Trenton Evening Times from Trenton, New Jersey (2024)

TKKM'ON EVENING TIMES, THURSDAY, AFKJLL 9, 1908. Nearby Towns and RESIUENiS WAN! Special to Tlmw. PENNINQTON, April rtoular of Council WM In Borough Halt last evening, with Mayor Badcllffe in the chair. It was moved and carried that Collector George W. Clendenning be author- ised to borrow $200, to be used in tho general expense account of the borough, as the treasury was nearly exhausted.

The subject of having the ditches in borough cleaned of weeds, paper and other debris was thoroughly discutsed, and it was decided to have -the same done. Council also thought the roads should be scraped and put in order. A petition signed by two of the residents of Heddlng Street, requesting the other residents on said street to put down sidewaUts was read and Clerk was authorized to notify each of the irty owners to comply with this request. Mrs. John T.

Howell of Drive, Is spending a week with relatives In Asbury Par rk. Mr. and Mrs. S. B.

Norcroia of 13 Fourth Avenue were In Trenton Sunday visiting friends. The employes at the rod mill are working: full time this week on a large Order for copper wire- Jacob Hoffner, the politician from Florence Station, has many gooc friends here and In the event of filn aecuring the nomination for ehtrltf would receive a large number of votei from this town. Mr. and Mrs. James w.

Bennett Collingswood were visiting friends her this week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Havinson an daughter, Pearl, of Philadelphia, were recent guests here at the home of Wll 11am Krewson on Fourth Avenue. Peter Klaugh, assistant roller at the rod mill, who was severely burned by a red hot rod last week, la still suffering great pain.

During his absence George Beltler is filling his place. Frank J. Miller and Thomas J. Barrett are anticipating the purchase of an up-to-date yacht for use on the river here during the summer. Floyd Rogers of Vincentown recent visitor here.

i C. S. Arms Is receiving much praise from tenants Fourth and Fifth Avenues for the handsome appearance of the front yards and pavements which was accomplished after much hard work. William A. Krupp, the able chef at No.

1 hotel was In Philadelphia Monday. The cluster of electric lights recently placed In the rear of the general store Is a great convenience for people who use that thoroughfare. The Rev. Mr. Sletts.

a Swedish Lutheran minister from Philadelphia conducted a large meeting In the hall here on Monday evening. Streckpr, the engineer, who was badly 'injured on Monday is resting easy here at the hospital and is thought to have a fair chance of re- tovery. BORjJi-iNTOwN. At regular meeting of Common jll, which was held.on Tuesday evening, the following citizens were appointed a sewer commission: George L. Bobbins.

Joseph F. Coughlln, Edison Tantum, Joseph Osmond and John Hutchlnson. Charles Ely was awarded the contract for the removal of ashes and garbage. Mrs. George Gasklll, of Farnsworth A'venue.

Is on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Edward of Hlghtstown. Postmaster William Leatherby. of Fleldsborough, calling on friend! here Louis Prleth, of Trenton, has returned home, after a Short visit to acquaintances Mrs. Jesse Smith, who has.been 111 for a few days, has entirely recovered.

Charles Whtttaker, pastor 'of the' First Presbyterian Church, will address the 4 o'clock men's meeting on Sunday, to be held under the auspices of the Ushers' Union of. Trinity M. E. Joseph Yates. of Allentown.

was a recent visitor here. Joseph diver's house is nearly completed. Dr. Charles Dey, Crosswicks, was a recent visitor here in his automobile. Two new electric lights have been Installed in the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church.

William Rorer, of Allentown, was the guest of friends Miss Margaret Satterthwait, of Crosswicks. was here Tuesday. Mrs. H. C.

Van Cleve of Trenton, was a recent guest of friends here. John Baus, of Crosswicks, was here 'recently. Charles Hunt, of Recklesstown. was a visitor here. Garret'Irons has removed his family to his new residence; Joseph Oliver's house is nearly completed.

Ralph Lee has moved his family In the house owned by Harvey Hooper. Aaron West Is confined to his home serious Illness. WICKI'S vSwissllcrble.1 mm WIFE ASKS FOR mm. Special to the TlmM. PEMBERTON, April 8.

Suit hM been brought In the Court of Chancery by Wary I. Nlpplns. for an absolute divorce from her husband, William G. Nlpplns. The petition shows that the couple were married In this place September 27.

1S88. by the Rev. J. C. Buchanln.

It Is alleged that the husband supported his wife for eighteen years after they were married, until the middle of February, I9M, when he deserted her. It Is also claimed that he disregarded his marriage vows. Blanchard H. White, of Mount Holly, represents the petitioner. WILL WIDEN DOGTOWN ROAD Special to the Times.

FARMINQDAL.E, April Hamilton Township Bonrd of Education held a meeting at Farmingdale Schnolhouse yesterday afternoon and reorganized for the year. These officers were elected: William A. Magowan. president; Daniel McGalliard, vice president. The Board consists of the following members: Norval H.

Miller, Henry Deutt, Timothy Scobey, Jacob Hughes, Harry Clymer, Thomas Ford, Ely Reed. The' Board deeded to the township a strip of 100 feet of land, eight feet deep, to permit the widening of the Dogtown Road, leading from Broad Street to Hamilton Square. REPPES ENTERTAIN FRIENDS. Special to the Times. PRINCETON, April and Mrs.

Charles Reppe, of Madison Avenue, en- a number of their friends several evenings ago. Selections were given on the piano by W. Leggett, Dean. Miss Irene Dean. Mrs.

F. Post. C. Reppo song several solos. Those present were: Mr.

and Mrs. C. Reppe, Mr. and Mrs. C.

Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Margerum, Mr. and Mrs. J.

Dean, Miss Irene Dean, Miss Cynthia Margerum, Mrs. F. Post, William Leggett, Harry Reppe, B. F. Baker, Charles Reppe, Stephen Post, Frederick Post.

MANY CHANGES IN IWllPftllUN DANBURY CHILD BURIED. Special to the Times. PRINCETON, April funeral services' of Elsie M. Dansbury were held from the home of her parents, 131 Wlther- spoon Street, yesterday afternoon. The Rev.

William W. Moffptt officiated. The Interment was in Princeton Cemetery, under the direction of J. D. Lawrence.

The child died Monday, aped P)X yeara, and was the daughter of Paul and Jennie FLEMINGTON. A large delegation of the members of the Typesetters' Union at Somerville attended the funeral of Henry Harden here Tuesday. They brought a handsome floral piece with Mr. Harden was a member of the union, being employed on the Somerset Gazette. warren Peacher of Plainfleld- Is spending some time with his parents at Junction.

Miss May Corkery of i has accepted a position at Plainfleld. Moving Time Causes Farmers To Change Their Residences Special to Times. PENNINGTON, April hare been many changas in residences in this borough recently, among them being: Schenck Servls, from Mrs. Sked'e home South Main Street, to Mrs. J.

Pearl Pittlneer's on'North Main Street; Mr. ana Mrs. Welling H. Phillips moved from F. B.

Young's house, on South Main Street, to Samuel Tltus's, on North Main Street; Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lasher, from Mrs. J.

S. Burd's house, on East Deli- ware Avenue, to his mother's house, on North Main Street; John W. Leigh, from East Delaware Avenue, to the home of his father, William C. Leigh, on North Main Street; Mr. and Mrs.

P. H. Vannoy, from the Central Farm, which hfl sold to Dr. and Mrs. John W.

Ward, to the house he purchased from J. W. Leigh, on Bast Delaware and Mrs. Roden- walt. from the Hern property, on West Delaware Avenue, to Mrs.

Stout, from Hopewell, Into one of F. B. Young houses, on South Main Street; Mr. and Mrs. William Reed, from Mrs.

Hilderbrant's house, on South Main Street, to one of F. B. Young's houses, on South Main Street: Mr. and Mrs. William Chatten, from Samuel Tltus's house, to tho house vacated by Joseph Matt, on South Main Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holcombe and Mrs. A. E.

Bailey, aflil daughter Miss exchanged- houses, on South Main Street, the former having resided In part of the house owned by L. Harlow Fish, and the latter In Mrs. a house; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Atwood moved from Mrs.

Chalfont dwelling on South Main Street, Into the farm house recently pur hased by his father, George O. Atwood; Mr. and Mrs. John L. Primmer, from Mrs.

Wooley's house, to his son-ln- taw's, William Woodruff's, In Ewlng; Mr. nnd Mrs. Mitchell came tn the horough from Philadelphia, and are occupying a part of H. W. Baldwin's house, recently vacated by Mr.

and Mrs. Fred L. Terwilliger. who' moved to Newark; Mr. and Mrs.

Sked having sold their farm, near Moore, moved Into his aunt Mrs. Mary J. Sked's house, on Soutn Main Street." Mr. and Mrs. Stllwell Hart have moved from their farm, which they sold to the Campbell Milk Company, Brooklyn, to the borough, and are occupying the house they purchased of Danltl H.

Chatten, the latter having moved to Newark; Mr. and Mrs. LIpplncott moved from Tuckerton to the borough, and are occupying the house on South Main Street, mvned by Miss Hunt, of Princeton; Mr. and Charles Sklllman have moved from a portion of the house they rented nf George Snook, to her father's. Charles.

Spresser's house, on Heddlng Street; Mr. nnd Mrs. William Holcombe have moved into the borough from Mrs. Golden's house, near and are occupying the property of Mrs. J.

Dllts. of Beverly, on Bast Delaware Avenue; Atchley Stover, who have rented the store and residence of A. W. Ely, for about two years, have purchased the same. Mr.

and Mrs. waiter Atchley are occu- pvlng the house on Brookslde Avenue, owned by William S. Durllng, of. Marshall's Corner; Mrs. Sara Murray and children moved from the house owned by Mrs.

I. R. Clarkson, Into a part of Joseph J. Martin's house, on Sodding Street; Mr. and Mrs.

W. Seton have left own. going to Ardmore, and the house vacated by them will be occupied Dr. and Mrs. Harry Weeks, of Sklll- uctlnn on mi Imwcla II mxl todny I tin ft vnnr.i bof-ro I used Cm irr with pilei before pily I from all this morning.

Yoo behalf of enffcrlne bai PlflManl. Palptablo. fotenl, Tanto Good, Do Grxxi, Sicken. fWnkcn or tirlpo, 10c. Mc.SOo.

i J.ulk. geuiilno Ubtet GuArantfid to curl or your moiuy IJ.ICK. Sterling Rffmffdy Chicago or K.Y OO, PREPARING FOR GRADUATION MEMBERS OF WATER BOARD MAY RESIGN Action of Council Arouses Dis content and Trouble May Result i even Ins mendatl'Mi, has I a a pi prll The April term County Court will of the Hunderton begin here next -Tuesday. Thomas ICaine has removed from Plainfleld to Junction. Miss Etta Dagrsrett of whitehouse Is relatives at Somerville.

Miss Helen A. Pidcook and' Miss Julia Walker of wells College are spending 'the Easter vacation at the home of Miss Pidco*ck's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George M- Pldco*ck. at Bloomsbury.

Mrs. Sarah Buckley has returned to her home In Whitehouse after having spent some time with friends at Somerville. The Hose Company, No. 1, will hold their annual this even- the Odd Fellow's Hall. Ing in The Iho Best Medicine Ladles' Aid Society connected "With the Asbury Presbyterian "Church wll serve a supper In the basem*nt of the church Saturday evening 1 Miss EJWzaheth a i and Miss Sal- He Todd of New York are spending some time with their uncle, William E.

Hoffman. The congregation of the Mt. Lebanon Church will hold Its Easter exer clses Sunday April IB. Ellas Hockenbury of the Centenarl Collegiate -Institute at Hackettstown, Is spending the Easter vacation at the home of his parents, at Pottersvllle. Henry Appar has removed from Anthony to "Stevensburg 1 Mrs.

Lewis Grub Is slowly recovering from a severe Illness at her home In Anthony. CROSS WIUKS. Charlotte and Anna Roeers, who have been home for the past ten flays, have returned to the George School, Newtown. PR. Edward Chapman has accepted a position with the Independent Brick Company, of Trentort.

Samuel Coughlln, -of Burlington, Is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ford. Miss Margaret Satterthwalte was a Yardvllle visitor recently. Mrs.

Charles H. Camp Is having her home, "Hilton," entirely renovated. Carroll Stead Is In Washington, D. C. taking an examination for railway mai: clerk.

Mr. nnd. Mrs. T. William Reid.

01 North Crosswicks, who have been making a three months' visit with their son. William Reid, of Germantown, has returned home. Samuel Parker, of Rahway, was home over Sunday with his family. Mr. and Mrs.

Alvln Goodenough were Trenton visitors on Friday evening, attending a freedom party, given In nonor of Richard Bucalow. George D. Cubberly Is spending two weeks at Mills-Grove, where he Is enjoying the Thomas D. Davidson waa a guest over Sunday at Atlantic City. Enoch Carr was out with the road scraper on Mrs.

Lydla Davidson has returned from Trenton, where she has been visiting Mrs. John A. Barcalow. Miss Helen S. Dey was the guest of Miss Edith M.

Atkinson, of Trenton, on Sunday. John Southard, while driving, a team of horses In Bordentown on Friday, had a narrow escape from either being killed or'seriously injured, when the horses became frightened at a passing automobile. Southard was thrown out head foremost, to the ground, and had his face somewhat bruised. A SURE KIDNcV AND LIVER CURE tA. Remedy for AU Diseases Arising from Disordered Stomach POR BALK BY ALL DKUQOUYS OllO WltKE, 1375 Myrtle Avenue BROOKLYN.

N.Y. IN THE COUNTRY. Near Centrevillo George Baker, from Eugene Drake's farm to Tltusvllle; W. Corner comes from Pennsylvania, and will assist Eugene Drake on the latter's 'arm; James Twilling moved from Mor- rlsdale Dairy, to Pennsylvania; S. p.

Irvln's farm Is rented to Israel Temple, who last year was on Johnson T. Blackwell's farm; James B. Drake went.from the Enoch H. Drake farm, to Aaron Farr's. In Federal City; Stephen Drake moved from N.

H. Drake's farm, to Levl I. Ege's, near Hopewell, recently purchased by F. B. Young, of Pennlngton; I John A.

Kunkle's farm, west of Pennlng- ton, will be worked by Benjamin Drake, who left the N. H. Drake (ami; the William Morris farm, vacated by James B. Twilling, who went to Pennsylvania, will be operated this year by Joachim Qulick, of Trenton: John O. Ege moved from Hart's Corner to the farm he purchased of the E.

H. Drake estate; Aaam Rotz left Alexander Cover and will work for Benjamin on the J. A. Kunkle farm. Near woosamonsa--Alfred Rogers has removed from Mrs.

flked's farm, to the farm he recently purchased In Harbourton; Simpson Brudy. from J. L. Phllllps'B farm, near here, to Grusen's farm, a-t Pleasant Valley; David Green, from Ew- ingvllle, to J. Philllps's farm, vacated by Simpson Braldy; Emmett Blackwell, from his father's farm, to- the Burd farm, at Mount Rose; Daniel TAR'UC has moved from Dunellen, to Mrs.

S. V. Golden's house, vacated William Holcombe. who removed to Pennlngton; W. H.

Mulher- rlng came from Trenton and Is occupying the farm of Mrs. Sketl, vacated by Alfred Rogers, who moved to his own, near Hafbourton; Levl I. Ege, from the farm recently sold to F. B. Young, of Pennlngton, to Hopewell: Ell Lawyer has gone from the Township Poor farm to the farm near Hopewell, occupied by his son, Warren Lawyer; Stephen Drake has moved from N.

H. Drake's farm, to the farm of Frank B. Young, vacated by Levi T. Ege. In Mount Rosa Spencer Blackwell has moved to Samuel Cox's house, In Glen Moore: William Fleming, from Mrs.

Maria tlpdyke's house, to R. L. Savldge'a house: Emmett Blackwell moves from his father's, J. V. D.

Blackwell's house. In PennlnRton. to Willis Burd's; Mathlas Klse. from David Hill's house, to one owned by Mr. Fowler, near Cedar Grove; George B.

Hullt's house will be occupied by Mrs. Ross; David LaRue comes from near Sklllman's Station, to the house vacated by Stamford Burd; William Stocker moves from Mrs. Southard's house to the house vacated by Spencer Burd. CHANGES IN EING Special to the Times. PENNINOTON, April 8.

A meeting of the Hopewpll Township Board of Education was held yesterday a noon to organize and transact 1 other business Dr. A. Plfrson, Hopewdll. was elected pi-psldent; Samuel H. a of the borough, vice i Isaac- Horn, of Hopewell, clerk.

Bills a i to about $200 for current expenses were ordi'red paid It was decided to close all schools In the i Friday. June 12. Principal Charles HartmJfl of the Pen- nlngton Public School, announced In behalf of the a a i class that they had secured Professor Charles H. Albert, of Blrmmsburg. Normal School to a tin- address to the class'at commencement exerclsoi.

NEGRO ATTACKED BOSS Special to the Times. MOUNT HOLLY. April 9. John Barnes, colored, has heen arrested tor i i an atrocious assault upon Allen Jones, a prominent a at Cox's Corner. In Evesham Township.

Three weeks ago Barnes was given employment by Mr. Jones, but before he was permitted to go to he was i i some clean new clothes On Tuesday. It is claimed, the negro derided he hart done enough a he a a Mr. Jones, a i yard, and mane a a for i wages for the weeks, i sum wns p'rrimpnv pjurt. less the COM of the new clothes.

The negro grahhert the a rake and a i a Mow at his head. To protect himself Mr. rnlserl his arm and the arm was by the blow. Rarnes was raptured by neighboring farmers. HAMIT.TON SQUARJB.

Master George Hutehinson and Mfnford Hutrhlnpon, df Hutchlnson Mills spent Monday with their frrandparentg. Dr. and Mrs. G. R.

Robbtns. David Carmnn was calling on friends Murphy spent Sunday with frlpnds In Trenton. Mr and Mrs. Leonard Conover, 01 Trenton, spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs.

J. D. Conover, of this place. and Mrs. H.

B. and Mrs. A Sickles, of Trenton, were recent guest of Mrs. Elmer Hughes. The Sunday Schnol of tho First Presbyterian Church elected the following officers Sunday: Superintendent, E.

T. Mc- Galllard; assistant superintendent, L. B. Welch; secretary. William welch; assistant secretary, Marvin LaBaW; treasurer.

Olden Davis; librarian, R. R. Anderson, Special to the Times. BURLINGTON, A i means i a i 1 i that was sett led by Water Commissioners to be a i i niteration system, and was to Commnn their a I 1 boen upset. The a Board heM a Monday i a i eration deemed I adv i a I a i a I a ai of $30,000.

a a i report to i i if. The report was rp-eivM airl a i dlnanco i i a i tn have a bond Issue nf i was nver to the Law I dlnance Committee. A resented by i I Suowilfii lalnes, i that r. r. VT- meule be a i to I i a i i i of a i i a supply nf a a a i i city's needs.

It is argued i pation i cost botwefMi $2f0 and and report ran be made to body 1 Jict pushed on the bodv has me! i tho of 59me of of a and sonift a i fnun bodv i i W. A ho has been con a i ing; the a uestlon to some is very nuich rovoked tlie act and to ills morning' i tn 1 i po and w'n 1 (1 re 1 nard. He salt! he i HIP rile wanted good a at onoo. HP a a i of the board had worltod i hi he idea of i the present sup- iy. leading 1 Coraeta atted free by our expert The Different Kind of a Store Co.

Strictly One Price 141 Fast State Street lon of Art Co. all assistant Davis; organist. Miss Ethel Cubhcrlay; assistant organist, Mlas Nellie MrGalJlard. The Union Sunday School art New town was reorganized on Sunday, and the following officers were elcted for thts year. Superintendent E.

B. Yard; assistant superintendent. Dr. J. H.

Pierrepont; secretary, Raymond Cubberly; assistant nec- retarv David Yard; librarian, Alexander Wilson; assistant librarian, Raymond KelTey; organist, Mrs. MeCaba assistant organist, Miss Little Lutes treasurer, E. B. Yard. ALT.

Mrs. Henry Most and daughter, Mar guerlte, of Trenton, have returned home after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs to he a Ion John Klttleberger. John Southwlck returned home at Frankford, after stay with relatives here. John Allen, of Trenton, a BUM last week of hta daughter, Mrs.

Gale Dr. and Clark Qordo'h. of Trenton were frueBta Tuesday-of Mr. Mrs Lewis Gorden. Mrs.

Gee and daughter Lucy, of Tren ton, were guests Tuesday of Dr; and Mrs H. P. Johnson. Fashionable uotbea On Credit We guarantee per- 18 Wool- wortk BnlldlDc. Up OBC FlltfLt.

Open EJvcntngaw 4-8-81 Spectacles mid Mmr-()n I were Invented a great many years ago were The eyes. In construction, aro the sarge today, but the glasses have heen Improved eveiy year until now they have reached perfection In Shur-On Eyeglasses, if given hy a Neurologist, one who understands the eyes, their defects and their relations to human Ills. W.S. Parker, N.D. 203 E.

State St. Weak women help by using get prompt and lastln Dr. Night Cure These soothing, healing, antiseptic sup post-tnrles, with full Information how proceed are interestingly told of In book "No- 4 For Women." The boo and strictly confidential medical advic is entirely free. Simply write Dr. Shoop Racine; for my book, No.

4. Sol by The Miller Drug Company. TENNIS CLUB BANQUET. perin.1 tn thf Times. A i regular ninthly nf Slu Tennis 1Mb took i a a rvpnlngr.

in ara of thf i A i i Al'l-T business meeting the company ook of a banquet. A i sppechc? marie by thp Rov. Fr ink liikcnf, T. i i i I M. r.

Xeivcnmb nnd Krnr-st Han-kman. hnso presont RPV. Frank ukens. Smith, John H. Miller, Edward RidKawtiy, Herbert rjiv-n.

r. J. M. Davis, Dr. Newcomh, A.

irordnn, Ororpe i i Pr. slrr, f'lnrence Ml KrJsar R. parks, Baker, Frank T. Johnson, Inwarfl Kafrt.wond, i i Pranch and Ernest Bnrckman. TO GIVE BIBLE TO SCHOOL.

A large number of candidates will he i a tills evening by Ontury Cnmi- No. 100. Jr. 0. II.

A. Cmini-il will present a Bible, flag and pedestal, to he Calwalader School on Tuesday, April S. PENNINGTON. Dr. w.

Elsworth Gregory, of Pottsvllle. spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Young.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Van Dykfl, of Woods villc. and W.

Austin Reed, nf Poh- nlngton, were Entertained by Miss Edna M. Hart Sunday. Mrs. Leandcr B. Patterson and daugh- pr Marie Josephine, of Trenton, are vis- tlnff her parents.

Dr. and Mrs. M. Hart. Mr.

nnd Mrs. William Seton and dftugh- er Virginia, who have resided here for a year, have left towii for Ardmore, where 'they will make 'their future home. Mrs. Rowley, of Trenton, spent Tuesday lib Mrs. William Berrlen.

Mre. Margaret Conrad la visiting at the lome of Mr. and Mrs. Seton, In Ardmore, Pa. In that, night." loiiiorrow, Kriday, Will He a Nay Extraordinary unprecedented merchandise values will grppt you from "mora till Shirtwaists PRIDAT SPECIAL PAI.E.

$2.00 and Pure Linen Tailored in i While last. J1.49. 11.00 Wnlsts. 69c. Lingerie Wnlsts.

with a i embroidered fronts. Special 59r, fnr Friday only. Women's Underwear FRIIlAT SPECIAL SALE. Women's 25r i Lisle Illbln-d Vests, Women'? nV Corset Covers, lare and embroidery. i i wrm Frlrtay, 19c.

Women's 2Sn Cnmhrlo Drawers, excellent a i umbrella nifrlr, hem of turks. 19c. Dress Goods FRIDAY SPECIAL SALE. Copenhagen i Panama, Rc ynnl. high 38 Inches 4Rc ynnl.

All Colors Satern. high luntre yard piece K'totls, T'C yard. All Plain Colors French Batiste, 42 Inches, $1.00 and $1.25 qualities. Special Friday. Slic yard.

BIO SPECIAL. LiRht Imported Stripe Oenuan Worsteds, stylish, serviceable fabric. c-ut. Regular goods. Friday special, $1.05.

Women's Hosiery FRIDAY SPKCLAI, SAT.K. Hosiery, mlm- fiml stalnlnss, 3 pairs for 2f)f." 2Br Hosiery, fast black, TxmiB Hor- misdnrf dye, 17c. Children's Hose Black Ribbed Hose, double' i legs, heels "and toes, lOc. Notions MOORE. The "wonder 1 near Titus Mllle.

now occupied hy E. Smith of this place. Robert B. Ferris, ot Atlantic Highlands, formerly pf Marshall's Corner, called on old acquaintances in this-place Dd vicinity a few days Mrs. Mary Terry, of Oak Tjine, visited her sister, Mrs.

Freeman Perrlne, a few days ago. Mrs, Wellington 8. Titus and children visited her mother, Mrs. Hettis Burd, of Trenton, recently. Mrs.

Fred BieasdaJe, of Tranton, vial ted her mother, Mn. Julia a faff days MOUNT KOSK. Mr. flmd Mrs. Nicholas Brings of Cedar Grove have a baby girl.

Miss Maggie Mullronoy visited her elster, Mary, at Princeton. few days ago. Mrs Furman Updike and children of Stony Brook, visited mother. Mrs. Theodore Drake, a few days ago.

Mr. and Mrs. John Ross and two sons of Lawrencevllle. visited Mrs. Ross's aunt, Xrs.

Morris Maple, recently. John Leigh has been vieltlng his, daughter at Cedar Grove. Little Carrie Stout of Princeton has FRIDAY SPECIAL SALE. Sampson Pins, 8 papers for 5c. Asbestos Iron Holders, 3c.

Crown Belt Pins, blue, white and black, 4c. Tape Measures. Ic each. Collar Buttons, 3 cards for lOc. Ironing Wax, Ic Pin Books, assorted colors, 4o.

Treasure Safety Pins, 2 cards for Be. Scissors, all sizes. lOc. "Mourning Pins, 3 boxes for Bo. Subway Specials a i KrtvML, bun" Ructiings I I A On i Women's Handkerchiefs I A i I A Women's 15i' Swiss and Linen i 3 for Ribbons FRIDAY I A SALE.

50 and (10 Tinhrn stripe, ni-at and i i a SV taffeta rH)Jn a i Friday only, Toilet Preparations I I A SPECIAL SALIO. lOc Jar i a YasiMln Favrns French Sineil- La Vida Corse! Demonstration All i WBfli in charBO i M. I a Expert Now York. All fabrics uscrt In Vida Corsets HVP I France and Knubntl. for only thore are produced' of sufficient Lo warrant their use in distinguished stays.

The "stretch" is always tnkan out of tho cloth before it Is put Itito the rorpet, and It has a Wurdlm-sp that will stand the severest wear strain. We have the right models for your figure. up! Corset Cover Embroidery ST'ECIAL SALE. 'ver Rmbroidery, of patrerr.s. IS 25.: 0 39f.

pretty in.ail'- Long Kid Gloves i A I i SALE. 'ivos. fine hlack. price. Torchon Laces PALE.

A I i I to three- i Tc to ICrc yard. Women's Aprons srnnAL SALE. Wn-nci! Wi' Short wnlte -I. I'j, hr-m hemstlched. Spe- lal.

Corsets A A SALE. nfforlni? of the i i plai-e on sale to- i a i popular. G. B. fln.

$2 25 a $1 75 all good models, $2.50 Corsets, all $1.00 Umbrellas, 79c Fioth fnr Wnnion nn.l Mnn, Knn tap" 1 gotid assort- of i i a Friday only, Men's Handkerchiefs KKIDAY SPRCIAT, 12V- Fancy Handkerchiefs for Sr. 2.V Fancy Handkerchiefs. Bilk and i nli-ply hemstitched, neat stripes, plaids and bars. Friday only. 25c Brighton Garters for men, Ito.

Stamped Shirtwaists KRIDAY SPECIAL SATlW. Lingerie Waists for eyelet work. on full 3 yards India Linen, with Royal Society Floss, paper pattern anl chart for cutting, SI. 00 set. Special Friday only.

69c." 141 visltlnff her errannparontg, Mr. IJirkln. of Cedar Grove. and Mrs. F.

E. PRINCETON. Princeton Legion of the National Protective Legion has elected these officers: Worthy paat president, H. Woodward Page; worthy president, Leonard Krause; vice president, Paul Snharf; secretary. Charles Z.

Page; treasurer. H. A. Zapf; chaplain, John SiveM; conductor, William Hall; sentinel. James Theilgarci; guard, Oscar O.

Johnarm; trustees, S. Calhoun, II. P. Van Pelt, William Hall. Mrs.

James E. Young and Miss May YounR. nf been visiting relatives in this place. Ground was broken on Tuesday morning for a lighting and 'heating plant for KILLS THEM THE GENUINE ONLY IN BOTTLES DRUGGISTS the Princeton Theological Seminary, under the supervision of Contractor Matthews. GforRp M.

Burner, was Riven a postal shower in honor of his sixteenth birthday. He thirty-seven rardfl, froni Prlncctnn and other places, wishing him many of the Mr. and Mrs. William Briner, imvfi heen visiting relatives at Trentnn. Alfonso Miller, Lawrencevllle, has a a position with i Gray.

Mr. and Mrs. Genrpp Height, of Trenton, have rernovpfl to this place. Thp Rev. I.

Watfi'nabe, of Japan, is taking a post-gratlnatf course In Princeton Seminary. Ira S. Warren and Edward B. Warren 4 Special to the Times. have been several changes in this town and comnmn- ty during the past week.

A of number are: Alfred Lanning. of Wllhurtha. has movpd In part of the house with his mother. Mrs. Webster Lannlng.

of Ewlngvllle. Linwood Herbert, of Scudder Falls, has moved on William Cadwalader's farm. Charles Bunn, of Ewingvllle, has moved to Princeton. David Green, ot Ewlngvllle, has moved on a farm at Harbourton, N. J.

A I LETTERS. Special to the Times. BURUNQTON, (-April following Tetters remain unclaimed In the Burlington postofflce: Rev. J. C.

W. H. Baker, T. P. Bishop.

F. Tutshek, Messrs. Melnlck ft Son, Theodore Valentine, Mrs. H. E.

Vo'nLeer. Post cards- Mrs. A. L. Saker, Harry Budd.

Edgar Bushy, Max Chlehenberff, Miss Emellne Hunter, H. Jetty. Mlsl Josephine Moore, Ralmonds Petrucol TO, Miss Anna. Rudolph, Barton F. Thorn, Miss Mae Williams, w.

wllHami. Foreign--Flloraena Saddfna fu Oulseppt, Gardner M. Tan Pelt has moved his family to the vacated Charles Mr. and Mrs. David Bcttdder rlsltad Mr.

and Mrs. B. T. Cain a few days ago. Augustus Bechtold was quite oadly kicked by one of hla hones a.

few days ago, Lewis TAbaw haa been ill with a severe cold. Mrs. PardM has fiom this Til lage to Orlggsto-n. Mrs. John Sohomp recently tpent a day In Trenton.

Charles Conard has moved from thU place to a-farm near MOUNT AtY. One of the laiportaiit Duties of Physiciuis ui tlic Wcil-InforihcO of the World is to learn as to the relative standing and reliability of the leading manufactur- effc of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the most careful as to the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well known to physicians and the Well-Infomied. generally that the California Fig Syrup by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of the Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy. AN QUAUTY Jennie Quick of Rtncoti vai spending a few days with her 3ulck of Phlladel- Ml been sister. Miss Mame Mrs.

Henry Van Osten, who has been suffering with sciatic rheumatism Is Improving. Mr. and Mrs. Butta have re' Wllllamsburg. where thr-y Spent tho winter.

There Is nothing betteT than Kodol for dyspepsia. Indigestion, sour stomach, belching of gas and nervous headache. It digests what you Sold by Wl- hy Compwr, Mo. to Broil. appeal to the Well-Infotuied in every walk of life and are essential to permanent success and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of ail who would enjoy good health, with its 'blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right living with all the term implies.

With proper knowledge of what is best each hour of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won the appoval of physicians and the w6rld-wide acceptance of the Well-Infotined because of the excellence of the combination, knowa to all, and the original method of manufacture, which is knowu to the California tig Syrup Co. only. This valuable remedy been long and favorably known under the name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxatives, and us its pure Wxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well knowii to physicians and the Well-Informed of the world to be the best of natural laxatives, we have adopted the, more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter name oJ Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always note, when purchasing, the fun name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simpiy call for Syrup of Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co.

and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by, all leading druggists throughout the United. States in, original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty cents per bottle. Eyety bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, that the remedy is not adulterated or inlsbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June soth, 1906. C'AUMRNIA FIG SYKUP CO.

Louisville, Ky. Sarf Francisco, Cul. S. A. London, England.

New York, N. Y. ii have been visiting friends at Philadelphia. John Larkln is 1 ill. Princeton Union, Iy)cal No.

781, hfld a sniik'T in their new quarters. In Alhamhra Hail, a even-ings ago, under tho auspices of the following commlttep: E. C. IJennen. E.

Drake, G. O. Knltschmirlt and B. Matthews. "William G.

Dice Ifj at Xenia, Ohio, Trenton People Happ7 When served Tryphoaa for dessert, No wonder, a dish of Tryphosa fhould makft any one hapny. lOc. pWg. All grocers. Ii Clinton and Perrine Aves.

Bell 18S-D Gold Lahfil Sardines (A real lOe. grade this sale). 7c Bcstine (Better than Old Dutch Cleanser). 2 cans for 9c K.aro Symp 9c can LAHD, JIUri'ER. EGGS and Pure Home-Made 2 Ibs.

for I9c. Very best Tub Butter (none better at any price) 27c. JiTesh Country F.ggs (guaranteed) score 32c. Full Cream Cheese 18c- Inte.Jtate 1S13.A Dark Meaty Prunes (Real value lOe. Ib.) 3 ibs for 25c Florida Oranges (Big Russet Jb'ruit, sweet as sugar).

30c dot. 1-Ib. pkg. Evaporated Apples. Challenge Condensed Milk 9c can Large Cans Pineapple Chunks can Heinz 12c.

Cans Baked Beans (Tomato Sauce) 2 for J9c Quaker Oats (All fresh goods). 9cpfcg. lOc. size Pure Kxlracts 7c 4 Borer's Shoe Polish (The best Shoe Dressing on the market). 9c bottle No.

1 Size White Potatoes lOc. basket (Cook up white and mealy). No. 2 Size White Potatoes, 30c. basket Taylor Pork Roll By the bag 10'Ac Ib Potted Ham, Potted Tongue 2 cans for 9c German Made Sauer Kraut Scqt Skin Back Hams 12c Ib Pif.nic 9clb Boiled Ham 25e Ib SALMON Tall can Red Alaska Salmon, lie.

Tall can pink salmon, lOc. Columbia River, Clover mon, t2c-t 9c Dried Beef iNEWSPAPERl MEWSPAPERI.

Trenton Evening Times from Trenton, New Jersey (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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