; !l.frs, Mildred Olmstead, state ~tarting at 3 p, M. of S"arthmore. are \\clcome to attend. portraits, mteresttng III hne and color. (ContInued 011 Paue Biz)

---------- Page 11 ----------

2 Mrs. ]. Harvey Whiteman, 01 The Swarthmore, will leave in the near luture lor a stay in DeLand, Fia. Mr. ]. Keeler Stauffer, of Dartmouth avenue, was confined to his home with the grippe the early part 01 this week. Joan Carpenter is recovering from a re­cent illness which has conlined her to her home in North Chester road for two weeks. Mis! lona Putnam returned to business on Monday .• lter a weeYs absence with tne grtppe at hcr· t.arayetteavenue home. Mr. Warren Bernard, 01 North Chester road, his heen cnufined to his home with a severe cold this week. Mr. George W. McKeag returned yestel'day to his home on Parrish road and is recovering from an appendectomy performed on Tuesday 01 last week in the University Hospital, Philadelphia. Mrs. John E. P. Grant, 01 Vassar avenue,' and Mrs. Henry A. Piper, of MANOR ,RBlI PMUUNG Fri. - Sat. Betle DAVIS Errol FLYNN "'The Priuats £f,," oj ELIZABETH and ESSEX" MEDIA FrldaJ and Sat11l'da¥ "STUDENTS'" . KAY KYSER ADOLPHE MENJOU In "TBA1"S IDGHT YOU'RE WRONG" with May Rohson - Lue1lle Ball Demds O'Keefe Edward Everett Borton Wall Disney's Donald Dnok the Hoeke,. CIwnp In TechJlk»tor Sunda:1 Only-.'l Features "Eoerylhinll'. on Ice" IRBNEDABE and uBiUr the Kid Returns" Monda)' and Taesdo;J ANNA NEAGLE "NURSE ED-ITH CAVELL" Edna Ma,. OJhoer c-eSandero May Robson z..a Pius Wedpewk,. an4 'IIlon4aJ' STAN LAUREL OUVERHABDY In "THE FLYING DEllCBS" J_~GanIIuu Carolyn Flaherty, of University place, entertained classmates 01 the sixth grade, Rutger avenue school, on Wedncsday 'afternoon in celebration of her eleventh DON AMECHB ANDREA LBBDS AL JOLSOH "SW ANEE RIVER" in Techn1color T/l.e Btoru 01 Stephen C. FQ8te,. starts Frlda:1 JAMES SRWART MawENE DIETBlCB In "DESTRY IIJDES AGAIN" starts Sat_ Starring 'A CHILD IS BORN' Gen.l4lll. F1tapr.ld (Sensation of •• Dart: VictorY'· "WutherlD8 IIe1ahW·) _day ... d~ "THE DAYS OF JESSE JAMES" With BOY ROGB118 THB SWABTHMOBEAN • I • J<:ngagemenls Mr. and Mrs. Horace Waters Avery, Ogden avenue, announce the en~ gagement of their daughter, Miss June {jlms from ginlanJ! , ......... -- The M: S. THORDEN is in port after a perilous 21 day voyage from Abo. Part of her cargo con­sists of heavy hand-cut crystal, some by Karhula, of ~iJpurit 30me by Aalto of Helsmki. We are for­tu~ ate in having obtained a few pieces and have them on display. Prices are very low. GLASS CENTER 46 St. GeOl'lIo', Road ARDMORE FOR 1940 RESOLVE TO KEEP WELL! Let US equip your Medicine Cabinet with the most Modern Health Aids PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED • • Births • I • YOUNG CANARIES $1J19 Sincinlr Caaarieo $4.98 .... Cae ... .ad Stands P\anta ·and P ..... t Ncweltieo FRANK & SEDER _ 8rtU111'r lANUABY 19, 1940 'ACraD. .4.4.0. . eo" 1M RUSSELL'S SERVICE DlII'Imoulh .ad Laf.,._ A ..... ........ ONsot~ y\t\NO Compact in size, this riew .type. console piano featUres an· overslrung scale, allowing the use of longer strings. Be sure and hear it· or mail the ·coupon· for· details. $1 A wEEK PAYS 5245 PIa. ~~~g~t Cbarg4! up LESTER-HALF A CENTURY or>.- FINE piANO B. U!.L DtNG . Lester Pianos, Inc. 7054 Garrett Rd. Open Evenings .... The Meat Yo.u Never Tire Ofl- And There is Nothing Appetizing Than a Marlel Beef Ro.ast STANDING RIB BEEF ROAST The Kind o.f Meat a Man Wo.uld Order Fo.r Sunday .. C 911, Fint 2 ribs, Ib 32c ?$;i:3i Club or T bone STEAKS Ib··SSCf· BY REGISTERED PHARMACISTS AT ~ j Victor D. Shirer·s ~. •. ~,' 'i amERFOOD South Cheder Road fOR THE TAiLE TeI.Sw.S16 COMPLETE FOOD4AARKET - __ 0& ... Ietil A _ - __ -8_'" Phone - SWIl1'Ihmon lUOO ~JANU~~AR~Y~1~9~.~1~9i~O~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~T~.. ~ B~E~S~W~.~A~R~T~H~.~O~R~E~A~N~~::~~~::~::::~~~~ __________~ 3 f:! Repre.entatives from all in It seems tome lhat we in this community THE SWARTHMOREAN tbe Upper School will also attend. should support .this effort more generally. PUBLISHED EVEllY FlllDAY AT 8WAllTBMOllB, PA­THE SWABTBMOBEAN, INC., PUBLIeBE. PBONE SW;ABTBIIOIl& 900 I'ITIIa E. Tow. EJiIor 1IAIu_ Tow. "'.w·,. Etlilor The Woman'. Guild bas given addi- I don't mean· generously-I mean that we tional kitchen equipment to the Parish. should all be booster. for the cause Mr.. Albert Hill and Mrs, Lewis E. whether we can contribute or noL It now Goodenough were co-chairmen of the appear. that this will be aD annual event committee in charge. whether Roosevelt is President or just Ex. LONDON welNher Proof SPORT COATS R~ PmsoL JoIAay Eu.1III Mn,... I,..------------....,I-J. V. S. BISHOP. SOUTHERN EIIIered u Second CIuo Matt .... JUIlU)' 24, 1929, at tho POll 0IIi00 at Swarthmore, Po, unci. tho Act of Much 3, 1819. LE'ITERS TO THE EDlTOB • • Writers F_ o.n Drama • SPOR'''' .W iM.'R FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1940 Winter The New Year has brought drama into the limelight at the Delaware County Writers' Club and the January 1'---------------'1 meetings have been devoted to this What human imagination ever could have conceived so improbable a Seeo.nru. "Bnrning o.f the subject and the added topic, human re- SAINT GBORGB'S ROAD AND COllLTEB AVBN1/E ARDMORE Pho~ Ardmore 860 procession as that of the seasons? Thinking of them abstractly, the sea- Greens" lations. . sons seem an utterly contradictory phantasmagoria of impossible phys- "The Swarthmorean" On Tuesday morning 01 last week KNITTING ical changes. What could be more improbable than the poignantly in- Editor: Wallace R. Stark, Dale Carnegie fol- WOOL escapable reality that man, without doing aught to alter his own state or Permit me to extend 10 you my sin- lower, talked informally to the Club on condition, should be whirled helplessly from the burning heat of sum- cere thanks for your having sponsored the present'theatre, the need for a civic mer to the freezing, bitter cold of winter? We know, of course, that the ceremony 01 "The Burning 01 the one. and the importance of the writer without Greens." who creates the play. Mr. Stark covered the physicists and the astronomers have glib explanatory theories about . The occasion ~as a most fitting one a wide scope and proved most inspiring ··18 __ W.giveyou friendly ·.moe these phenomena, but - do they really explain? lOasmuch as II brought togethor in his advice on play writing Unchanged in personalities we men and women, for whose use and ~warthmore ?eil!hbors to witness the On Thursday, January 4, at'the Col­enjoyment the earth is alleged to have been made, find much of that ~Imple but dignified c~remony mark- Wyn Club drama afternoon Mrs. Oscar which make up our lives changed arbitrarily and irresistibly by this 109 t~e end o~ the Christmas Tree. J. Gilcreest, of Harvard avenue; as procession of the seasons. It seems just yesterday that we were beck- It IS gatherlOgs such as these that drama chairman of the Writers' Club, ARD.SO> ed d b d mak~ Swarth.more the type 01 com- spoke on "Why Can't We All Try on out of oors y unseen artists who ha hung their masterpieces of mUOIty 01 which we are all proud. Writing Plays?" AUCIA MARSHALL, Ine •. Opp. P.R.!l.. Sa.. N. 5i~ AIlD.MO~B. PA. color in field and in forest. Jack Frost and the Harvest Moon had made W. H. LIN'I'ON. a veritable fairyland out of the countryside. There were the "Burning Bush" of the sweet gum and the prairie fires of fox tail and swnac. It was not imaginary. It was not just ~ rapt vision of beauty. It was real, ••• and the memory of it leaves a joy in the soul. If fell fact did not confirm it who could believe that chill north winds would swoop down upon that landscape of beauty, snatching the last leaf from the woodland and sweeping away the flaming colors of shrub and pastureland? Or that same north wind would take the gurgling, tinkling waters of the brook and the still waters of the pond and change them into steel-hard ice, startling us who are accustomed to think of . hot furnace fires as the only birthplace of steel-hardness, and substi- .tuting for the gurgling and tinkling of the brook's waters the gurgling ·,of laughter and the tinkling of steel on ice as happy skaters glide where yesterday they could not have walked. On that same yesterday green grass carpeted the earth, dotted here and there with the bright color of star-like flowers. But came this sanle north wind and lo! it is as if the contents of a huge pot of glittering white enamel had been brushed over the landscape. And it is another world! "Old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." Can it all be true? Is it not some chill nighnnarish dream? And can it be that this cold armor of winter's ice and glistening white snow­enamel will be broken by that same irresistible power which sweeps us . as from clime to clime - that an early tomorrow will see them sup­planted by the warmth and color and fragrance of swnmer days? How strange, how mysterious, is this earthly home of man! -j----_.- Presbyterian Church Noles Sunday morning at 11 o'clock Dr. . Robert Eo Speer, lo.merly Secretary 01 the Presbyterian Board 01 Foreign Mis­sions, Moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly, and president 01 the Federal Council 01 Churches, witl preach the sermon. The Congregational Dinner in honor 01 Dr. Speer will he held on Monday evening January 22, at 6:30 o'clock in the Parish House. Dr Speer will he the speaker. Reservations will be received until Friday evening, January 19, at the Church office, telephone Swarthmore 672. Irom 6 to 7 :30. The speaker will he the Rev. Thomas A. Meryweather, of Rutgers avenue. The Boys' Choir will rehearse Sun­day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and the Girl's Choir at 3 o'clock in the Church. • I • Dr. Ho.lme8 Co.ntinues Friends' Series At 9 :45 A. M. this Sunday Dr. Jesse H. Holmes will give the third in his series of four talks on Books of the Bible. when the Adult Forum convenes at the Friends' Meeting House. This week's ~opics will be the Wisdom Li~ Fa"o.ra lce-Skal;ng Rink The Swarthmorean, Gentlemen: I have read· with great interest of thl! plans to establish an outdoor Ice Rink: in Swarthmore. I am confident that this wilt offer splendid recreation, not only to the boys and girls of the town, but to many others who thoroughly en­joy this delightful· sport. In Berne, Switzerland, a few years ago I had the opporl'unity to USe the public Ice Rink many times. This was made possible through the flooding of a group of tennis courts in the centre 01 the city. The ice was kept in good condition by sweeping off the snow, and re-flooding the surface whenever necessary. The basement of the Club House was 'l1ade available for attaching skates and for serving hot drinks. A few days ago I saw a similar Rink built in the hills just outside of Syra­cuse, N. Y., covering an area of about one~quarter by one-half mile. In Boston the same thing was everywhere in evi­dence during Christmas week. with hun ... dreds of people, yaung and old, enjoy­ing the sport. 1 should think one 01 the SChc.-oJl 01: College Playgrounds or the field op­posite the Players Club could be made available with little work and little cost. All we will then need for some grand sport will be winter weather. With best wishes for success with the program. E. FU~~I!Il~ON CooK. • I • Boo.18 Paralyaia Dri"e The Swarthmorean: Could you add to your worthwhile efforts and get all the M. D:s 01 Swarth­more behind this year's Infantile ParaJ~ ysis Drive. This effort no matter how it started The Woman's Class will meet at 9 :45 on Sunday morning instead of at· 10 o'clock. Dr. Cameron P. Hall, secretary for Social Education and Action in the Presbyterian Church, will he the speaker. terature. • • should be sponsored and vigorously sup- Metho.dist Chnrch Notes purted by their prolession yet they have Th Ch h S h I t· • willingly allowed its political birth to e urc c 00 mee mg as usua. . ' h at9.'4 5 A . M ,on S un d ay WI'1 1 b e f 0 I- slill leslter aind nkeep th'e mailertri 10 t ef lowed by Morning Worship at 11 hands 0 .a ew we meanmg pa zans 0 -.--...--------..-..""-.--..-..--..-.-,...:..;..... -O'-:'O~-....-...-....-....-...--..--..-....-..f f JANUARY WHITE SALE· ! 1 Goost DOWN PILLOWS I 11 Well filled, covered with down proof ticking in blue, green l and tan ................................. · .. · .. · ... ea. $3.75 1 I ~~~~~n .. c.~~~~i.n.~ . !~.~;~ .~~~~~~~; :~~~ ~~I~~: . e~~k~~ ! 1 IRISH DOUBLE DAMASK NAPKINS 1 l Three patterns. 22x22 ........................ :", .doz. $5.95 l 1 MUSLIN SHEETS 1 1 A sturdy muslin made for long wear, l 7ZXI08 .............. $.95 9Ox108.: ..... ; .•.•.. $1.15 1 I ~y, ;:;e~EN" 'S~P il Charlotte M. McCard,. in Charp 131~la;::;~:;t St. ~ PENnypacker ~ ! H. T. PATtERSON Philadelphia oPEN WEDNESDA.Y BVENDlG -...-... ___ .-....-..--..-....-______ .--______________ .--.. _______ -..-1 :.·'January· . "' Saving 0120 % Complete valve grinding jo.b and mo.tor tune up­fo. llo.wing reduced prices: PLYMOUm ... $ 9.85 CHRYSLER 6 - . 13.85 CHRYSLER 8 - .. , . . . . . . . . .15.85 Only 10 More lrupectio.n pay .. Left Should They All Be Clear NO INSPECTION ON STORMY DAYS HANNUM & WAITE· at the The Men's Class will meet at 9 :45 on Y ale Avenue and Chester Road SWlday morning. Ralph A. Nixdorl will be the speaker. The teachers 01 the Senior Department will meet this evening, Friday, January 19, from 7:30 until 9 o'clock in their second of the Worker's Conference Series. o'clock when the sermon topic will be the P~sldent as a Part~ Man. The "The Rejected Christ." The Epworth effort 15 too broad. ~nd too l~portant for League at 7 P. Ill. wilt be led by Marian the unpleasant pohllcal ?",r!<ings pla.ced Bernard. Evening worship at 7 :45 will upon it at the date of Its mauguratlO~, 11-___________________________ -:1 be conducted by the Young Woman'~ No one who could have heard the ~ald Auxiliary. broa~cast thi~ aftern,,?n by the. Amencan Swarthmore 1250 The Young People's Fellowship for High School Young People will meet SWKlay evening in the Parish House On Monday at 8 P. M. the monthly Medical Society, telling ?I thiS work-;­business meeting of the y.. W. A. will what has been accompbshed-w~at IS be concluded with talks by Caroline still to he done, could well hold their con· Evans and· Helen Scott on their recent viction that it has not grown far above trip to the Pacific coast. partizanship. CHURCH NEWS The Bishop's Methodist Advance The American Medical Society calls on "'S""""A"'R"T"'H>!=O:;;R"''''':';P'''R''ES'''B'''~''''OI'''E';R'''1A-=N'''CB'''''U'''R''C''H,.. meeting will be held in the Arch Street all citizens to help in any way they can Rev. David BraUD, Mi.ni8ter Methodist Church, Philadelphia, Tues ... and I trust all the b,{edical Men in the SUNDAY bod . 9:45 A. M.-Cbureh School. day morning, afternoon and evening. village will join with whatever y IS 9:46 A, M. - Men's BIble Claaa_ Th d . th" d . tho r' lan and help as 9:46 A.M.-Woman·s Bible CI888. urs ayevemng e Juntor an sen- sponsormg IS yea s p 11:00 A.M.-Mar-Ding Worship. Sermon by ior choirs wilt rehearse and the ushers' they should a cause which is surely theirs. _-:==:::::D;:,':..' ":R,,O:::bert=='E"'.::.-".'.= ..=.. ' -:-__ recreational program will be held. We have in Swarthmore our full share MBTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH • 4 .Jf Roosevelt haters. Every community Clarenttl F. car~NtfY' B.D •• Minister Christian Science Church has more or less. All Presidents have 9 :46 A. M. - Churcb School. H' t h the 11 :00 A. M. _ Morning Wonship, Sermon ". II .' many. IstOry seems 0 s ow lopic: "The Rejecled Chrlst_" Life IS the subject of the Lesson- stronger ones or more active ones have 7:00 P.M.-Epworlh League. S.ermon in all Churches of Christ, Seien- the most-Cleveland, Theodore Roosevelt, _7~::'.~P~., ,~.~~Ev~en~ln~g~W~O~"'~h~IP~' ;;~:~ list, on Sunday, anuary. e en Woodrow Wilson had a plenty. Whether Text i~: "This Ji s the r2e1c o~d,T ht haGt ol~d F. D. R. has been a good or bad President Rev. . Rector ~ath. g .. ve~ to u,~ eternal hfe, and thiS we can leave to History to appraise and :=~~~~~~~::'~;:nl~i~~:~':: hfe IS In his Son (I John 5:11). record so why not putt together this 4" P'd (It T • '1 P • h Nole last year that he may he resl ent a 0 rml y arls 8 of my fn.e nds are praY.i ng I. t WI'1 1 he th e Plans for the annual Parish Dinner last). After all he is our President of on January 31 were developed at a luo- this U. S. A. and as a man suffered sorely cheon meeting held at the residence from this dread disease, gathered courage of Mrs. Harry Davis Winsmore, chair- 0 fight on to a partial cure. man. The music of the evening will be Now hampered in locomotion. Nearly tbe in charge of J. Burriss WesL total paralysis from waist down he has "'JiiiNilii .The Young Peoples' Fellowship will attained one of the highest positions in '~ hold a service in the Church on Sbn- this country and a somewhat world in~ lb. day afternoon at 5:30 o'clock. The reg- f1nence. ular supper-meeting will follow. Surely his lortitude and ~ourage under :-,!~~;;;;'[.,,~;.I:";'~ The Church School Choir will partici- the circumstances is a great example to ~.& pate in the annual Pre-Lenten Service lend encouragement to every kid and "t~~:~:iU.,-:,~Se~~~,:,d at St. Paul's Church, Chester. on Sun- adq't suffer~ who .. may be. or ~~. been "';;""'iTr . day afternoon, January 28 at 3 o'clocL- attadted.· ..... " .. ; ;,--:-; ...:<,.~ ,.·"'.~··:-'"O~.-;t HOW Nature and Man Supply You With WATER Nature and man working hand in hand have made possible the gr~t water systems that we know and enjoy today. Two weeks from today in this paper there will begin a series of statements that will explain in a clear and simple way the work done by nature and man to give you all the water yo.n want, when you want it. "Pure Springfield Water" PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER CO.

---------- Page 12 ----------

'. , ..... ' , , Erithwitum MounU N oJ·" l!'~' lc..e.-Skatiml M ........ C=mi_ F_tIoIao :: ::.: f;%peri"aenl_. . B . Attention is called to the sen:'ch'ce ,?f ."~.'., .; .. . .. ' ~~ . the Magazine Committee, Whl IS 1.:e~slGrtlng opportunity:' .for yOWl!l available for the programs of all grade SwarduDorans . has··piuM heightened . W grOllp mother's meetings, as weU as to Young Friends List Peace Suggestions ieceol Gathering at Swarthmore CotltgeSllmuJate8 Praetiea1 ., 'Dinkins . interii~rjn the Borough dW'lllB.the 'past I fnlter'"t.,d individuals. Mrs. Iryin Mac-w .. t. ... On.Sundayaftemooo and."".l' ..... · Elwee, Chairman, reports that The questiOn of turning their peace day ,l,l«iiiI18. inel!>bers of the Swa~ore S have come from groups and into action brought forty-li.e RecreatiOn" Committee. and several GltiZen5 this year for information on· people, young Friends and others, -... " 1940 and political'loues and UJiDa' the YOt~ assisting refugees, baekiug ~ perhaps now unemployed, by sivIDg him financial support to work on SOllIe cre­ative reconstruction project considered important-like working in a depreuecl area, doing educational work with con­sumers, or other vital community pro­jects. The group agreed that solvIDg lo­cal problems by peaceful methods is the most valuable tool for buildi"s: havifineftQ'oonsidfr methods of csrrying subjects. This committee is ,ogether in Swarthmore JanuaI)' 6 and peace in the world. on ibi.:·proj~d ,tiu1ed last week by duld· of look up magazine articles, £;~·:::;17 lor a week-end of discussion rc<:rel':.i' reno The failure fast week of the snow to any particular subject. ) tion and fellowship. After a box supper (larapet;to 'hold water led the Committee have been subscribed to for pur- in Whittier House on the Swarthmore to seeK'. "·p ro."esoSnl a!' a dV .IC e. THE YO.. .u. •u ..,.. .'", CLUB I!~~r~~~he Committee submits the fol- CoUege campus Saturday eveniug, Bar- Mp. Charles.Thatcher ,and Mr. George suggestions as typical of the Corsoll, of Avondale, and Bruce B del ' f' th' ". 'C';'" •. D pa~~-nt of this magazine service fo r waalStt h0m o e C£ooiIl. gmenhnag e ubIlUDI'lt..t-ed Literature Contest by th the Home and School Association. I:~~~t~::nof Mount AirY," summarized the ogre. ego'· ve s The literature contest sponsored e peace attitudes and suggestions plan,·:ft)} .. 'tIiee;<\ieriipent. The'Delaware Delaware County Federation is. open to Muie Training a~tion brought by members of the COlmt;;':Recreation Association has sub- men and women. It is not necessary to Many parents are interested in the I gl'OU.p. Roy McCorkel, of Cornell avc-mitted rules for ftoodiilg' tennis courts be a Club member to enter. Book reviews music training of their children. The Swarthmore, national secretary of as approved by the- United States Tennis not exceeding 1(){M) words, essays of 1500 child today seems to have more incen- Inter-Seminary Movement, and Association. This Association states that, words or less, short stories of not more tive to play a musical instrument than of the Swarthmore Coopera-uFI~ in~ tennis cou~ts after ten~s season than 2SOO words, and poems between 12 ever before. Schools are providing 0P- Ass'n., began the discussion with does hOt do the shghtest harm to the and 30 lines will be eligible if they reach portunities for rhythm bands, glee c1uhs, outline of the need lor Christian re-tennis courts":.··!J'he following ·have at- Mrs. Marvin E. Hooc:L 1S East Mowry choruses, bands, orchestras, choirs, as of the world. suggestmg tended _"""IIings in t~. interest of this street Chester, by April 10. Nine judges well as allowing flexible schedules for peace-time work as the kmd that protect:· Mt. . :.. ; Charles· Thatcher, Dr. will ~led three prize winners in each instnimental lessons. Current articles serves the ideals for which wars Frei{crick·:LUcbring .. Mrs. J. V. S •. Bishop, class. Prize awards will be made in are available which call attention to . fought During the dis- Mrs! 'Thomas Lueders; Mrs •. Theo4ore W. connection·. with· the Fine Arts Festival some points worthy of the consideration the pC'wt was brought out that Cro~ri;·.M"'r1: · ...R aymond .K. ~ D~wo~ at Lansdowne on May 2.· of parents in regard to music training such cODstructive activity before war Mrs; Vesta Van de Boe, and Dr. Wilham. Chorus Reh ...... l. Begin of children. Such articles as the follow- breaks out is the real test of an individ- T. IQJtns6p:. Erank it. Morey, members The Woman's Club Chorus will re- ing may be secured through Mrs. ldac- ual's belief in non-violent, cooperative of the School Board, and members of the sume its· rehearsals on Monday, Jan- Elwee: jjMusic Before Five," methods. Singing, square dancing, and volunteer Fire Department have been very uary 22, at 10 A. M. in the club house. Magazine, March; "Making Music several group games followed the dis-. cooPe:~~ve"··~any others hav~ manifested As in former years non ~tub members Fun," Parents' Magazine, December; an in~r.esl .. · . will be admitted for a nominal fee. The "Music in World Citizenship," Nation's J. Maxwell Adams, of Rose Valley, LIBRARY DlllEcrORS SEEK director will bci announced. Schools, September; "Music Comes to national secretary of Presbyterian stud- - . . & N AI Co. Luncheon Town," Parents' Magazine, January; ent work, pointed out in the Sunday · . "'."~ ·ELECTIO. Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman. who is "What Instrument for Your Child?" mornmg sessioll that a pacifist must TI,e'r'e .. ,'5" . D'O' contest in this year's a mem b er 0 I t h e P rogram Comm',ttee Parents' of Scptemberj uMake Music prove hI'S Io ya It y, gratl.t ud e to his COUD-electn; if'of -direCtors ·of the Swarthmore of the County F ed e ratl.o n 0 f CI Ub S, and With Your Children," Parents, May. try and bravery to be at least a~ great Public Library ·Board. Mrs. Sewell W. a member of the board, attended a Peraoaality Dwclopment as those of the man who enlists by Hodge and ·Guenther -H~··Froebel seek- luncheon at the home of the County The fonowing articles point out that practicing the principle of love and ing J!e,,:,=ies:tio:n· an.~ .the ol;1ly· ·can.didates president, Mrs. Harold R. Bodtke. in discovering hidden powers in a child goodwill consistently in his pre-war for· the· two places: to be fined. Bywood, on Thursday. and leading him to go on developing hfe. His larger patriotisui-devotion to M!5./~( a. S~arthmore College New Member them for his own and the general good humanity- must have been evident graduate has been a· member of the Mrs. J. Hillyard Powell was added is the measure of great teaching. Wise his usual activities for him to be BOl(d s~,.n:::,e its· .organization in nineteen to the list of members of the club at teachers and wise parents know that taken seriously as a conscientious ob-twenty e~ht' and has been its secretary the Jast stated meeting. inspiration transcends information in jector if war comes. for the last ten years. She has served Junior Club Bridge, Chol'81 Groop teaching, unless the latter is acqnired A of worship foUowed the on numerous committees of the Board The Junior Section Monthly Philan- with an eagerness which makes it discussion session. After diD-notably the booking committee of which thropic Bridge will be held at the home stick. A few of the articles availahle CoUege the gfoup discussed t she ·has ,been chainnan for several years. ofT Antonica Fairbanks, 234 Park avenue, on this subject are: "Personality-Up I v,,,i.)us practical suggestions for action M'·;fr~c~el is·.3 ~i;l~uate 9f·t.~~ Vn.i- Tuesday evening, January 23, at 8. p. ni; to the Schools," Journal of Education, the final session~rganizing study versiiy 0(· Texas and· has lived. m The Choral Group will meet at·the Wo=- April; "Timidity and its Correction," discussion groups, becoming better Swart~more. for eight .years. ~e is a man's Club House ThursdaM y evening, Journal of Education, June; UA Case of aCq\l~inted with legislative measures pas(:£ommander of. the Harold Ains- January 25. from 8 to 9 P.. Pupil Initiative," Journal of Education, worth' Post of, the American Legion. Evenins SeedOD Activities UInegrating Personality," Child .. 1----------------- Members of the library may cast Mrs .. Harry Stevens, chairman of t\Jel~~I:'.~ Education, April; "Building Char- RUMMAGE WANTED votes for these eandidates during the Evening Se<:tion literature section, I. ," Parents' Magazine, March; nCan W I L Sal .. ~ _re_~Ia~.l!~~~!r.- ~~,!~s'.v9·~J:Ovv ~'. ~k· ~~ ~S~;·i;~~~\~g;~j~~~~r2j~ ~~ ~tT; "~vg~nO;il; ~arc~!~c~,t;,PtHr;~;fa: For CoUeeli;n ~hone ~. Jewett, Saturday, Jacuary· 20: and from 2· to 8 o'dock at ·the -home .of Mrs.· William December; "Developing Social Person .. 5:30 :indi8 to 9;P.M. on Monday, Jan· Uthe, 213 Park avenue. alities," Nations Schools, October. Sw81'lhmo .... !l34 b7 Tuesday, nary ~} t\l~ 'baDot !>~" ~Il be set up Mrs. CharleS Riddington, of Lansdale, Jao01U'7 23 in the,li.l irary. e •. • . . . know' n for her clever colnments and brief : M~. Annie S. Nichols . reviews, will discuss the season's most "" . important and widely read books at M~. Annie S: "Nichols, widow of meeting. Those who heard Mrs. Ridding-:­Frank C. Nichols. passed ·away yester- ton last year at the Delaware County day, after an iIIn'ess of· many months, Tuberculosis Association meeting will be at 438 Riv.erview avenue where she delighted to avail themselves of another made her" home with her son and opportunity .to hear her. All club ment­daUght4':,," J.D~:,.. Wf. . <._~((J.fessor: ~d. Mrs. bers and friends are j~vited ~o attend .. Ray F.".'NI ols; .. . '. The monthly rotahon bndlle meetmg OFF-SEASON Reductions on Remodeling AND ALL BRANCHES OF TailGring and Fur Work Mrs. Ri" 015",· 'who was ·in~·:her 84th was held at 'the home of Mrs. Harold year calDe :here from 'phil.adelpNa: in 1934 Roxby, of' Cornell avenu~, Tuesday Tailor with her son. She' was'a member of the evening. A spirit of friendliness has 10 Park Ave. Cleaning A. GOTTLIEB Womati:s· FacuI~ Club of· the Umversity caused these meetings to become an in- Fllrrier Sw.] 727 Rrmodtling of Pennsylvania.: - . . creasingly popluar part of Club life. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Funerat serviceS are'~·be held at 12 :30 Due to conflicting dates no Art .Sec-r today at the· Quil).by . Fun~r"l ·.Home, tion ", .. ting will be held this month. Media·,J9t~.rmen.t will· be. at .aloo~field, Instead· the ··entire. Evening Section is N. J., the· h~onie ··of Mrs. Nichols.' invited to attend .the annual oil and • ..' • • water color exhibit at the Academy o~ F1ve-County LWV Conference Fin~ Arts .in Philadelphia on Sunday afternoon, January 28, at 3 o'clock; All members are asked to keep this date in mind. Transportation will be pro- Mrs>FT~ite.~ic!< Anthony, of Walling­ford, chairman· of the Media League of Women Voters Department of Child Welfar~;·wi1l §peak·on "I:.Ocat Govern­ment a.n4 cOl~IlI~~n·ity ACli«?n . tli " .the Prevent.iOIl of: Juve.nile· Oe.linquency,·' at the League.·of Women Voters' .·­county conference on "Our.·Neighbor_.::i Child." .. I •. Dr. and: 'Mrs. J~es. F .. Bogardus. of Cornell aVeriue.· entei'-~ined . with a bridge party Saturday evening. -"Their ·.guests were Mr. an.d· Mrs. Otis Starkey, of Philadelphia; Mr .. and' Mrs: William Chri~lian, of Merwood Park; Mr. and Mrs. ~&. Kendrick Lechty, of Secane, Mr. and Mrs: Benjamin Groff;' Qf Lansdowne; and l,fr.' and Mrs. David .c. Longstreth, oi EIi'!ns;Park. .'." . - vided.. .'. . . . . At Former Jr. Pre8iden18" Repast Men.mers of the Junior Past Presidents' Club of Delaware County were present at a covered. ~ dish supper. held in the Twentieth Century Club of Lansdowne, Monday, January 8, . Those from Swarth. more present were Mis·s Mildred Bond. Miss Mildred·. Si~pers, Mrs. Raymond Fellows and· Mrs. James F. Bogardus. I • M:rs. Fr~ncis S. Philbrick, of Harvard avenue, was .hostess at luncheon and bridge last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. John M. Broomall, 4th, of South Ch~t.r road, was hostess at luncheon on Tuesday to a bridge foursome. .tm: WEEK'S.·CALENDAR 8'15 P _" ~IDAY. JANUARY 10 : • M. YeUpw Jacket .•.... : .....••• , ••••••.•••......•• Players C1ub 8.15 P. M. - RUSSian C:;athedra.l Chotr .....•••.•...••••••.•• Clothier Memarial 8:30 P.M.-MOVing Pict~ •..•.•..........•........•.... Strath Haven Inn ;" 3'00 P :M _ SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 • .. ' . . .. YOURS TO USE ••• INSURE AGAINST BURGLARY AU the locka and alarm. in the world aren't 100% _ anleed bur.1ar proof; bot insurance is I With rates be­glnniq at '11.25 it doesn't pay to be without burglar in. 8oranee. Indemnl.y I...."...nee Comparay of North America CALL SWARTHMORE 108 AUCE M. BAIRD Real E.late - No.ary Public OLD BANK BUILDING ROlgen Avenue • For haMes and grown·ups, there is one milk that stands out in Philadelphia. It's Supplee Sealtest Premier A Milk. • More people drink Supplee Milk because it has all three of these important advantages. I-Creamy richness for flavor. 2-Sealtest for purity. 3 - Dependable home delivery. • Give your fatnily the benefits of all three by telephoning Chester z"S721 PREMIER A MORE PEOPilIN PHIlADELPHIA DRINK SUPPLEE MIlK tHAII ANY OTHER MIlK • Sapp ... &.Iop yo. tho LONE RANGER over WFIL from 7=30 to 8:0D P. M. every MollClay, W ... escIayatMI Frfcfay.AIso--VOUR FAMILY AND MINEn over WCAU, Yo.da, ",,-k FrIday, 2;30 to Zt4S P. M. ~; !: ". Cub Pack Meeting .• ~ •..•.••.•.••.••..•........••. Whittier Ball ~.~ ~:~: ~ ~~':il:W~Jr:~~ Picture •.••••••••• ~ •.•••••.. Clothler Memorial .' " e· •• 0· ............................... 21.uel' Club SUNDAY. JAN"JJARY 21 11:00 A. X. -JlorniDlI"·Wot'8hip ••• ~ ........ : •.•••••••••.•••.•. " .Local Churcl1es . MONDAY. JANUARY 22 On rural roads and city streets, you find the sign of the blue bell. Wherever you see it, you'll get a friendly service and a quick connection to borne or office or points ahead. The public tete­phoc. e is your telephone Away from bome" ""The Be1ITelephoneCompany 6f1>eDnsylvunia. Washday Colds Of' 6J Phone _171 .. stop Laundry Service. Our . 3:00 P.M.-W. I. k IH.lK!l1BBlon GrouP ••.•••.•..•••..••.•..••••. West. Rouse nr:f'Id> .... \. 6;30. P. M:. =CoDpepUohal Dinner •••••.•.....•.•...••••. PreabTterian Cbqreh . l: 7.09·~.~ .. . ~DI!:Sa. A8IIOdauon •• · •••.•••••••••• , •••••••••••••••• IngJetieQk 1 TUBmAY. JANUARY ~ ~!lO:OO.A:M.~.L. W. V. 9~·Group.................. 500 N Chester Bel. · 2:30""P:ll.~Prevfew of Ptaoio Bzhfbt( and :Musicale. .•.• Wo • CI b :; 7:30 10 9:80 P .•• -Sproul Obt!ervatory OpeD to vi81iGr~·.::::::: ... ~~~c!ot':a c· 7.30 P.lI~_",:"""Juntor .Ba,xI.Can~ •..••.•.•••..•••••.••.... R. S. Auditorium .~. 8:16 P .... ~P.hotocftphio. B:lrbtbit.. Open to public .; Tal~ ~ ~ihnn C. Buxbaum ...••.••••....•.....•• Woman', Clu"b . . . WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 24- · 2 to 6 aod 7 to 9 P. M. - Photo B:ahlblt open to pU"blic ...••••••. Woman', Club ''-:. ;'>':::'·_'·:l. :.:. '~".:- Ooelor but., medirine, ,, and "mJl- the omal ........ af " .. hdayl WhT _err It'. DOt ........ It I We ..... waaIJ _ ...... .. deaner and eIlmhuote 70ur " .. !iday coIde. ~ea1 -.I ... f. all needs. l...,.urel MEDIA LAUNDRY Serving Swarthm01'e SuecessfuDy Since 1900 JANUARY '19, 1940 CLASSIFIED '. , ". THB SWARTHMOBEAIf'" 5 ; ~~~~~~~~~,----------------.---------------­SPORTS ..l tEVIEW basketball game with E!idr' [. In the'~s'l~ lifter .ateaql·has Lenr\~: .. , .:'. ,.:. ?:""'T:~~"" BasketbaU Season in Full Swing as College Wins, IIi8h Smool Loses Two, WiD8 One The College IJaskeltbaU team won two games on their trip, last week-end. Friday, they .defeat~d Union 47-31 at Schenectady and. Saturday, downe'i Hamilton 49-33 at Clinton. The College JV team lost to Beacom College, at Wilmington, last Saturday. The score was 35-33. The Freshmen defeated Malvern Prep at basketball, 27-23, Friday, --then lost to Valley Forge Military Academy. Saturday, 40·14. The College swimming team lost to Brooklyn College 41-34, at Swarthmore, Saturday, in spite of the fact that they set new records in three events. The new records were set in the 3OO-yard the boys' stone. A dance, given under the auspices of the Girl Reserves, will follow the high school basketball game. The "Garnet Rhythmairs," composed of high school boys, will provide the music. Last week Miss Gretchen Van de Boe gave several readings for the girls. Jlili, M".fe"'" . The pupils of the 10th grade world culture course took a trip to Philadelphia on Tuesday, January 16, to the Parkway Art Museum and the Graphic Sketch Club. At the mUSeum they saw the examples of the art of the Renaissance and 18th Century. Luncheon was en­joyed in the caft::teria of the museum. TIte afternoon was spent in examining objects of interest at the Graphic Sketch Clw. The group was chaperoned by Claudia Hancock, who arranged the trip, J. A. Christian and Alice Blodgett. won a majorit,. :of the points (3 matches 80_ -. U. out of five), the oiher two are automat- . All Uut& ...:.aa.. ·ro.'·"; .".... oi·Joi.s _ i~ally declared d!3-ws in ord~r to save tbe bulldiDP aDd .• ImJJroYellleq~.1.IaeN7D ..... time. Tom Porter '40 and Jim Smith '40 ed BUuate 00 ,be IOUtlIeu&er17 .... of N ... • • . AU BouleYanl and J"lI'Ii ~ AD &lie Be; at had draws," thIS match. of __ Park. lD .>be ~ or Pela_ • I alon 'ld. ~CI ...... or DOI1Ia. *'7·an . Heads Astronomers.' Society _ • _ .... m ...... _1>Jo'" -. ' .. erb' liDO 01. JI.InI 81.1.", ~ tee,: ~ ..... ','. ,.ea.t7·tour -~ ~~daree IIliI1QQ1t ,.. -. Dr. Arthur E. Bassett, of North Chester at ....... _' ....... '_.I'tn& .. 8 __ • , .. d ha L. _ h ed belli' t th .!1Ddn!d.aM AYe t,,,,, _.'- -~ ,.;. roa, 9 ..,..~. onor y ec on 0 e 4lwreeI twent,-=.nen ·Dl1llut. ·w.:t ~ ...... . presidency of the Rittenhouse Astronomi- &0 1hf __ *11: 11nr ot·M1d··B pranJ;'~ .... ! I Soc· f Philad I h' H ha n ...... wen ... ·t ... _ tbIrt.7. _ .... ca lety 0 e pia.. e s I weIf&· ·ooe htmdred aod 4n DeC' to' &be'DlMe served as a member of the board and as of beciD.bl1ll'.: BelDc DoWD·· ... oU ....... vice-president for two years. aDd ~D.Qn ~ ... of:Fr~ 'lbi, '!'t.. .: . Former Swarthmore presidents of the Bounded on .the"DOt1heul. aad .~eMI: .... Society are Dr .. John A. Miller and Bur- oLher]aods 01 &be aaw ~k ! .. W~ .. ~ PJ. Ie~s John H. Pitman. . Improvement.&. eowda' ·of .b ...... ·1nmpIow;. I I 27z39 teel:·IfaDIo·~,~.~ "r. To Entertain Fortnightly S.1d ........... _.,·.0. J'r_oJ."W_ ud Marl' 4 .. ·bJ.a .... ife •. IP~ aQd. ....... A. WUbank: widow of· t:urie. II. W~'·· cieceaMd and lJaDiel DouIheIlJ\·,.raJ. ,~. 8bd teu:e ••. J.t ~.~,.,,!: GEOB(jIj:, P. ·HABvm: .. A_. . .'.- ~~~~~~~~~ I medley relay, in the SO-yard freestyle ~ by Frost and in the I SO· yard backstroke by Skallerup. Sho", Biology Trip Mon. The photographs taken on the biology field trip by Miss Barten to Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Drehersville, Pa., were shown in the museum room of the high school, Monday afternoon, January B. Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes, of South Prince. ton avenue, will be hostess to the Fort­nightly next Monday afternoon, January 22- A travelogue by Mrs. George Scho­binger will be followed by two plays read by Mrs. Burton Alva Konkle, "The Duche:;s Says Her Prayers" by Mary Cass Can6e1d and J. M. Barries' "Ros­alind." Levari .Fw.;Iu ., . . '. FOUND - Double ,trand pearl beadll on Cedar lane 1. wo weeks 110_ Telephone Swarlhmore 1776. . Four NotaQ RENT FURNISHED PosseNion at onec bedrooms. Fine loeation on Hill Old shade. Garage WM. S. BITrLE SWDrUunon 11.1. P11blle -lIlBuranee - Real Lester Bets". Ross Spinet PI A NOS :; Lester Grand ~; Floor Sarnpiee aDd DemonstratOr! SAVINGS UP. TO 1100.00 6 YrJ. To Pay LESTER PIANO INC. 7054 Ga ........ Rd" Upper Darby (Open Evenings till 9 P. M.) CLENO-RE-NU-IT CO. Quali.y Cleoni.". Dr/ng, Tailorillll Allera'ioQ 'Phone Chester 6416 614-18 WELSH ST., CRESTER . Free CaU and Deli....,. Sert1I<B , ' A. Wayne Mosteller Electrical' . Conlr,zctor Telephone , Swarthmore 2295 MRS. A. J;~UINBY & SON ~OSEl'Il II. QUJNBY . FUNERAL DIRECTORS BELL PHONE 4. MBDIA, PoL CALL 1896 ElECTRICAL REPA.IRS RADIO ~Waebing Macbin.......cIean .... -INSTALLATIONS­SWARTHMORE ELECTRIC SHOP Park aud Dartmonlla. Aves. ELECTRICIAN House w!rtng of an 1t1Dda. QuIck low cost service. WuhenI anct oJeanera rebuU' and repaired.. WOOD ELECTRiC SERVICE Swar. 1273 EXTElUJIN~TING Exclusille--Reaaonable--Pril14le OLD COLONY LAB. Box D,. Swarthmorean IiAMiLTON .nd·ELG~ WATCHES EDWIN B. KEI.J,EY, Jr. ~ Your' Jeweler ~5 East 7th-SI. Cheeier . (9P",,",te NoW 8"'", TIl .. tre, ' .... one Clitee .... 3764 . YE .. Village Wind01f Cleaner· A. HAUGER Swaa1IuDan 19 The Freshmen were defeated in the Valley Forge Military Academy pool .II-IS, Saturday. The Swarthmore High School basket· ball team had a stormy week. Ridley Park nosed them out on their own floor Friday, lJ)-27 because of a 13 point lead amassed during the first half. At Glen-Nor, Tuesday, they were overwhelmed 52·19. Half-time score w=-s 18-6 with Swarthmore on the short cnd bUI during the second half, Glen· Nor poured basketballs through the hoops for 34 points while Swarthmore was scoring 11. On Thursday, January II, tho Swarthmore High Girls varsity basket­ball team played Media at home, and WOIl 19-8; the second and third team also won, 26-24, and 60-2 respectively. e.1 SCHOOL NEWS Senior Play emt Announced After a series of tryouts the cast for the senior play "She Stoops to Conquer" by Oliver Goldsmith has been announced. They arc :-Miss Hardcastle, Dorothy Wilson; Marlowe, Wallace Poteat j Mrs. Hardcastle, Ruth Child; Mr. Hardcastle, Edward Cooley; Miss Neville, Janet Harris; Hastings, Hillyard Lubin; maid, Polly Hoot; servant, Heten Ludwig; Sir Marlowe, William Spencer; Tony, Wil­liam Thorpe; "Diggory, Arthur Mery­weather; Roger. James Vosters; second servant, George Gray j thjrd servant, Theodore Helmuth; landlord, James E. Smith; Jeremy, Charles Brogan j lst fellow. Horace Hopkins j 2nd fellow, William Wettcnj 3rd fellow, John de­Moll; 4tl) fellow, James Jennings. Rel7i"ell Diamond Lore Mr. Fred J. Cooper, jeweler, gave a lecture on the "Romance of the Dia­mond" in a!;sembly on Monday morn­ing, January 16. After Mr. Cooper gave the history of. gi~.m~Q~s bde(ly, ht; re- . lated the discovery and mining of the gem in South Africa. . Ente,.,cin Mother. The Girl Reserves of the high school witl" entertain their mothers ·at dinner in the cafeteria, Friday evening, Jan­uary 19. _The dinner· will be prepared and served by the girls. Afterward.s the mothers win. be guests of the .girls at FLO RIDA HOUND? HOTEL RESERVATIONS TELEGRAPHED GRATIS Swarthmore Travel Bureau 2 Park Ave. Swa.17!1.W A Complete Travel Serviee COAL and COKE FUEL OIL VAN ALEN BROS. Phone Sw. 10412 WOOD KOPPERS COKE SUN FUEL OIL Serving the. Homes· of Philadelphia and Suburbs with Good Coal for 40 Years I Camera Fa,.. '0 E%hibi' The Camera Club of the Swarthmore High School will display some of its prints at the amateur photographic ex' hibition at the Woman's Club House on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 23 and 24. This exhibition will be spon­sored by the Woman·s Club. In Drexel Sludent ConleTenl!.e A feature of the Open House obser­vance of the Drexel Institute of Tech­nology on Saturday, January 13, will be the fifth annual conference of high school students from the Philadelphia area. Delegates from several hundred schools, will attend the seventeen sec­tional meetings, all on the general theme of "Developing Pupil Interests." Some of the sub-topics to be discussed are "Leisure Time Reading," "Finding My Vocation." "How to Make Friends." "Aviation," and "Hiking and the Hostel Movement." Alic~ Craemer, of Swarth­more. will participate in the group "How to Make Friends:' The address of the morning will be delivered by Dr. Cameron Beck, of New York City, vocational and industrial relations consultant, who will speak to the delegates in assembly on the subject, "Building a Bigger Tomorrow.u Hear P~ident'. Meatige As a point of their classroom work the Problems of Democracy classes, the American History classes.· and. one group of sophomores listened to Presi­dent Roosevelt's message to Congress over the radio on Wednesday. January 3 in the auditorium. Mo"le on Union Colle«e ShOUJn The senior high school assembly on Monday, January 8, was devoted to a movie entitled "Life in a Small Col­lege." This picture was taken at Union College, a school for boys, in Schenec­tady, N. Y. The film dealt with the ex­tra- curriculur activities of the students and a few glimpses of the faculty and curriculum. Act;,,;ly Program Enlarged . Several new clUbs have been formed by Miss Allen and Miss: Hasse, which are opened to both junior and senior high school pupils during activity per­ibd. Thirty senior high girls are inter­ested in modern dancing, while the square dance club is opened to both senior. high school boys and girls. Forty­eight" boys and' girls from the ninth grade are participating in a badminton tournament acd a tumbling and appara­tus ~iub has fifty junior high school girls. Se"tem~ Term. 1980 - '. • I , January Dinner Meeting AU·&boBe ''''b·:certl1Ji IOta at' ~'cd· ITound wllb the buUd!Dp aDd ~ impJO' ""'.' thereon erodoo. Situate J.o. the Towuhlp at UPVU Darby. in ·tbe Co\ult7 .. 'Of· DelaWU8":aDII··· S'ate .of. &nn8l'h'~ BeIDc ,IUIpWtJ. -III!: 10&1· ~O%. 103. Block' No. 8 OD •. ~ ,nn.ct plan 'of 101.8 calle4 ·'Xlrldj:a'.· HeW~ Dsntop.: The Swarthmore Business Association Mmeedni'a''· iDd D~ee d JBUDooe li 8N. o1: 942121 .. aPna4C e.r eGcoUrd.e du.i·a d1e& will wind up last year's business and no- bl' Rober' P. ·GreeD, C.· 8.f· aDd· moie' 1tdJ7 tru•n ate 0 ffi cers f or thoI S year w hen 'It del!<'ribed ... f..U.. ~....' . ...... , : cOllvenes at the IngJeneuk next' Monday .Beginning·., •. pa1l1l., fonllfld hi' Ibe 1Jder.. " aeeUon. of ,he nortbeuter17 aide of ')(~qqd evenIng at 7 0 clock. I..voilnue (lorts fool. wide) wlih ,be weHer~ aide of Kirkland Avenue (fo.rl.7':a.v. !eel wiele) DELAWARE COUNTY and 'be eoutbwea\e17 .. de 01 I'oeter ATaIlIII Scaled proapol58l. will be receIved at tbe lfortJ' .. feet wide) aDd .. ~ IbetI¥'e County Controllers' omcs. Coor' Bouse. Media. alone· the said nortliout.erly aids 01 Jbpltwb«l' Pa .. until 10 a. m. and. pubUcl7 opened at ~venue north Il&ventr.four ~ 'wen~..m: 11 a, m. on Wednesday, February 7. 1040. minutea weat OIJe bimdrecl and ,ww7-llve lee' lor fumishinl' and deliverlnar to the County to • point a COrDer 01 lot NO;'83 OD aa1d p.1aD. Garage In the rear of tbe Court House. ,"aao-- thenco ~ oortbw8l'dl7. b7 aaid 10& -Bo. line and 011 lor the Ulle of tbe Count7. 63 b7 line _ io lhe left. Ute dI •• -ce Speclfteationa and biddhll' sbeel lDay be of 'weJ~U" ao~o-&enths fee', more .;;7 .... ,; obtained at the OtHce 01 the County aDD' to • polo" a· COl'DeI' Of 10' No •. 101 :OD ..w. ltDroaldlee r oaunt do nn oa abJdid bwididlli nbge &ehneteet.r tained unless plao. t_hon1ea ,_ezte.D.di.q 'a 10P8' ,.U, i_cI A.lo ' •N. o, 10", : ...;..::.;.._.~ Eaeh bid must be accompazued by a. certi. oarlh __ 17·aeYao decroel. , ___ ~. y~ AIAIU.--, 6ed check 01 Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollar", eut 0118 bundred and ,WeDl.7·llYfI fee, ·to Ute drawn to the order of the CoUnlY of Delaware. 80utbweaterly Bi~ of .. _er ~:"Due. .00 The County Commiuloners .reserve (he riirbt thenco ez&endin~. BOU\~~t..ardl7 ... ~o_ ~. to reject alJJ" or all bids. . and the weaterli ai4e 01 Uao IIiakt JUrk. H. WALTER WEAVER. land Avenue. by a.llne.·c1lr"PiD6 to Ule·riP, . I·HI-3t County Controt:er. wIth a radiua of "wo I!~ aDd. qhq.--"",q and eiDl'-four OJle-hWri:li'edtbi feet. the dlImi:J.OIJ . of fiJb'"·nIne and aev.en l8U,bi feet Lo· lhI :ant ADVERTIBEMENT meoUone:d PO~t.. aDd place qt ~. The School District of Swarthmore will .. . receive aealed bIds at the Higb S(boOl BuUd· Under and subJeet. ·to cer,a1n bulldbsc,.re-ing up 10 4 p. m .. 11100087. January 29, 1040. alrlct.lOD.l. . : for band InslrUmtmla. Bpecl1lcaUoD.B may be aeeured at tbe School· Dl'!itrie& om~. College IJpprovemenl •. eooai5& ·01 . 'wo .uul' one-half . Avenue Building. Tha Board reserves the rigbt 1t0l'J' stOIJe. aOI1 SI\l.OOO. hOUlO. ~ 1ee&.: to reJeet any or all bids in whole or in pari porch" froo\.-;· ,tueCo ·,ai:V'lIJon .. 10&10' feoI.: and to aWGrd the contracts to otber than stuooo .. .....e. 10z18 jeIIIL ...• .. ......... I the low bidder on any item or nama. HILDA LANG DENWORTH. Sold as ilIe property· ot LoUls· ~ : Secre'ary. BOd :MarY PJ.acha':"~. ·tnol1a'acGfll" .and-·lhrt . _ 1·]2·:U FtachlJl'~. IlIso.~n()1(~," l!l~~QUJ..,o: ~ . ESTATE OP BOSBaT· O. BBSKINB, De- OWDel'.· ... I; .-. . .... ceased; late of the Borough of 8warth- HOWARD M. LUTZ .AUOflIe7. . ,. . more, Pa. Le\.ters Testamentary on the . • above Estate have been granted to the un· • WIIJ).IAV W' 14CKIJ1. SherUf. . ... ' dCelraslJDgn1e8do.,r dweDho1 arDeq.du8easgtsa ,lanlalt tptieer.aeostnaat .ehoafv.ltDhBe; . ' .. . •• . . J. '! ,~ .. +- "! '."J.'; r-:I1 I .. ..• :,,'.' :.' decedant to make mown tile eame. and aD ' .. ..... .:. . .. : pensons Indebted to the decedent to make paYMent. WithOut d~ qlUUJllJllll1 Or to h::: ~?~~h.,-.. >":,,,:.'~,., BOWARD P. HITCHOOCK, .. MedIa, PR. .1-S·ft BIIERDT'S 8ALB OJI BBAL £STATli SheriJl'a O1Ilce. Court BoUIe. Medla.. Pelma. Sa\urda:t. JanU817 2'7. lMO 9 :30 A. M. Eastern 8landard Time Cond!Uom! .250.00 eaah or certt.fIod check aI. lime 01 aale hm]eaa othenrlle a&aied 1.ti ad­vertiAemen'), "balance in ten dQ,. Oillei' con. ditions on dq of Ale. Levari. I'acIaa No. 8'14 September Term, 1981 AU tbat certaiu lot or pteoe of sro1lD4 ... Uh tbe buildiDI'I and improvemenia thereon ereet.­ed. altUlI.&e I.D the Borouah of IIwar1hmore. Countl' 01 Delaware, Slate of Pen..nQJvanla., deaignakld and known .. lot No. l3S on pIAD of Trac, No.1. of laDde 01 &he Swu1hmore Improvement Company, recorded in the Offtce for Recording of I>eedtJ; in lrledl~ in Deed Book G. No.6. pan 819 &e .. "bounded u4 delcribed a.a follo ... &0 wi': - ON,J3:,~ :~7 N· 'I\' 110: .. knows It DOESN'T"· ... , pay to. . is: ·~e.:·'. '. burglar.· .. If .he: caUa at ,.:~: ,ouT h~uii~ :beWiUcome ··. '.; "nannounced._ ' .. ',' ...... ,;::}.' ., :',:~-.~: .. : .... Beainnlng a& a POint on &he DOI1.!teaI&cIT Bide of Dickinson Avenue a& a dittaDCe of four hundred f., .aut.heul.wud17 from &be .uu... Chess Team Vi~toriol18 ea.aW.b' lido of Yale A.venue U'ortT fee& wide): Con,alnin8' in fron, Of' breadth OD sa14 DlcJdD. ..... ceJ.i~ YR· ..,..: .l:icdl!! ic eDIct .. · T· . to have tile. 'Ntec~O .~~ ~toa''ReI· On Wednesday. January 3, the chess lIOn Avenue 1If&7 fee, aDd ~ of \haC Idea. Bu.rglary,. 11le~ and Ro~- t eam 0 f th e h·I g h SC I1 001, cap tai' ne d by twwiedetbn pInar alleleald lhiD oear ad'e pr&lrhh 'n o&nDhI'e1ae.e 't"oe rudl1d7 abd&o­Horace Hopkins, won its first match of Diclduaoo Avenue 'wo hundred feeL against Yeadon by the score of 8-2. The Under and subject 10 eertaIII. eondiUona and first three matches were won by Horace reatrlcUoDS 88 tb.ere1n menUoaed. . Hopkins '40, Bob Gemmill '42, and Bob AlllO under and 8ubJec& &0 ,he PQDleD.& of a Weltz '40. The next match will be play- cerfain blortpp debt or 1JI'IDeID&l aum of 4ft cd \vith Upper Darby School at Swarth- ~:nd dolI.arl. wUb lDkIrfId. u Ulere1n IIWID­more on JanuaI)' 17. Improvement. conalst of 'wo .~ I&UOOO Special- 40c lb. Fresh Strawberry Wafers DeUclous - FIrst of the Season SHUHOLZ CHOCOATE SHOP 104 PARK A.VBNUE 'Phone Swarth.more 2461 Own Make Candles - Fresh DalIJ' howe. 21.x33 feet,; encloal f.roD& 1MII'dl; 0118 alo17 stucco acldUloo. h8 fee': at~ ........ 21I21 feel. Sold as the properiT of JIIdaon P. YOUIll' aDd Blanche .A. YOUQ'. h.ia wlfo. mortral'Orw aDd Blaocbe A_ YO\Ull', real OWDer' and Mrs. .Jazae­DoUl" ber1T. terra &eD.IDl. EDW. H. P. FBONBI'lBLD, A~. berj IutUl'1iiIte iutie8 hy ne A!~ c..uaJt, · .. d ·.S11I'ei.j..· Ccmpu.y ,.f . ~onL-COnn. . PETERE.TGLD GENERAL .INst,iRANcB· 417 Dartmouth Ave. Swarthinore i833 ., : Come Play BADMINTON J. E. UMEBURNER CO. with the Mary Lyon Alumnae Ev.,..,. Tuesday and Wednesday 7:30 P. M. Mary L70n School Gym 25c PIANO TUNING Dupensing Optieiaiu Experlll in the Making and I1mq of Speetaelell and Eye .~,.,. '.: . , Mason H~ co Ale o. I THE LOST CHORD Is the only selection that ean be ; played on the out~f-t1lDe plano. 1923 Chestnot Street 6913 Market Street • - • 'PhiladeIphhl' - - - Up~ ~by.:~ •• : Swarthmore 6 Swarthmore 3-45·~ I A. L. PARKER , &.".' .... !a, P.. . Phone Medil.4S9-M c , .. - . JOSEPit'B.: IWNi!S ., .. ::~·~t ,., ~ " .... ;. :.:',.'.,--.~ .. ; .. ,

---------- Page 13 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE , Enthusmsm Mounts for Ice-Skating Experiment N THE SWARTHMOREAN Home and School Young Friends List Peace Suggestions JANUARY 19. 1940 B Magazine Commdtee Functions AttentIOn IS t::ailld to the serVice of the Magazmc COIllI1I1UC('. ",hlt::h IS Ice-skatll1~ OIlPortumt) for )oung a\allable for the programs of all grade S\'Oarthmunans has gamed heightened W group mother's mcetmgs, 35 \\e1l as to IIlh.. rcst III the Borough dunng the past mtcrcsted IIIdlvlduais At r.. In III Mat:: Jlcccnt Gathering at Swarthmorc t:ollegc l;11mulatcs Praetieal Thinking and political issues and using the vote. as<;lstmg refugees, backlOg someone, perhaps now unemployed, by giving him hnancrat support to work on some cre­ative reconstructIOn project considered IIl1portant-hkc workmg In a depressed area, dOlllg educational work with con­stuners, or olher vItal community pro­Jects 'fhe group agreed that solvmg lo­cal problems uy peaceful methods is the 1lI0st valuable tool for buildwg peace JIl the world \\t!ck On SUlKia} afternoon and on Tues LI"c<" Chairman, nports that many lIa) ('\clUlig memlM:rs of the Swarthmore S calls h .. , C lome from groups and moth· Ih"Cr~tlon ConllUlttec and seH rat clttzens c rs tillS )0 t. ar for InformatIOn 011 spec ha\c mct to consider methods of carr) illS lat subjects J IllS comnlittee IS very glad Oil the proJt..'Cl starh.-d last \\ct:k b) t::hlld- to look up magazlllc articles pertmcnt llic qucstJon of tUrIlIllg their peace concern 11110 actloH lIrought forty-bve loung pcoplt.:, jouny 1 nends and otbers, LOgdhcr 111 5n:arUullore January 6 and rt'li I ht' fallufe last wc«.:k of the snow of to .any particular subject MagaZine., parapet to huld \I,;ater 11.:(1 the Comnllttec ha \ t: bee n subscTlbed to for tins pur-to <;tt'k profc5sIonal adVice mE WOMAN'S CLUB posc 1 he ConuD1ttee suhnllts the fol- ~I r Charles 1 hatehu and M r George 10\\ IIJg suggestions as t.~ plcal of the pos- Bonlelal" of the ~nglDerlllg Dq,artment 1~lteralure Conlest SII"lItll:S of tins magazlIlc serVice o[ uf S\\.lfthmore College have submitted rhe literature cont~st sponsored hy thl' (II( HOJlH.' .Ind School Assot::lation I'I.tlls for thc expenment The Delaware I Dda\\arc County Federation IS open to MutllC Training County RcueatlOll \ssoclahon has sub lI1ell and women It is not IIct::cssary to Man) p.lrellts arc IIltcrested In the Ilutt(xi rules for floodmg tenniS courts hc a Club memher to enter Book reviews lllUSIC trammg of their dlliuren The IS II)proH'<.i 11\ the Umted States Termls 1101 excecdmg 1000 ,\onls esc;,a)s of 1500 dllM tod 1\ <;eellls to hate more IIlcen­As~ oclatlOl1 Ihls ASSOCIation states that, \\0«15 or less, short ston~ of nQt morl' tne to pla\ a musical mstrument than '1 toodmg tll1l11S courts after tt:tlIliS season than 2500 words, and poems between 12 t \l r hefore Schools arc pro\ IdllIg op docs not do the sltghtest harm to the lIld 30 hnes Wilt be ellglhle If the) reach I porhlllllles for rhYlhm hands, glec dubs, t(,I1Il1'i (OI'rts 1h(" follemlllg ha\C at- \lrs MarVin E Hood, IS East :Mown chOrUSl'i. bands, orchestras, chOirs, as tl'llded lIlectlllgs III the mterest of thiS ~trct't Chester by Apnl 10 Nme judge:<; \\cll as allo\\l1lg flcxlble schedules for project .'\I r C1I.3Ir e s T1Ial <.l: l er Dr"\\ 111 select thr•e e pnze WlIUlers 111 each JIIstnll11ult II lessons Current articles 1 redenck Luchnng. Mrs J V S BISh~, class Pnze awards \\111 be made 111 If( a\alla1>l(' winch call attention to :\lrs I hmnas I ueders. Mrs The:ooore \ (onllC("tlon \\Ith the FlIle \rts Festl\ II .... ollle pOUlts worthy of the COllsuieratlon (rossell. ~Irs Ha\luund K Den\\orlh, at I ansdowne on May 2 of parents 111 regard to musIc trallllIlg ~lrs Vt:st.1 Van dc Boe and Dr \Vllhbea m Chorus Ucbears3I B 01 cllildrell Such articles as the foHow S eg ... 1 Johnson rrank R :\10re\, 111CI11 rs The \Voman's Club Chorus \,111 re mg Ilta). be secured through :hIr::; Mae-of the SdlOOI Boald and mI embebr s of the s.ume Its rehearsals on Monda), Ja n I hHe "UUSIt:: Before l'lve," Parents' \olulilecr I Irc Department ta\e cell \cry uar) 22 at 10 A M 111 the club hOllSI: ;"lagazlIle, March. ).lakmg MUSIC (oolX'raliH Man} others ha\e mamfested \ 1 lui members FUll' Parents' MagazlIlc, December, S 111 orlller) cars non c ,) , I "T • .1Il IIlterest • , 1\\111 be admlttcd for a nOllllllal fcc The ;"[USIC III \Vorld Cltl~CIlS lip, Nahon s LIBUARY DIRECTORS SEEK Idlrector Will he announced Schoo~:, September, MUSIC Comes to .. r At Co. Lun('heon rO\\n, Parents )'fagazlIle, January, RE-ELECfION \[rs Holllld G E Ullman who 1~ \Vhat Instrument for Your Child? , I I f I P Committee Parcnts' of Sl:ptemher "~Iake MUSIC I hl:fl' IS no contest III tlus year s I tm 111 u!r () tie rogram I I d \\ Ith Your CllIldrell, P re ts May election of dIrectors of thc S"arthmorc (f thc Count) FederatlOlJ of C u)S an an, Pubht:: Llbrar) Board Mrs Se"ell \\ I member of the boardl attcnded a Personality Development Bodgc and Guenther H FrOlbcl scek lundHon at the home of the Count\' The follo\\lIlg articles pomt out that lIlg n-clechon arc the: onl). candidates IPre"l{ient, Mrs Harold R Bodtke:, to dlsco\cnng IHdden po\\ers In a duM for the t\\O places to be fined H\\\ood on Thursd~lY and le.Hhng IU01 to go on devclopmg ;..1 rs Hodg(' a S\\ trthmore College New l\lember them for 1115 own and the general good graduate has been a member of the II rs J ]1111) ard Powell was added IS the mtasure of great teachmg Wise Board Since Us orgalllzatJon 111 n1l1cteen to the hst of members of the club at tcadlers and \\ Ise parents know that t\\ent) t:lght and has been lts seeretaf\ the last staled n~ecll1lg tll"plr.ltlon transcend:. mformatlOn 10 for the last ten ).ears She has scned JUnior Club Bridge, Choral Group tcachlllg', unh:ss the htter ts acqulrcd on numerous CODllluttCt:S of the Board fhe JUllJor Sect lOll }'l~mthl) Plulan \\Hh :1.11 i.'agcrness \\J11ch makes It 1I0tabl, the hookmg COIl1111lttee of whld. throplc Bndge \\111 he held at the home stick ~ few of the articles avadaule .. lit has bcell t::hatrman for sle\eral \Cars of \lItOIl1t::a 1 alrhanks, 234 Park a\cnue, 011 thiS suhJect arc 'Personahty-Up ~Ir firoebclls a graduate of Ihe Unl 111lSda\ eHnng, Januar} 23 at 8 P Dl to the Schools, Journal of Ldut::ahon. \tr'iU). )f Texas and has hved 1.1 1 he Choral Group WI1I1llcet at the Wo April, TnlJl{lity and 11s CorrectIOn," ~\\arlhmoft fur eight lears He IS ,lll1Ialis Club House Thursday nenmg, Tournai nf Edut::atlOlI, June, 'A Case of past cotllm lIlder of the Harold Alii" J lIHl.ln 25, from 8 to 9 P ~I Pupil liutlattve," Journal of EducatIon, \\orth Post of tile Amencan I.l'glon Evt nIug Seclion Adivllies June 'Inegratmg Personahty," CllItd- 1 tor a week-cnd of <.Ilscm~IUJl recrea­tIOn and fc.:lIowslllV After a lJox supper III \VIUll1cr House ou the ~\\arthlllore Lullcgl: campus ::iaturday c\ t..:lllllg, Har­lIara <"':or~ulI. of Avondale, and liruee JOJlC~1 of Mount AirY, SUlilluanzcd the \\flllen pt..:acc attItude.:; ami :,uggC:stIOllS lOr action brought uy lllellluer:s of the groul' !{oy .McCorkd, of cornell ave­uue, :::i\\artlullorc, national sccretary of the Iliter-~ell11llary llovelllcllt, ami pre!;J(Jcut of the Swarthmorc Coopcra­t1\ c Ass 11, began the dlsellS':;101l With all outlmc of thc need for ChrI:,t!an re­l: OIl:.tructloll 01 the world, .sUggestlJlg SUdl peace-tum: work as the kl11d that n~ally serves the Icleals for which wars arc llustakeuly fought Uur1llg the dls­CUSSIOIl the POUlt was brought out that :.Ut.::h t::onstructlvc activity bdore war breaks out IS the real test of an mdlvld­ual S !Jehef III non-\lolcnt, cooperative methods Smg111g. square dancmg, and I SC\ eral group games followed the (hs-cu. sslon J Maxwell Adams, of l<.osc Valley, national secretary of Presbytcnan stud­ent \\ork, pOJlltcd out III the Sunday mortling: session that a paCIfist must pfO\C ius loyah), gratitude to ius t::OU11- try and l.Ir,L\cry to be at least as gn.:at as those of the 111 III who ellhsts by practlclllg the prmclpic o£ love and goodWIll COtlSlstclltly 111 Ius pre-war hfe IllS larger p.ltnohsm-dcvohon to an humall1ty- must have !Jeen eVident III IllS usual actiVities for 111m to be taken seflously as a consClentlOUs ob jector If "ar comes A period of worship £ollo\\ed the I morulIIg diSCUSSion session After dm­Ilt: r at the College the group dtscussed j \ anous practical suggcstlOns for adlOn 111 the Jm 11 :.ess ton---organtzl11g stuuy I and d.lscusslon groups, becommg better .IC(IUamled With legislative measures 1 ~hmbers ot the hbrary lIlay ca .. t ~Ir:. Harr} Ste\ens, chairman of the hood I ducatlOn, Apf11, "BUlldll1g Char \otn for these candtdates durmg tht! L\ClUlIg Section hterature section, acler," Parents' MagazlI1e, Marchj "Can n gular ltbrary hours. 9 30 A ;"1 to :1.!1I1J)WJ..Cf!S,. ~ I1v'ptlll{T nf Imllc;,'1:l11ntcr~st to ... J Q Chang:( 'jI , Parents. September. - ~ - ~ - .. ~ ~ vv ~ ." l)C I1C101 ueSday C\Clll11g January 2J at "~l 0 every Child a Chance," Hygela, Saturda}, January 20 and from 2 to ~ od()(k at the home ~f Mrs \VII1;am f)Hunhcr Devclopmg Socml Pcrson 5 30 and ~ to 9 P M on Monday, Jan I Uthe, 223 Park avenue aithes" NatIons S"'hools. October RUl\mAGE WANTED W. I. L. Sale .~or CollectIon phone Mrs" Jewell, Swarlhmore 934 by Tuesday, uar} 22 lhe ballot box \\111 he set up ;"I .. s Charles Rlddmgton, of I allsdale, January 23 III the hbrary ••• kno\\11 for hcr clever comments and bnef lUra. Annie S. Nichols re\ te\\ s, \\ III diSCUSS the scason's most IInportant and Widely read hooks at thiS IIlcetlllg Those \1,1110 heard ~lrs U.lddmg­tOil last ). tar at thc Delaware County I ubert::ulosls \SSOCI31101l IUcetl1lg \\111 he ddlghted to avail themsl'lves of another ul)portl1lJ1ty to hear her All dub mem­bcrs and fnends arc un ned to attend Mrs AlHlIC S NldlOls, \\ldow cl Frank C Nichols pass cd a\\J.\ yester da\ attc.:r an Illness of man, months at -138 Rl\crvtew aHnUt \\hcrc Shl made her home \\ Ith lit r son .1IlJ daughtcr-m-Iaw, Profc:.~or and Mr .. Ra} F Nichols Mrs Nichols, \\ho \\as III her 84th )car camc here irom PluladeltJlJla III 1934 \\lth her SOIl. She \\as a memOcr o£ the \\'Ol11all'S Faculty Club of the Um\Crslty of Pennsyhama FUlll,'raJ sen Ices arc to be held at 12 30 tod l\ at the QUlllby Funeral Home, ).Iuila Interment Will be at Bloomfield, ~ J the home of 1irs Nichols 1.1 Five.County L WV Conference Mrs Fredcnck Anthon}, of \Valhng­ford chalfman of the ~I cdla League of \Vonu.'1J Votcrs Department of Clllid \Velfare \\tl1 speak on Lot::al Govern 1Jltllt and CommullIt). ActlOn m the Pre\ Clition of Juvellile Dcll11(IUeIlC}, ~t the Ltague of \OVomen Voters' five county conference on 'Out' Nughbor:, Clul<1 . , Dr and :\lrs James F Bogardus, of Cornen avenue, cnterta1llcd \\lth a brtdge P iTt) Saturday e\cllmg 1 heir gucsts \\ere 1fr and Mrs OtiS Starkey, of l'lutadclplna, ~lr and .Mrs \\,1Iha111 Chnstmll, of Merwood Park lIr and ~Irs S Kendnck 1 eellt}, of Secane, }.Ir and ~t rs BCIlJaml11 GroH. o£ Lansdowne. uul ~Ir and Mrs DaVid C Longstreth, 01 Elkllls Park fhe monthl} rotatIOn bndge meetmg \\as held at the home of ~[rs Harold Roxh} , of COI1Jeli avenue, fuesday e\Cllll1g A SPlrtt of fnel1dlmess has e.:aused thesc meetmgs to bccolllt: an m crcasmgly popluar part of Club life Due to confltctmg dates no Art Sec 11011 meetmg "III he held tIllS month Instl':ui the enltre I· vel1mg Section IS 111\ Ited to attend the annual 011 and water color exlu!>lt at the Acadllll\ of Fmc \rb III Plllladc1phta on Sl1nddY afternooll, J antlar) 28, at 3 o'clock All tlll'mhcr" arc asked to hep tillS date 111 mmd i ransportatton \\ III be pro vlded Al Former Jr. Presulent!.l' Rep 1st ~fetl1bcrs oj the JUll10r Past Pn:;ulents' Club of Dd,\\\are Count} \HIC pre:sent at a COl creel dish supper held In the 1 \Hl1tleth Ccntur} Cluh of Lamd()\ nc, ).[onda\. January 8 Those frolll S\\arth­more I)resent were '1.[ISS ~(lidred Bond :\lIs5 ~f!ldrcd Simpers ~lrs Ra\lllond Fello\\s ,lI1d ;"irs Jamcs F Bogardus • I Mrs FranCIS S PlulbnC'k of Haf\ard anum \\ as hostess at luncheon and hndge last Saturday afternoon lfrs John),( Broomall -Ith of South Chcster road \\ as hostess at lunchcon on Tuesday to a Lndge foursome THE WEEK'S CALENDAR FIUIH, '\ J \~t \R' }<I R I ) P ~I - \ dlo\\ l:l k ( 1'1 I I P ~I - HU"l-11Il C '1Ilt~lr~\ Choll' I'i 10 I :\1 - Mmang PI ture!; SATl,;RUA'\ JA:SU \It\ 0 3 00 P ~I - Cub Pa k ~1('('tlllg 7 I) 11\(1 ') 0 P ~ - :\fonllg P'ctUI'l.'S HI) P M - Yellow Jaeket SUNDA,\, JANUARi ~l ] 1 00 A ~I - !o.lornm,cr WorshIp MONDAY JANUARY 22 t 00 P :\1 - \\ I L UUl<'IIS IOn Gr)Up n 10 P Jot - COll~T'('gatlOnal IhnnN" 7 00 P J.f -lJusmess Ass) 1:lhon T[ESDAY J~NUARY 23 10 00 A J.I - L W , Study Group ~ 30 P 'I - Pn \ lC\\ of Photo Exhlbu and 'lu!':1 ale 730 to n 30 p :\1 -~fJroul Obf'eM3tOr) OJ)('II to '\IAltors 7 10 P :M -Jumor Band CoureM 8 1 -; P Y - }'hoto,llT3piuc ExhIbit OJl('n to pubh ..... Talk by EdwIQ C Ihlxbaum WEDNESDA,\ JA~U\RY 24 .! to 5 and 7 to 9 P :!d' - Photo Exhibit OJ)( n 10 1111bhc P iI.}H Club ('I )lhwr ~I~morial Slrath na ... en Inn \\ hUller Hall Clolb r '[('moria) I'I:'lYC'r Club I cal ChurC'bcs '\C'~t ROlli'(! Presb} teTlan Churl'h [1l~lene'Uk 'i00 N Ch ~t('r Rd \\om In 9 Club Cole~ n S Audllonum Woman s Club Woman s Club OFF.SEASON Reductions on Remodeling • AND ALL BRANCHES OF TaIloring and Fur Work A. GOTTLIEB TaIlor 10 Park Ave. CleolllJlg Fun-ur Remode/lIIg • YOURS TO USE ••• On rural roads and city streets, you find the SIgn oftheblucbell Wherever you see It, yQU'n get a friendly servIce a.ld a qUIck connection to home or office or pomts ahead The public tc1e phone 18 your tclephone away from home 1 1 • The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvama • INSURE AGAINST BURGLARY All tbe locks and alarms In the 1\ .. rid arcll't 100 % guar .. anteed burglar proof; hut msurallce IS! With rates be­gmning at $11.25 Il doesn't pay 10 be Wilhout burglar m .. Sllranec. 'ruIClJlrtf'" Insurance Company 0/ Noul. Anlerlca CAI.L SWARTHl\IORE 108 ALICE M. BAmn Real Es'al.c - NOl.ary Public OLD BANK BUILDING Rutgers Avenue • For babics and grown·upe., tbere is 0,", milk that stands out in Ph"adelpllla. It's Supplee SeaItest Premier A MIlk. • More peoplc drink Supplee MIlk because It bas all three of these important a(}vantagcs. 1-Creamy richness for flavor. 2 - Sealtest for purity. 3 - Dependable home delivery. • Give your family tbe benefits of all tit ree by telephoning Chester 2-5721 SUPPLEE PREMIER A MILK MORE PEOPLE IN PHILADELPHIA DRINK SUPPLEE MILK THAN ANY OTHER MILK • Supplee brings YOII the LONE RANGER over WFIL from 7 30 fa 8.00 P. M. ever., Mondav. Wednesda.,and FrTda.,.Also·1YOUR FAMILY AND MINE" over WCAU. Monday fhrou9h Frtdav. 2.30 to 2.45 P. M. Washday Colds or 'I Laundry Service. Phone Medla 114 or Stop Out DrIver for PickuP Service OOCl.or bills, mediCine, dllcom/orl, and pain - the usual results of ",ashday! Why suffer? II's not worlh it! We can wash your dothes cleaner and eliminate your w3!Sbday colds. Economical semen for all needs" Inquire! MEDIA LAUNDRY Serving Swarthmore Successfully Since 1900 JANUARY 19. 1940 CLASSIFIED ~ - I'on SALE "C" 1111 O\l!1 rOIL S.\l1' }o'lIcpl ....... "OI.d \\t II M:lsumtl Uctlln..'11 1t1lj;1h .. $7 htll tlll.1 tlh\~lt .. 1 IthllhulII S\\ IrlhlllOl. 11, __ _ tOIL SA).I' - 11111111 011 11111 1,1, u,ii.tntl~ 1111 IOll\e1l1t uti) 1O~ It~d 011 III II H.e ... ullahh l III S" Irthmort "', It te)lt !S\I t -SIX lOttiI'd) mahun.lll). filll~hltl \\' lIui-;ur dllUII/> I OuI ell III.. $_ e hI! ]\ It , IthU1i1 S\\ II IluHun .,.,.1'"1',,,1 e.' "J'cc=-,,-=C""CC-cc-::-;::::; toOU SAlt.-llildt 111111 UlIIII;IU luallo III ;;out! • ulldltWII !7, r(limllOlIC SW lrUull n lU 1 H')H !jz\l.t~-l"(J) I" 0111 i'Oor.,1 I fll~el"'l(Jr l lublt rt III (xl11ltnt (, .. IIt.lItIIJII ~ts\l I I ItI,holiC S\\ 1 htUJ n WAN1ED \\ \N I EU - I' urlll 111'1.1 h UI" 1111 ~ I l.J(~lr()tlms oll )( II \ h l!:ll hi [un ~llr' 11 1.~ 011 h II III [lin I Tthllhollc 1\llrllorl j~UO \\ \ .,. \IEU-H(lIt I"U) ur tltOIC a U Ito) .... ralll or (Ollltrt ",I mil 1111111 Hux P "rile ~\\ Irlll II orcall \\ \.'\T¥ Il To nllt Imu .. e loul h I nlOm 1\\0 h.lh .. IIr~t Jlmr II\alury !\11I1~ 'lUll HI" 01,1101111 T\\Ollr .. lrleoC 011 hill I s\\ uth!llOre \V Illw.,loul Ho",c Vallt.) II )\\1 1I~ Cincll lIux \\ Ille SwalthnlO)1 11 \\ \Nl£U- \ nun/> 111111 dcsI"ca lmaro ..... Ith "rnall "rualc famlly ~J,$IU l,er lllUilth IJ[~t rclcrcll(;C'" tJllIcs tu The S\\ IrthIllOlcall~====== "OHK WAN rED \\OHI{ Wz\l\Tf.O- HilI III \\0111.111 ,"llblt "ellllll:l'! or Ill)," 1>< lumpull"" 01 lH 'tliel ~ h Ipo' rtlq)llolll S\\ Irlhmort ) $<' :\1 \\Oll!{ \\A~ol~U- E:rqltllCIII'C11 ..,Irl \\ IIIlS ",cllcrll hOIlSC\\lllk (ivot! 1,1 II I fIr III <.: III Cht f11t I "HSI liom ,to to P \1 l'EltSONAL I'EHSONAL Mal.' "c bu) 'OUI tl ~c , d~ I dolhm.... hOll"cfurllu;\11111;8 ell) '"IlC~ Che.;t~r _ ,,!-,-, 141 \\c.;1 'Ihud 811 t.el ell I r I EHSOSAI .. -l Ul II \\hlle \\Onl III 1i,,,,11 hOUSC\\lrk (except Itul1tlJJ;) Car ... "I ,III Ircil U\IlJ:!UlJ; Hox: S fhl! S\\ 'rthtlll t III PERSONAL T\, PINe. donc aCl ur ltd) -ti71 rlllldl) EXlt('llelUl.."t1 III III IIIICS l{la~OI lult rltls \Vill (ill for alii thll\er \\11IUII Bur u .. ~~'clcl)holle_ S~ Ir,QlJlIIII c_l.! ~ PERSONAL - Mrs WllUam I Hull would like to recommend very highly a man white for clean Lng house. windows cellar and nil general outside work QUiCK, thor­ough honest Address by mail Andy Kerak 526 East WashIngton avenue Clilton Heights WST 1081-1atl).; .. ltllI Illther belt 'IUIIII} R! \~ IrII Tclcphullc S\\ II Ihmoll ~ l\.i '\I fOUND SPORTS REVIEW B.'Mkl·thall S~a"oll ill Fnll Swing •• s College Wins, High School Los." 1\>0, WillS One I h~ (nUq.:-t 1'I"kcth.t1l tl'11Il \\011 ,,," gl1lUs 011 the:lr tTiP Ilst \Hek llld I rull\ tilt \ <ll it Itul UIIIOIJ 47 31 It SdIU\U t.ul \ IlId, ~.ltllrda \, do\\; 1It'·1 11.l11l1ltoli -I4]:n .tt (hnton I ilt lollq{e I V It .lIn lost to Be.lcol11 (, nih /.:t It \\ i1ulItlg:tOtl list ~atunll \ I lit ~t( rt was 35-33 I hl I n ~h1tlCI1 dl [e III d I'rl P It ha:.kl th 111, 27 .n. 1 rnla'V, the.l lo~t 10 \' IlIe\ lorge 1hhtar) Acade111} :-;a1tlrcll\ -101-1 I he Colltgc "\\lIJltlllllg tt.11II lost tv brookh II Collq~e -II 3", at S\\ arthmore, S II urd.1\ III spite of tlie f.lct that the\ sll IIn\ ru:onb lit three eVt'lits 'fhe IIn\ ren rds \H re stt til the 30t) ) 1rd me:dln rei I}, IJ1 the.: SO,aTd frcest)le In }'rosl and III the 1 SO \ lTd uackstTokc In ~k lilt I up lin 1 flshmetl \\e.:re dlfl.ltl'd 111 tll(, \.11It\ I (lrg{ ;"Ilh! Ir) \e.: Hic:m) poul :-.1-1:; Situnin I he S" arthlllOrt Il1gh ~dlOOI II Iskd- 1)111 Ie 1111 II.HI I <;torll1\ week l{ullc" Plrk !lOSt" Ihelll out on lhllr 0\\11 floor I nd 1\ 2') 27 htl \lISl of 1 13 pomt lead lUI I""'l d durlllg the hr:-.t half \1 Gh II :\or Tm<;d I), thl'\ "cre o\t:f\\hclmed ~2 1(j llalf-tllllt.' scort: " ..... 18 (j \\lth '-'\\ Irtlllllon: 011 the short til/I but dum g tht ,",e(()lId h df, Glell :\l)r pOllnd h l",kt:th tlls through tht hoop" for J.J P1l11lt~ "Iuk ~\\arthll1oft \\ l~ "coring 11 On ] hllrsda\ J lUU In II th S\\ lrthmolt 1l1!{h Girts \ Ir"lt\ II Iskct­Ii 111 It .1111 pI" ul ;..r edl3 It IWIlH an,\ \\(111 198 tht "cLond Iud tlllrd teal' II 0 \\011 262-1, .l1Id 602 n <;lH:ctt\el). • I • SCHOOL NEWS Sf rlwr l'tu'Y Cfld Announced \llI.:t I ~tllt!> of tt\outs tile C1st for the SllllOi pl;1\ Sht StOI ps to COllllUer" II} Ull\el Gol<bnuth 11 t" llte:n I1l1toUllCC I Iht\ Ire -)'1Iss Ilanillstit I)owth} rOI ~))-J)lIlllh !;trilltl Tl£'arl hi .. J .... )1 CI .. llr \\'11,,111 ~Iarlowe \\'.111 Ice Pottat, Mrs Iuu 1\\0\\1,1,,, I .. ' rchllholll S\\JlhUHn I-~H 11 tldl lstlt Ruth Cll1ld ~lt Ilanl(a~tlc, Co III \, :"1 ISS Nt \ Illl J met I L IrflS 111<;tlllgs, I-Illhard I 111J111 III lItl HEN l' • llHNISHED hlllr .-O"!oil !oi"I.,,, .ll OJU",,· In dr(lnlll~. flln lot alion Old "h.ult. Garage Oil 11111 Polh I Loot ... tnant lIelen luch\lg Sir Wl\I. S. BITILE ~1111 ,\\1.: Wlll1uu Splllcer 1011\ \Vtl- 11 t'l) I h Illk I )IJgI In \ rtlllll ;"1 t r) \\t.ltl!t I I~()~ll J line.., \ (Ish rs, su 011(1 Notary PubU:;ew -artInnmsuorraen cI1e1 --J Real ""-tate :'11 \ lilt (,cor ~e Gr I) tlllrt! servant, I(:oa ~=~=== I h('ociort Jlclll11lth landlord, ].ltlleS 1 IlSh"r Uet8': Uoss Sinnet PIANOS Smith hrelll\ lhlrh.:-. Brogan, Ist I eslcr Grand Idlm\ 11m It I.' llopklll... 2nd fello\\, fluor SUIIII).CS and Demonstrators \\ 11111111 \\ eUlil 3rd Idlu\\ John dc- SAVINGS UI" TO 8100.00 ~f(lll -Ilh 1l'1I0\\ J 11Ill',; Jummg<; 'i irs T. 1'1\ I ESTER PIANO INC. 7054 ( •• Irrett Rd., UPI)Cr Dartt\ 10J III 1-\ 11111"," till "I> :\11 ---'- CLENO-RE-NU-IT co. Quol.l.y etearung,, AllerallOn 'Phonc Chcster 641.6 614-18 WELSH ST., CIIES'fER Free Call and Delivery Serrlce A. Wayne Mosteller Electrical Contractor Telephone Swarthmore 2295 l\IRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON JOSEPH E QUINBY FUNERAL DIRECTORS BELL PIIONE 4 I\tEDIA. PA. CALL 1896 ELECTRICAL lIEf'AIRS RADIO Tuhes-Washmg l\lachiucs-Cleanel'8 -INSTALLATIONS-­SWARTllillORE ELECTRIC SHOP Park and Dartmouth Aves. ELECTRICIAN House wiring of all kinds. QuiCk low cost nervlce Washers and cleaners rebuilt and repaired WOOl) ELECTRIC SERVICE Swar. 1273 EXTERMINATING Exciu8ll'Jc-Reasonabte--I·Tual.e OLD COLONY LAB. nox D. Sw.trlhmorcl1ll HMIlLTON Dud ELGIN WATCHES EDWIN B. KELLEY, Jr. Your Jeweler 25 East 7th St. (;be8ter (OPf.I<:)sltc New State Theatre) 'Phone Chester 3764 YE Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER Swarthmore 19 Il"rnt N I)rnmnnd Lore :\Ir Jlrcd J .... OOIH r, Jt \\clt:r gale a III tun ull the l{oll1 lilt t: 01 the: Dla 1II11IId III a ... sltnhh Oil ~lollcllY morn 1lI~ I tlltllr} Hi Afttr ~Ir Cooper gav~ thl' II1..,ton 01 dl3l11ond:. hndl) , he re Iltu\ tht: eh"c )'iCr} and tntlllllg of the gl11l III Sout It Afnca lH'h rIa". '1 III (,lei Rl se:T\n of the Illgh school \\ ill eutl rta1l1 thelr nwtht rs at dmner 111 the C ItcteTlI Friel I) e\elllng, Jan­U I r\ 19 1 he dllliler \\ III be prepared I md sened b) till glrb Alter\\ard:. the ll10thel s \'ttll hI gUl "ts of thc girls at FLORIDA 80 UND? 1I0TEL RESERV \TIONS TELEGR \}lln I> GR \TIS S\\ .trlllluore Travel Bureau 2 .".Irk A" S",a. 179-W A ('oml.l, Ie I ra\ el Ser\ Ice COAL and COKE FUEL OIL VAN ALEN BROS. Phone Sw. 10412 WOOD KOPPERS COKE SUN FUEL OIL THE SWARTHMOREAN 5 , Ihi.' bOH hasketball game \Hth Edch I In the chess league, after a team has Leurl Fadas stOIl{ I \\011 a ll1ajonty or the pomts (3 matcht's .No. 7CSD September TenD. 1989 A d Illn glHIl under the auspices of I tltlt of fhe), the other two arc automat- AU that ocrt.a1n Jot or piece of 1aDd wUh tht Girl l~eservt. s, \\ III fo11o\\ the hlgll I~ 111\ dedarctl dra\\s III ordcr to S.1.\e Ihc bulldlllgs and Impro"ement. thereon ered-school b.lskctua1l game The "Garnct I tnne 10111 Porter '40 ami JUll Sm11h '40 cd Snuate on the southeasterly corner of Naa- 1'1 I .. sau lJoulevard and Fmn· Sireet. 10 the BoroQll '\ I) t lIualrs, composed of lugh <;chool had dra\\ S 111 tillS matl:h of l"rospect l'ark In the County of Delaware hoys \\ III pro\ Ide the musIc. • • aforesaid Thence ext.eodlq> Dorth sixly·:D.n 1 1st \\ et k '.\ I\SS 'Gr etc Il en Van (Ie I II ea.I M A.s ronontler's S~ o"(,l ety edrelpy- eheuae I ..0... 1e nF&Iyr Sset vSeinr emetl nmutiel't feeaestt: bthy8 DthCe8 l1IO10umdIb Ilol g.l\ e "l \ e ral readmgs for the girls i"enty four decreea thU11 three miDutes eut 1',.11. ~luIJPu", I Dr ,\rthur J. Bassett, uf North Chester at rigbt angles to the aaI4 I'ir1It 8tree\ one , 1 I I I I hundred aud five feel. tbence &Duth .u.lI',o.Te he IHlllib of the 10th grade \'\jorld roa( las )(('11 10110rcd oy elt..'{:ttotl to the del'r\."Ca twenty SCHm minutes west. IliS:t7 feet (ulLun: COl1r<;e tOllk a tTlP to Pllllad.c1plua I'ft<;ltienC) (If the H.ttttnhouse A:-.trononll- to the easterl.9' line of said Boulevard: 'lbeAc!e I S 1 1'1 I d I Ilorth twenlJ' four degrees thirty three PllnulH 1111 luesd.1\, Jalll11r) 16, to the Parkway l3 OCtl'ty 0 ala Cplll.1 lie haSj\\(lit 011" hundred and five feet to the place \1 t :\Iuselllll ,Ulel the GraphiC Sketch ''IT\ed as a lIlember of the board and as I of ooglllnlng' Uelng kno'Yl!n tal lot. Nos. 388 Cluh At the • d 1 ami 330 UII fllao of ~Ollpect Terrace. IlIU"lU1ll they saw the \Ie.:e I,resl ent or two lears l X.llllpll~ of the art of the RellaJssame I urmer Swartllmorl,' preslllcllts of the UOullol(. .... 011 the nortbe~" and 8Outbe .. t. bJ' other I Uld!l 01 the said }o'rank J Worrell tit WI: lllfl J~th Century l.undll~1I1 was ell ~UCll:t} arc Dr John \ ~[ll1er and B\lr- J.ljul It! the e.:aktena of the museum I he I'<;S John 11 Pltma.n liternuon \\as spent III eX.1.lIl1l11ug obJects l' E •. •• F' . h I of mtcrcst .It the Grapillc Sketch Cluh 0 "lerla .. l orllug I y I he grou1' \\ I~ chaperoned u} Claudta llllle.:ol k. \\ ho .1rrangcd the tnp, J \ Chnstllll and Ahce Blodgett S/IO.lI Biology Trip itlovle '1 he photographs taken on the IJlolng\ hdd tnt> In ~l1ss B<lrtell to Ha\\ k \1()\l1It.11II ~<tII( tn In. Drehersvlllt', Pa. \\ ere sho\\ II III tht museum rOOIll of tilt IlIgh "dlOOI, ;"Ionda) aftcrnoon, J IIIU Iry 8 Cnmern Far .. 10 Exl .. bir I he (""ncr.1 Cluh of the S\\arthmore IlIgh ~t.:hool \\111 display some of ItS pnnts \t the am.lteur lJhotogr Ipllle cx Il1hltlon at the \\ oman s Club House on I utsda} and \Vednesday, Janu3r} 23 and 2-1- I Ills t Xhll)1l1ol1 \\ III be spon­sorc( l by tht; \Vo1lJan~s Club ),1 rs Earle P Y crkt's, of South Prmce­ton avenue, \\ III he hostess to the Fort II1ghtly next ~lotlua\ aftcrnoon Januarv 22. A tr.1.\clogue b} ~lrs Gl.:orge Scllo hmger will be foUo\\ed 1)\ 1\\0 pla\S read h) Mrs Burton Aha Konkle 'J he Dudu. .., S.I'S Iller Pra}ers" I" Mary Cass (.lIIhd<1 .lIId I ;"1 II IrfJe" i{os .tl1I1d ' • I • January Dinner Mceting J he S\\artlnllore BU~lIIess \SSt}(1 tUon \\tll \\lIld 111) last )l'ar 5 busme~~ anll 110 IllUlatc officers for tillS )t Ir \\ hen It l:OtI\ elles at the Inglelleuk next ~[(JlIday e\elllllJ at 7 o'clock IIIIJ.lI~\ CUltU'!> l.."Ol18ltlt of framo bunca10w '7x UJ Icel frame car-ace 26x16 feet.. Sold 3lJ the Ilroperty of Frank J Warrell .. lid ~Ia.ry A hiS Ville mortgagors and AIJDea A \'i Ilbank Widow of Charles H WUbaok uct-eased alld Damel Dougherty real owoere allli t~lrc tenant Jf aDl". GEOHGE B IIAH.\E'\', AUomQ'. Le, ari Fa i 0.9 No 402 Sevlenlber Term. 1930 All those 'wo certain lots or pleees of "round With the bUlldmgs and lmprO'9'emenl. the con er-eded SltUaie 10 tbe Township of Uppcr Darby 1ll the County of Dela.ware and State of Pt:lllull'h ama BeIDi' knowo as lots 102 103. Wock No 6 00 a certa.Ln revlMd vIall o! 10tlO ulled Kirklyn s New Develop ment dat(,d JUllO 0 1022 and reeorded at ~lc(lla 111 Ut.'cd lluok No 411 paS'e 62-1:. made 'JY Hubert P Green C E. and more fullJ' dCijcrlbed as followa Ilc.,lOnmg: at a poInt formed by the Inter se~llUII uf Ihe northeasterly Side of MaplewoOd A\dlUe ((ort) lect Wide) with the wea~ly IiIIde of Kirkland Avenue (forty five feet wide) In Drexpl S'ude,., Conference DELA'\AHE COUNTY ."lId till :mulh\\clOterly sldo of Foa&er ,Avenue A feature of the Open House ouser­\ ance of the Drexd Institute of Tcch­Itotog\ on S It urda} J anuan 13, \\ III be th(' hfth anllual eonfenllce of 111gh school stud(,lIts from the Pluladelpilla 1tc I Ddegates from SC\ eral hundred "chools \\ III attend. the sevente<'n sec­ttOll11 mctllng-s, all un the general tIll tile of Dt\i.'loplIIg Pupil Interest.. Sottle of the sub tOPICS to uc discussed. .Ift 'Lt'lsure 'rune Readmg,' UFl1Idmg :\h Voe.ltlOn; How to Make Fncnds S Ill~1 'Iro~1 u IIR \\111 be retcn. II It thc (forly fi\e leet WIde) and extenliLn8' thetlOO Counl:. Cotllrullcr" ornc Court Holt" ~1{>dJa alO1l1o:' the lO lid northeasterly aide of Maplewood I'a IllIlll 10 I m lIul IJIlblu:b (1)( Il(d at n.\Cllue north 6O'enty four degTees t~entJ' IIIX II I hi 1111 \\ednc~nlay Febru lr:.: - HHU InUlilllCS west one hundred and twenty five feet r r furm .. hLII_ HId dcliH'rlllJ; to lh\ COUIlI:.: to a IJOlllt a ("orner of lot No 63 on scud plan (. Ir 1,..( III tI n Ir of the Court HUll J::' ISO lhe l(,'\l extendmg norlh'\\:ardly by &aid lot No IUL an I 011 fur th~ WII.! 01 the COUIl1:.: 03 b:.: a III e curullg to the left the di,tance Sill Cln! ItlOlll< 111(1 hi hllll~ "lilt L HI IJl hi. 101 L\\CU1y and lV,O tentba feel more or l8iIs ob(III1t'l1 lllht 0011(' ur lhe C'lIUUl:', COli Ito a Ilumt a corner of 10t.No 101 on said troll('r Illd II) hili ,\\111 bt tllt('rtaUlt~1 UII e~!! pla.n thence extclldlll" alonG' aald lot No 101 III III out 011 8ald blthltu.,. shl'('l north eigbtyoevell degTCt8 thirty nve mioutea Bit h bill mU!lt b( a< OnlT) UIl(' I b,): a ccrt. fil'll ~ll(tk of T"o JIulldll.."lI (5_00(10) Dillar easl olle bUllllrtti aud twentyfi"e feet. to the IIr 1\\11 to Ill( ordcr of Ihc COUlII} 01 Delav.;arc 8aJd south"C",telb ~Idc of F08ter Avenoo and Th( COllnl} COmR1IS!;Hllltr .. rc .. ~r'c 1111 rl;:111 thenlC C.x.tCIIUIIII; :>outheastv.;ardly along the til rlJ('1 t III~ or all bids same and the \'Oc>lter1)i side of the said lUrk II WAI~TEn WEAVER land A'\CflUC b~ 11 hne cun:mg tu the right County Control t r With a raullIs of t\\O hundred and el&,hty two and b1X1)i foUl one hundredths leet tbe distance \\11hotJ' and' J Ilklllg and thc Hostel ~lo\l'lIH:llt' Allt::e Craemer, of ~\\arth­IIII) fl', \\111 PlfttClpate 111 th(' 110\\ 1<1 ;.., Ike Fnends I he adtlfl' "s of the l110rlllllg Will he ddl\t:Ced 1)\ Dr Cameron Bet::k, of Nl'\v York CIt\ vocatIOnal .lIId mdustnal rd JIIOI1" (Ollsultant, \\ho Will speak AU\ EnTISE:\IE~T Sehool Dlsl rlt t of S"'arlhmure \\ III n I~ 1'\1 s 11(>(1 buls It th( III!!:h Shoot Duill l""upt041'R1 MondlyJUlual:': 11]910 for h md lIl~trllments Speclfltatu II .. m3) hi. ~( III II It Ihe S( hool Distru t omce ColIC'_e \\( 111ll' Ihllldlll~ The Doard re~r\("1J the rlJ.;hl to rCJ(' I allY (r all bltl!~ In Yihole ur III Iltirl 111(1 II fl":lhl th tOlltrtt'l~ to Other Ihall tilt III" huid! r 011 lilY It( nI or Uem!! 1111 U \ J \N(. DENWOHTII to tlit dllt:galcs 111 .lSS( mhly on the I I U Seerl tar), suhJtct 'Bmldl1lg I Bigger Tomorrow" ~~~ _____________ _ ESTATE OF ROBERT 0 ERSKINE De lIear '-reSUI,.nl's Illessage cease<! late of the Borough of Swarth-j\ s l p011ll of their classroom work more Pa Letters Testamentary on the above Estate have been granted to the un-the Prohlcms of l)e1lJocraC) c1asse:s, Ihe derslgned who requests all persons having \lJll'rle.: III H1Slor\ classes, .1Ild onc claims or demands against the estate of the decedent to make known the same and all gro1lp of sophomores hstened to Presl persons Indebted to the decedent to make dlllt nOOSe\ cit 5 message to Congress payment without delBv to HENRIETTA HUNT ERSKmE. UHr the radiO 011 \Vednesday, Januar} ExecutrIx. 3 III the .IlHhtorlulH 307 Elm Avenue, Swarthmore Pa iUovlC 011 Union Collcge Shoron fhe selllor lugh school assembly 011 )'Ionda}, January 8, \\as devoted to .1 1110\ Ie elltllied ; Life III a Small Col Itgl lltts IHcture \\as taken at Uliion College a sehoul for boys 10 Schenec­t HI},:\ \ 'I he film dealt \\ Ith the ex­tra- cltrncnlur actl\lltts of the ~tudlllts .1Ild \ fe\\ glimpse,; of the faculty and currleululll "~C"V"V ProgrnIU Enlarged Sevtf d ncw clubs have uecn formed In ;"Ii:.s \l1ell and )'hss Hasse, ,,~hlch arc opened to both JUllJor and st:I1Ior IJlgh school pupils dUflllg activity per 10<1 111Irty 51.' 1H0r hIgh gtrls are mtt r e"h d U1 modern d IlIcmg. while the square: d Ilice dub IS opcned to hoth setl!or i1lgh ~chool 1.0\ sand gtrls Fort\­eight bo} sand gtrls frolll thc 1Itllth gr ide arc llolrtlclpatmg 111 a Oadlllt1ltOll tournamcnt and a tUllluhng and appafa tns dub has fifty jll1uor hIgh :.chool gtrls Or to her Attorney EDWARD F HITCHCOCK Media Pa 1-5-6t SHERIFF S SALE OF REALESTATE SherII! Ii Office Court House :liedl3. Penna Saturday Janu8.1'7 27 19,1O 9 30 A M Eastern StWldard. Time Conditions ,26000 cuh or eerU1led check at UrnI.' of sale (unless otherwise .tated. In ad '\erllsemellt) balance lit tell daYS Other eon dlholls on day of sale. Levar. Facias No. 674 September Term 1039 All that ccrtnm lot UI' viece of Kl"ound with tbe bUlldint;8 and Improvements tbereon erect 00 sltlt3te in the BorouS'h of Swarthmore County or Delaware, State of Pennsylvanlo deSignated and known as lot No. 136 on plan of Tract No I, o! lands of the Swarthmore Impro\ enlent ComlJan,) r('(.."OrdNI III the Office for RecoNlIIg of Deeds m Media In Deed Book G Nu 6 page 619 &c bounded. aud deacribed as follows to wit. Bcgmnlllg at a POlltt on the DOrtheaeterlT Side of Dlckmson Avenue at a distance of falll" hundred feet 80utheaetwardly from UIe IOUth Che:ss Team Vlclorlous easterly side of Yale Avenue (fort)' teet wide); CURtaining" in front or breadth on said Dlck.ln. ()II \VedllCsda) Ja.IIU1rj 3 the lllCSS SOil Avenue flUy feet aDd extend1D&' of tbat I tC<UII of the lugh ~chool. <.:aptal11cd In Vildtb In lengtb or deptb northeastwardly be-tween parallel linea at right angle. to said tide I [(II l( e 1 [Ollk1l1s, \\ 011 Its 111 st match of Dickinson Avenue two hUDdred teet. agalll:-.t Y (adou b) thc score of 8:2 1 he Under- and subject to eertaw conditions and (jIst three matches \\ere \\on h) 110race Irestrlctloll5 119 therem mentioned l[opkll1s '40, Bob Gelllll1111 '42 an(l Boo J Alao under and sublect to the p~men' of • \\ eltz -10 The mxt matdl \\ til he pla\ I mtam morlga~ debt or principal sum of five ell \\ ttll UI)pcr Daruy School at Swarth- thousand dollars With mtereat, as therein men tloned mllrt: nil January 17 Impro"'eDients cooetat of two .tor)' IItUceo house 21x33 feet, encloaed. froot porch. ODe stury Glucco addition 9x6 feet: .tuecQ Carage. S pedal - 40e I h. _1 x_I feet 1'~rC8h Stra~berry Wafers I Sold 4S the property of Edson P YOllna- ud Dellclous-FlI'st o[ the Season I Blanche A Younlr hiS wafe morlgagora and SHUIIOLZ CHOCOLATE SHOP W~~g~~e~t~ I!:;!nfeo::l. owner and Ml"Ii James 'Phone Swarthmore 2464 f Il\\ H P FRONEFlELD AUornq. of fifty IIIlIC and SCHIJ lenths feet to t.he 1lrsl mcntlOned POlOt Bud place of bel'i..un1u.I' Undcr 3ml lIublCCt. to certain bulldiu~ re­lOtrll:. 1.IOD8 lm"rQ'\emtmta (;UnStfl 01 two slur" stone a.ud stu~co hoU&e, porch froDt. slUCCO addiUon, 1:\1 Ul..'t.'O garoge. 10%18 feei. and oue half 3-1x24 feel. 10:dO feeL. Sold 3fjl the property or LoUIS Fu~ebgr&per ant! l-lary t"iacil};rapcr tuorLgagOl'8 • .and Mary }ollSchl;rapcr alo kllo\\n as Mary Oakley. real owner. 1I0\~AlU) M LUT".l Attorney WILLlA),I \V McKIM Sberli' 'JIII'llll"""II" - - ~.JIDgI DlDg>-a-1JDgI ONE MP. N who knows it DOESN'T pay to advertise is the burglar. If he calls at 'Your house, he will come unannounced. iETNA-IZP Let us tell you how httle 1t cosu to have the ptotectlOn of }£tna Res idenc:e Burglary, TheEt and Rab bery Insurance Issued by The }EtDa e .. u.ltf and Surety Company of Hartford.. Conn PETER E. TOLD GENERAL INSURANCE 417 Dartmouth Ave. Swarthmore 1833 IIIIIII~IIIIIIII 104 PARK AVENUE I Own l\Iake Candles- Fresh Dally a'":~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Come Pia,: Iii 8 \D!\IIN'l ON \Ulh lilt, 1~"OIl Alumnae E\cry Tuc~rlay and \Vcdncsda\ 7 30 P. M. illary J~,on School G)'111 25c PIANO TUNING I THE LOST CHORD lIs the only selection that can be 'played 011 the out-of·tune piano. A. L. PARKER l\!edia, Pa. Phone Media 459·M J. E. LIMEBURNER CO. Dispensing Opticiam Experts in the Making and Fitling of Spectaclcs and Eye Glasle8 1923 Chestnut Street 6913 Market Street • • Philadelphia Upper Darby, Pa. JOSEPH£. BAINES Nul .....

---------- Page 14 ----------

6 JR~'BANDTOBOW TUESDAY NIGHT THE SWARTBMOREAN '~Shop" Develops New Skills, Ap­preciation in Students of All Ages Exh'hl M k E II tand benefits Irom shop work 10 growing Initial Concert hy 30 Members of Loc!al I tort! a e xce ent I y and adulls Ihe departmenl is not Feeder Organization is Showing in Harrishurg :na~are of th~ need 10 extend these Forward Step Having received a very complimentary privileges and benefits to girls likewise, The Junior Band 01 the 4th-7th Grades will O\3ke its initial appearance ill concert 011 Tuesday evening, January 23rd at 7 :30 P. M., in the High School Auditorium. During the past few weeks. these younger Swarthmoreans have been seen 011 the village streets, proudly carrying their new instruments to rehearsals. Boys and girls from Rutgers School have learned to balance their instruments carefully on bicycles as they commute from school to school. Having been given free choice of instruments, it is surprising how varied and well balanced this little group 01 3Q beginners in the Junior Band has become. John H. Jenny, Director 01 the School Band, has expressed his hope of develop­ing a welt coordinated band plan for our schools in the future. Next year, he desires to develop Rhythm Bands in the Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grades. begin­ning instrumental instruction at the 3rd Grade le\'el. This will allow the Junior Band to become a feeder for the Senior Band, maintaining its own entity, and yet progressing into the Senior Band as it gains maturity and skill. "It is ideal", says Mr. Jenny, "to have an elementary band made up of beginners, a Junior High School Band, and a Senior Band." Very shortly, Mr. Jenny expects to give individual instruction to about 2S members of· the Senior Band. Carrying a teaching program in Government and in English, Mr. Jenny generously and enthusiastically devotes every afternoon after school to the instrumental training of young Swarthmoreans. He has had the gratifying response of about 80 young people interested in band instruments. If time permitted, Mr. Jenny would like Jo develop - a band clinic, devoted to the rudiments of band conducting and instru­mental. arrangements. Swarthmore is fortunate to have found such an able leader· with contagious interest in this educational field. In an interview, Mr. Jenny called attention to the many avail­ahle college scholarships based on musical training. He cited. college musical organizations such as the 7S Kilties at the Carnegie Institute of Technology. ••• W. I. L. Ends Study . of.World Gov't illvitatiult (rom the Pennsylvania deparl- girls who are eager and waiting to be ment of instruction in industrial arts to allowed to engage in this work. Younger display and demonstrate their work in children are this year having the ad­that subject, several Swarthmore boys vantage of a start in handcraft under Ule accolDlJanied Mr. Benjamin ]. Cook and direction of Mrs. Marguerite Walter, who Mr. G. 8. Thompson to Harrisburg un is giving children experience in clay, January 16th. Ladencd with tools for textiles,· metal and wood in grades one demonstration work before the Farm through six. Each grade has about 1~ Prooucts Show, the following boys hours per week under Mrs. Walter. accompanied Mr. Cook and Mr. Thomp- American industry today is poverty 5011: Richard Underhill, Andrew Robin- stricken for skilled craftsmen. Our SOli, Hays Penfield. Eddie Belfield, and educational system has veered toward the Bill Hartman. The display represents white collar. Industry is su{fering. The work done by the 8th, 9th, and 12th grade skilled machinist is one of the most boys. It includes metal work, wrought valued as well as the rarest of men. Men pewter and wrougtat aluminum, as high in the automotive industry have well as wood-carving. Some of the usually found their way up through thei.­exhibits represented were a pewter ability as skilled machinists. Our shop basket by Jack Effing, an aluminum tray does not train master craftsmen, but it by Jerry Nowell, pewter fruit bowls by has obtained gratifying results for not Richard Underhill and David Moore, a only those who do not attened colleg~ but copper tray and aluminum book ends by .h~ careful drawing up of plans, prepara- Eddie Belfield, a wrought pewter tray by lioll of blue.prints, architects drawings, Ned Rutherford. an aluminum tray Made nechanical drawing, have served as a by Hays Penfield on a form block, .uccessful pre-engineering training for aluminum ladles, a black walnut tray by those who go 00 from here in that pro­David, a large luncheon tray of fessional field, with due thanks to our Mr. yellow poplar with Trencher men de. Cook I sign, by Roland Eaton. I I TI!c shop work done by Swarthmore boys in several sections of Grades 6-9 and advanced high school is welt worth the inspection of parents interested in our schools. There one meets the challenge of highly skilled workmanship created with enthusiasm and pride. Character training is written large in the atmosphcre of this shop under the ~irection of such a man as Mr. Cook, whose sincere delight in training young traftSmen cannot help but .(ievetop a ~enuine and Jasting enjoyment in the handling of tools. The aim to give sUCCess in at least one undertaking usually as­sures this attitude. A pertinent sign: uEasy Street is Hard to Find" is some ~imes put before a discouraged young workman. Addresses Students, Parents On Thursday morning, January II, Willard Tomlinson, of Swarthmore avenue, spoke to the students of the Glen­Nor High School on "The Importance of Selecting a Vocation" and Thursday evening gave a talk to their parents at the Glen-Nor P. T. A. meeting on Vocational Guidance. For the past nine years the Glen-Nor schools have had a welt integrated gui­dance department under a full time trained counsellor. • I Popular Adult Night Classes Reconvene Projects vary with abilities and interests Cyril Gardner's class in. sketching and of individual boys. The object of the drawing and Alice Kraft's class in Industrial Arts Department is to meet rhythmic dancing, which were among the the general education needs of the I most popluar in Swarthmore's "Adult student. Going along with the ability of Night at School" last Fall, began new ten .. he l)upil means adapting him to material week terms at the high school on Monday .. Id skill for which he is best fiUed at evening. Both courses are being continued the time A cursory glance al the II as a result of petitions from the enthusi- (£'ontinu~d from PtlDe One)· wa s, '" '1" (·xecutive of the W. I. L., ami Mrs. Wit- benches, drawing boards in the shop bear asHe pUPI s . . . Ham A. Jaquette, of Elm avenue. Dean this out. Metal craft in the fields of D~: Horace. H'"Hopkins .. chalTma~ of Harold E. B. Seeight, of Swarthmore band-wrought aluminum, hand-wrought the Adult Night committee. College, was leader. pewter, spun metal, requiring some anno~nc.ed thaht theI re wasd ~tllI. redoom for This study group has been well at- maturity and strength, suggest indivi- !'lore III eac c ass ~n mVlt those TRAVEL TALK Dr. Frank Aydelotte, president of Swarthmore College, and Mrs. Aydelotte returned to President's House 00 Cedar lane Sunday after a month at Lake Wales, Fla. Mrs. E. O. Thomas, of Cedar lane, will leave January 2l for her winter so~ jown at Ih. Highland Park Club, l.ake Wales, Fla. Mrs. Sargenl Walter, of North Chesler road, who spent the holidays with her son, David Sargent Walter, and his family in Arcadia, Cat. has started east. She will visit her brother, Mr. H. H. Sargent, and his family in St. Paut, Minn, on her way ho"?e. Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis, of Wal­nut lane, have settled for the winter at Ft. Pierce, Fta. ~Ir. and Mrs. G. E. Holt, 01 Park lvenue, left the home of Mrs. Holt's sis­ ·er. Mrs. A. U. Fairbanks, on Park JANUARY 19, 1940 avenue yesterday to spend the rest of the winter in Miami. FIa. Mr. Paul Collins visited his sisler, Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee, and family, of Mt. Holyoke place, laSI week enroule 10 Bos­ton, Mass. from the Miami Air Race Meet. Mrs. MacElwee's parenls, Dr. and Mr •. Joseph V. Collins, of Stevens' Point, Wi •. , who have been visiting her for three weeks, left Monday for Lakeland, Fla. where they win spend the winter. GREETING ,­CARDS to .... suit the taste ,.. of anyone you are remembering. • alice barber GIFTS OLD BANK BUILDING To make his visits effcctiv~, and to 5~fegu~d dcpositors, the bank examtDcr and hIS as5IS­tants come to our bank without advancc notice. Thcy may come today, tomorrow, or next week. They count thc cash, verify othcr assets of the bank, and ask many questions regarding the opera­tion of the bank and its policies. They make a full rcport to the governmental authorities. We look upon sound managemcnt as the basic safeguard, and welcome the helpfulncss of bank ex­aminers at all times. SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Member 0/ Federal Imuranee Corporation tended and intensely interesting to a11, an duality and imagination in design. A very mterested, whether reSidents of Sw~rth­enterprise of which the success is due beautiful small chest of Honduras ah- more or not, .to enroll next Monday mght. to Mrs. Jaquette and to Mrs. Frank Rey- ogany, designed quaintly with a Cones~oga The classes start at 8 o'clock, with tuition nolds who managed it, and to all the wagon, having hand-made joints, wilt be! fees about the same as those for the fall speakers. a channing possession when finished. term. _I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ weal Board Meeting: Spanish cedar from Guatemala and Peru At a board meeting of the local ¥/o- and other woods easily stir an interest in mc!}'s Intf'rl1ational League branch, held the careful finish of lovely woods from 2t . t~e Kenyon avenue home of M~s. many lands. Objects in the making vary Phllltp H. Jewett, Mrs. Walter RObl11-\from small ash-trays to an impressive and 5011 was welcomed as the new legislative adventurous looking pirate chest. The chairman. crying need for clearly marked house The question of the responsibility of the numbers in SwarthmQre is being met by local group toward refugee work was to young wood can-ers. A white pine wood­be studied by· Mrs. H. E. B. Speight. The carving of Snow White's "Dopey" national office sent word that the greatest pUllctuates the variety of tastes and pro­prescnt need is for contributions for ducts met in crcative craft work. steamship passengers... Attention is drawn to the fact that 30 The Peace Chest Drive Will start on Swarthmoreans are engaged in evening February 7. It was also announced that S1,lOP classes on Tuesday and Thursday ~trs. Harold :March plans to have book mghts. Work done by Miss Helen H _ discussions at her home, West House 011 rick, Mrs. Walker Penfield and Mer the College campus, on Monday after- Thomas,was also displayed at'the H . ~s~ noons frum 2 until 4 o'clock. These burg exhibit. . In viewing the priv~r~s meetings will deal with the history and e cs thought of the peace movement rather than practical problems. Anyone in­terested will be welcome. Mrs. Jewett made an appeal for rum­mage for the sale to be held in Phila­delphia on January 26 and 27. Mrs.]. V. S. Bishop, of Swarthmore, is managing the sale and Mrs. Jewett is the local representative on the committee. Those having donations which should be collected are asked to telephone 1lrs. Jewett, Swarthmore 934. • I , Omis8ion Due to an omission the name of Mrs. James Davies was left out of the list of Salvation Army Drive workers published in last week's issue of The Swarthmorean. CCIze 130uquet BEAUTY SALON CALL 476 Pastels for Any Port! Prints for a Winter Pick-up! • TOWN and COUNTRY CLOTHES 33 W. State Street Media, P •. • 13 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD Pretty is­as Pretty is cared lor • Speed Your Cleflninl witll fI New VACUUM CLEANER I If your old worn-out cleaner only picks up half the din and is as hard to push as a ''ten­ton truck", why not trade it in on one of these new models. The improved type vacuum cleaners lighten and speed· the household cleaning jobs because they glide over your rugs and carpets with little effort, removing hair, lint, and ground-in din, ordinarily hard to get. And they do the job amazingly fast. TWO FAMOUS CLEANERS Both the Eureka (above) and the Premier (kll) vacuums have a reputation for long wear and de­pendability. Both are equipped with hall hearing motors and special dust bags that are easier to empty_ Both have motor-driven brushes that pro­vide powerful agitation. Take your choice of these fine, efficient cleaners for a perfect cleaning jobl With special trade-inallowanc:etheyue surprisingl, c:heap. Philadelphia Electric Company Lifle E/eclrirally and Safle .. -... .,. SWAI~THMIlI~E .. ... L I 131~ A I~ Y • • CllLLE'(;E ". -,- ,...,."'_• . ;.... ..., .;.;..... .. ,,~ '-''' 5-W-A:f:t 'FcH M () I~ e: I~.A • - .. ~ , .... _--_ .. , . --_ ... -. . , I .... ~t· .. · .. ., "".., ,." .. - . '--._--.-".- "". . .-'> -- - • , . ~--'-' --:--._. lavCO.ERS REGISTER TO-DAY THE SWARTH EAN ,.. RED CROSS BROADCAST TO·IIGHT •• SWARTHMORE, PA., JANUARY 26,194-0 '2.50 PER YEAR HAVE YOU CONTRIBUTED TO THE SWARTHMORE FIRE COMPANY? Well-Known Hartford Woman to Discuss Birth Control Here, Tuesday ·t Regiotr8l'8 Sit Bere Today The registrars will sit at Bor­ough Hall today, Friday, January 26, to record the personal regis­tration of any qualified Yoters re­quiring the service for eligibility CLUB'S F'IRST AMATEUR PHOTO SHOW REVEALS AMAZING LOCAL TALENT Dr. Louis N. Robinson to Intro-dnce Mother of Prosninent e,r:,. . Actress at Gathering Talk by Edwin C. Buxbaum Fea­tured Opening of Exhibition k Tnesday Night <; to vote in the primary election ~{rs. Thomas N. Hepburn will discuss \. . next April 23. Hours will be from Stepping into Ihe Woman's Club last HBirth Control as a Social Necessity" 1 to 4 P. M. and 5 to 9 P. M. Tuesday evening one could well imaaine beforc an open meeting to be held in the ; Offices for 'which nominations 0" High School Auditorium at 8 :15 P. M. '11 ff . h f that he was entering one of the coun- WI be e ected In I e orlhCOJD-T ue sady, ]a nuary 30 . Th e Swarthmore 'l ).,, . .109 .pTlm ary are: U m. ted · St ates try's leading photographic salons. For, Woman's Club which sponsors the pro-' k·· senator, six-year term; State arranged in a double line completely gram' is "giatifi.~ that the cooperation of treasurer, {our-year term j A'Udi- around the four sides of the auditQrium the MiJt~rn@1 Health. Center has made it tor- General, four-year term; Rep- hung 138 photographs, representing the possible to secure Mrs. Hepburn as a rcsentative in Congress, two-year best work of 33 local camera addicts. speaker. term; Senator in the General As- The occasion was the first alt-Swarth- Coul1ty~wide publicity has been given sembly, four-year term; Repre- more exhibition of amateur photo-thc meeting, which will attract a large seotatives in General Assembly graphy, sponsored by the Woman's crowd. Early attendance will secure the (one from Chester and three from Club and organized by a special Photo ... hest seats. the County. two-year term; dele- graphic Exhibition Gommittee under Thoguh she is inevitably designated as gates and tJternate delegates to the direction of Mrs. A. E. Longwell the mother of Katharine Hepburn, famous Republican National Convention, Opening to the public Tuesday evening, s tag e a nd mo tI· on pi.C t ure s t ar, M rs. H ep- four of each at large, and two of the exhibition continued Wednesday burn has many other claims to fame, both each from each congressional dis- afternoon and evening. as a prominent clubwoman and communi- trict; members of Republican So spontaneous was the response of ty leader, and as one of the earliest and State Committee, one state com- the contributors, and so enthusiastic staunc h est supporters 0 I M argaret S anger mitteewoman and one state com- the praise of those who witnessed the and the Birth Control Cause. mitteeman; members of the opening, that there was little doubt as Mrs. Hepburn holds B. A. and M. A. County Committee, one commit- to the success of the undertaking. Cer- (Ic grces I rom B ryn Ma wr C 0 II ege, and MRS• THOMAS N• HEPBURN tetman and one committeewoman tainly, in the opinion of experienced ex-has been active in civic and connnunity from each precinct. hibitors, the show compared favorably wellare work lor many years. In this SIMKIN TO DISCUSS with similar exhibitions held anywhere. work she has been aided by her husband, COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Friendly Circle in The average standard of all pictures Dr. Thomas N. Hepburn of Hartford, shown was remarkably high, considering Connecticut. Sh·e was president 01 the The League of Women Voters study January Session the fact that the exhibition was limited Gonnecticut Woman's Suffrage Associa- group on Employet-Employee Relations strjctl3i to~local amateurs and that there tion lor six years an(J helped launch the held its lirst meeting at the home ai, Women Plan Next Month's Char- was no judging or other restricting sociaLllygiene movement in the United Mrs. Herbert Bassett, 500 North Ches- ity and DisclI8s Annnal Card entry qualifications. Every picture ex- States. ter road, Tuesday morning at ·10 A. M. Party Scheduled for hibited was the work of Swarthmoreans, \Vhen the National Committee on Fe- Mrs. H. Neisser, Swarthmore Chair.. JaDTlA." 31 from clicking the shutter to mountillg deral Legislation for Birth Control was man of Government and Economic -~ the prints. ' formed in 1929, under the presidency of Welfare, led" the group. Mrs. Neisser The January meeting of the Friendly Even the work of several advanced Margaret Sanger, Mrs. Hepburn-long gave a most interesting account of the Circle -.vas held at the home of Mrs. amateurs and veteran salon contributors intimate friend and effective co-worker- history of the labor movements in this Benjamin Collins, on North Chester ?id not detract from the exce~ent show­accepted. the office of L~gislative chair-l country, dividing the. subjec.t into four I r~ad T.hursday afternoon ~f last .week I log made ~y "!any less exp. erlenc:d, but man. which she held until 1936 when the periods-The Pre-UDlon penod, extend- With Mrs. Harold G. Griffin as co- n.onetheless .slncere photographiC be­United States Circuit Court of Anneals inJ,{ to the middlp. nt_ the ni~eteen.I~: ho~stes~. Fi~ew T'lefllbprs. wp"c wrl- IT!nners. :XhC'" .... ~~!:; nl1tc~"Indin2' pri'ltc:: Ilanded down its favoraLle decision and century; The Rise of the Knights of corned: Mrs. J. Barnard Walton, Mar-I merely served to spur on the younger the program of their National Committee Labor; Leadership of the A. F. L. and tha Haviland, Mrs. Frank Lemon, Mr~. hopefuls. . was discontinued. the rise of Ihe C. I. O. ]. Wheeler Allison and Mrs. Adolph Featuring the Tuesday night opening In this capacity she has lectured in all The next two meetings, January ~ Wuest. The president, Mrs. Arthur of the e~~ibition was an informal talk whereas the picture is really made by the man or woman behind the camera." Selection of subject matter, viewpoint, and proper lighting to secure pleaswg balance, or composition, are far more important in successful pictorial phioto­graphy than the mere mechanical means used to record it. Then. to illustrate and emphasize his points, Mr. B'IlXbaum l~d his interested audience ar9l\!ld the entire exhibition, :pointJ~g o.ut. tht; qual­ities of various prints tbat.m~.d~.tbem stand out from tile ordinary album type of ·snapshot:-~",::=· _. .. II Mr: Buxbaum slighted any prints they were his own, for, with unassum­ing modesty, he barely mentioned them. Yet even the inexperienced observer could recognize· in his pictures a keen perception of picture values and the ex­pert technique 01 a veleran photo­graphic pictorialist. Following Mr. Buxbaum's talk re­freshments were s~rved. According to Mrs. Roiand Eaton, president of the Club, the success of this year's experiment amply justifies making the exhibition an annual affair. Following is a list 01 the contributors to the show: Dr. R. C. Ammerman, Dr. Arthur E. Bassett, Katherine Bassett, K. Booth. Fred Calvert, Jr., Christine Calvert, 10hn D. Detlefsen, Elsa Daley, Carroll Frey, Ralph Hayes; Stephen Hay; Dr. W. A. ]aquette, H. M. Johnson, Charles E. Kneedler, Benjamin L. Kneedler, Jr., A. E. Longweu.. Marguerite R. Long­well, Robert Liltle, Ernest R.. Laws, William Wright Matthew'-; ··Harty E. Oppenlander, earl W. Peterson, Lydia Rewis, Harry Stevens, Roland G. E. Ulhoall and Alan C. Wood. Ed Cooley and Bill Spencer represented the High ~('ho~l Ca."C'\"~ Cltlb W'!!1'! _ T~:1: G!Y->d­man, Grant Heilman, David Ullman, 14. ]. Caldwell represented the College Camera Club. ------~.~.~----- parts of the country, has appeared at and February 6. will be led by Mr. W11· Hughes, read letters of thanks from the by Edwm C. Buxbaum, F.R.P.S. Mr. Cast Sees Itself Congressional Hearings and helped the Ham Simkin, of Wallingford who recipients of Christmas baskets and Bux.b~um, whose photographs have been movement through the force of her per- will dis~uss the e.ssential c.h~acteri~ts from. th~ Commun~ty Health Society exhibited throughout the w~~ld, spoke Mrs. A. P. Whitaker. of Elm avenue. sOllality and keen judgement. of genUlOe Collective BargalDlIlg whIch for aid gIVen those 10 need last month. at so~e Jer,tgth . on the qualttles neces- entertained members of the cast of Mrs. Hepburn took active part in the will bring out the points of individual In answer to appeals from the nurs- sary I~ pictorial photography. "Too "Ballads, Boots and Bautizo", the last fight to Jiberalize the "Comstock" law, bargaining vs. col1ecti!e barga~~ng; ing service, it was voted. to send.a ton many people," he said! Uptace too m~ch Junior Production of the Swarthmore which so greatly obstructed birth control various types of collective bargamlDg; of coal to a needy fam1ly; to give $7 ?ependence upon their camera, believ- ~layers Club, which she wrote and work. This law has been redefined d how collective bargaining is effectuated for food for a diabetic man i to buy IIlg that the ~etter camera they have. d1rected. M~. Charles D. Mitchell showed interpreted by the decision of the Ull~ in a given industry-using the full gauze f?r use in th~ care of a cancer the better pictures they can make, colored movies of the production. States Circuit Court of Appeals "Its fashioned hosiery industry as an ex· ~ase; mdk for a family; and glasses for design," said the judges, "was ~ot to ample; a,!d cr~at~ve barga~ning and the a man with defective v.ision. prevent the importation, sale or carriage democratic pnnclple. In ans~er to. appe.als III a letter from by mail of things which might be em- L. W. V. Dnd Media Club Sponsor Panel th.e Family Soclety, .. t was cou­ployed by conscicntious and competent "Youth·s Needs and your Community" tribute. ~oal and m~lk to a. family; $10 physicians for the purpose of saving life will be the topic of the panel discussion for CtuhllJOn forTa ghlrl earCnlUll g her fiwfay or promoting the well being of their at a joint meeting of the League of at eyney eac ers. 0 ege j ty "THE WORLD AND WISDOM ARE lIIS" patients." Women Voters and the Media Woman's cents a week. for medical treatments . '. for a young gIrl. An appeal was made In addition to her daughter Kat~erIne, Club. at the club house in Media on for two beds for a family of nine liv­Mrs. Hepburn. has four other chJldren: Wednesday afternoon, January 31, at ing in a four room house. two boys who ~ave graduated from ~ar- J o'clock. A total amount of $50.28 is to be spent vard and two girls, graduates of Benntng- The men on the panel, representing this month in responding to these calls. ton. several Community agencies, will con· The card and game party which is • • • sider, under the chairmanship of Mr. planned for the afternoon of ] anuary Michael of of the Media High School, 31 for the benefit of the Circle was dis­their activities on behalf of boys, cussed. There will be several door age sixteen to twenty-one. All educa· prizes. Each member of the Circle is tional opportunities, in school and out. asked to contribute a handkerchief as will be coyered. REELECTED TO UBRARYBOARD Lihrarian's Report Shows Jump in Circulation and Memhership During Year EIe.ction relurns announced at the the annual meeting of the· Library Board held last Monday night disclosed the fact that Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge and Guenther H. Froebel were reelected to the board 01 The Swarthmore Public Library. Mr. Frocbel was reelected chairman of the hoard at the reorganization meeting which followed; J. Jarden Guenther, vice chairman; Alice Barber, secretary; and John F. Spencer, treasurer. Committee appointments for the current year as announced later by Mr. Froebel were as follows: Library Management, Alice Barber; chairman of Adult Books, Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge; Children's Books, Mrs. Peter E. Told, Property, William R. Argyle; Finance, John F. Spencer; Publicity, Mrs. J. Passmore Cheyney. RelX'rts given for the past year by committee heads evidenced a steady growth in the community service ex­tended by the libra.,.. Miss Eleanor Wright reported a total circulation of 26,786 volumes during 1939; the addition of 842 books during the same period; a growth ·in membership of 340 new readers. A cordial invitation is issued to all a table prJ:.:·,:.:e,;.' _. ......~ .. ......- -_ interested in this subject to attend and join in the discussion. • I I Herr Installed 88 Co. Chiefs' President In his inauguration address at the annual banquet of the Delaware County Police Chiefs' Association Thursday evening, January 18, in Yeadon Borough Hall, ·Captain Alvin J. Herr, of the Swarthmore Police Department, fostered the erection of a centrally located building to house the Association and establish a crime laboratory. The local police head, having returned from the Federal Bureau of Investigation School in \Vashington D. C. for the evening, also advocated higher salaries for policemen. the majority of whom he believes to be underpaid at present, and stressed continuous education as a ne­cessary means to progress . Among the speakers of the evening were District Attorney William B. Mc­Clenachan Jr., Mayor Clifford H. Peoples of Chester; and John Sears, head 01 the Philadelphia office of the F. B. I. Those from Swarthmore who attended, in addition to Mrs. Herr, were Magistrate Morris E. Smith and Patrolman Henry A. Peirsol, Jr: and Mrs. PeirsoL Repuhlican Dance Plans The plans for the annual Young Re­publican Club Dance are well under way. The date has been set for March 9, 1940, and the dance will again be held ill the high school gym. Alex Photo by Davtd tJllmaIl Bartha and his Steel Pier Orchestra Says the spirit of Chee Moo (Elizabeth Swan) in heaveD, 8S WU Boo Git (BUI wi1l provide the music. The decorations Tomer) puts Plum Blouom (Beth Allyn) on his tbrone. In the doorways are are being handled by a professional Sam Evans and Alex Dryden as the wicked generals. Mr. Dolman, the "Choros," sit8 by the orchestra circle. Kneeling, from left, are Jullna Powers, decorator from Philadelphia. This year Gretchen Van De Doe, Evelyn Du.lIen, Merritt Curtis, Charles Deacon, Jim the sale of tickets will be limited to three hundred to insure comfortable Powell, III8.be1 Porter, Barbara Spencer, Stafford Parker. At rleht, Marpret: Lalimer, W. J. Gibson, Mal7 Kiotler, F. A. Cblld, Helen Wblttl.,.."., Nan.". dancing sp:.:a:.:c:.:e,;.' ............. ___ Savelli,-Franees MacNeil, J. I. Shaw, Edward Hay, and Ja~ Dolman. This Roosevelt e1n1> Dines Tonight was the final lableall in Ibe Janua.,. Players Club production, ''The Yellow Jacket." The Women's Roosevelt Club ollr~=-==============================. Swarthmore has arranged an interesting program for the Democratic dinner and rally, to be held tonighl January 26, at Strath Haven Inn, at 6:30 P. M. Prominent speakers and Democrat-, I lrom allover the county will be in atten­dance.' Dicussion will follow the speeches. I Anna Marie Bosshardt will sing a group of Swiss songs in costume. ••• Needlework GnUd Boor Monday THE WEEK'S CALENDAR FRIDAY, .JANUARY 28 1 to 4 and 5 to 9 P. )I.-Registrars Sit ...................... Bol'oQh Hall 6:30 p. M.. - llooaeTeU Dinner •.••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••• Stratb naven Iou SATURDAY. JANUARY 27 10 :00 P.lI. - SerIes Dance •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. WotI1IUl'. Club SUNDAY. JAHU_'-BY 28 11:00 A. M. - Momilll' Worahip •••••••••• '" ••••••••••••••••••• I.oc&l Ohurcibea MONDAY • .JANUARY 29 2:00 P.M.-Needlework GuUd Hour •••••••••••••••••••••• 818 Olden ATeD1l8 TOBSDAY. JANUARY 30 8:16 P.lI.-Lecture by )(n. Hepburn ................ BIch SchOOl AudltGrllllD All interested in the Needlework WEDNESDAY • .JANUARY 31 Guild are invited to sew at the home of 1 :30 P. M. -FrietadJ7 Cirde Card Part;r ••••••••••••••••••••••• Woman', Club I THURSDAY. I'BBBUABY 1 Mrs. Charles Thatcher, 613 Ogden ave-I 7 A ••• to 10 P.M.-Girl Scout Humman Sale ••••.•••••.••. MethodlI&: CblU'4lb nue, on Monday, January 29, at ,2 1:00 P.M.-Women', Republican Club LUIiclleon ............. S&rMh Haveu lDD o'clock. I'---------------------.;....::.:;.:.:...::.-.J

---------- Page 15 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN JR.BANDTOBOW "Shop" Develops New Skills, Ap. TUESDAY NIGHT I predation ill ~tudellts of All Ages Initial Com"'rt hv ao 1\I"IIIIo"rM of FC·fod.or ()rg~llIizu'ioll ito' I~fl('ut f:xhihitors I\lake EX('ellent .1I1d IItlldits fWIII shop work to gro\\Jllg "I . . H . I II( \~ arKI adults the departmt:llt IS lIut ~..., Ifnulig In arrls Jurg or th~ need to exh:ud tlu.'sl.: •• .. rwurtl SIt'I' 1I1\lI1g I(HIHd .t \lr) l'ulI1l)II1I1l'nt,tf} pn\:lltgts anu bencilts to gIrls hkn\l~t, I III Jlllllor H,mel ui thl 4th 7th CI.lfit.'C; 111\11.111011 fllllll tlH-. Pllllls}halll.l tlq) lrl girl .. \\ho are eager and waltlll~ to H. \\llIlH.I~H I .... 1I1I1I.ll.l1 llH...lIllh('1II (ollllrt IIllIIt uf lII~tltUtlull III IIIdusln,11 ails lol·lllo\\(d to tllg.1Ht 111 tillS work "\'otlll~(:r 1111 I m .. dl\ (\(lIlIIg, J.lIIl1tn 2kd al i lO (h"'1111\ ,\lui .ltmollstr.llt tht:lr \\!lrk III lluldnn .l1e tins \ Ihl\lllg: tht: .ld· P 1\1, lit till Il1gh S(houl \mhtoflum .. ubjt(t, SCHroll S\\.trthmore IH.I}s \.mt.lgt: uf 1 start III h.uul,r.thr lII11llf tltt: I ItII IIlg Ihl 111 ... 1 ft.\\ \\It:l.:o.; Ih(-.( ,oll1lger .lll411111J.tllll.:tl ).Ir l~lnJ,Ullln J CIHlk .tIIl! dlr('(tltlll fIr MIS Margut:flil' \\altcr, \\hu S\\.lIlhlll.,!I.ut ... IIoI\t I>nll ... ((11.111 the ~II C I~ 11101ll1':'UII to Ilarn .. lmrg 1111 ... ~1\lIIg ,llIl<1rlll ('xl}Crlc:ml' 111 ,Ia\, \llI'g.t ... tnlh I)lolllih (0I1n1ll1-', t I1 (:\1 11I tt(tlll\r\ VIt.tll .1.,1(1."1 1(,1 \\1.11 't.,I, fur Itxtl1(~ Illlt,11 alld \\I.I(xl III Hrb.u lls one lII'UUllltllt... t'l niH 1I"'lh 11,.\ .... md dllllollstratlUlI \\ork hdOie till.: Farm through SIX 1· .... "h gradl h.IS a 01lt Iv.; gill .... RutJ!,lI ... ~dwol h.lll h.lrlHd I'nl(luds Slum, thl.: folltn\1IIg J.m ... huurs pu \\Ct:k III1c1u :\1r ... \\'altcr to h.IIUUl thlll IIIstlllllH.nt~ (.ndulh 1)1] .lttOIllI);l'ul(1 !\lr Cook ,ultl ).Ir 'Jhl,ml'- \m('rll.lII mdustry toda) Is PO\uty IUt\lI1.:~ I'" tlll\ lollllllute from .. thool to ,nil Rlth.lnl Undulllll. \mln\\ Rolml :-.lfllkt:n for sklllt."i:1 craftsllH:1I Our ... thool 1I.1\11I1-! hUll hl\ell frtl.: dl<l\(c "'011 1i.1\s Penfidd Fddlc BcJhdd .md tdlHatlOllal sysh'lII has \et:red hJ\\ard the lIt lII~tln1Hlllt-. It I'" qllllll~lIIg ho\\ \anl.:d Htll Ilalllllall 'Ihe <hspla\ rlllrtst:nls \\llIte collar IlIdl1str) IS suffering The .lIId \\(11 h,i1.IIIH"(1 tin .. httlt grulIJI of 30 \\(lrl~ d01l1.: h, the Hlh, 9th, ilnd 11th gr,l"c I "Idllcd IlllcilllllSt IS Ollt: of the most htgllllltl'" III till lumor HUIII h.I" hnollle IHI\'" It ltIc1l1tteo.; l1I(:t<11 \\ork. \\rought '\,lltled ,IS "ell as the rarl.:st of tlll.:l1 ~kll John II h:lIl1\ Dlrulor of the School IJl\\ttr and \\To1lg-ht .llunUlltllll, as IllIgh III the aulomotl\e mdustry ha\c 1:111<1 h.l'" (7\IHt ..... lt! IllS hi 11M.. Ilf dt'\elop-- \\ll1 ,IS \\tI(KI C.II\lIIg SUlm (If thc!u ... ualh found tl!llr \\a} up Ihftlugh thclr IIIg.1 \\lll (OOldlll<lltd hllHI plnl ftlr tlUT tXhllllts n.:prl.:"t:nted \\crc .1 I.C\\h:rl.llllhh as skilled macllllllsts Our sht.p "'lhooh III thl.: lutllr1.: :\:lxt \(' Ir hc h.l ... kll 11\ Jack j·fflllg .111 .lltllIlllmlll tr.n docs not tralll master aaftslllen, hUI Il d~slrt ... to dl\t'!op H.11\111111 B.uut... III tile I" lern ~O\\CII, pcwtu fnllt hmd!'i h\ 1,1S obtall1oo gratlf)lIIg resuits fur nut h.lI1dug Irtul I ... t <md 2nd Gr.ldt ... htl-!l1I- I~ldl.trd Cndl.:rlllll .1IId )).1\111 :\Ioorl' .1 1111\ those who do 1I0t atttlll'd wllcgc, hut 11111~ 11I ... tnntlllllll 111 ... 1rl1(tIOU .It tl]t' kd l~llllltr tr.I\ alltl <llIII1IIIIUII1 l"Iuk I.:II(I~ 11\ I Itt: careful drawlllg Ul~ of plans, prepar.1 (,r.ull tnt'! I II]'" \\111 allo\\ thl JUlJlor J ddlt' Bdhdtl, a \\fOug-ht 1'1.:\\tlr tra\ 11\ UOIl of. hlue-pnnts, arcllltects dra\\lIIgs, 1:111(1 hi hl((I1l\t: .1 tndt:r for tht Slllhir :";td Rutlll'riord all .IIUI11I11I1I11 lr.1\ lII<uk lIt:dtalllCal drawlltg, lIa\1.: served as a HlIHt, 1l1<llllt IIll1ng It... 0\\11 tlltlt\ .lIIel \d 11\ 11.l\S Pl,'nhdd 011 .1 tunlt hltxk, unessful pre engmeermg trallllllg for progft:o.;o.;l1Ig II1tn thl Stlllor B.\IHI h It .dUIIIIIIlIIII ladlec;, a hlack ".lllItlt tra) I" Ihos.c \\ho go Oil from here III that I'ro­gam" Ill.lhmt\ tilt! ... kll1 It h 1111 t1 " J).lHd (;llul.:(st, a Jarge IUlldll.:OIl tra\ (Jf I I I.: sSlonal field, With duc tlll1lks to our ~1r .... 1) ... ~II [lilli' to IInl.: .111 tllllll..lIt.ln \dlm\ I)(, \\Jlh Trtlhhl'r IIllil <It I Cook ! hand 1II.lde up of htgllll1ers, .1 JUlllor o.;lgn, h} Ruland l ... atoll I • I • J hgh Schnol B.llId .mil a Sl.:ltIor Rlml ' I ht' shop \\ork done In S\\.trthmort VI.:Tl shf)flh ~Ir jt:]Jm cXllI.:ch to lo\s III ~I.:\lfal StCtlotb IIf Gr.ults 69 1 Addresses Students, Parents gIll 1I1(11\1(hl.ll 1II~t1t1dJ(1I to .Ihout 25 .l1Id ad\<lhct.<I IlIgh scho{)ll~ \\C1l \\ortll 0 .... 11 I Illtlllhu .. of tht: St1ll.)r B.llld CUI\][J,.{ Illt IIISPCCtloll of I);lrenls I11tercstl'd 1111\\ I:t I lUr~(ai lIIonllll~ J;nua? 11, I tl.ldullg l)logr.lllI 111 Go\llllllllllt .111(1 fllr slhoub 1htn: Ollt: IIInts thl I an 0111111<;011, () \\artlmorc III I'ngil:-.h, )'Ir Jt111l\ ~elll.:f()l1sl\ .llId (h.llknge of 11Ighh skilled \\orklllansillp ,lHIlUl', sJloke to the studl'lIts of the Glcn­I.: ntitml lsucalh de\ otcs Cll 1\ .lfternOOIl I 1l.ltl.:(1 \\ lth cllihuslasm .1Ilt! l)wk )J" or High School on ":, he IIllI~~tal1ce of .l£1l.:r SdlOOI to thl lIJ~trlllllellt.l1 tr.lIl1mg l har.lctlr lI.tllllng IS \\nltl.:l1 large 111 Sdectmg a Vocaholl and lhur<;day 01 \Olln};: ~\,.trthI1l0n:.l1h III.: lias h,ltl tIll .ltlllosphllC 01 tillS shOJI ullIier thl.: \HlIlIlg ga\C a talk to tlu'lr the tht gratll}lIlg fl.:spOl1se ot •• hout HU \Ol11lg 111tctlOIl of stich a man as Mr Cook, i(:1t:Il-No] l' I \ 1lll.:lil1lg Oil \ 01 <ltioll.ll I)(!opl(' 1IIttrcsted III band lII:,trllllllllb If \\h41!it! slilcere delight 11l tral11l11g \41111lg I (.lIIdance 11II1t' I'trnllttt'd, :\Ir Jelll1\ "ould hke to 11.1tls1llCIl cannot hdp hut de\c1op .( I lor the past nllte }cars. the Gkll ~or tle\t:!op a hand limll dnult .. 1 to the ..!tllUl1le and lastmg elljo.)lllent III thl.: "dlOols have had a \\cll mtegratctl gUl­ntthmcnts of band colldurtlllg" ami IIIstru I .1IUlllllg of touls The alln to gl\e success I l.mC"c tlt:partlJltllt under .1 full tunc tr.lIlled 1111.:lItal ,~rr,lIJgCl1Iellts S\\arthmore IS 111 at Il'ast one undertakmg lIsliall) <lS I(ollllsellor lorttmate tn h,l\c found such .m ahle SlIrl'S tillS attttude \ pertllJellt sign I ---~. .......- -- Itadcr \\Ith cuntagwlIs mtercst III tillS .. ] ,l~\ Street IS lIard tu Flild" IS 501111.: I l.dUlatlOllal fidd In 111 llll.:nl(\\ )'lr ,lIIl~ put before a dI5couragl'~1 )01l11g 1(,1111\ catkd attcntlOlI to the mam .,\all "urkman I'o"ular Adult Night Classes Reconvene .thll I ollt!-:"I.: sdlolarshll)s has('d 011 tIltlSI( al I'roJects \ ary "Ith ablhtlcs ,md mlcrest.. C) nl G.lrdlll.:f\ class 1II skctchlllg alld tr:lIIulig fit uted l:ollq.,:e l11u:-.lCal 01 IIldl\ldual boys. ]he ohJect ot till: Idra"lJIg" amI Ahce Kraft's dass III org.llllz.llluns Slh:h as the 75 Klitlls .11 th1.: IlItlustnal ,\rts Department I .. tu IUlet rlnthll1lc dallllng-, \dllch \\cre among the C.lrmglc h",tltllie •o f • I echnolog) tIi t g"I.:IIU<1 II'.:G \l(.itUJIl IIc('lb of thl.: 1III05t popluar 111 S\\artlnl1ore's "~\dult W. I. L. E,uls Study ~tudl.:llt GOlIIg along With the .i1)I!!h of N"lght at School" I.lst I'all, began nc\\ (t:n· hI.: 1)\11J11 means adaphng hllll to 1II.ltl.:n II \\t:Ck tums .It the Ing:h schuol 011 Monday 0/ W orld Gov't I ](1 skill for which he IS bcst ttlted .It t \tiling Both lourses arc hcmg (()llhnuetl 1 (olltl1lllt"ll from I'll"' 0111') l'lll lUllc A cursory glallce at thc "ails .I~ .111.: .. UIt of 1II.:II110ilS irolll tllC tJltliust-t ;o(t:("utn:c of the \V I I., and ~ln \\ II Illlllht .. , dra"mg boards 11l the shup 1)C,lr .l ... tlt IHllnls' lI.un \ Jatjtllttl, of 1·lm a\CIIIIC IJc.lllltllls otlt ),Jet.ll craft III the fielus (Il I)r l1()r,ltl.: II I Iopklll", dlalflnan of II.llold I n Secight, uf S".lrthlllole 11.11141 \\roug'lt .1.11l11I1I1UIII, h.l1Id-\\rollght thc .. \dult Night" extUltl\'e C()lIInllttcl', l"II, "'C, lIas Ica"cr t. I annollllll .. 1 that lhl.:re "as "stili roolll for .., U pI \\ l r ~IJlIn me a, rl.:QlllTlllg soml' TRAVEL TALK Dr Frank A}dc1ottc, prt:sHlcnt of S\,artlnllort: Collcgl.:, alKI Mrs Aydelutte rtlUfIlc(1 to PnsHlent's House on Cedar lam' Sund,1\ .Iftlf a month at Lake \Vall's, H,I ~II ... F () J of Ct:dar lane, \\111 Il.l\t· Januan 13 for her WlIIter so­jU\\ II .It tht Il1ghlaml Park Cll1h, I.ake \\ ,dt s. H.I ~I r .. S.lrHl.:llt \\"lltl.'f, uf North Chester lUa(I, \\ho Spl'lIt thl' hohda)s \\Jth her SOli, Da\ld Sargl'lIt \Vaher, and Ius fanlll) III \fl.uha, r<tl has st<lrted ('ast Shl' ,\111 \ ISlt ht'r hrothcr, ~I r II 1£ S.trguu, alld IllS fanulv 111 St Paul, llll1l1 Oil III r \\ay hOllll' Dr .md ~lrs \Vllham T Flits of \Val lut lalle, It.lve sdlled for thl.: \\ IIItt:r at I,t Plcrce, Fla \I r .111<1 II rs G I.. Iiolt. of Park 1\(1I11t Idt thl hOlllt of .Mrs lIolt· .. SIS n. II rs \ U F'alrh.mks on Park JANUARY 19, 1940 annuc yesterday to spend the rest of the \\ mter III MIami, Fla Mr. Paul Culhns usitcd his sister, Mrs Inin R MacElwee, and [amlly, of Mt. Jlol).Clkc place. last \\cck cnroutc 10 Hos­ton. :Mass from the .AlIami Air Ra('c Meet ~lrs :"lal+l\\cl"s parents, Dr and Mrs Jose,)h V Collins. of Stc\lens' Pumt, \Vis, \, hn hav(' l)('cll \ ISltmg her for three \\tlks, h.'1t Monda} for, Fla. \durt thev "'III sl)(nd tlll.~ \\!11lter J GREETING' - CARDS to ..... suit the taste ,.. of anyone you are remembering. • alice barber GIFTS OLD BANK BUILDING To make his visits elfectiv~, and to s~fegua.rd depositors, the bank exammer and 111s asStS­tants come to our bank without advance notice. They may come today, tomorrow, or next week. They count the cash, verify other assets of the bank, and ask many questions regarding the opera­tion of the bank and its policies. They make a full report to the governmental authorities. We look upon sound management as the basic safeguard, and welcome the helpfulness of bank CI­aminets at all times. SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Member 0/ Feller(fl Deposit lns .. rlmee Corporation 'fIllS stuU} group hiS hel'1I \\tll al m.llllnh t]HI stlength, suggcst 1I1dl\1 11101(" III each dass .md il1\llcd tho~e ttl1d~d alld mtcllSei} IIItCTt:~tll1g to .111 all duahty .lIul IllIagmatlOn III deSign A vcry IIllcnstt'(1. whether rt:sl<iellis of S\\arthR llltUPOM 01 \\Inch the succCss l:s due hl.mtJtnl ~lIIal1 chest of Honduras mah- more or lIot, to ('nroll ncxt ~loJld<l} IIIght to ),1 rs j.ICll1dtc ,md to ~I rs 1 r lIlk Rn og HI\ dt:"'lglled quamtl) "Ith a COllestog.l 1 he classes start at B 0 clock, mth tluhon Hulds \\ho managed It, and to 111 tht ",tgoll, hl\lIIg IItltll.: JOlllb. \\111 he ftes .lhuut the same as those for thc tall I "pllklrs a t:h.lIl1ll1lg II(JS~CSSIOIi "hell tUlIshed. tUIII _,;;;:;.;.;...;,;;.;;;;;: __ ;;; ___ ;;;;;;~l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IdHal Hoard ;U!lllll~ Sp,unsh cldal flCHll Gu.tttlllcll,l .md 1\IU 1-- - -- -- - \t I hlliJCI IIIttllll,., ., till 10c.II \\ 0 .11ld othl.:r \\lItl(ls easll\ stir an IIltl.:r~~t III lilt l's Int IIMllllnll I c;\!,.m IU<Ulch, held tht (.Iretnl fllll~h o£ I(nd) \\oo<l~ 1141111 • I the 1\.CII\OIl HUlllt hOllle of ~Ir .. 11 am I.tluls Ohjlth III the maklllg \.1I ~ PI1IIhp II Il\\dt \11S \\Talter Rohl1l tlUIl1 .1 .... 11 tl.(\ .... to.tII 1l1l1)rc~"'I\t: IIl~1 ..,flll \\)-.. \\llulIl!ut I ... the lIe\\ 'q~I .. llt1\e uhulltllOlb looklllg Illr Itt: cllt' .. t I hc l halnnall II \ 1Il~ !Iced for de.lrl} III Irkul hllll .. e Speed Y(JIII Cleflning witll fI New I It I.: qlll~tl(J1I 01 the re~llOIlSII)lllt, fll tht: lllHuhels 111 S\\<lIlhmorc Is ht:lIIg IIItt II) lUI" ~rollp h)\\anl rcfllgct \\ork \\.b 1o \(IIJ11g \\Of)(ll.IIHr.. \ \dlltl IUlil \\ood ll..,twludll) :\Ir .. II I· B Spllglit the (,Inmg: 01 Sl'.m \\Iutl:-. Ilt)I)(\" ] l!lollt! "illll! Sl.:l1t \\on! the gre.Lte"t IlIlItcllloltl.:s tht "and\ of t,lsttS ,me! pro­IJibUlI iltln 10.; for tont JiHlt101b for dmls IIIlI til l n.IU\e t r.lft \\ork ..,tllln~lnp lM:sSlUgCls \tllltlUII ... dl.mll to tin Lid til II 10 lht: I'tace Che~t Dn\c \\In ~t.llt on S\\ lrt'lIl1t1ll.t1b all.: cng<lgt.'1(\ III t\(;umg 1 \ tbnl<ll\ 7 It \\ is also .1II110tlllc<:d .. hoJl d.I,,~es IHI lue"ll.t\ .mel I 11111 "d.l) I )'Ir:-. B.ttoM ).tarch lllalls to hne hook ll1g-hls \Votk dOlle IIy ~IISS IIdlll 111.:1 c\lS{llSMOm .tt hn homt' \Vt'"t 111H1~1' 011 ruk :\Irs \Valker Penfield, and ~Ir:; tht (,ul1l~e ('amplI" CIII ~lone!.l\ .Ifter- 11101l1.t .. \\.ls 'lbo thspla.}l,tl at lilt 1111 TI"­""() ll~ trom 2 ulItll -\ odock IhcSl hurg (xlllhtt In \ll\\lIlg tilt' Pll\lhgl~ Illltllllg .... \\11l t.! \\Ith the Illslon .uul th()lI~ht .. \ the ))eatl.: 1110\ t: tl1elll 1.lthl.:r th 111 I" It tll.1l vnJhlt1l1... \11\0111.: til tut' .... tul "Ill he \\ckolll{, \lr~ Je\\l.:tt madt: an .IJlllt.ll fl,r IlIlll 1II1g~ for the sale to hI.: ht'!ci lit PIIIII ddplna on Jallllan 2(' .1IIe1 27 ~I rs J \' ~ Hl .. hl)p 01 S".lrthmore, I~ IIImagmg tile .... tll.: .md ~1rs Jt\\ett IS the 100ai llprc,' utah\t' Oll thc ("ol1lllllttte Thosl ha\ll1!-\" d\Jll.ttHHb \\ hlCh sill)tlill hl l IIII.:( tl.:d .He a .... kcd to tl.:ll'JlilOlIl: \Il~ Jl\\ltt, S\\arthmorc 9H • 1 • Olllission I hll' 1u .UI Oll11"S\OIl thl nanll.' of :\lrs ! James Da\ll's \\.b Idt (jilt 1)1 the Itst 01 SahatuHl \rlln I)n\t \\()Jk( I~ tll1hhshul 111 la.,t \Hl k S "'''1Il' IIj Ill( S" .lrthllltlil 111 J Pastels for Any POft! Prints for a Winter Pick-up! • TOWN and COUNTRY CLOTHES 33 W, State Street I 1------------------------------------------1 CCke J30uquet BEAUTY SALON CALL 476 13 SOU TIl CHESTER ROAD • Pretty 1$­as Pretty .s carctl for • VACUUM CLEANER I If your old worn· out cleaner only picks up half the dirt and is as hard to push as a "ten· ton truck", why not trade it in on one of these new modl;ls. The improved type vacuum cleaners lighten and speed the household cleaning jobs because they glide over your rugs and carpets with little elfort, removing hair, lint, and dirt, ordinarily hard to get. And they do the job amazingly fast. TWO FAMOUS CLEANERS Both the Eureka (above) and the Premier (left) vacuums have a reputation for long wear and de­pendability. Both are equipped with ball bearing motors and special dust bags that are easier to empty. Both have motor-driven brushes that pro­vide powerful agitation. Take your choice of these fine, efficient cleaners for a perfect cleaning job! With special trade-in allowance they are surprisingly cheap. Philadelphia Electric Company Live Electrically a'ld Save f , 1 SW,l.I~THM(ll?E COLLCC;E L 1131~"1~ y , . . , _. ,. '. P A. flEWCOMERS REGISTER TO-DAY I "L~ ') t ~ THE 5WARTHM-OREAN RED CROSS BROADCAST TO·NIGHT VOL. XII, No. 4 SWARTIlMORE, PA., JANUARY 26,1940 $2.50 PER YEAR HAVE YOU CONTRIBUTED TO THE SWARTHMORE FIRE COMPANY? ---------~.~~~---~---~==========~~~==~~==~~~~ Well.Known Hartford Woman to Registrars Sit Here Today CLUB'S FIRST AMATEUR PHOTO SHOW Discuss Birth Control Here, Tuesday lite regIStrars \\11\ 511 at 13or· REVEALS AMAZING LOCAL TALENT t ough Hall tod.n, Fnday, Januar) t----------------- (Jr. Louis N. Robinson to Intro-I __ __ _ 2(', to record thl.: personal regis- Talk by Ed"in C. BuxbnulJl Fea-i \\ hl rc.l~ thl.: picture is really made Dy dnee l\lother of PronJinent lratlon or all} quahfil.:i.l voters rc- tured Opening of Exhibition till IIMII or "om,1I1 bdll1HI thc camera" Actress at Gathering f)11lrlllg the servlcl.: for eligibility Tuesday Night I Sdt:CllolI of subJcct l1Iatter~ VICWPOlOt, to \'otc III the pnmar) clccholl 1.l1Id propu Ilghtmg. ~o sccure pieasmg :\Irs 'Jholilas N Hepburn "III diSCUSS Itl.:xt Apnl23 Hours \'-111 be from Stt:ppmg lIIto thc \\'olllan's Club last oalLtTlte, or compOSItion, are far more Birth rontrol as .1 Soual Nt:cesslly" I 1 to -\ P)'1 and 5 to 9 P ~l Tuesdcl} C\ClllIIg one could \\C1l Imagllle 11Il1Polrt.tUlt 111 slUl:cessful Plcltor!aIIPhioto- Illorc ,111 01'('11 11ICl'1t1lg- to he held III the Officl.:s for "IHCh nOlOlllahollS grap 1\ t 1311 t It; merc mec lamca means Illgh Sdwol AwlitorlUlI1 at 8 15 I' ~I \\111 be dfccinl III the forthcom- tha,t hl" \\.1 .. I.:l1tcrlllg Olll' 01 the COUIl- lIstd to record It Thcn, to Illustrate I ttestl,l). 30 '[ he S".lrthmore lIIg prulI.IQ arc UllIted States tr} s icadlllg photographic salons For, 1.1IId elllpll.lSIZC Ius POlltts, ).[r Buxbaum \\ om.lIl·s Clllh \dud1 sponsors the t)ro- Sell.ltor, six-Har term, Statc .lrT.lIIgcd III a double hne compktcly I It'd Ins Illtcrestl.:U .mulence around the ,..1 1111 Is ~(.llIh(;(1 th<1I the cooperatIOn of I treasurcr, four-} car term, AUUl- around the four sldt:s of the audItOrium I entICe exlllbltlOlI, pomtmg out tht: quat- Iht M.ttl fIIal J It.dth Ct:ntu h.1s m,ule It I tnr Gencral, four-} ear tum; Rep- hung 138 photographs, representmg the ,Itles of vanous prmts Ulat made them po ... slhk (0 Stt ure "Irs IIt'phurn .Is a I ('selltatl\C III Congress, ht .. 1 \\ork of 33 local call1tra addicts I "tand out from the urdmar} album type .. pl.lkel 1 term, Senator in the Gencral As. Tht uec.tSlon \\as the first all-Swarth- of slhlpshot County "ule Imhlluh has hel.:n gl\cn semhh', four-\'t'ar term, Repre- mon tXhll)1tlon of alllcltcur photo- It ~tr Buxbaum slighted any prmts llit lIIettlllg, \\Imh \\111 allr.let .t large I .. ('lttallves 111 General Assembly graph\, "pollsorcd hv the \Voman's till.:) \\ere IllS own, for, \uth unassum- I nl\\d 1'.lrh .ttt(ndallce "III !:iClUre the (one from Chester and three from Cluh .tnd orgalllzcd b} .l specml Photo- ItIg modest}, he iMrcly mentioned them I" ., t 'C.I'""" the Couutyth\O-year term. dck- gr.lpillc FxlllbltlOl1 COIllIl1Jttee under Yl.:t eHIl the IIIcxpcnenced observer I hoguh sill.: l~ 1II1.:\ltahl} dcslgll.lted .IS gates <lIId lunate delegatcs to thc (ilrecllon of ~lrs .:\ E. Long\\ell. could Il.:toglllze III IllS plcturt:s a keen tlt1. 1II0titli of K.lth.lrll1e IleJihurn, f.1I110US i{('puhhcan Katlonal Convention, OPCIlIIIg" to the public Tuesday evcnlng, JllrCtptlon or picture values and the cx- o,;t.lge .III(I IImtum Jllcture, .'\I rs II tp four of each at large, and two of thc CXlllDlholl contlllucd \Vednesd,t) pert teduuque of a veteran photo-hurn h,IS 1U,1I)) uthcr d.t1l11s to f.lt1le, each frolll each congressional dlS- f. d gr.lpluc plctonahst. O I R 01 .1 crnoun.lII t venmg 1- II 'I B 0 • Ik I I I tnct, mem ers 0 cpu lean S II 1" .1 JlrUIIUlltnt c 'OO\\U1g i\ r ux aums ta re- 11 Iwumall am cumJ1luIII- u spontaneous w,ts the response 0 f I d I I I Statc Comuuttce, one state com- res 11111.:IIt5 \\ ~re serve 1\ t.l( tr, .l11d .1:. one ot the car ICSt and the coltlnlJUtor5, .tnU so enthuslasttc \.. '1 R I .• E I f 'I S nl1ttce\\Oman and one state com- If'cc orulllg to .1\ rs. 0 anu • aton ... t.tllll( lest supporters () .\ argalct .Ulger tIt: In.lIse 0 those \\ho witnessed the d. f I Cloth f' I I 13 I C I • llutteelnan. members of the prest en 0 tIe U e success 0 lilt t Ie Irt I ontro Cause. Opl.:lIlllg there was httle doubt as" • '. . \Irs lIq~hllrn holds U. \ and :\1 A Counh Cotlul1Ittee, one commlt- to tht' sllccess of the undcrtakmg. Cer- tlus years expenmt'llt amply Jusbfi~s lit grel.:s f Itllll linn ~Ia\\r College, and '.II.l RS. 1'IIOMAS N. IIEI-HURN tceman and onc comnutteewoman t.nnl}. III the OpllllOI1 of experienced ex- m.jl~k l1n1 g the exlllb1l tlOtlf an ianntua l ba fft air hiS bl.:l.:l1 d(tl\e III CI\IC and cOllullumty from each l'recll1ct IlIbltors, the sho\\ compand favorabl) '~ U\~lIlg IS a 1St 0 t Ie call n u ors \\ f hare \\ork for lIIall) ) 1'.lrs In this SIl\IKIN TO DISCUSS \\lth slIllllar exlubltiOlls held anywhere. tu tie SlOW: \\olk sht: h.t" 1I(;t:1I .tldcd b) hel hushand, COLLECTIVE BARGAINING F· dl C· I . The average standard or all picture!'; Dr R C AlIllllcrman, Dr_ Arthur E IJI I N Hcphurn of Haltford, rlen Y Ire e III sho\\11 "a!i rcmarkably IlIgh, conSidering ll.lssett, KatherIne Bassett, K Booth, <. ·oUlll.:dlt III Shc W<lS Jln'~ldt'llt uf thc 'I hl of \Volllen Voter~ study I January Session the f~lct that the exlubltron was bmlted Fred Calvcrt, Jr, Chnstmc Calvert, t;OIIllI'lIII ul \\'0111111 .... Suflr<lg •. Assucia- group on Employer-Employee RelatIOns stnctlJ.: to local amateurs and that there IJOhl1 D Detldsen, Elsa Daley, Carroll 11011 lor .. IX )I.:.lrs .1I1d hdpt'd launch the held Its first meetl11g at the home of I Women Plan Next Month's Char- "as 110 Judglllg or other restncting Fre), Ralph H.tyes, Stephen Hay, Dr. "'4 '( I II h)glt:1I1.: nun tllll.:llt 111 the UlI1t('(1 ~I rs Herbert Bassett, 500 North Ches- ity and Discuss Annual Card llltry (luahficatlons Every plcturc ex~ I \\' A J aquette, H. 11 Johnson, Charles St.lleS tt:r road, Tuesday mornlltg at 10 A. hi Party Scheduled for 11Ihltcd "<IS the \\ork of Swarthmore ailS, I', Kncedlcr, BellJamm L Kneedler, Jr., \Vhlll the N<lhon.11 Cunllllltlec 011 Fc- ~Irs H l'\elsscr-, Sw.lrthmore ChaJrR Jannary 31 from dlckmg the shutler- to mountlug A E Longwell, 1[argucnte R. Long- <In.l1 I.cglslatlOn lor llirth Control \\as man of Go\ernmcllt and Economic thc prmts \\ell, I{obert Little, Ernest R. Laws, I"rllled III 1929, nndl.:r 1111.: prc.: .. Hkncy of \VeHare, led the group )'lrs NClssu Tht: Janu;tf) llIectmg of the Friclldh 1'.\('11 thl' \\ork of se\cral advanced \\'lllIal11 \Vrlght Matthews, Harry E. ~I.tlgald SUlgU, )'lrs Ilel~hurn-long g.l\(' a most lIltcrestmg account of the Clrclc \\<IS held at the home of Mr:.. <unatcurs and veteran salon contributors OPI.cnlander, Ca,r1 \V. Pcterson, Lydta I11tl111111.: Il"Iuui ,mel effectl\c (;0 \\urkn- 1m tor} ot tht labor movements Itl tIus BCI11anuII Co1hns. 011 North Chester (lid not detract from the excellent show- RC\\I~, Harry Stcvens, Roland G. E .ICtl'pteti thl.: OililC of Leglslau\e Chalr-1country, dtvldmg the subject Into four I road Thursda) .lttcrnoon of last week Illig m.tde b} many less experienced, but Ulhual.l and Alan C. \\'ood. Ed Coo}ey III 111. \dlll h .. hI.: held until 1936 whell the I pI.: nods-The Prc-UOIoll penod, extend- \\ Ith ~r rs Hdroid G Gnffin as co- 1101It'lhd~ss 5111c~re photographic .bc- and BIIt Spel1nr reprcsented the High CUltt I St,aes Circuit Court of \nuI.:II .. lilt! In the """ficllp of thl' ItlT1C'hc"tl. 1lOstco.;~ F1\4~ Pel\ .. \tl .. 1lfr~ WI' ( ,,(>1_ "'ll1"r., 1! .. .,1 ..... l1t .. ~.,nrhl1~ :'-ll1t -"::,11"1'1 ('~"l' ('I,," ,,'·,1 .. '''".: (,~".)i It.tmlt:d do\\lI It" fa\OIahlc llcclslun and centuf),. 'rhe Rlse of the KllIghts of comed ~lrs J Barnard \Vallon, .Mar-I merely sl'ned to spur on the younger man. L;r.lI1t lIellman, Da'tld Ullman, M. thl IJlogr.lI11 ot their i\',ltIOIJ.t1 Committee L.lhor, Leaderslup of the A. F Land th.l Ha\lland, ~Irs Frank Lcmon, ~lr"- dlOpcfuls J Cald\\eU represcnted the College \\,b dI-.IUlIllIllK'tI. the rlSC of the C. I. 0, J \\'hecler Allison and Mrs Adolph F·eaturmg the Tuesday I1Ight opening Cannra Club. III thiS I <IIM( It} she has lectured III .tl1 The next t\\0 meetmgs, January 30 "'ttest The prcstdent, 11rs Arthur of tht exillbition \\as an informal talk -----_.--- (Mils 01 the CUlIIIl1 \, has <lJlpeared at ~nd February 6, Will be led by Mr. Wd- IIlIg-hes, rt:ad Ictters of thanks from the b) I-..d\\111 C Buxbaum, F R P S )'Ir Cast Sees Itself lOIlMrl.:SSI m.11 l1earlllgs .llld hdpcd the It.lIll SlIukm, of \Valll1lgronl \\ho reCllJlCnts of Chnstmas uaskets and Buxb,llll11, \dlOSe photograph.;:; have been 1II0HlII(llt through the force uf her lI('r- \\111 <hscuss the cssential charactensh from thl.: COIllIllUltlt} Ht:alth SocII::ty t'Xlllblteu throughout the world, spoke ... on.tlll) .tlul kll1l jUUgCIIlCllt. ot gUlllllle Collt:ctlVe Bargall1ing WIlldl for .lId glHII those III nCl.:d last month. at some .Iength on the qualities ucces- )'Irs \ P. \VllItakcr, of Elm avenue, entertalllcd membcrs of the cast of 'I II I k \\111 I>rlllg out the 110llltS of mdlvldual III alls\\er to al>l)eals from thc nur:s- :-.ary 111 plctonal photography. "Too Ballads, Boots and Bautlzo", the last .\ rs 1.:1' 'til n too adlvc lh1.rt 111 the IIgllt to hhu.thze the "Comstock" law. h.lrgalllJIIg \S collectn:e bargal11mg; IIIg Stf\ICC, It "as \'ottd to send a ton Illany pcopk/' he said. "place too mucn JUlllor Production of thc Swarthmore \dml! so gH.ttl) ob .. tructcd Imth control \.trlOUS types 01 collective bargammg; of co.d to a lIel.:d\ fal11lh, to gWe $7 d('pl'ndence upon their camera, behev-I P1a}ers Club, wluch ~hc wlote and \\Olk I Ills I.m has ht'l!1I redl.:hned .md hO\\ collectn:e h,trgalllltlg IS effectuated for food for- a (haht'tlc m<tIl, to buy IIlg that the better camera they have.lchrectetl 11r Charles D 1htchell showed I1ltl.:fI.rct(;d h\ the dtCIStUll 0 1 the Umted 1111 a gl\en mdustr)-usmg the full gauze for usc 111 the care of a cancer the bettcr pictures they can make, !(uloretl movies of the production. St,ltl'" Cllt::Illt Comt lit \pp1ab. "Its 1ashtoned hOSiery muustry as an eX \.ase milk for a fanuly; and glasses for dl'''lgn ..... lId the Judgl.:s, \\.1" not to IIrt: \ t lit till.: 111I\lIlrta11011, ~alc In c.lrll.lgc In m.tli 01 thl1lg~ \\ hlCh !tug lit he elll­I, h,\(;d h) tOllSclcnUOIIS and (ompctent pll\~ICIItl:-. tt,r thl llUlpt)~1.: ot s.l\IUg hie or prulllotlll"':- tltt \\tll hcmg of tllclr II tt1ulb " .1I11plc:, and crt:atl\ e h Irgaltul1g and the t 1IIli1 \\ Ith deftchve \ ISl011 dClllocr.ltlc pnnclple In .\lIs\\er to al'Pl.:als III a lettcr from L. Vi'. Y. and Media Club Sponsor Panel the I.tllIll) SOClcty, It was votcd to COIl­" THE WORLD AND WISDO~l ARE HIS" In «ddltloll to hu d H1ghtt'r I,.ltllenne, ~1 rs lJq)lltllll h.lo.; tour othl.:r dnldll.:tl t\\O hoy!> \\lto 110(\1.: gr.ulllated Irom 1t.1I \.lrd a1ld 1\\0 girl", gl.Hlu,ttes 01 iJClIllllIg-tOil • • UEELECTED TO LIBUARY BOARD Lihrarian"s RCltort ShO\\8 JUllllJ in Cir('ululion and l\lclllhershifl During Year Youth ~ ::\((ds and )our Conllnumt)" "Ill ht Ihc tOPIC of thl !] <hSCUSSlOlI ,lt .1 ]omt mcetmg ot the Ll.:ague of \V011ltll \ lItcrs and the 11edta \\oman's Club .It till club house III )..ltdla 011 \\ ednesda\ aHernoon, Janu.lrl 31, at '1 0 clock Tltl.: men 011 lht' p.tncl, reprcscntlllg ~C\ I.:r d Cnmmuhlt) .Igl.:nctes, \\111 COII­" uler, undt:r the eh lIrmanSlllp of ~lr ~I Ich lei of 01 thl.: ~lt'dlol High Schooi thl.:lf ,let 1\ ItilS 011 hl.:h llf of bo).s, agc ~Ixtl.:en to t\\ ent} -one. \11 educa tll)lIal 1II'portullltlt:s, III school and out \\ III he co\ cred \ ctmh.t1 ItIVltatlOlI I~ lssul.:d to all IIIt(re .. tld III thb <;ubjtct to .lttt:nd .wel jom III t ht: (hscusslon • I • Herr Installed as Co. Chiefs' I·rc~idcnt 1IIItlll\l I ellll 1lC; .UIIIOUIICl.:d .It tht till .tIIlUMI lIllltlng 4)1 the 1.1111.11) Ilo.lnl hth! 100 ... t ~IOlld.l\ lII~ht (h ... t:lo"l.:cl the t.llt th.lI ~II ... St\\ell \\ Hodge and CUt'uth(,1 III lll~ 1II,tt1~nr<ltlon .ldtlre ... ~ at thc II l'nlllwi \\111.: redlltt:c1 tl) thc b('lnlof 1IlllIIII hllHIUct (II tht I)daware Count) 'I III ~\\.Irtllillurt: Iluhllc 1.l1l1af} 1)4111ll C1utls' \ssll(t.lttun 'Ihursday ~II I nlll)tl \\ b reclt'cted chalrnt.ln ot l\llltllg. J.tllll.ll\ 18 III \Iadoll Borough tht: boml It the ftorglll1zatlOll Illl.:l.:lillg Il.tll, Capt<ulI \hlll J lIen. of the \\Imh f()II!I\\c!1 J Jald~'11 Guenther, \I(e S\\.lllhllltnC l·flht:1.: Ikpartlllcllt, fostered t:1t.IIII11.tII \hll.: Barher, secletar), and Iht: I.:HdlOIl ot .t nlltl.llI} loc.ltt'd hUlldmg fohn 1 SPIIICI.:f, trca~lInl. til hOilse the A~SollltlOn and estabhsh a <. (11l1ll1lllt l .llipollltltlt'llt .. flll tltl (III n nt t Il1lll 1.lltol atol) \~ II I ... lltll.l1lllltd litll In ~II ll.ll:hc1 llil hl(.1 IJ.4JIIlt: Ileltl 1I;'l"lug returncd \\t:lt .h toIlO\\~ I liual \ )'Iall.'~lmellt II.lll1 thl L llll.:l •• l Ihlrl.lII 01 11I\c~l1gatlOll \11~l' B.lrhtr, lll~trlllan ot \dult lloub Slli4101 111 \\'aslnnghlll U C. for the :\11" SI.:\\t'11 \\ llodge, Clllldrcll':. 1.:\lllIlIg .• II ... \) a<hoc.11I.:d IlIghcr salaries for Book~, ~h s Petl.:l I Toltl, Propnt), pohct:1Iltll the maJont) of "hom hc \\ Ilhalll I~ \r~' Ie, I'mallce, Juhn F beheHs 10 Itl undel paId at present, and SI'llllt'r, l)uhltClt\, )'Irs J Passmore stres:'l.:d contlllt1otlS education as a ne l he) lit} t tssar) 1II1.:allS to progress Reports gl\l'II tor the pa .. l \ear hy \mong the "'1K'akers ot the evemng Ullll1l11ttn heads e\l(lellled a ~tl.:ady \\cll.: Dlstnct \ttome\ \Vllliam B. "Mc­sru\\ th III tht: COlllltHllllt} St(\ltl.: ex- Clt:llachan Jr, )'Ia)or Clifford H Peoples tllHIt.'(1 In thl.: hbrary, ot Chest<:r, and John Sears, hcad of the ~I! ..... Hl.I1101 \Vnght rt:J)ol ted a total! Plllladdplu3 office 01 the F. B I ~ Irc11lalloll of 16,786 "olulllcs elunng 1939, I I hu:;e from Swarthmore \\ ho al~elK1cd, thl.: .UlthtlOlI 01 H-t2 books dnnng the same III addition to ~II S Herr, were ).[agistrate pcnod. a ~ro\\ tit III 1II1.:mbl rship of 340 ~Iorrls I· ~mlth .tod Patrolman Henry new readers .\. Pelrsol, Jr. and }'Irs. Petrsol. tnhuh coal and 1I111k to a family, $10 tor tmtlOll for a girl earlllllg hcr W.IY .It Chc\ lie, Teachl.:rs College, fittv ct:llb .l \\t:tk tor medical treatl11l.:lIt:-. tor .1 ). oung girl \n appcal "as Ill.tde for h\ 0 beds ror a family 01 mne hv­ntg III a four rool11 housc \ total amount ot $502:-{ IS to be spent tillS month III rt:spondlllg to tht:se c.llI. Thl.: card and gamc p.lrt) \\ Inch l~ 1.lallnt:d for tIn attcrnoon of January 31 for tht bent:fit of the Clrck "as dlS­ctbscd 'I htn \\111 ht: sc\eral door I, pnzes ha~h membu of thc Circle IS I .lskl.:d to contnbute a handkercilid as I .t table prize I .. , • I RClmblicun Dance ~Ians I lill plans for the annual '\ oung I{t' I puhlic.lll (Iuh Dance arc well under I \\.1\ Tilt daft has bl.:l.:lI S( t for March l I). 1!J·W, .111(1 the dance \\111 agam ht: I hI.: 141 111 the lugh school gym. Allx Bartha and IllS Steel Pier Orchestra I \\ 111 prO\ Ide the musIc The decoraholt3 .lrc hllllg handlcd by a profesSlonall decorator from Pluladelvlua TillS year tht .... lIc of ttckets Will be hmlted to thrH hundred to Illsure comfortable dallC"JIIg spacc '~~--~ ..... ------- Ro .. sevelt Club Dines Tonight I ht: \\ omcn's Club o. S\\ arthmorc has arranged .m IIltcrcstlll!-l, I,rogram for the Democratic dmncr and r,tll). to bc belt.! tomght January 26, at Str.ttll Ha\cn Inn, at 6 30 P. )"L Photo by David Ullman Sa,.s the spirit of Chee 1\0100 (Elhmheth SVo.m) in heaven, as \VIl 1100 Git (8ill Tnrner) puts Plum Blossom (Ucth Albn) on his thronc. In the door\\u)'s arc Sam E"alhl and Alex Dryden as the wicked generals. ~Ir. Dolman, the "Chorus," sils by the orcheslra circle. Kneeling, from lefl, .Ire Julilla POVocrs, (;rctl'hen Van Dc Doe, E"cI,.n DUltt'lI, Merritt Curtis, Charles Deacon, Jim "o\'ocll, Isabel Porter, Barbara Silencer, Stafford Parker. At rigbl, Margaret I_ .. timer, W. J. Gibson, Mary Kistler, F. A. Child, IIclcll WhiUlescy, Nancy Sa\clli, Frances 1\laeNeil, J. I. Shaw, Edv.urd IIay, and Jack Dolman. This \'ous the final tableau in the January l'la,.crs Club lll"oduction, "The Yellow Inckcl.H THE WEEK'S CALENDAR FRIDA"\: JANUARY 26 1 to -I and ij to {I P ~1 - He.,..lstr Irs SIt (j 10 l' ~I - Roosc"\""clt DlIIner SATURDA\ JANUARY 27 1000 1'.)1 - ScrJ('s Dalll""C SUNDAY. JANUARY 28 Dorough Hall Stralh lI:nen Inn Woman'8 Club Pronuncnt speakers and Democrats I trom all over the county will be 10 atten­dance. DJcusslon will follow the speeches. II Anna ~Iane Bosshardt will stng a 1 J 00 A ~I - Mornlllg WorshIp •••••••• Local Churches grouI) of S\\lSS songs 111 costumc 1 :\IONDAY JANUARY 29 • I • .! 00 P ~I - N('('dlc\\ork Gmld Hour Needlework Guild Hour I\londay I TUESDAY, JANU,RY a. S 16 P II - wl:ture b) ~Irs Hepburn .. , ..•• 613 Ogden A vellue .fi1gb SchOol AuditOrium Woman's Club 1\11 IIItcrested III the Ncedle\\ork \,·tEDNESDAY. JANUARY 31 GUIld arc IIlvlted to sew at the home of 1 10 P ~I -FrIenly Circle Card l~rty TIIURSDA Y FEDRUAR\ 1 Mrs Charles Thatcher, 613 Ogden ave-I 7 A ~I to 10 P It._GIrl Sl'out Rnmmage Sale ... Metbodillt Church IIlIc, on ~lol1day, January 29, at 21 100 P ~I -Womens Rl'pubhean Club Luncheon .. Strath Ha.l'eD Inn o clock, l-------------------------------------------------____ ~ _ .J

---------- Page 16 ----------

. , • .. - " - --.-~. ,- _ ... _ ..... . Parties Precede Local'Dances' ' .. . . Cruises Add Foreign Flavor January's chilling winds make attractive ~y ~e cozy, in­door settings for parties which are fas~ reachmg the I?ld.wmter pellk, Arriving and departiJig guests are Widely fete.d. Bll· cel~bra. tions enlive.n the days for the youngest who were bitterly dlssp, point~d when the m?ch-heraldcd. snow storm. blew out ~o sc:a. But _ blow ye winds helgh·ho - their parents wIll take sprlllg Instead of snow. + ft.illrKaij.ecit;-~ with Plays and Playerl of Phitade\Phia Evelyn William.' "Night ~ust .F~:' Hi. role, that 01 Danny, the Jngratiating but murderous bell boy, brought much praise Irom the critics. Another familiar name in the cast was that of Eleanor D. Wilson, QI Chester, as.the secretary. I t I ·Eia"~:. M-i; an!! Mrs. George W; Ma.c1l\l)'re, Moyl8n-Rose Valley, announce tho of their daughter, Doris Anne, to Mr. Philip E. Coleman, Ill, of Swarthmore, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Coates Coleman, of Swarthmore. Dr. and Mrs. William Earle Kistler Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wedler have Miss Macintyre was graduated from will entertain at dinner Saturday evening, moved fro.m. The Swarthmore to the Swarthmore High School and later at~ Jannary Zl, belore the Cal. de~ Provin~es lormer Wdh~ c?ttage on Spr?ul road: tended the Philadelphia College 01 French program at \Vildchff JUl110r Mr:>. \Vedlcr ~ slster, Mrs. Jul~us Dun. Pharmacy and Science. College, Swarthmore. I can, of Charlotte, N. C,!. arrived las~ Mr. Coleman is a graduate of Swarth .. I week for a two-week VISit. mQre High School. Swarthmore ColIcge ~fr. and Mrs. William P. Spofford'j Mrs. haac P. Davis was hostess at and the Graduate School of Business of North Swarthmore avenuc, will c.n- It dessert-bridge party in hOllor of Mrs. Administration of Harvard University. tcrtain about fifty friends at cocktail:; Duncan, \Vedllesd;:lY aftcrnoon at her The wedding is' planned for June. before the Series Dance tomorrow Garrett avenue home. The engagement of :Miss Mcintyre to , I evening. Mrs. Arthur R. O. Redgrave, 01 Vassar tPilaillp E. Coleman, III, of Swarthmore Crum Creek Toppers Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Shanklin, of avenue, entertained at luncheon and ilJ announced by her parents, Mr. and Amherst avenue, will entertain with a bridge on Tuesday and will be hostess Mrs. George W. Macintyre of At the meeting of the Crum' Creek k 'l t bel cae tal par yore tl Ie Series I).n.ce I agal'I'. . on Tuesday alternoon 01 next week. r::::~V~a~lL;~y~.=========== IiB urgi dagte tChelu bS twrahtihc hH maveet nT Iunens,d a:My re. vaennd- Saturday evening. .. N h d Mrs. Roy Comley, of Elm avenue, wHl Mrs. Walter Dickinson, Mrs. RoI a nd G. Mrs. Richard Carvcll, sitting ort an . Dr. and Mrs. Johannes H. Bruun, 01 be hostess at luncheon and bridge next South ·had top scores.-Mrs. Walter R. Rivervi"w road, will enterta.i n at dm' ner .•I onday when her guests, fellow.lIlem be rs E.· Ullman, Mrs. Ralph Dinsmore, Mrs. Sho em.I ce r an d M·r s. "~h i!I'p W' . "v-_'"·. _ belore the Series Dance this week. " a bridge club, will be Mrs. Carlos F. A, B. Reavis, Mrs. Robert Sheppard, kern were second and third scorers Nay .. , Mrs. William R. Argyle, Mrs. Mrs. Walter Thorpe, Mrs. George . Mr. and Mrs. Marvel Wilson, 01 Strath Herbert T. Bassett, Mrs. James Bacon ley, Mrs. F. Norton· Landon,. ,md Mrs. -. -Ha...,·cn avenue, will entertain at dinner Douglas, Mrs. \VilJiam B. Bullock, of William Thatcher. preceding the Series Dance tomorrow Swarthmore; and Mrs. J. William evening. Simmons and Mrs. Herschel G. Smith, Evelyn Dyke van DeBoe spent several days this week with her parents, Major Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth, JI Wallingford. and Mrs. D. G. van DeBoe, of College of Elm avenue, are entertaining with a . .' avenue, while transferring in her studies buffet supper Saturday e' ..... iug for :Mrs. Mrs. Lewis Emery, Jr. of Kalrdmoore Denworth's brothers and "t"h eir families, Bradford, Pa. arn.v e d on T ues da y to be lrom Mansfield State Teachers' College to Mr. and 1irs. Walter n. l.ang and daugh- the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. S amue I West Chester State Teachers' College. ters, NallcyandDoris, of Harrisburg, Mr. I). Clyde of Swarthmore and Ogden Mr. Arnold Viehocver, formerly of and Mrs. Edward F. !..aug, of Wilming- i\\'enues until Thursday. SwarUImore, has gone to Tul!::a, Okla. to lon, Del. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lang, be associated with the section of the of Swarthmore. AI rs. Clyde elliertained with a luncheon Bethlehem Steel Company in that district. aud bridge foursome on Tuesday and a • I • Players Club Favorite and F"18ncee Feted VALENTINBS - LARGE ASSORTMBNT * * * Woman'. Home Companion Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Dore, of small luncheon on Wednesday in honor of Rutgers avenue, were at home to some of Mrs. Emery. Guests on Tuesday were: their friends Sunday evening in honor of Mrs. H. Bardwell Lincoln and Mrs. Mr. Dure's aunt, Mrs. C. Frank Kireker, Walter M. Frances of Swarthmore and of Arcola, N. J., who ended a week's visit Mrs. Florence W. Wilson of Chester. here on Monday. On \rVcdnesday Mrs. Jonathan C. Brow- Mr. and Mrs. David. S. Clark, 01 Ac:,;;/.,-:: "Twin Beech," Haverford, will entertain 14 mouths of aU 3-·101' only informally on Saturday in honor 01 Miss Save '3.90 Over Si.,.l. Cop)' Priee Anna K. Clark, daughter 01 Mr. and Mrs. MRS. LWYD E. KAUFFMAN East and West top scorers were Mrs. Russell Kent and Mrs. A. L .. ~~:::;~~ second Walter Dickinson and 1 Stabler, and third bigh, Mrs. coin au.d Mrs. Athert Hill DEAD LINE 5 Days HaDca Your car must have a new Inspection sticke,r before February 1st. Don't Dalay of cars will not be iD8peetea by"'Feti, ht aJia will not be able to run, Don't let your car he one of the many. • DRIVE IN TO· DAY • RUSSELL'S SERVICE der, of HaverIord, Mrs. June Hanan of Mrs. Walter H. Dickinson, of Mt. N. Y. and Mrs. Clyde's two daughters, Holyoke place, entertained at dessert and Mrs. Francis of Swarthmore and Mrs. bridge on 1Iorxlay afternoon. Thomas Leigh Williams, of Meudenhall were present. Mrs. Martha R. Blessing, 01 Elm Samuel I.. Clark, 01 Merion, and Mr. Sw. 2680 Samuel Felton Bickley, son 01 the late _~S~U6~"'~rl~P~I~io:n:'~/~o:r~A~l.~l.~M~",~""'~·~n~e.~~=::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ Bishop and Mrs. George H. Bickley, .... avenue, entertained for a few friends of \Vednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. her daughter, Mrs. Alden Van Kirk, of Clyde and their house guest attended a California, with an informal tea Tuesday dinner-bridge given in Phila4c1phia by altemoon. ),frs. Lewis Fussell and Mrs. Judge and Mrs. Albert Sutton MacDade, A. F. Jackson presided at the tea table. of Chester. Also assisting were Mrs. WiHiam That- Y cstenlay Mrs. Williams entertained at cher and Miss Helen Jackson. Mrs. Van luncheon at her home in Meudenhall Kirk left yesterday to return to her home for Mrs. Emery. in California. Mrs. William Clark, of Wallinglord, entertained with a luncheon for Mrs. Alden Van Kirk, 01 Calilornia, Wednes­day afternoon. MANOR FREB PAlUUNG Fri.-Sat. GARBO "Ninotebka" Melyyn Dougla .. MEDIA Friday and Saturday GARBO in NINOTCHKA . ~ with MELVYN DOUGLAS INA CLAIRE Dlreeted II,. Ems. Luhllleh • Ph .. First Ron World News! Master Pat Francis celebrated his ninth birthday last Saturday by enter­taining ten boys at luncheon followed by a movie party. Mrs. J. Paul Brown, of \Valnut 'Lane, is entertaining with a luncheon bridge on January 30. Her guests will be Mrs. Benjamin Collins, Mrs. L. P. Wray. Mrs. Clifford Banta, , John Ludwig, Jr., Mrs. C. C. West, Mrs. Harold Griffin, • I Most DlltlDctlve I "RULERS OF THE SEA" wtth DOUGLAS FAIBBANKS, Jr. MARGARET LOCKWOOD WILL FYFFll Directed by Frank Lloyd Director ot "Mutiny on the Bounty" starts FridaY CHABLES LA.UGHTON In Victor Hugo'S "HUNCHBACK OF NO'l'RE DAME" starts Saturday "INVISIBl.E STRIPES" with GEORGE RAFT _-I JANE BRYAN WM.BOLDEN whose marriage will take place on Satur­day, February 3. Mr. Bickley, better known to. Swarthmoreans as IjTony", is familiar to Players Club and Hedge­row audiences. He·· returned recently Stat. St .... t Madia Dinners SOC, 65c, 7Sc Twent,y :years of Sennce One of Delaware Cotmt:Y's • Most Modem Eating Establishments THERE'S ONE ASSET this company· has that isn't listed on our books. It's import­ant. Some people call it loyalty. Some call it a tradition­or the spirit of ser~ vice. Whatever it is, one thing is sure. Noone can work for this company long without catch­ing it. Itbal helped to give this coun!:ry the finest telephone ·service in the world-a service it pays you:to use. (tNumber, please?" ~ # I- The Bell Tele­phone Company of Penn­oylvanin. • CCke . 130uquet BEAUTY SALON CALL 476 13 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD • Beauty iI Your.s­To Have, To Hold • When yon want a dinner with a dash of style, try roast duck with brown riee stuffing and serve it with a tasty orange sauce. LONG ISLAND DUCKLINGS The meat that makes a turkey jealousl - We never saw bet· ler ducks than those WE' have here at Martel's. - And thai goes for the eating 100. We think those celery led, lender, fresh - killed ducklings are a close rlval 01 turkey and when you remember It Is· prlced considerably less than turkey It will lasle twice as good. RIB ROAST OF BEEF • - lb • 19c It's a dcmdy roasllor company dinner. LEGS OF LAMB - - - Ib, 17c Everyone loves the mild flavor of young, tender Iamb. STEWING CHICKENS - - lb. 15c Fresh dressed - Buy one for your favorlle chicken dinner. L'S COMPLITE FOODMAAKET ..... n. & _ - __ -Bwu 7 _ Po. Pb_ - Swuduaore 2100 .... : .. "," ... _ .. , N 3 meetiog is a new ~int of d<pa:rtu~·~re~fo~rr~~Fi;l1'1I;~·t tG~'·~ri~··~d~-~~GG·:~:·~t;~p~;~;:~ the Eveniog Section, but will continue to ". PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, THE SWARTHMOREAN, INC., PUIiLISHER . ; ·I!BON,t;. SWARTHUQij,E90Q .. ' FRIDAY, J~NU:AkX·.~P940 '. .'!.. . •... . Pre8byterian eIturell Notes . Dr. Holmes to Conclude Series Sunday morning at· 11 o'"iock the Dr. J ess'- H. Holmes will discuss .!'T~e B of THE WQMAN'S CLUB Rev. Jahn MaxweU· 'Adams,Director Messianic Writings," at· the last of his for University Work of the Presbyter- IS.""," on, little known books of the informaI,Proll"'lm Laat Tuesday ian Board of Christian Education will Hilde this Sunday morning at 9 :45 when An illform~t"hour of music preceded be the guest preache~. the Adult Forum convenes as usual in the official opening of the amateur The Men's Ctas. will meet at 9 :45 'on Friends Meeting HOllse. Photographic Exhibit at the Woman's Sunday morning. Mr. Ralph A. Nixdorf • , 1 Club Tuesday alternoon. 'wffibe the ·speaker. Trinity Pl\1'isJl·N_s" -"': . Mrs; Anthony Ventner;· chairman 01 The Bible Class announces • ' ..... ,:-.' " the music section, introduced Mrs. John with pteasure the election 01 Mr. How- Wallace Pemiypacker, of P\liladel- Stainton who sang three of· the old ard IG,k as permanent teacher. The Il', .. a, has been' appointe1l director of the Stephen Foster lavorites, lollowed by Class meets each Sunday morning at Young Peoples' FeJ1owship., Mr. PeQ~Y-. Mrs. A. M. Bosshardt, singing three 10 o'clock in the Church and welcomes was president of :the. ~l.ass of folk song!! of her··native land, Switz- new members at any time. . at the University. of ?ennsi-lvania inclqding one of .the famous The Young People's Fellowship for and is now a'stuilent at the Philadelphia s9ngs. High School.YoungPeople will meet Divinity SchooL There will be a special . Mrs. Ventner then introduced little on Sunday evening in the Parish House supper m~eting of the YPF on Sunday Miss :aet.ty Emery, the seven-year-old from 6 to 7:30. Mr. Benjamin evelllng.· '. .... . '. '. . . daughter 01 Mr.s.,.W. y. Emery be the policy of both the art and the The first grades of the Rutgers and literature sections whenever possible. The I C.oll.'ge avenue schools will have a mo-growth of the Evening Section has been meeting on Tuesday, January 30. continuous, and many interesting events the Rutgers avenue school auditori-have been planned for the filty-two inem- Mrs. Gertrude Sp,ed Stok.l, oi bers Irom now until the end ·01 the year. Oak .Lane Country Day Scbool and On Sunday afternoon, January 28, the University, will s)leak on· the anonal· trip' to the Academy of fine Arts 01 children, particularly on to visit the oil and water color exhibition subject of manuscript writing. will iake place. All attending are asked All who are interested are cordially to meet in the lobby at 3 o'clock or to call to attend. Mrs. Henry D. Mock telephone Swarth-more 221·W if transporation is desired . I I Three Adult Cla88e8 Continue Any late comers who still would like to join the three Adult Night classes which are being contin!led as a result of petitions from enthusiastic pupils, may do so by enrolling Monday evening. The class in sketching and drawing, under. Cyril Gardner, and Alice Kraft's class in rhythmic dancing meet at 8 p. m. at Swarthmore High School, while the course in music appreciat\on convenes at 8: 15 P. M. at the home 01 the instructor, Mrs. George T. Ashton, on !?tratford road, Walling lord Hill •. • I • Swarthmore Club Winners •• Series Danee Tomorrow Mrs. Fred R. Wilson, of Walnut lane, is chairman of the committee in charge of this month's Series Dance, to be held at the Woman's Club House tomorrow evening, Saturday, January ZI, at 10 o'clock .. Speeial- 40c lb. Fresh Strawberry Wafers Delldous - First of the 8eaJOn SHUHOLZ CHOCOLATE SHOP lot PARK. AVENUE 'Phone Swarthmore Z464 Own Make Candles - Fresh Dally \--....-..-...----.--..-...-..·--...-....-.·i 1 . 1 IeI', org'an~t of ·the Cbllt'l!lr.' giv.·· e . All members of the Parish· who have 01 Chester. Betty.playell eight classical .. an J'''". str.'I!ed ... t ..,.. I. on.. "~ .. not ~i:ni' in leir reservations 'at the P~r-· IrQUI the. old masters UYH".I Mr. and Mrs. Guido R. Henry were Th1e1.·. Bo'ys' ChfI-o~l\i-r willW Ire~he . arse Sun- ish Dinner are ask ~ e d. to IrepM y tQ. r s. our modern composers and the ~op scorers Wednesday evening of last 1 Nancie and Phyllis Hagy - 1 I DRESSES I ·day·· a·fl·ernoon at 2:30· o'ClocJt-··and the Richard Tu. n.i s. was enthusiastic in 'response .to week, when· the Swarthmore Bridge G,'r'-' Ch~ir"at 3 o'clock in .the· Chur~ - The' .C . h.u rch School ChO'I r an d_ repre- her precocious memory and sense of Club held its regular weekly session .. u . .. . h . in Borough Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Maur- The X·nternatw·n al Friendship Com. .. sentatives of aU classes in t e mam and will watch her progress in ! GIFTS 1 ml'ttee will meet for~· Refifgee Sewing s.c hool will meet at the Church-on Sun- with much interest. ice Griest and Mr. and Mrs. Palmer 1 221 Garrett Road I Wednesday morning at 10 o'dock.,in at·2:ls·P_ M. and go to S t;. P auI ,s , Mrs. George M. Hoadley, who is Skoglund we. re I second and third win-the Parish House. We urge aU the wo- Chles.ller,. fo.r the annual Pre-L'e nten heading the local drive for the Salva- ners, r.espe_chv_e ~ y. ., •. '. ,_ __ ! N~~~~o;~ve. I men of the Church who C3D possibly Service. tion Army, then invited the members come to attend. The refugee needs are The Servers' Guild held a meeting at to the lounge where a moving picture, very great and it is our 'responsibility the Rectory on Thursday evening. Don- UWhat is the Salvation Army 1" was to make a generous contribution of time aid Curtis has been appointed Director. shown. It gave a reSume of the activities and work to this good cause. The Choir had ... moving picture party of the group with pictures of their The Communicant's Class for young after rehearsal on Thursday evening. largest headquarters, which is located in Kinder«arleR Trip The morning session of the Swarthl1lOre kindergarten, escorted by Margaret Price, visited the Fire House Tuesday morning aJ1!Il~ter purchased lood for their feath­ered friends. 2..--..-..-...-.. ........ ..-..-..-.-. ____ .-..-" Pucks people age twelve and over "Who are I I ~RI)~tlor,o, also of their large camp for not members 01 our Church will meet Methodist Chqr<:h Notes children .at Uplan~, near Chester.. Irr================"'"i! eacn Sunday until Easter in the Church Mrs: Albert Sidney. Joh"sqn and Mrs. , IT'S N01' TOO EARLY Shoe Skates Hockey Sticks Study' at 10 :15. The ctass is designed to, The Church School will meet at 9 :45 ITlnornas N. Simpers served at the tea prepare young people for Chui'ch,mem- Sunday morning and, vim h~ve f.or I· ts tabI c. 10 haw. your Spring hals made . bership. A cordial invitation is extended less-on study·theme-uHonoring Christ," "It·. a Woman·, Privilep" or r4modeled to alL The monthly Junior Church service will The Drama Section under the chair- £III~. r....4 1 The Rev. John Maxwell Adams will held at 11 o'clock. Parental and atten- manship of Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman I.I.LIj V( nn l be the guest preacher at. the Swarth- dance ribbons will be presentedl The will give an one act play on Thursday, ~lll1nerJl more Presbyterian Church, Sunday Biblical drama "The Parable af the February I at 10 A. M.- 7 Skates Sharpened morning, January 28, at 11 o"clock. Debtors," will be given by Jane Carter, "It's A '\Voman's Privilege," written 409 Dartmouth A't-'elule Mr. Adams' work involves the super- Don- Dickinson. George Pierce, Robert by Mabel Cinklin Altyn and directed Phone StD. 346 11 So. Cheltel' Rd. Sw. lOS vision of the services of 69 university Raymond. Patty. Patman and Hel~m Hoot Mrs. William F. Boyle. Mrs. George II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: N. WALTER SUPLEE pastors maintained at 52 state schools, The Pastor will' give an object sermon. Allen has the leading part and the study of individual problems ,of 10- The monthly service of sacred music IOlthers in the' cast are Gretchen Van cal universities, and cooperation with held at 7:45 .P. ·M. undt'r, the Boe, Mr5. Irvip R. MacElwee,. Mrs. educational administrators. He is '-tne direction of Fred Roye. John E. Mitchael, Mrs. C. MacDonald contact officer between the Presbyter- Monday at 8 P. M. the fourth Quar· Swan and Mrs. Wallace Heaton. ian Board of Christian Education and terty Conference will . be held in the So popular have these onc act plays voluntary religious organizations on the Chapel with Dr. Charles Kitto, district become tltat this will be repeated for campuses of 53 Presbyterian colleges. superintendent, presiding. the Ridley Park Woman's Club at their It is also his responsibility to enlist the Thursday evening the Junior and club house on Monday, February 12. interest of pastors, faculty and other Senior choirs will hold the rehearsals. At Federation Meeting laymen ill the opportunities for church , • , The following members attended the work among students. Christian Science Church Delaware County Federation meeting in Mr. Adams, who was born in Greens- the Yeadon High School on Thursday: .," ,; .. ,. ", DEFINITELY NOT High Priced burg, Indiana, attended Wabash College 'r I'" I b' f th L 1.1rs. Samuel T. Carpenter, Mrs. Joseph '.---.and .. u...Cormick Theological Seminary, ,<;,,,~'n·,rcu,ntl IS t 1e .su lect o. _.~ esso,!- ""' " in all Churches of Christ, SeJ- H. Perkins, Mrs. Luther M. Dimmitt, no,\' the Presbyterian Theological Sem- on Sunday, January 28. The Mrs. Harold Ogram, Mrs. S. M. Viele, Some may think because of the reputation the Oliver H. Bair Company has and the vastness of its service. high prices prevail There was never a more false opinion. Oliver H. Bair Company prices are pro­portionately low because of the great scope of its activities and the efficiency of its equipment and personnel. In other words THE.OLIVERH. BAIR STANDARD OF SEItYICE AT NO GREATER COST. . , inary of Chicago. He did p6stCgraduate Golden Text is: "0 Lord, thou art my Mrs. J. Paul Brpwn, Mrs. Harold Griffin, work at the Univcrsity of Edinburgh. '. M R bert Before Mr, Adams became director ; I will exalt thee, I will Mrs. T Harry·. ,arown, r~... 0 of university work of the Presbytel;'ian thy name j for thou hast done wonderful Coates, llrs.· Marti~ 'XOung,:MTS. Robert Board of Christian £ducatio·o his work things; thy' counsels o~ old are· faith~ Richmond and the club. PI:'CSident, Mrs. had been of an educational nature. He fulness and truth'~ (!salah 25 :1). RolandA~~:~ .:Yo;k COii'rerence was a teacher on the faculty of the Wo- - .'. Mrs. Harold 'Goodwin, chairman of the men's Christian College and Meiji Ga- J. J.'s to Meet at Noll Home b Moving-.Picture· Section, accompanied y kuin. in Tokio, Japan, a university pas- . urs.-:J .. War"en Paxson, Mrs. Joseph H. t th U · 't f 0 and A meeting of the J. J.'s to which new u,. .. tor a fe OJverSl y oregon .Pet·"I'n. Mrs. Frano's Ph,'lbn'ok .,. • Mrs. N h . t P byt' members are invited, will be held at K IU Cpahsutrocrh 0n ear tohret cmammsp uesr of rOehs io Sentaatne 7 ;30 this Sunday evening ,a-t the home J. C. '.M' ~~r e, wl'll attend the National University, Co.l umbus, Oh1' 0. 01 Em,'I)' Noll, 112 Park avenue. Conference on Moving Pictures, toIi be Mr. Adams is a member of the Joint ' I • held in New York City on February rst, Committee for the United Christian Plead8 For Animal Care second and third. Youth Movement, and the Provisional During Winter Hardships Girl Scout RUJDJiIage American Committee of the World's Mrs. Ernest Laws, Chairman of the Student Christian Federation. The plight of birds and fowI-'-seeking Girl Scout group, announces a Rummage food in winter is greatly increased when Sale on February 1, opening at 7 o'clock snow remains too h~.rd to scratch away in the ·rooming at the Methodist Church, CHURCH NEWS for the S\l.§taining morsels underneath. the proceeds to be used for the Girl Scout SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Da.vid Braun; :Minister . SUNDAY 9:45 A.lI:.-Cburch School. 9 :46 A. M. - Men's Blble Class. 9:46 A.:M.-Woman's Bible Claas. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship. Sermon by Rev. John Maxwell Adams. .. lIIEmOD13T "lSCOPAL CHURCH Clarence F. Caner. A.B.. B.D.,. Miniat8l' .. . ,SUNDAY, _ . ~:45: A,ll,-:'·Cburch School. . '"'11;00 A.M.-:'1I£orning- --. WorahlP. Blbllcal .. ._. Drama "The Pal'able of the ... - -Debtors." 7:46 P.M.-Evenine: Worship. TlUNlTY CHuRCH Protestant Epl8copal Church Bev. J. Jarden Guenther. S.T.M .• Rector SUNDAY 8:00 A. II. - Holy Communion. 9 :415 A. M. - ChUN!h SchoOl and Bible Cl3&~. 11 ~ A. M. - Morning Prayer and Sermon. 5:30 P.M.-Special Meeting- Y. P. F. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST. O:F SWARTIDIOBB Park ATenue Below Harvard. 11:00 A.ll.-Sun1aJ' Smool. 11:00 A. 1I. - Sandal" Leseon·Sermon. Wednesday eTeIllni' meeUIl&' each week. 8 p. m. Beadlna' room open da.ib'. except -su.n.d. ..q. a and. bolldan 1 to t:. p. m.. Chureb All are eordtally lnv1\ed \0 attend tbe serviees aod use &he Beed1nr Boom. TlUI OF FRIENDS Hunger and starvation ·result. The humane House. education department of The Delaware Chorus Reheal'l81 County S. P. C. A. asks that householders Members of the Woman's Club Chorus instead 'of otherwise disposing of unused wilt meet at the club house on Monday breadJ meat scraps, large bones, etc., morning, at 10 A. M. fo·r rehearsal. place them within reach of the animals, Mrs. Riddington Favorite of Evening not on road ways, where autos may run Section them down, but in yards, lawns and fields. An outstanding meeting of the season Suet contains food and heat, and can be was held by the literature section of the hung on tree limbs or similar places. As Evening section of the Woman's Club on temveratures become lower, owned ani- Tuesday evening when Mrs. Charles mals should be properly sheltered when Riddington, of Lansdowne, discussed the outside. Care will prevent much suffering. year's most widely read books to a most , I Miss Louise Paulson, of Park avenue, entertained Friday evening, January 12, to celebrate her hirthday. Guests were: Miss Alary Robinson and Miss Ruth Clark, Mr. Joseph Frank, Mr. David and Mr. Huey Bathgate, oi Springfield; -Misses Mae and Grace Kabakjian, Mr. John Stannard, Mr~ Vaught). and Mr. John Benglian, of Philadelphia; Miss Pauline Sober and Miss Dorris Bedrossian, of Drexel Hill' Misses Bety Anne Quigly, Dol~res Lee, and Mary Tilhnan, and Mr. Stanley Lee, of Prospect P",k; Miss appreciative audience at the home of Mrs. William F. Uthe. ll:op "'.II.·-l 8:.5 "':11:=::.': 9.15 A ;-~~,~~~v~~tt.:~~l.virsiaia TilIit, of Eddystone; Mr. AI ~ Stl;Owley, of Faraday Park; Miss Doris BootiJ, and ·Miss Paulson's brothers, Paul and Michael, of Swarthmore. 11 rs. Riddington, who is widely known among Club women for her brief com­ments on books, spoke of the impossibility of recommending a particular book for a particular individual, and commented only on the books which to her were worth while lor the group as a whole. She stressed jjMaude" by Strout, and "Land Below the Wind" by Keith, a tale of Borneo ; John Masefie1d's "Live and Kicking Men". She recommended the whimsical "Portrait of Jenny" by Robert Nathan, "Jules. Romaine, Verdun", written from a civilians point of view, and for sheer humor "1 Lost My English Accent" by Thompson. Haviog an outside .peaker at a section OLIVERH. BAIR CC? DIRECTORS OF FUNERAI.S 1820 CHESTNUT STREET M. A. BAIR, President RITTENHOUSE 1581 • RACE 1110 January Specials a Saving of 20 % Complete valve grinding job and motor tune Up­( ollowing red~ced prices: PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER 6- CHRYSLER 8- .$ 9.85 13.85 15.85 Only 4 More , ... pectiOll Days Left Slwuld They AU Be Clear NO INSPEC'DON ON STORMY DAYS HANNUM & WAITE at tbe Yale Avenue and Chester Road Swarthmore 1250

---------- Page 17 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 2 Parties Precede Local Dances , I Cruises Add Foreign Flavor I I January's chilling winds makc attractivc by contrast thc cozy, in- I dool' 5cltings for parties which alC fast reaching thc mid·winter p.cak. Arriving und departing guesls arc widely JClcd. Birthday celebra· tions enliven thc days fur Ihe youngest who were biucrly disap· pointed whcn Ihc lIl11ch-hel-"I,lcd mUll slOJ III hlcw 0111 II) sm. Bllt _ blow yc II inds hcigh-ho -their parents \\ ill lake spring insll'ad I of snow. . I Dr. anel Mr .. , \\"ilham Earle Ehtlcr y ~dr. and ).[r", Fruh:rtck \Vcdlcr ha\'e I will l"ntl:ll~ilr at diuller Satl1ltlay '-'\'IIIII!.!. I iIItl, t q ff(lm '1 h S\,.lrthmon: to th(·1 Jal,U.lI' 27, bd"rc the C:lfl' d(~ i-. Ollih ~s jnfllllr \\ ill is l()ttat~'- Oil Sproul rO:ld. I Fnlh.h PI(J'~lam at \\"lltJdilf JUlli'lI liT. \\', (Ill 1 ~ ~hlt.:l" :\It ... JUitl!::> Olin-I L(lilo-gt', $\\,ulhmOl(" \,111. of Charloltl. N. C, ,.\lriH!d la..,~; ,Il'l" I . I l\\\I-\\llk "1"11 :\Ir and ),11 .. \\'!lliam P. Spofiunl. "I i a,e 1',1),1\'), ",b IJIl,tc"" .It or :\ortlt S\ •. lItlllliOr<· :l\CIlUl', '-\"Ill In· It I t~lI11 .• lh,"t illt\ lIH;nds at cod.t:tll, lJl'fOi t· till': ~l:rics D.IIH'C t. 11IlCrro~\ \ til" 11~I,rJ{l ~\ I If I) ill hUlllll 01 1\lr~ ]llIn,·.m. \\t:dIH ,1.1\ 111\1111'<111 at hll l:.lrllll d\CIIUC hOIl1o.. THE SWARTBMQRBAN ENGAGED e, elling:. )'1r. and )'1rs. Arthur P. Sha.nklin, (II J\mhcr:;t aH'IlUC, \\ III cntcrtalll \\1111 a ('fld~t,1I1 i'art~ hdolc tlll' SI·II(.·S 1l,\Iltl SalUHla) c\cning. Thf' ('ug;:Ir.WIJII'IlI nf !\Ii .. !; l\ldnl,re to )'h~ .. \llhm h: .. O. H.led!!,I,l\l·, of \,";1:. ... ;11 I~'hilil) I~. Colcmu .. ; In, of S"arlhmorc ,1\c"11U~'. I.:l1tulailiul .It luucilleOIi allli IS :mllouncccl h, ht'r l,:art·nls. ;\11". and I" idg~ 011 TUl'~da~ autl \\lll L~' hn~tt:ss Mrs. Gt'urr,-fl ~'. l\ln..Jnt,rt' of i\lo~ lan­. l!.~.111l1111 I Ul ... d.l)" ,If II IIt(U)tl uf Illxt \\i:l"k. Ro~ ,",nile,.. :\lr:.. 1{loy C(Jmity, ni I·.J1ll a\ellUC, \\111 Dr. amI 11rs. JohaJUlcS H. 13ru 11. of :.c hostcss at IUlldu.:oll and iJridge next Rivervic ..... road, will entertain at ullmer ,iomlay "ill Il her guests., fcllow mcmbers befon.· the Sl:IlC5 Vance this v.cck. 'I a Ln idgc dub, \dU be .:o.1rs. Carlos F. ".n r. d" 'I . "... ~.. II Xoye<;, .\lrs. \\ tlham R. t\rg)lc, ~Ir<::. an .urs .. ' arycl H Hi';:; ........ 1 ,'tra : H :1\cn ~l\cnue, WI II (·nI erI: un..•~..I "IIIII.... 'r llr..riX'Tt 1'. Ga .;;clt, :':rs. Jamcs Dawll ).[r5. \\'alter Dickinson, 1\1rs. Roland G. E. Ullman, :\o[rs. Ralph Dinsmore, Mrs. .'\. n. Reavis, Mrs. Rohert Shepp..1.rd. :\Irs. 'Yait("r Thorpe. ),{rs. Gtorgc Hoad· icy, )'Irs. r. Norton Landon, and ~1:rs. preceding thc Scries Dancc tnmllrrO\\ IJllag-la<;. ~[r, \\"illiam e. Bullock, oi \\'llIiam Thatcher. I ~\\ .i1lhlllUr~·. .uai ).lrs. J. \Vllli=tm e\·cning. Evclyn D)ke \an DcBoe spcnt scveral days this wel'k With her I)an.'nts, ~lajor and :Mrs. D. C. vall DeBoe, of Collcgc ':\ir<;. Lewis Em~ry, Jr. of Kairdmoorc a\c'llUl', whilc transferring in hcr studies :'1 a:1lol d. J 'a ;11 rl\ld 0111 Tw.:~da\ tu bc from ~lallsficld Stale Teachers' Collcge to ':\lr. and .l1rs. Ra)mond K. l.)("tl'I"rth. 01 Elm av«.:nuc, arc entertaullllg VOlt!. ( hutTet supper Saturda) enning for ~lr~ 1 )C\l\\urth's brothers ,md tlu.'ir (.11]1111 ~ SIIlIllIt)ll'" and ).11 .... Jtelscllcl G. SUlIth, I \\ .lIll1lglonl. \ 1 "11 \ gLH>t .01 ~II ,11101 ~11 ~ ;, II,ud \\'cst Che~tl.'T St,lte Teachers' College. 'I \..'1,(. 0)1 :-',~.1I111ll1"1\ ,,1101 (Jg.]cnl .',I I _\ rllo1 I1 \,.Ie Il Oeyer, f ormrrI y 0 ! :11111 ~lrs. 1 .• lward F I~.UIJ.!, 01 '\'I!1I1111g "~I JHll~ ulIlll 11'llr .];\\ S\\;irthmorc. h,IS gOll" to 'ful"'a, ()kia. to ~.[r. and ~ll~. \Valtcr H I lll~ .lll{ I ,I,(I"! I ters. ~.lIIl\ and Dori~,'IIIl:1IIIt.l'lll. :\11 11111, Vel. allu111 .1I1l1 ),[1:> lJar!) l.ang, I 'I '. '. . hi as::>ollahtl \\itll the stcti{Hl of the i S\\arthmore I .\ I'" (h,1t llltlitalljl.:tl \\nh;t httlchc'llI .,.. . I' " .11 It I hlldgle iuUl"sOUll 011 TUlSd,lY anu a Bcthlehc:m Sted Company 111 that (listnct. ~[r. and 11rs. HellQ F. Dun~, of ~1ll.t11 llllll:ill"oll on \\\:(im·sd.t) ill honor of • I. Players Club Favorile Fiancee Feted and from Hollywood, -and pb~ ·Iast . ....;,Ir. w,r\," .~.r ... -]ps!'ph I!Iakistpn ansi M,,­\\ uh Plays and Players of Philadelphia ln Fred Wilson. E"clyn \Villiam.;' "Night Must Fall:' East illld \Vest top scorl'rs were Mr~ His rolt·. that of VaI1I1Y. the ingratiating Russen Kent ali(I Mrs. A. I ... Claydcll, hut murderous bell buy, brought much second \Valtl'T Dickinson and Lawrcnci praise frolll the critics. Another familiar St,lbler, and third high, Mrs. H. B. LilJ~ nallu: in the cast was that of EleanQr 1>. coin and Mrs. Albert Hill. \VJlSQIl, of Chester, as the secretary. • • Engagement lI.lT. ane! 11 rs. George W. Maclntyrc, of Moyla.n-I{o:.c V.tlley, announCe the clIg.lgclllcnt of their daughter, Dori5 AIIIIC, to Mr. Philip E. Coleman. III of Swarthmorc, son of the latc Mr. and Mrs. Coatl.!s Coll"man, of Swarthmore. :Miss MacIntyrc \,,,'as graduated from S\\ ~lrthllltJrc High Schoul and latcr at­t '·IIc..lcd the PluiaJdplu3 CoJlcgc of 1'/;;U iliac.), anti S( h:lln' .\1r. ColLman is a gro,duatc of S",'arth- 1I1.)I! lil).;it S(.;hool, !:)\\:trtluTlon.: Colkg ..... and th~' Grauu.lte School 01 BU~1lIc::n . \Ilrnilll S t L, tiull of lI:u V.II dUll i\ l"r:,-, ity, The \\l:uding i:. plallnefl lUI JUIIC. t • Crum Creek Toppers At the meeting of the CruIn Creek llridg:<; Cluh \\hich mct Tucsday CYCIl­ill~~ .It the Strath Haven Inll, Mr. anti ~[I·;:,. Richard Can'cll, sitting North and South had top scores. Mrs. Walter R­Shoemaker alld Mrs. Philip W. Knis· kcrn werc sccoud and third scorers )tEAD THE NEWEST nOOKS Flowers---Cor,agu VALENTINES - LARGE ASSORTl\IENT * * * 3 STAR SPECIAL I· -- ------ - I I DEAD LINE, ! 5 Days Hence i Your car must huve u new flllip/leii,)!£ Sti4:k:!1 befm·e February 1st. Don't Delay TIi.ousnnds 1)) c. .... rE ·,'Jiil not be inspected b:'"F~b. Int 01l-:! will not be ::lol~ t" run. Don't let your car he o .. c of the many. DRIVE IN TO· DAY • l{utgcr.s aH'nUC, were at home to some of ' ~ll" 1·,IIIl'I:. Guc:.b 011 Tut:sday wt'[c: thClT fricnds Sunday evening in honor of :\11~. H. Danl\\ClI LilKUlii and )'Irs. :\lr. Dutc's aunt, ~Irs. C. Frank Klreker, \\".llhr ),1. Frallces of S\\;trthmore and of .\rcoia, N. J., who l'lIded a \Vcck'svislt I :\lls. Florence \Y. \Vilson of Chcstcr. here all Monday. i 011 \\ Uhll.:!:id.IY )'1rs. Jonatilall C. Bmw- Woman'.s Home Companion :\f r. and ~lrs Da\'id S. Clark, of American 40 0 ''Twin Bec("h," lIaH'rford. will entcrtain Collirr. RUSSELL'S Idt'l. III lluveflolcl, 1115. JIIIIC Ilallan IIf SERVICE )'Ir::.. \Valter H. DicklllSOll~ 01 ~Jt'1 N. \ .. mll ~lrs. Cbdc'" h\u daughters, 1 lol} ol~c place, entertained .It desscrt and I ~ll ". Fiollll"l~ of ~\\ aI tlullurc and 11r5. bndgc un )'lullday afternoon. I'Thollli.b l.l'lgh \\·,lhalll:'. of ~Ieudenhall \\t It' jll"t':.ellt. Mrs. ).lartha R. Blcssmg, (If Elm I a\'cnue, cntertaincd for a fcw friends of I , \\'c:dllle~da) .cvl'ning )'1r. and :\lrs. hel daughter, )'Ir~ .. \!tkn Van Kirk. oi lll~(h.' .1I111 tllclr house gucst attended a Califorllla, with an informal tca Tut'sda) dllllll.:I·lllld~c gi\l.~11 in yhi~dclphia by afternoon. 11rs. LC\\IS Fussdl and ).lrs.IJud?{ ami .\lis. ;\I1Jcrt Sutton Al.,cOade, A. F. Jackson IlfIsl(kd at the te.l tabh. III lhe:.tu. . \lso assi:.tillg \\('IC .Mrs. \\ 11iiaILl That· I \'e~ll'ld,l\ .:\Irs. \\'i11wm" entcrtaincd at (~I.l·1 and ll1ss UdclI ].I( bOll ::\,11 ~ V.1ll 111m heull :11 hl'r hume in ).[cudcnhali .h..lrk l.dt )"~sterda) t,) return tn her hOlllc '111l1' ,:\1 r.,. Emery. III Cailforma. , )'J.lsh I PJ.t Fran(:l~ celcbratcd his Mrs .. \Vdl1.un Clark, 01 \Valli]l~ford, 'mllth IHrtlulay last Saturday by entcr· (;llterta1J~l'd \~.Ith a lUIIC!ll:<lI! fOI. :\ll::;.II,lillllll£ t~'11 Lo):. ,lt luncheon fol1owed Alden \'an Kirk, nf Cahll)rma, \\rrtnes- Ib\ a ifl(.l\·t(' part\'. day aftcrnoon. I' i'~~~~~~~""""""~~~~~~":"il :\Ir,.,. J. Paul Bnn\n, of \\'ahmt Lanc, I is elltcrtailllllg \\ nh a luncheon bridge on MANO R FREE PARKING Fri.-Sat. GARBO "Ninotchka .,., Melvyn Douglass MEDIA Friday and Satnrday GARBO in NINOTCHKA with MELVYN DOUGLAS INA CLAIRE Direcl~.l by Ernst ),ubitsch • Plus- First Run World News! ! JanuaT\~ 3~. ! 1('1 '~U('st5 will, he :\[rs. IBellJallllllllJlIm;" )'II~.I .. 11. \\I.l\, .\Irs. Chlim!1 I!ant.l, )lls. John 1.1Hlwlg, Jr., :\1r:.. C. C \\',',1. ~Irs. Harolel Gntlill, Chester's 1\Iosl; Distinctive Theatre I I I I "RVUiRS Oil THE 8EA" with nOUGL,\S FAIRUANKS, Jr. JU,\RGARET LOCKWOOD WILL FYFFE Directed by Frank Llo~ d Director of ":MUUny on the Bounty" statts Friday CHARLES L,\UGllTON ill "ietal Hugo's "HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME" Starts Saturday "INJ'lSlRLE STII/PES" with GEORGE RAFT JANE BRYAN Wl\1. HOLDEN ~~iS~~"~n;d~S~atUrday "THE U IN FROM MONTREAL" 14 months of all 3 for (mly informal1y 011 S:-ttunlay ill hOllor of 11is5 Save 83.90 O\'t~1" Single Copy I'ri~c \lIl1a K_ Clark. daughter of Mr. alld ~lr5_ MRS. I.I.OYD E. KAUFFMAN S.HlIUl·1 L. CI.lrk. oi l\Icflorl. and ~fr. I S,,_ 2080 !-i.unul'1 Fl' \ton I hrkl«.:y, son of the latc I _~S~U~b~':C~T:i~P~":'o:':"~/~o:T~A~L~L~JI~/:a~g~a~'~i~n:P:._~::===============~ BisllllP and .:\.11 .... Gl:jllge II. Bickley, I' whose marriage wil1 take place on Satur­da), Fl hTllar)" J. Mr. Bickley, better. kno\\ll to S\\arthmoreans as "TOllY", is i fanuli:u to Pia) l'rs. Club and Hedgc-i TOW <lm1ii:l1ccs. Ill' returned recently Sta.te Street Media Dinners SOc, 6Se, 7Sc Twenty years of Service One of Delaware County's Most Modem Eating Establishments ------ - • • THERE'S ONE ASSET this company has that isn't listed on our books. It's import­ant. Some people call it loyalty. Some call it a tradition­or the spirit of ser­vice. Whatever it is, one thing is sere. Noone can work for this company long without catch· ing it. It has helped to give this country the finest telephone service in the world-a service it pays you to use. ff Number, please?" s s ~ The Bell Tele­phone Company of Penn· sylvania. • • i CCke JJouquet BEAUTY SALON CALL 476 13 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD • Beau',- IS Yours-­To Have. To Hold • When you want a dinner with a d".b or style, try roast duck with brown rice stuffing and senc it with a tasty orange sauce. LONG ISLAND DUCKLINGS The meat that makes a turkey Jealousl - We never saw bet­ter ducks than those we have here at Mortel"s. - And that goes for the eating too. We Hunk those celery fed, 'ender, fresh - killed ducklings are a close rival of turkey and when you remember it is priced considerably less than turkey it will taste twice as good. RIB ROAST OF BEEF • • JI If.7 ( Ii,] / ,i'i N f lb. i9c It's a dandy roast for company dinner LEGS OF LAMB • lb. I7c Everyone loves the mild Havor of young, lender lamb. STEWING CHICKENS • • lb. iSc Fresh dressed - Buy one for your favorite chicken dinner. 8EnERFOOD FOR THE TABLE . L'S COMPLETE FOOD MARKET Chester Road at autpn AftDD - Boule szt- Swuthmore. ... Phone - Swarthmore 2100 '. '; .. ;,' .. , ...... ·-!iANV~~"A R~'·;··Y;"· ;:~;""';:;·;·1~9~f;O~-~~~-.~. ~ -~'~~~'~ '::~~:-~-~~~~"'~'~"'~'- i--'r1'~~~il~~;_-~:--:S·iW~:A~B~'t~)I~!J.;-O=R;':;:~;N~:-=.·~-~-"~':::-;:-:--~"";:'- ~~;~~:'::-:":-:~---~. T~;:'Z ~ -., '.' ••• - , .•• ,- ..... '-". -.. '''-- -:'.~':'~ -'. ~.. I11Cl·'il;~ -is a new point ~f dopart;re for I First Grade Group SI.~~kcr ~ .• \ @' THE' SWARTHMOREANJI(~~.. N the Evelling Section, but will continue 10 hc the policy of both the art and the The first gradcs of th(' H.utgers anll PUBLISllED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. h-tcraturc sections whcm:\"cr Jlossible. The ColIl·gl.' .,,·cnm· sdlOols will have a mo· THE SWARTHMOREAN, INC., PUBLISHEU E growth or thc 1~\'enil1g Section has heen tlu'rs' 1I1t.·cting on Tuc!iday, January 30 PHONE SWARTIlMOR.B 900 continuous. awl mally intcrcsting e\'cllts ill thl' Rutgt'f ... .a\'(·lIl1l' sdlOol autlilun· PETER E. TOLD, E,lilor MARJORIE TOLD, Associate E,Jilor hall' IIt'('11 Jllallll~'d !or the fifty-two rnem- lUll. ~Irs. Cl'rlrudt' Speed Stokes, o~ ROSALIE PKIRSOL MARY ELLEN MERCER Auc£ NICKERSON W IIC~ fr~ml 110\\ ~lI1tJl the ('Iul of thc year. I tilt" Oak I.alll· COlltllr\' Day School alHI 'Ellteee.j a. ~.'eon • Class ~Iallcr, January' ~',·l'''''',· 'r Ille'. 1'0,' II SUlKlay a h·llIuon. January 28, the f 'I' I l' t' II' k t I ..x.; u.\ ~'t 7"(7 a. :allllual trip tn the :\("adeJ1i\' or fine Arts I II l'IIIP .l· IJI\ l'r~1 ), \\'1 :--P~'<l' 011 It· Office at Swarthmore, 1'1.1., under the Aet of March 3, 1879. 0:J I 0 ,l-S'I( ,I IC HI· 1 ani I water co-I or exI I'Ib 'I . hoh<lllnd\\T·ltl lll-{ of clllldn'n,. pa,rtlc.lII. lrl.\ ' (III FRIDA Y, JANUARY 26, 1940 \\111 tak'c placc. / \ 11 ,tttl'luhng- arc asked ,h,'\ 11' uh)I.· .. ' OIf r.n at llus.t- ndp ' \\ClIIII/(_d- II • • : \\ It I .,n· 111 l'rc'" C arc l'or 101 )' to 1II('1,'t III the lobby at 3 I) dock or to call . 't I t I IllV] e( to at ('11( • of .\.irs. Ilenry V. :\(ock tdevhone Swarth- • I • Presbyterian Church Notes Dr. Holmc" to COHclude Series IIIUn.' 221· \V if transporahon is (lesired. Series DUJlt'c TOlllorrow • I • Sunday mortling at 11 o'clock the Dr. Jcsse II. Holmes \\'111 discuss "The Rcv. John Maxwell Adams, Director I),J l'ssiallic \\'ritlllgs," at the last of his for Univcnity \Vork of thc Presbyter- I s~'ncs Ull littlc kuu\\ II llooks of th,,' ian Board of Christian Education wIll alh!.: this Sunday lllorlllllg at ~ :45 when be the guest preacher. the Adult Forum COIl\ClleS a:; u::>ual III THE WOMAN'S CLUB TI.ree Adult Clas"cs Continue )lr ... Fild R. \\·ll!;on. 01 \\"alllllt IanC'. is ("hairmall uf the ~'omll1itkl" ill rharge of thi!oi lI1ollth'~ Scrie, Dame. to 1)1.' held at thc \"oman's Cluh IJon<.;e tomorn)\\ (.·\l'lI1ng:. S.lturd.lY, ),lI1uar) 27 .• It ]0 o·dock. 'rhe A1en's Class will meet at 9 :45 011 the Friclld~ 11ectlllg lluu:>e. Sunday morning. Mr. l{alph A. NixdOl f t t. ,.ill be Ihe speaker_ I Trinity Pari.h Not,,"- The \\fomall's Bible Class announce:.' . with pleasure th~ election of ~{r. How- I \Vall<u.:e PCllu'YP<Kker, I.lf Philadd­ani Kirk as permanent teacher. The phld, has bccn aPPollllt:u director of thc Class meets each Sunday morning at Young Peoples' Fello\\ship .. Mr. PenllY­IO o'dock in the Church and welcome;) p.l1.:ker \\ as presidl"nt of thc. class of 1l1'W mcmbers at any time. lY3g at the Umversity.of l'elln::>ylvania The Young Peoplc's Fcllowship for .lIId IS now a student at the Philadclplua J ligh School Young PeOl)}e will meet lJl\'llIity School. There will \)e a special 011 Sunday evcning in the Parish House ~upl'l"r lllcctmg of the Y 1)1' on Sunday I .. (ortnal .' Lu!;t Tucstlay \n IlIf,)rl11,11 hour ol lIlu ... ic preceded till' ofii(.'ial (Ipcning of the alllat('ur Photographk Exhihit at the \Voman's Clllh TUl'Sda) afternoon. ).lr .... \nthon)' Velltner, chairman of the music ~('ctIOll, mtr(ldllced :\[rs. John StillutOIl "ho ... ang thn c of the old ~t('l'h('ll Fostn fa\"(lritcs, followed by ),1 r,. :\ :\1.<it, ... ingillg three folk songs oi hn nat!\'l' 10111(1. S\ ... itz~ l·rlaml. IIldlldmg Olle of thc famous yo{kling songs. :\1 rs. \-entller thl"n introduced little ~l i ... :-; BeH) Enll"ry, the sevell-year-old daughtl'r of ~I r .... and Dr. \V. V. F.mery of Chcster. Betty. played eight classical 1lltllll)l'rs, from the old m.lsters dowil to our moderll composcrs and the audi· ellCe was cnthusiastic in respullse to hn prcco(.;lOus Illemory and S';IlSC of tittle, and will "atch hl'C progress in mustc \\ Itl! much interest. :\n~ latc ("olllers who still \\oul<1 like to j(Jin the three Adult NIght classes which arc: bcing continucd as a result of petitions from enthusiastic lIupil~. may do so by l"nrulling )'lol1<1ay cvelllllg. The class in sketching .and drawing, under Cyril Gardncr, and .\Iicc Kraft's class in rh) thmic dandng lIlcet at 8 p. m. at Swarthmore High School, while thc umrse in Illusic a{)Jlrcciation cOllvcncs ;,t 8.15 1'. ~l. <It the hOIllt.: of the instructor. ~l rs. Gcorge T. Ashton, (lit Stratford rU;1(1. \Valling-ford Hills. Sl,el'ial - 40e lb. Fr"sh Str"wberry Wafers DeUc1uu'i - First or the Season SHUHOLZ CHOCOLATE SIIOI' 10-1 P ARK AVENUE 'Phone Swarthmore 246-1 0"0 !\lake Candles - Fresh Dail), • I • --_.,-. .. -. . ..-.. -. .. .. .. _.. .. .. .. , .. l I I : : Swarthmore Club Winners , frOUl 6 to 7 :30. Bcnjamin L. Kneed· 1 L:\ cuing. . . ler, orgamst of the Chun.··h;··v"ill give .tll.members of the Pansh who have an illustrated .talk 011 C.4urch Organs. lIut sclH 111 ior rcservation~ at the Par· Thc Boys' Choir will rehearsc Sun- Ish Vmllcr arc askcd to rt:ply to .Mrs. uay afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock and th!! H.lCharu Tuni:.. Girls' ChOIr at 3 o'clock III the Church. Thc Church Schoul Choir and reprc- The Intcrnational Friendship Com- sent.tlive!) of all classes in the main mittee \\ ill meet for Refugee Sewing "ciwul will mect at the Church on SUIl· \Vcunesday UlOrnillg at 10 o'clock 1ll £Ii.!) at l :15 P. 11. and go to St. Paul's, thc Pari~h House. \Ve urge all the wo· Chl'stcr, for thc annual Prc-Lcntcn men of the Church who can possibly Sen icc. ~I rs. CC(lrge 1\£. Hoadley, who is hl'ading thc local drivc for the Salva­tion .. \rmy, then invitcd the mcmbers to till' lounge wherc a mO'.'ing picture. "\\'hat is the..' Salvation Army?" was ~ho\\ no. It gave a resume of the activities ot t he group with pictures of their larg("st hcadquartcrs, which is located in Roxhoro. also of their l<lrge camp for childn'll at Uplalld, ncar Chcster. '\Ir. and ).[rs, Guido R. Henry weI'''' top scorers \Vedncsday cvening of last \\cek, \\hen the S\\arthmorc Bridge Cluh held its rcgular wcckly scssion in Borough Hall. Mr. and MT::>. Maur· il..'l.: Gricst and ).[r. and :\[rs Palmer Skoglund were second and third win· IlCrs, nspectively. , Nancie and Phyllis Hagy' I I : I DRESSES , I· :I I GIFJrS , I· :I : 221 G-.1rrett Rond I I : .. Near Lansdowne A\(!. I 1 DREXEL PARK I ------~ ... 4. _ --___ collle to attend. 'fhe refugee needs arc The Servcrs' Guild held a mceting at Kindergarten Trip vcry grcat and it is our responsibihty the H.ectory 011 Thursday evclliug. Don­to makc a gcncrous contribution of tim~ aid Curlis ha~ heen appointed Dircctor. and \\ork to thiS good cause. The Choir had a IIH.l\"lIlg l)lcture lJ.lrty The Communicant's Clas.:; for young aftl'r rehears;:d ull Thursday evctllng people agc twelve anu over who arc • I • not members of our Church will meet each Sunday unttl Easter in the Churcll Study at 10 :15. The class is desjgncd to prepare young people for Church mem­bt.: rsillp. A cordial invitation is extended Methodist Churt;h Notes The morning session of thc Swarthmore kmdcrgartcn, escorted by .:\Iargaret p"rice, visited thc Fire House Tuesd.IY morning and latcr purchascd iooll for their fcath-I ercd f rien~s. I : ·i ._. . .-. .. _ .. _n_ ... -.. .. .-..._ .. .. .. .. ..I ~ Pucks Shoe Skates Hockey Sticks 10 all. The l{ev. John .Maxwcll Adams will uc thc guest preacher at the Swarth­more Presbyterian Church, Sunday morning', J alluary 28, at 11 o'clock. ~lr. Adams' work 1l1volves the super­\' ision of the services of 69 university pastors maintained at 52 state schools. thc ~tudy of indiVidual problcms of 10· cal Ullivcrsities, and cooperation WIth cu~cauonal adlmlllstrators. tie IS the contact otlicer betwecn the Presbytcr· ian Board of Christian Education and voluntary religious organizations on the campuses of 53 llrcsbyterian colleges. It is also his responsibility to enlist the interest of pastors, faculty and other laymen in the opportunities for church \\ urk among students. Thc Church School \\:iII 1I1l11 at I) :-l5 Sun<ia) morning- and Wilt have for its Ics",ol1 study thcme "Hulloring Christ." The monthly Junior Church sen icc will he hcld .It 11 o'clock. Parcntal and ;IUell­dane.. L: ribbons will hc 1lI"C!il'nted. Thc Biblical dr,lma "The Parablc of the Dcbtors," \\ ill be givcn by Jane Carter, I )011 nicklll~un) George PIl'rCe, l{lIilcrt l-!.n tIlUlHl, PotHy 1'.ltman and Helcll Hoot. The Pastur \\111 give an ohject selmon. The monthly service of sacrcd music '\Ill he hel<1 at 7:4!' P. 11. ulH1('r thc (hrcdiull of Fred Royc, ).Ioutlay at d P. ),1. the fourth Quar· terly Confercncc \\iII be held in the Chapl'i with Dr. Charles Kitto, district "ullcnntendent, l)residing. 'I hursday evening the Senior dlOilS will hold thc • 1 • Junior and rehearsals. :Mr. AdalU!oi, who was born in Greells­Christian Science Cltlu·cl. burg, IndIana, attended \Vabash College and McCornlick 'l'heologkal Seminary, "Truth" is the suiJjl'ct of the Lcsson­now the Pres1>ytcnan Theological Sem. ~\:Tllllln in all Churches of Christ, Sci­inary of Chicago. He did post-graduate e!llht, ~)~l S':tIld:~y, January 28. The \\ork at thc U1l1versity of Edinburgh. (;uldell I e?'t IS: 0 Lord, th0!l art ~y Beforc )'lr. Adams became director IGod; I wl!1 (;xalt thec. 1 \VIII pralSC of univcrsity \'I.'urk of the Presbyterian IlhY Ilaml"; tor thou ~la:.t done wonde~fut Board of Chr.stian Education his work ~hlllg ... ; thy cOlln~,(:ls o~ old ~arc fatth-had been of an educational nature. He l11II1t· ...... and truth (1:.,l1ah 2::1 :1). \\".15 a teacher on the faculty of the Wo- • I • men's Chrislian College and Meiji Ga- J. J.'. 10 Meet at NoIllIomc kUlIlJ in TokiO, Japan, a university pas­tor at the Univcrsity of Oregon and pastor of l\ortlimlllster Presbyterian Church ncar the campus of Ohio State University, Columbus. Ohio. .\ mcc..·tlllg of the J. J.'s to which ncw llwmhcrs ,Irt.: lIlVlted, \\ III he held at 7.30 tltl" Sund.IY C\'elllllg at the home Iii blllly .\011, III P.lrk a\'cnuc. Mr. Adams is a memher of the Joint Committee for the Unit~d Chnstian Pleads Youth 11ovcment, and the Provisional .\menc<tll Committee of the \Vorld',i •• t For Anhnal Care Dut·h.g \Vintcr Hurd.hips Student Chnstlan Federation. Thc plight oi birds amI fowl seeking ___ I loud III wintcl I~ grc.'atly increascd when CHURCH NEWS ~Irs.: Alhert Sidney Johllso.n .and Mrs. Thomas X Simpers served at thc tea tabk. "It's n Woman's Prhilege" The..' Ilr.UlI.I Sl'ctlClI1 under the chair­tIl: llhhip of ).Ir .... Rol.l1ld (;. E. Ulhnan \\111 I-{i\t· all one .Ict play 011 'l'hursday, Fe!Jru;tn' I at 10 A. :\I.~ "11\ .\ \\·oman· ... PTlvilege," wriltt'll hy ),1 ahl·1 Cink1in Allyn and d.irected hy ~lr~. \\'Illiam F. Boyle. :\lcs. Gcorgc ~t. .\lIcn h'b the leading part and others 111 the cast ;,rc Gretchcn Van Ill' q"e, )'I!"~ In';n R. ).[acl~bice, :\(rs John E. ,\1 Itch ad, ~Irs. C. ~1acDonald Snail and ~Irs. \Vallace Heaton • So popular ha\'c till'se one act plays bCl(Jlne that thi:; will hl' repeated for till' l{idll'\' Park \\'01l1,1ll\ Club at their cluh hot1~l" ull ltllllliay, February 12. At Federation llcclillg Tht: iollo\\ iug mcmbers attcnucd the I kl.m ,U t· Cuunty Fedcr.atiotl mceting in till \ (';u1011 High Sdlool on Thursday: ltl s .";aullIci T. Caq}clltcr) 1\1 r ... J useph II Pl'l kins, )'lrs. Luther M. [)1l111nitt, ~Ir~ 11;llold Ogram, ~lrs. S.11. Viele, ),11"5 J. P.ltIl llro\\ 11, Mrs, Harold GriffIn, ~Ir~. T Harry Brown. Mrs. Rohert l"oatt::., ),1 rs. :\1 at 1111 Young, )1T:). Robert Rlclltllolld and the duh president, )'Irs. Roland I·,aton. Al New York Confercncc ),11 s. J lal (lid Goodwin, chatrman (Jt the ~IO\ iug Plctl1!e Sedi(JlI. acon1lPaniul by I )'lis. J. \Vanell PaX~()II, ~lrs Joseph ll. Pctkinb. ~[( s. Francis Plnlhrick alld )'Irs. J. l'. ~loI)H', will attend thc NatIOnal l'ollfcrl'nee un lhwing Plctllrc~, to be held ill New Yurk elt) 011 Februal)" lil"~t, ...t·( ond and third. Girl Scout Runmmgt' 17"'S NOT 1"00 EAR /.\' to have yotlr Spring IIats made or remodeled £ifLlj o[nn's Skates ..JIifLbzerlj Sharpened 409 Dartmoltth At'CIIIIC N. WALTER SUPLEE Plto1le Sw. 346 11 S(l. Cbester Rd. DEFINITELY NOT High Priced Some may think because of the reputation me Oliver H. Bair Company has and the vastness of its service, high prices prevail. There was never a more false opininn. Oliver H. Bair Company prices are pro. portionately low because of the great scope of its activities and the efficiency of its equipment and personnel. In other words THE OLIVER H. BAIR STANDARD OF SERVICE AT NO GREATER COST. Sw. 105 OLIVER H. BAIR C~ DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET M. A. BAIR, President RITTENHOUSE 1581 • RACE 1110 :S\\'AH.TIUtORE l'UESBYTERI.\X (.,""}IUHCU Hev. D:J.\ It! IIraun. Muus~cr SUNDAY O;ltJ A.M.-Church Schoo1. "'110\\ l"l'mains too hard to ~rratch a\\ ay iOI the sll-"itailllllg Illor::.eb underneath Ihmgcl allIt starvatiollll'Sult.'l he humanc ulucatioll delia I tment of The Delawarc Cuunt\" S. P. C. A. asks that hOllsehoklcl::> IIIstcd;1 uf othel wise (lis posing of unused :\{I:.. Ernest Laws, Chairman of the {~irl Scout gIOU[>, announces a Rummage Sale on Febl uat \' 1, opening at 7 o'clock III the morning ;~t the l'.lcthodist Church, thc procceds to be uscd for the Girl Scout 1I0USC. Chorus Uehcarsal I r.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~ 1I.[cmhers of thc \Vuman's Club Chorus! I 9: lli A.)1. - )Ien s Bible Clas8. 9 :-10. A )t. - Woman s lllbif Cla.oJs. 11.00 A )1 - M:orlUn~ Worshill. SermOn He\·. John )LIX\\ell Ad,II11:;. )lE'fUOIHST EPISCOPAI~ ("'HUIlCU Clarcllo.'C P. Carter. All. B.ll .. Mmls'er SUNDAY b.lo· I)) cad, Illleat scrap:., lalge hones, etc., place them \\ !thm H·.lrh of the animals, not on load wa):., \\lil.:rt' autos may rUIi thull do,\ n, btlt III ) at <Is, I.m ns and fields. !I:4:, A. M.-Churth School. 11 00 A.)l. - .:\lornllll; WorshIP. Sud contain:. looU and hcat, and can be Ulbheal Drama • Till' Par.lbh· ul tht· hung Oil tree limbs 01 places. As D('btors." 7:,15 P. )1.- B\lmlll~ \,'urshll' THINITY GllUIlCU Prolc::.tant Eptscopal Churj 11 Re,·. J. Jart.Jen Guenther. S T)I. Itt" lUI' lcl1lJlCrature:. become Ill\\ct, owned ani­mal., ~h()111d hc properl) sheltered when l0lthltiC. Care will prc\t'l1t much sufTerillg. • • SUNDAY 800 A. M. -Hob' CommUDlOn. z\li~s Louise Paulson, ok Park a\'cnuc, 9'45 A.)I.-Chllrch Schuol .IIII! ellS· J I I J I' 11:00 A.)I -)tOlIIllI.! l'ra),cr .mll "'crmUIi ~ntl'Tt.lIlll 'rl(.l) ~\lllll1g-, allnar) -, ~).1O 1'.)1 -~IHu.ll )Il:ltlllr Y. l' F tu ~dd)Jall htl 1.11111<1.1). t~uc.,1:. 'HTl' lo'lH~T GllUH.CH Or' CHIUS1'. SCIE:>;TbT )'iJ:.~ II ar) H.oblmOIl .l1Id .\.11.,., H.utll Olo~ SWARTIL'IORE Clark, ).[r. Joscph Frank, 1\1r. David Park A~"'lUc Uelo .... lIan'am 11:00 A.M.-Sunday School. \\'as~, and :\[r. Hue) B.Hhg£.ttL', Ot 11 :00 A. M.-Sunday LcSSOIl-Sl'rmOIl. Spnnglu.ld; .l1 bS('S 11ac and Grace Wednesday cvemng mectmg each \\CCk, 8 P. m. Reading rOl)m open da.tb. cx(eJl' Kabakjian, .ltr. Johll Stannard, ~lr. Sundays and hohdays 1 to 4. II. m .. Churl'h Vaughn and ),1 r. John Benglian, of e<bAfilcl e . arc cordial!): im·itcd to attend the I)hiladclphiaj )'ll~s Pallllllc Sobl.r and scr\lccs and \1!'C the Heading Room :\1 i.,:-, Dorri:. Bcdrossian, of Drl'xl'i THE RELIGI01JS SOCIETY OF lo'RIENDS II til; ),[ i:.~e~ llet~ Anne (,)uiglv, SUNDAY ., 11:00 A.M.-Meetlll& for Worship 111 the Dolores Lee, and Mary Tillman, and Mr. 9:45 A. !\I,_~::~D'"ayH&~·OI. Stanley Lee, of prEosdPdcct Park; )'Iiss 0:45 A.)1. _])1' ,J('>;"(' H. Holme,", til speak. Virginia Tillit, of • ystOllC; Mr. AI 0W~~ES'¥,~sv·nm Wi'll ,"g-~:' Strawley of Farada) Park; Miss Doris 9:30 A. 101. to 3:30 P. :\1 -Se\\I1I~ and ,Booth) and Miss Paulson's brothers, Paul qwlUng In Whittier House. nox. luncheon. .1I1d .Michacl, of Swarthmore. All are cordially invited. "ill meet at the club house on )"lollday I l1lolnillg. at to ,\ . .ll for rchearsal. : Mrs. Uitldington Hl\'orite of E\ening I Section \11 oUbtanding mceting ul the s('a~on I ,\as held In thc literature section of the l':.\'lllillg sl'~tion of thc \Voman's Club on Tuesday evcning whcn :\(rs Charles l~i(ldlllgton, nf Lansdowne. discussed the year's most \\ Hid) read hooks to a most apilreciatlw audicIKC at the home of ~lrs'I' \\"illi.m F. Uthe. January Specials a Saving of 20 % COD1(llete valve grinding job and nl0tor tUtU' "I' - ut the following reduced I,rices: PL Y1UOUTH S 9.85 CHRYSLER (, - 13.85 CHRYSLER 8- 15.85 Only 4 More Inspeelion Days Left Sho,dd They All Be Clear NO INSPECTION ON STORMY DAYS HANNUM & WAITE Yale A venue and Chester Road Swarthmore 1250 :\1 rs. l{J(hhngtoll, who 1S \\ iddy known I .\Illullg Cluh womcn for her brief com· lillUb Ull hook:., spukc 01 thc impossibillt) I oi rt.'('olllmcndlllg a particular book for a partll.:ular int!h idual, ami commentcd only on the booh which to hcr wcre \"ortlt ,\ hile for the group as a \\ hole. She stres~ed ":\[a\1<1e" by Strout, and "Land I Below the \\'ind" by Keith, a talc of Bornco; John Mascfield's "Livc and I h .. ickillg :\Icll". Shc recommended the whimsical "Portrait of Jenny" by Robert Nathan, "Julc~, Romaine, Verdun", writtcn froll1 a civihans point of vi~w, and lor ~heer humor "I Lost ~ly English I _ \(.Tcnt" by Thompson. Ilaving all olltside speaker at a section l!;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii _ 9

---------- Page 18 ----------

:''lJR:THOMAS P.ARK BURIED JAN. 16th Died in Graduate H08pital; Mauy F.l'iende Still in Ignorance .". -.c-· of His Pas8ing I I NEWS NOTES Dr. Clair Wilcox, professor of econom· ics at Swarthmore College, who is cur­rently making a study of mooopolies, re- AT STRATH HAVEN . Rummage Sale lIeDeAt turned to his Ogden avenue home last week-end from Washington, D. C., .whct"c, on Friday, he testified before the tem­porary national economic committee conducting the monopoly investigation. Mrs. Stanley L. MacMillan, of Vassar Swarthmore Girl Scout HOUle avenue, will leave this week-end with her METHODIST CHURCH father, Mr. H. W. Schell, for an indefinite THURSDAY. FEB. 1 'I A.. M..-IO P. M. stay in Sl Petersburg, Fla. Mrs. Mac- Call 8w. 1'129 For ColleetloJt The Roland G. E. Ullman family, of Harvard avenue. attended the performance of "Macbeth" at Friends' Central School _Saturday evening. David Linton, of Sproul road, technical director at Friends' Central and also for the J UDiot Plays of the Swarthmore Players Club, designed and built the scenery for the production. and was assisted by Peter Myers in the light­ing. Alban Eavenson, another student and a former resident o[ Swarthmore, had a role in the play_ Millan is recuperating from a recent --------:.-»-n-.-...-. ,,------- illness. CARD and GAME PARTY Dr. and A'Irs J. Roland Pennock and family will leave tomorrow [or Cam- David and West Cochrane. of Bullens Lane, are entertaining a group of young people. the majority o[ them Swarth­more- ans, with an informal party this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kirk, of South Chester road, had as .their house guest over last week-end Elizabeth Chalmers. of New York City, daughter of Mrs. Kirk's brother, the Rev. Allan K Chalmers minister of the Broadway Tabernacle. and Mrs. Chalmers. bridge, Mass. where Dr. Pennock willl-------::---:=c--____ _ spend his six-month sabbatical leave as Come Play assistant professor of political science at BADMINTON Swarthmore College, studying and with Ihe Ma..,. LyoD Alumnae writing. . Evet')'.~ond.y I\nd Wednesday 7:30 p, M, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brinkmann, re- Mary Lyon Sohool G)'lD turning from \Vashington state where 2Se . they spent Mr Brinkmann's six months' leave from the Swarthmre College math- MRS. A. J, QUINBY &: SON ematics department will occupy the Pen- JOSEPH &. CltJINBY nocks' former residence, 521 Elm avenue. Mrs. Henry A. Piper, of Yale avenue, plans to leave Monday to spend several days at Elmira College, Elmira. N _ Y'J o[ which she is an alumnae trustee. Mrs. C. H. Lumsden. the much en­tertained guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Henderson. of Hillbom avenue, will leave Saturday for Washington, D. C. where FUNERAL DIRECTORS BELL PHON£:' 1IRDlA. .... ELECTRICIAN Houao WIrtna or &11 ...... QuIck low can Mnioe. w.... UUl c1_ nl>ulll .... __ WOOD ELECTRIc SERVICE S-.IHS BeDeW FBlENDLY CIBCLB CIwI4' 1:30 P. M. WEDNESDAY. JAN. 31 Woman's Club House For Tickets 'Phone MrL Yerkes, Sw. 1580 Adm1eeion SOc Cake aDd ClmdJ' Tallie ROGER RUSSEI.Jo Maker oj Fine PhoWgmPM 416 HAVERFORD PLACE CALL SW ARTBMORE 2075-R SPECIAL Ofl'-sealOD we eau saTe :rOD. SO" on deanin& and repair of 70111' ...... APAG~ 22 Sonth Oran.e. St.. MedI. 10&59 HAMILTON and ELGIN WATCHES EDWIN B. KEI,IEY, Jr. Your Jeweler 25 East 7th St. Cheater (Op_te Now _te 'l'beMIe) ·Ph....., Cheater 3764 CALL 1896 ELECTRICAL RBP.4IRS JUDIO TUn w ... ' .... MS'i a -INSTAUA'110NS­SWARTHMORE ELECnUC SHOP P ........ Dar .. .4_ • January ~~~t~!~·o\f" 'D';;>.". 'e1 m( be-=: activities-a of 46S visits were made during the month. .11 Mr. and MrlI. Norman W. Knse, of Harvl!rd avenue, entertained a few frieqds dinner Saturday eveoiDg. LONDON Wu&her Proof SPORT COATS SOUTllBRN SPORTS WlIAB SAINT, GEOBGB'S BOAD AIID CoULTER AVJINVB ARDM08B Phone Ardmore 866 - ONE Mft.N who kno~ it DOESN'T paY ~ advertise is the burglar. If he ca1Is' at your bouse, he will come Qmnnounced. . lETNA-IZE ~ .. Keystone Secretarial School .... ... coli you bow Ii,de i. ..,... to ltan the protKtioa of JEtDa Ret· .... ce Burglary, Theft and Ilab-. ..." .......... "" inued '" The ,11 .... Cuualt, and Su.rety Company of Hartfo<d. CoD •• PETER E. TOLD GENERAL INSURANCE 417 Dartmouth Ave. SWABTIIMOHE Baltlmore PJIle and LlDCOlD Ave. 8peeJa1_ In Seare_ TraIn10g for blah 8cbooJ and collep BM4uates. BeautIful bunelIDa' and grounds. New equtPlDenJ;. BIPer1enced teaehers. 'BmaU'· c1.-... "'1IaPI4'-advancemen' LImited enrollment. PalItlO1l8 . se~ cured. Swarthmore 1833' 'Phone SwutluD.ore 1'" VISITORS WELCoME FRENCH CABARET SATtlRD4.Y EVEMNG, JANUARY 27th ... DANCIM; !I TILL I SUPPER AT ELEVEN COLORFUL FLOOR SHOW $2.50 Inclusive Per Couple - Single. TIckets 81.50 MR,I,ER CBIST BUILDING The MaJor Lyon School and WlldeWf Junior CoU.,.e ~~.--..-....'- ----' _. --------- JANUARY WHITE SAI.E Wamsutta Superpercale Sheets Sa"e '6.60 Per Dozen Thill Month Only Demmed 72 x 108.. •.. . •• ••.. •.• .•••••••• ••• . .••. .• . .••. .• $Z.95 90 x lOS... .•••• ••.•••• •••••••••••• • ••• •••• •• ..... $3.65 45 x 38~ Cases .... ,............................ $ .75 U_tehecl $3.25 $3.95 $.90 Irish Linen Huck Towels-Si2e 18 x 32 ................ , ......... ea. $.50 Irish Linen Damask Naplcins-Si2e 22 x 22 •••...•••• , ., ••.•••• doz. $4.95 THE LINEN SHOP Charlolle M. MeCardy In Charp 1318 Walnut St. '_~~~~_~P~==~06M Do Your Banking With SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank and Trust Company Member Fedenl Deposit I...........", CorporatioD PROPERTY MAINTENANCE ALTERATIONS RE-ROOFING PAPERING . HARDWOOD FLOORS PAINTING GLAZING STORM SASH .KIMMEL . , .. : .' Swarthmore 46S-63Z.J AND SON • !fOR SALE ll'Olt SALE - Vscd SpinDer WUllhCl'. Sebuill. eX:eellen1 ('onIHUon. GU:lran1cet1. PeOPle's Tire : S&ore. 211 WHIt Slate .street. Media. WANTBlJ-Furnh!hcd Im1uw. tbro·l bedrooms. 011 yearly le:is". before liard, 15. Oll heat prclon'Cd. Tele'lhon~ Al'I.lluore G6UO. WORK WANTED WOltlrW-ANTKtr==A~;;.,;:.: ;:,;';.,•o c .''''o-cc;;;m,,"plOj_ men' Xl'S. Aile .. W •. Car)M:.tI1Cl' .I~irhly ra'Om­IIU..' lItlY lor oouklll~ 111,1 1-wnc'ral h_u,mwork_ lllunia D:lrue!l. IInw loukln~ lor positiulI_. ,Tel£'. pllont' Chesler 2·01B-l_ - ' FOUND FOUND - Pilil' t:i.Il"l~r l"immed spectacles. Fri­dar- nl~t. in rullt ond llarking- spncc_ App1y :it The Swarlbnlorcan omce. FOUND·- Gold bead necklace Monda)- on 90uth Chestel' road. Apply at Swarthmore l"ulit!tJ n'·rmtllnent. UENT .'UUNISHED POt!!lefiliion at once "'our bcdroomt!. Fine location on Hill Old .hade. Garage WM. S. BITI'LE Swarthmore 111-.1 Notary PUbUe - IDsuranee - Real Batate WOOD KOPPERS COKE SUN FUEL O..I L .,~Da.--f~.IIb~j. I' ...... Op.ome.rl.. BY WlLDCLIFF, MARY LYON Complete E7~. Sw'w~ Lc Cafe des Provinces, a real French 612 WELSH STREET cabaret with two Hoor shows, dancing, CaD Ch_ 8014. and lots of French food, will be the Leo ~ R S 1n8t·.DlI'N' "0 S annuaf· celebration o[ the Circle Fran-I~~';,~;"';: ler .. ' l8y ~!: ;.c~d· Aft . ,d ... of t.~!e students of Wi!dClii:~a~~~~;.1~rf~}~ti~~rr~;:;.;;'r:'"''!l~; .... ~ ,,,v. "i§~~~"'1~'i F' Sa I . d D . ._.__ I~e" . Swatthmbre, ,cth,S section 4. COMPEN8ATlON OF OFFI­CERS. The members or the Department or Pollee shall receive such compenaatlon as the Borough Council may from time to tllne, by motion or resolution, preIICrlbe. APpointments and reappointments of mem­bers or 'the police torce. shall be made aD­nually, and the 'compensation of tile 18- spectlve incumbents sball be lDlt1a11,. fls.ed at BU~ tlme. but Borough COuncil reserves tile rlRllt to termtnate BUch em_t at any·tfme. as pl'elJCl'1bed 10 8ectlon-l·above. and. to make adcUtlonal appolDtments. and to change the amount or compensatIon 'and· time .and manner of paytng same, at any tLme, by motion. at any regular or special meetl~g of Borougb CoUDelL ,oor mp .. an empm",,,_. 'd~ 'J .' "" .'... SAVINGS UP TO ,IO();I)/" . evcnl"'l' "!luary. ~'. '.' '.' ': ..•.•. ' , 6 Yr.. '1'0 Pv . " - Included In the 'Program are specialty . LESTER PIANO INC. dances by. June Roblin, who· entered 7054"Glirrelt Rd •• Upper Darby the college after the outbreak of the (Open EvenIngs Uti U P. 111.) war forced lter family to leave England. 1\.' Way~e" Mosteller. a dallce des Apaches by George 'l'nomp­son and Anne -'fanDcrteer, a tango by Clemilltine" Sp.,ekman and,'John Kist- E/~cir,~fit i;j)mf.a,;'Q;.'· ler, and' vocal. sl!ios »y . Bill . . . . ,loJoij)' Ran!'On, Marianna Koljl:"; Telc,lbOl;" 'Swarlhmore" 2295 j' M, ~ry Sardoni. D~nce. ,'. ensemble. U'!'i<'r . .. .' ht!.~ direction ~f, .B~bara· -Dee Parsons 'Orang'es and her Wild.cliff. Dancers, and. folk Ri})ened , W!lg'~ ~ung IJ}" "the h()oulcvardk.·s" be- W kI F Fl °da tw«'n dances will be a feature . eo y rom orl ~_-.,,-' _-.:... ___ ~---_ *,CRATE ·BAGS .. " ." $1.00 BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DEUVERED .......... $1.15 'ORDlbANCE No. 428 , ,. H: :BRYSON . 753 Fift;;enth A"enne ,Park, ._. . , ·0- . F.L ~~~~~~A~~~ ". TECEGRAPRl!DGJU.TlS .' .. Swartli~ot.eTr:t!'Vef .lJut-I'!IU' 2 Pal'k Ave; '.' Swa;:I79·W . 'A- C~~·pl~I~_·Tr;lvcl se~icc ·COAL ·and COKE FUEL OIL VAN ALEN BROS. Phone s.~ ~JjHil.l! An ordinance establishing plumb-' lng .... and. drainage rules and regUla­tions .for the Borough of Swarth­moreJ. ~ttng _water 8upply. oon .. nectlon . wUh _and maintenance of.-. seWers. ·and' dISposition of sewage!'· regulatfeng :tho draJDagQ of 1'QQf:t, ~ya:ras..~_811a .. 8X..c.nsa 1'rovicUilg ~Qr Wr ..... ... inlta::'Mtd· 'I1tcnses: dCftnlnB . the··'· ·.>POW~"Qf Borough. Co~cl1:-~Iid. IlQ ... agents sIld oftl.Cla)s; Bn~ p~crIb; lng remedies .. tfl1'"" 'the chttirccmen't-. ..~ 'i,Tk:r~~na.!tl~. !,!r ~~~ Vl.0_~- n[£ /{A'il~~~E ~D OETS! UOlR' DBAOIRNO: UGS'" Section 3. REMEDIES -AND PENALTIES.· (s) Any person, firm or corporation start­Ing any plumbing work before filIng plBIlS at the omce of the Borough Secretary shall pay to the Borough of Swarthmore, in ad­dition to the regular ln8pectlon fee herein prescrIbed. Five "bollars ($5_00) or one half of the inspection fee, whichever Is more un­less the work Is of an emergency nature and Is commenced. at a time when the oMce of the Borough Secretary Is Closed. In .... "" ough may said premlses. lUI munIcipal claims . Section 4. Ordinance No. 164 approved December 22. ·1910 and Ordinance No. 406 approved February 2. J938 ate hereby re­pealed; all other ordinances or parte of or­dinances lncomlstent herewith, are to the ot. such lnconslatency hereby re- Passed this day. ot· Janllilry A. D. 19<>0. . BOROUGH OF S\Y~ORE ~ ~ '.~.-: ~ -..~~ '~j:- .. R 7_ : .. '. ;', .;:;"_;" JAOOB P. M1!2J,QH~an.'· .Presldent of COuncU. ~ ''-_ A1I'te6't:"" .. ~ ....... -, w·o·_· ': . _ '._ ELLl~ RlCHAIlDSON, . '.,. ·Borough BecretarJ. (SEAL) Approved 1940. this 19th doy of" JanuarY A. D .. JOHN·H. Pl'l'MAN. , ~urgess., BOROUGH OF SW4RTHMORE An Ordinance amending 0rcU.­nlmee No_ 362 pertaining to the or­ganization. powers. duties and com­pensation of the Department of Jlolice of the Ilorpugh. of. Swt.rtb­more. Section 3. That Section 7 of said. OrdI­nance la hereby amended to read as foUows: 'Sectlon 7. EFFECTIVE DATE ANti OK­DINANCES REPEALED. ThIs Clrdlnaoce Bhall_becomo eRective following publicatIon, In accordance with law, and all ordinances, motlotlfJ and resolutions, or parts -thereof. lnoonsilJtent herewIth. aM hereby repealed. Passed . this 17th daY of JanuU1 A •. D. 1940. BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE By: (SEAL) JACOB F. MESOHTRB, President of Council. Attest: ELLIOTT RICHARDSON. Borough Secretary_ Approved this 10th day of January A. D. 1940. JOHN H. PlTMAN.­Bursess. EsTATE OP ROBERT O. EBBKlNB;. Dc­. ~~a, Ia'te of .t.~~a(;~. of':SWaith • m9l'f;'.. Pa. l&t~ .... _t!!' .tiN! .... Ple obove·&tate llDve been granted to·the-·un­derutguca. wllo,:l"equCf:lts all persons ·he.Y1ng claims or clemands aga1n&t the .. e&sa",. o(.!be decedent to .make· known the same .. &ncr all perrow indebted to-the decedent to make payment,.wlthout delay to _ .. HENRlETTA HUNT ERSKINE; Execuutx. :)07 Elm Avenue, Swarthmore; h. Or to her Attorney, EDWARD F. HITCHCOCK, , Medla, Pa. '. 1-5-6t ADVERTISEMENT T:le Schoul Ui!IIl'1<.1 uf Swarlhmore will receh'C s;;oaled bids at (he Hjgh Schopi !I~ild­iug \llJ to " p_ m .. Mondll7. January 29, 19-10. for band instruments. Spedfl('atiolll'l may Ix­lI(' curf'd at thl' !oM hool District omee. Collegt· AVeflU/:1 BuUdlllll"_ The Board rel1el'ves the right to rejt·(·t 811Y or all bid. In whole or In Ilart and 10 award tlw contracts to olher thall THE COUNCIL OP THE BOROUGH OF Ilhe low bidder 011 OilY Uem or Items. SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN: HILDA LANG DENWORTH. Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance 1-12-:11 Secre\aQ. No. 362, approved November _ 8. 1934. Is ----------------- herebY'· amended. 'to read as ~OllOWB: I DELA W .. \.RE COUNTY Sealed prosJ)osa1& will be received a' tho Section 1. ORGANIZATION. The De- County Controllers' Omce. Court Houae, .Medil1. partment ot Pollee .of the Borougll of Pa., until 10 a_ m_ and publicly opened at Swarthmore shall conalst of a Superintend. 11 D. m_ 011 WednOBday. FebruEllT '7. 1940. ent of Pollee. Chief of· PoUee. Sergeant, for furnishing and delivering' 1.0 tbe Count,. Radlo.Omcer. and such number of patrol- Gatage 111 Ibf' renr of the Court ROllae. gaso· men and special policemen. 88 Council may line aud Oil for the use of the Counll'". from. t1m:e to tlme, by motion or resolution, SpecifIcationI' and blddlng sheet may 00 determine_ The said officers shall be ap- ob: ained at thl' omco of 'he Uoun:.)' Con­pointed by Borough Council to hold office tloIler anti no bid will be entertained' unless fO~ a perIod of one year; but Clluncll may. nmd"J Ollt on allhl bidding sheet. by motion or -resolution. terminate any: Each bld must be au.'Ompanled by a cerll­BUcli employment at any time. by glvlhg -fled check 0[. Two Hundred (,200_00) DoUar~ such omcer or policeman two weeks' no- (Irawn to the order of Ihe County of Delaware_ ,.-:"~ -::o:'-I!~l"'.'1.!~.,~~::l~j~~rja:~~\~~~J tpleenes taht~lrceno :r.t oa n_dth pe aeynindg othf es pairdes ctrwiboe dw eeoemks-"1 to Trh:Jej( >Cct ouanntyy Coro malml iubiiodn8e. rs reserve the rlgb, .-!lii~~IT PQrloo ~"Me!#);)ers ;of ~e po}'lee .force may. .' H. WALTER WEAVER. ....: ,. howev~r, De .-suspended or dISCharged, for i County Control er, I cause, without said two weeks' notice. 'l-lO·~lt . HELP , THE FlRE·:---GOMPANY PROTECf':~~i -y()UR··' ·FAWiILY· . AND . . HOME During the )J.ext few days' you will receive the annual notice of dues of' the Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association. The Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association is a volun­teer organization working for the benefit of our community. Support of the Fire Comp'any is an investment in low Fire Insurance rates. It takes the co-operation of the entire community to maintain' these low rates. If the volunteer firemen are willing to pay $2.00 dues and give:··their.tinie,.(J.~~,9r_.~igllt,~n4 . risk l~fe,. allQ limb protect­ing yotif' property~c'are younofwilling to:' give $5.00 a year as an associate member"in your own interest? If you do not receive Q.:. notice and care to join or contribute leave your membership ,fee .at TheSw,arthmorean office or pay any . Fireman . :'Vlto "'YJ:ll, J~~ye,:you an :~Official Receipt. . .,. - ',' .. ... , . - , .' . , SW'ARTHMORE'" ·F1R£ 'It PROTECTlVE ASSOCIATION . .: '- .. -. , ~~--------------~

---------- Page 19 ----------

.6 .. r.BE SWART"BMOREAN I ENTERTAINS LOCAL . SPORTS REVIEW PEACE PLAY WRITER will find Country Lawyer by Bellamy Partridge, Days of our Years by Pierre . J~~Y 26, 1940 Fran{tRU88eU Green TuBERCULOSIS BOARD MEETS Report of Activities Shows Well­. . Rounded Program College Five Bolds "an Paassen, A Goodly Fellowship by Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Lackey, Mrs. Harold March, of West House k Mary Ellen Chase, Autobiography of of Cornell avenue, were caned to New on the Swarthmore College campus, en- Winning Strea WI'III'am I• y on Pllelps , M aud b y Rich ard York Saturday by the death of Mrs. tcrtained at tea Thursday, January 25, 'fIle College basketball team defeated Str out, I mperl.a I T WI'1 I' g h t bY Bertita Lackey's father, Frank Russell Green. in honor of I.ucy D. Kennedy (wife H d' d 1'1 Y M lho I Dickinson 54-36, at the Field House, last ar 109, an le oung e lime by The following notice of Mr. Green's Tllc twentieth annivcrsary of the of Dr. Ra ph I.. Brown), author of the Lord David Cecil. A .new book about 'l'uberculo~is Association as a function­ing public health agency in Delaware County was marked yesterday as the president, Dr. W. W. Comfort of Hav­erford College called to order the an­nual meeting of the Board of Directors. Local members of the Board are C. Percy Webster, treasurer, and Mrs. Leonard C. Ashton, of Swarthmore, and J. Newtown Pugh, of Wallingford. peace play, "'fhe Frodi," which has Saturday. Dickinson took an early lead Shakespeare is This Shakespeare Industry, death appeared in The New York Times IWCII an outstandilig success at the but the Gamct attack began to function of SUllday January 21' 21 b hy I vor Brown and George Fedron. ' . Hedgerow Theatre, Moylan, since it and Swarthmore led 28 to at t e "Frallk Russell Gre t' t d' d d f I fi h If F th t . t Travel tllrough books to Borneo wI'tll en, an ar IS, Ie was the Hedgerow's most popular play en 0 t le rst a. rom a potn t d t th SId' Cl b 47 of 1938. Dr. and Mrs. Brown came to on, it was all Swarthmore with the lead Agnes Newton Keith in Land Below the yes er ay a e a magun I u, Swarthmore last fall and live at 2 increasing steadily. Wind, to Russia with the Timbres in We Fifth avcnue, at the age of 84. Robert W. Bernhardt, Secretary, re­ported on the accomplishments made possible during the past year. First was the tuberculin testing project carried on in various high schools in the Coun­ty. A summary of this work showed that 1, 315 students had been tested in nine schools and one orphanage. with 372 showing a positive reaction where X-ray examinations were advised. 27~ members of the school personllcJ were also .tested With ~I showing a positive ·reaction. The X-ray examinations brought to light many cases requiring further study and re-examination. An interesting and very important feature of this project is the fact that a number of borderline cases have been brought under the direct supervision of their lamily physician and in this way arc being protected against active tubercul­osis in later yean. It wu voted to COIl­tmuc tillS important project and the studcnts of two coullty high schools are to be tested next 1I10nth. An increase in the number of patients placed in hospitals under the Commis­sioners' fund was noted during 1939. A total of 162 were hospitalized in pri­vate hospitals while awaiting their call to state sanatoria. 126 were discharged ~.lId 36 were still receiving care at the end of the year. 1n the out-patient ser- . vice, 27 patients· received 340 pneumo­thorax treatments and are either work­ing or completing their cure at home. 'rhe special clinic conducted by the Association haJ on record 732 clinic visits made at the weekly sessions. 139 new patients were reported taken under supervision during the year and 216 former patients had been re-instated. An intensive health education pro­gram was reported, including 146 educa­tion programs given throughout the County to instruct the public and make then generally "tuberculosis conscious" so that the first signs of the disease wiII be given heed and the patient will be placed under care while the disease is in the early stage. This is the biggest point of attack in the fight being waged, as statistics show that 8 out of every 10 cases are far advanced before treat­ment is sought. Emergency relief was given in fam­ilies having a member stricken with tuberculosis. This is in the form oi transportation to and from clinics and hospitals, milk and clothing and certain other emergency needs which arise in caring for these people. Crest lane. . Saturday, the team played Lafayette, Didn't Ask Utopia, or to China with Carl "Mr. Green was born April 16, 1856, Guests at the tea were the officers of at Easton and won 31-29. The game Crow and his newest book The Chinese at Chicago, a son of the late Russell the local branch of the Women's In- packed with th~i11s. Swarthmore trailed Are Like. That. Or perhaps you prefer Green, an early settler in that city, ternational League for Peace and Free- until the last sixty seconds of play be- the United States-you may discover The and Caroline Hilliard Green. dom: l\lrs. J. Roland Pennock and Mrs. fore coming through to win. I' Hudson by Carl Carmer, The Sacramento "He studied art in Paris under Boul- Patrick Murphy Malin, vice-presidents; Racqueteers Break Even by Julian Dana, The Suwannee by Mat- anger, Le Fevre, COHill and Courtois. Mrs. Roy P. Lingle, recording secre- The start of the Philadelphia Dis- schat, or llJany others in the Rivers of In 1897 he was elected a member of tar),: Mrs. Ray Hunt, corresponding trict Indoor Tennis League season, Sat- America series. You may learn more the National Academy of Design. He secretary and Mrs. Philiph H. Jewett, urday, found Swarthmore College split- about your own state in The Dutch was a member also of the American secretary. ting even in Class "A" and winning Country by Cornelius Weygandt. \Vater Color Club and the Lotos Club. The board members, Mrs. Edward A. twice in Class "B." I Among the light fiction and detective H J . e had been a member of the Salma-enkllls, Mrs. Harold E. B. Speight, The Class "A" team defeated the stories are Station Wagon Set by Faith Mrs. Edwin A. Yarnall, Mrs. David Rifle Club Whites 4-2 and lost to the Baldwin, No Other Wisdom by Violette gundi Club since 1887 and a residenl Braun, Mrs. Margaret Neal, Olive University of Pennsylvania 5~ to ~. Dunn, Mrs. Dufresne by Elizabeth Cam- th~re .for the last several years. Cleaves, Mrs. Francis Harper, Mrs. The Class "B" team defeated Drexel bridge, When is a Lady? by Harriet Prizes he won were the 1896 Lotos Walter Robinson and Mrs. Frank Rey· SYz to Yz and Swarthmore Faculty 5. Henry, Appointment with Death by Fund award, the Morgan Prize, the nolds; the chairmen of aU committees to O. Pamela. Frankau, Death. Thumbs a Ride· Salmagundi Prize and a bronze medal and those whe had helped with speciai H. S. Quintet in Tough Season by Jean Lilly, Over' My Dead Body by I at the St. Louis 1904 Exposition.'~ projects through the year were also Rex Stout, The Lady is Afraid by George ..\,1 rs .•"~ . arch. s guests for the tea. The High School basketball team en- Coxe, Death at the Bar by Ngaio Marsh, A meetl.l lg f or t h e enti. re mem b ers Ili'P countered stormy weather, last Friday, The New Adventures of Ellery Queen, . I' I d fl' F b when they played Eddystone in the IS )emg p anne or ear y 111 e rurary. and The Grave Without by Donald MURRAY'S The panel discussion in the Friends' High School gym. The visitors led at Cameron. Mceting House on Wednesday even- half time 14-9 and that lead could not illg of last week, culminating the study be overcome. The final score was Ed­group on world govcrnment, was at- dystone 32; Swarthl~ore 26. Swa~th­tended by onc hundred and fifty persons more s~orers were: Field .goals-Nalson Hart Schagner (/ Marx Clothes in spite of the severe weather. (2), Kirk, Black (3), Nalsby and Bro-I ••• gan (4); Foul goals-Naison (2), Kirk Writers' Club Broadcasts and Naisby. 621 Edgmont Ave. Chester ilWiall~ac~e ~R~. ~St~ar~k,~ dCra~m~a ~tefacihe~r han~d INVILLAGEUBRARY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II II his course of two lectures 011 the "Drama I~::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-=-=;;;;;;:::::-=-=-:J and Human Relations" on Tuesday of this· week at the meeting of the Writers' Club of Dt:laware County. His inspirational words and parting messafie stressed the bringing' of hapl)iness to' others and ac­.: Iaimed the writing of one-act pJays with an uplift theme. . At 1:30 P. M. over &tation WFlt. the president, Mrs. A. W, Warner, gave a 3.lort resume (If the aims of the Club and read three poems, including the long "Wrong 'Nay Corrigan", and two short ones. Mrs. Rachel Sherratt gave her vis­sion of Kipling's "Rag, a Bone and a Hank of Hair." These radio programs will be continued from month to month and will better acquaint the public with the activity of this woman's group, where each and everyone docs some creative literary work. . , . Writing Class Gets Underway Dr. Paul Jones, Price School instructor and nationally known writer, reviewed a number of the manuscripts submitted that evening at the second meeting of the crea­tive writing class conducted in the Wo­man's Club House Wednesday evening. A writer friend, Robert Murphy, will assist him in going over the remaining ones. NetD Book. in 'he Library Among the most popular fiction titles being circulated at the Public Li\>rary ar~: The .Nazarene b~ 'Sholem Asch, I Kitty Foyle by ChnstopherMorley,' Escape by Ethel Vance, Moment in pek-I! ing by Lin Yutang, Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, Christmas Holiday by Somerset Maugham, Dr. Hudson's Secret J oumal by Lloyd C. Douglas, A Sea Island Lady by Francis Griswold, Captain Horatio Hornblower by C. S. Forester, and Mis~ Susie Slagle's by Augusta Tucker. Other llopluar new fiction includes Robert Henrique's new book No Arms, No Armour, The Great Tradition by Frances Parkinson Keyes, Mrs. Tim of the Regiment by D. E. ·Stevenson, the author of that popular book of several years ago, Miss Buncle's Book, The Eagles Gather by Taylor Caldwell, The Portrait of -Jenny by Robert Nathan, But You are Young by Josephine Lawrence, and many others. 1£ you are interested in biography you "Chester's Fashion Corner" Edgmont Avenue - Seventh and Welsh Streets FINAL CLEARANCE Entire stoc·k of winter merchandise drastically reduced for quick clearance Mr. Freas ll. Snyder reported as Seal Sale .. Chairman, saying that while returns are very encouraging, it is hoped that the $2500 still needed will be made up in the next few weeks by those who have not as yet sent in returns for Christmas Seals. The class is open to men and women regardless of Club membership. Mrs. John C. Moore, of Amherst avenue will ..Ie glad to discuss details of the ve~ture with any interested person. ••• To Stage Hobby Show Grandmother's rocker, model boats stamps and paintings, among othe: things, will vic for attention January 30 and 31, at the first annual hobby show staged by the Parent-Teachers Association of the Nether-Providence High School. The exhibition will be held at the Hig\) School. and will 'be open to the public Tuesday evening, January 30 from 7 until 10 o'clock. Ad­mission is free. ••• Legion Auxiliary Reminder The Legion Auxiliary repeats Mother :Moore's words at a large gathering in Swarthmore a few weeks ago, "Re­member the 1700 mentally disabled war veterans in Coatesville I" The Auxiliary asks that in the midst of comfort Boroughites make an effort to possess one· box for old silk stock­ings and another for men's magazines putting their donations into these boxe; regularly and after taking stock at the end of the month sending them to Mrs. L .. J. Servais, of Dickinson avenue. Ii thIS course is not convenient a telephone call to Mrs. D. G. Van De Boe will bring her to collect your contributions. The local Auxiliary desires each month to have a banner offering and is asking Swarthmore to cooperate. The Auxiliary will see that your donations reach the Coatesville Hospital each month, Plans are progressing for the annual Legion-Auxiliary dance on April 5 of which the proceeds are given over to local charity. Guaranteed SinKing Canaries $4.98 up • Plants .1Ild Plant Novelties • We Board canaries 50ea Week FRANK & SEDER PET SHOP Although sponsored by the Parent­Teachers Association, the show is a community project. A great variety of hobbies will be represented . In ~ddition to the exhibits, a special ~5 mmute. p~ogram will be presented 111 the auditOrium. The program inclUdes a short talk on "Hobbies" as well as music, motion pictures, folk dancing and similar hobbies.. ' ••• Kappa Sewing Group to Meet The Kappa Kappa Gamma sewing grou~ wiJI meet next Tuesday, January 30, With Mrs. Alexander Robinson 3215 Highland avenue, Drexel Hill. ' Completely Air-Conditioned Open All Night lfIiIIt '* ELECTRIC LAUNDRYI Put an end to old-fashioned washday drudgery with a modern labor-saving electric laundry. And at the same time give your clothes and linens that professional laundered appearance. An electric washer will insure sparkling, clean clothes washed under the most sanitary conditions ... in your own home . . . without tiresome effort. And the electric ironer will complete the iob by giving your laundry a smooth, glossy finish ••• while you are comfortably seated. These two modern electrical servants are the perfect I eam that put an end to "washday bluesu • And t~.ey"re mighty economical to operatel Wash and iron the easy way ••• with the help of these electrical appliances.

The Swarthmorean, 1940-01 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2025)
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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

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Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.